View Full Version : New Policy for posting in GG -- Please Read

09-08-2003, 02:12 AM
I hate to do this, but I'm having to get hard with the rules. Many of these are just common sense, but please adhere to them, so I don't have to remove your posts and/or warn you. Here goes:

1. Follow TOS - Follow TOS - Follow TOS. Do not post anything to harass the physical status, character, religion, ethnic background etc etc etc of your fellow posters. I mean this sincerely. I will remove these posts, and depending on the number of times you engage in such activity, will have your IP banned from PC.

2. Please have a point to your post. While nitpicking grammar and taking an entire post to say "Yes" is fun, remember we're here to discuss Gemstone for better or worse, richer or poorer etc. The only power posters I want to see are intellectual ones, and I'm sure you're all capable. :D

3. Try and stay on topic as best you can. I don't mind digressions; in fact, they can lead to great discussion, but if you see another thread creeping up, take the initiative and make it where it's appropriate.

The power of threes.


09-08-2003, 05:35 PM
The only power posters I want to see are intellectual ones, and I'm sure you're all capable.

Not bob.

(That was, of course, a joke. And a funny one, at that.)

09-10-2003, 12:12 PM
I am glad someone is doing this. It gets really old when people engage in "cute" jokes or stupidity. Thanks for taking a stand on this.