View Full Version : This and That

06-29-2016, 02:15 AM
Once, twice, sold. Not accepting cash at this time. Delivery to anywhere except Teras, RR, and EN. Can do FWI. Let me know if you have any questions.


2. A Greame harness scripted for katanas/wakizashi/tanto - a black silk harness caged in copper filigree cb SOLD on buyout/DELIVERED
Appears to grant +1 to two handed weapon ranks. Looks to be empty of charges. AdvGuild just quoted me 3600 to charge it.

6. A folded silvery rolaren wakizashi - 5x realm flaring short sword - cb: SOLD 1 mil buyout Spiffy Jr.

7. A skull-buckled dark leather swordbelt - unlocked TWC scripted swordbelt - cb: 500k buyout Vaemyr

You analyze your dark leather swordbelt and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that the swordbelt can be altered by any merchant. It must remain a waist-worn item of some sort, and the description cannot be redundant (or contradict) the information about the attached scabbards. Both a long and a show can be used at the same time. Some merchants may be able to modify the description of the scabbard(s), as well.

Currently you are able to use PULL, PUSH, TAP, LEAN, and NUDGE with the swordbelt. It can hold up to two appropriate one-handed edged weapons.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the dark leather swordbelt for you or deepen its pockets.

8. An ebony mask veined with faint veniom lines - EG whispering mask - have gems/empty black chasms for eyes - cb: 5 mil buyout SOLD/DELIVERED Someone who isn't me
Here is the GSWiki link for these that gives all info: https://gswiki.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Whisper_mask

9. A tiny nacreous humanoid skeleton with bat wings and a scorpion tail - EG fragment pull - feature worn - cb: 1 mil Ososis ONCE buyout: 3 mil
You see Bishe. He appears to be a Nalfein Elf....He has a tiny nacreous humanoid skeleton with bat wings and a scorpion tail sitting on his shoulder.

Wear - The nacreous skeleton in Bishe's hand cackles wildly as it scampers up his arm and perches atop his shoulder.
Peer - You peer at the nacreous skeleton, trying to figure out why you bothered to grab it.
Gaze - You speak quietly to the nacreous skeleton, and it nods vehemently in reply.
Rub - Bishe reaches over and pets a tiny nacreous humanoid skeleton with bat wings and a scorpion tail sitting on his shoulder.
Stare - Bishe stares intently at the nacreous skeleton. Suddenly, it bursts into flames! (this doesn't actually harm it)
Tap - Bishe scratches the back of his nacreous skeleton's neck, and it stretches its wings out, basking in the attention.

12. Some polished vultite brigandine with vaalorn rivets - 4x morphing brig/shirt - cb: 400k buyout Mauxfaux

>tickle my brig
Running your fingers over your vultite brigandine, you locate a small shirt-shaped depression. Placing your finger into the depression, you feel your armor shudder and begin to move. A soft *WHIR* accompanies the metallic gnashing of gears as your vultite brigandine contracts, drawing itself into the depression. With a sharp metallic *CLICK*, the gears reverse direction and push a simple linen shirt into where your armor once was.

Analyze: You analyze your vultite brigandine and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.--Once you get other sides unlocked, more shirts become available that you can then have altered.

13. a deep green leather arming coat embossed with scales - 4x morphing doubles/shirt - cb: 400k Mauxfaux buyout

Running your fingers over your leather arming coat, you locate a small shirt-shaped depression. Placing your finger into the depression, you feel your armor shudder and begin to move. A soft *WHIR* accompanies the metallic gnashing of gears as your leather arming coat contracts, drawing itself into the depression. With a sharp metallic *CLICK*, the gears reverse direction and push a simple linen shirt into where your armor once was.

3. A hooded dark silk robe - locked/off the shelf whisper cloak from Duskruin - weighs 8/holds 100, can be lightened/deepend - cb: 110k Neolandra SOLD
Here is GSWiki info for these cloaks: https://gswiki.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Whisper_cloak

5. A folded black mithglin wakizashi streaked with gold imflass - plain 4x short sword - cb: 150k Neolandra SOLD

14. A tenebrous black cloak lined with smooth satin - locked/off the shelf whisper cloak from Duskruin - weighs 8/holds 100, can be lightened/deepend[/B] - cb: 100k Ausek SOLD
Here is GSWiki info for these cloaks: https://gswiki.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Whisper_cloak

06-29-2016, 02:57 AM
8. An ebony mask veined with faint veniom lines


06-29-2016, 07:44 AM
Mb 9

06-29-2016, 07:46 AM
Can 9 be altered?

06-29-2016, 07:58 AM
mb on 6

06-29-2016, 08:23 AM
Can the greame harness hold any combination of those weapons? 2 wakizashis, etc.

If so, I will buy the shit out of it, 2m.

06-29-2016, 08:23 AM
Can 9 be altered?

EG fragment pulls cannot be altered

06-29-2016, 08:53 AM
Can the greame harness hold any combination of those weapons? 2 wakizashis, etc.

If so, I will buy the shit out of it, 2m.

Here is what using 2 wakizashi's looks like...

stow all
With a flick of the wrist, you spin your wakizashi around and smoothly slide it into a silver-lipped black leather scabbard.
With a flick of the wrist, you spin your wakizashi around and smoothly slide it into an ebon-rimmed ivory leather scabbard.

You get a folded silvery rolaren wakizashi from inside your silk harness. It emits a low, rumbling tone.
With a nearly imperceptible movement, you neatly draw your black mithglin wakizashi from the scabbard and bring it to a ready position.

So when getting them out of the harness, it looks like only one of them triggers the script, but when putting them in, they both trigger the script.

Oddly enough, two katana's trigger both the stow and gird scripts. Might just be something about that realm flaring one. The realm flaring one would also not fit in my TWC sword belt either, so it may be just a tricky script on that particular wakizashi.

PM me to confirm these options are acceptable and you want to maintain your 2 mil bid.

As a note also, the weapons have to be katanas, wakizashi, or tanto. They can't be the same weapon type with a different name, so no "short sword".

06-29-2016, 09:17 AM
Updated bids and added GSWiki link for the EG whisper mask.

06-29-2016, 09:38 AM
110k on #3 and 150k on #5

Someone who isn't Me
06-29-2016, 09:47 AM
1M on #8, please.

06-29-2016, 11:11 AM
150k #6

06-29-2016, 11:13 AM
150k #6

Yes, Yes, keep them coming, mwahahaha

Someone who isn't Me
06-29-2016, 11:17 AM
(lol, that just makes it sound like I'm trying to convince people I'm not bidding on it!)

Lol, you may refer to me as SWIM, if you'd like :)

06-29-2016, 11:22 AM
600k on 9 please

06-29-2016, 11:25 AM
200k on 6, 1.5m on 8

06-29-2016, 11:37 AM
mb on 7, please

06-29-2016, 12:24 PM
8. An ebony mask veined with faint veniom lines

2 mil

06-29-2016, 12:26 PM
buyout on #6

Someone who isn't Me
06-29-2016, 12:29 PM
BO on #8, please.

06-29-2016, 12:38 PM
Updated with buyout bids. I'll PM winners later this afternoon/this evening for delivery. Feel free to PM me who to look for in game. I like to have that info via PM first before I deliver.

06-29-2016, 03:58 PM
Added this: A matte black raw silk tanto harness - pin worn dagger harness with scripts - mb: 200k buyout: 1 mil

You carefully inspect your raw silk tanto harness.
You carefully examine the raw silk tanto harness and determine that the weight is less than 2 pounds.
You estimate that a matte black raw silk tanto harness can store a medium amount with enough space for a number of items of very small size.
You determine that you could wear the harness anywhere on your body. The harness appears to serve some purpose.
You unroll your harness carefully, taking care to ensure that the empty slits remain easily accessible for use. Slinging the harness over one shoulder and around your torso, you adjust its length and secure it with a simple loop and tuck.
You untuck and unloop your harness, removing it slowly from around your torso and shoulder. Folding the ends together, you roll your harness up carefully.
>put black invar knife in harness
You slide a serrated black invar knife with an ornate vaalin hilt into one of the slits in your raw silk tanto harness, making certain that it can be easily readied when necessary.
You slide a serrated skinning knife into one of the slits in your raw silk tanto harness, making certain that it can be easily readied when necessary.

This tanto harness is both sturdy enough to hold multiple dagger-sized weapons and light enough to not be a burden on the wearer. Strategically placed underneath each slit is a small black cap, perfect for helping to secure each weapon by both hilt and point. Sheathed within the slits of your raw silk tanto harness, you see a stiletto, a stiletto, a stiletto, a stiletto, a stiletto, a serrated skinning knife, and a serrated black invar knife with an ornate vaalin hilt.
Looks like it holds 7 dagger type weapons.

>get knife
You quickly remove a serrated black invar knife with an ornate vaalin hilt from one of the slits in your raw silk tanto harness, brandishing it high for all to see.

06-29-2016, 11:05 PM
750k on #9

06-29-2016, 11:15 PM
so i guess you're not making that rogue

06-29-2016, 11:23 PM
so i guess you're not making that rogue

Good call. Yep. I decided to go UAC with him. Always wanted to do UAC and have found that using it with a rogue is a nice fit for me.

06-29-2016, 11:27 PM
Updated bids. Lowered a few buyouts. Added some 4x brig and 4x doubles that both morph into linen shirts, another whisper cloak, and a couple other things.

06-29-2016, 11:29 PM
1m on the poopsy-kin

06-29-2016, 11:37 PM
I'll do the 3m BO on #9

06-30-2016, 12:48 AM
God damn descending buyouts. They are literally an open bribe to snipe your best bidder. Well won naelen. Don't hate the player.

06-30-2016, 12:59 AM
God damn descending buyouts. They are literally an open bribe to snipe your best bidder. Well won naelen. Don't hate the player.

Sorry bud. We were slowly creeping towards that mil. I didn't see the 5 mil buyout happening in any way what so ever and I didn't figure descending from 5 to 3 would make that big of a difference. I honestly wouldn't have expected the buyout to have been made until we crept closer to 2.

06-30-2016, 01:03 AM
God damn descending buyouts. They are literally an open bribe to snipe your best bidder. Well won naelen. Don't hate the player.

Sorry bro, I just happened to catch that the buyout was lowered right after you bid the mil.

06-30-2016, 01:18 AM
Sorry bud. We were slowly creeping towards that mil. I didn't see the 5 mil buyout happening in any way what so ever and I didn't figure descending from 5 to 3 would make that big of a difference. I honestly wouldn't have expected the buyout to have been made until we crept closer to 2.

It's your auction to do as you please. I won't act like I haven't jumped on such opportunities. It just blurs the line of if I am actually bidding in an auction or if I am just being used as buyout bait. It is what it is, and I am not going to throw a tantrum, but I feel your response is a bit disengenious.
A: You originally set a buyout for 5m, now your saying you didn't expect a BO of 3M
B: Cutting the jump to buyout by 50% wouldn't make a big difference?
C: If it didn't make a difference, why would you do it? Of course it made a difference.

I understand the business aspect of it. It maximizes your value and almost always guarantees an additional bid. For example, had Naelen not had 3M on hand, I know he would have bought out when you eventually dropped it to 2M buyout and my bid still wouldn't matter and you get an extra mil or better. It's business, get your cash, I can't fault you for it, and I won't pretend I won't bid on your auctions in the future. I just will probably wait for the buyout to drop into my range instead of inflating it with bids.

Your truly,
Poopsy-kin-less Oso

06-30-2016, 01:31 AM
I see where you're coming from. I could have worded some of that better. Allow me to clarify..

A: You originally set a buyout for 5m, now your saying you didn't expect a BO of 3M - If I set any buyout, I total expect a chance it can happen. What I meant to say was once I saw the pace of the bidding, I no longer expected to get the 5m buyout.
B: Cutting the jump to buyout by 50% wouldn't make a big difference?
C: If it didn't make a difference, why would you do it? Of course it made a difference. - Answering both B & C: I saw it making a difference as far as me having a better chance (still didn't feel a guarantee of it) of getting the buyout, but not making a difference so quickly. Although it was a 50% cut based off the current bid, the lowered buyout was still 3x the amount of what the current bid was, which I still felt was a reasonable buyout price. Based off the pace of the bidding, if the current bid would have remained near 1 mil, I wouldn't then lower it to 2 mil because that to me would have been ridiculous. I don't claim to be the best merchant, or a wordsmith, but I'm never disingenuous with anyone.

06-30-2016, 01:52 AM
I accept that. You message read to me as "Oh what? whaaaa? what happened? who knew? crazy", when of course it was an intentionally business move and I found that galling. That not being that case I apologize for misspeaking about your word.

I stand by my distaste for descending buyouts. I think they are shitty to the bidder and the auction. They cause the person who actively bid on your auction to be at a disadvantage and encourages them to then bid against themselves and take a buyout on an auction they were high bidder on just to protect their bid. And that is where I take issue. I bid 1M on the thing knowing I had a pretty safe bet of being involved in BIDDING, as we all were aware the chances of jumping straight from 1M bid to 5M buyout was slim. So in this situation, I made several bids, had raised the price up to 1M, and then the ONLY way for me the high bidder to have won the auction was to fork over extra 2M extra on an auction I had high bid on.

Nice high bid ya got there...would be a shame if anything...happened to it.

06-30-2016, 02:16 AM
I stand by my distaste for descending buyouts. I think they are shitty to the bidder and the auction. They cause the person who actively bid on your auction to be at a disadvantage and encourages them to then bid against themselves and take a buyout on an auction they were high bidder on just to protect their bid. And that is where I take issue. I bid 1M on the thing knowing I had a pretty safe bet of being involved in BIDDING, as we all were aware the chances of jumping straight from 1M bid to 5M buyout was slim. So in this situation, I made several bids, had raised the price up to 1M, and then the ONLY way for me the high bidder to have won the auction was to fork over extra 2M extra on an auction I had high bid on.

You're not wrong. I've run in to the same issue myself several times. This is why when I bid on things, especially if it's something I really want that has a buyout, I don't bid just 10k, 50k, 100k (depending on current bid level) over the current bid. I get fairly aggressive with my bids, because I want to establish the pace early so I have a good idea if it's going to get bought out eventually that way I can just go ahead and buy it out, or I can weed out other bidders that planned on bidding more slowly so I can force the item to close quicker. Definitely not saying you did this. Your bids were definitely respectable jumps. If I were the one bidding and assuming I would have met the 3 mil (or 5 for that case) buyout, that would have pissed me off too because I definitely would have bought out had I known the buyout had been lowered. I think with regards to most normal items, my buyouts are better positioned to begin with. This being a really rare/odd item I set the buyout too high to begin with then had no idea it would jump so quick from 1 mil cb to the 3 mil buyout. At the pace it was going for a whole day, there's no way I saw the 3 mil buyout happening before tomorrow night, which would have given everyone interested time to consider whether to buyout or not. Next time I consider descending buyouts, I'll post a warning I'm considering it then let 3-6 hours pass to allow offers before making the actual moves. I appreciate your feedback.

06-30-2016, 03:45 AM
Perhaps have it set up where top bidder received a pm with the buyout drop X time before it was posted. This still puts the bidder a bit at odds with themselves but it could actually be good for everyone.

Random thought jumble example
all items that have not been bid on for more than 6 hours (not between the hours of 12-8am eastern) are eligible for a buyout reduction. High bidders will be sent a private message of the change to buyout 2 hours prior to it being posted, giving them first crack at the new deal.

It's a little complicated but it would be so great. High bidders have a bit of protection, and it discourages people lagging out on bidding. I admit, I have done it, cause it works. But if being high bidder also gave you first access? Damn, people would be fighting to be top bidder instead of just the ending wining bidder. Another fun plus is the high bidder has a better idea if someone is after that buyout or not, and can be in less fear of the last call/BO lurker.

Just some thoughts to tinker with. Thanks for bringing this around to constructive. Lord knows that wasn't my original plan.

06-30-2016, 07:38 AM
I'll put the MB on 13 and 14.

06-30-2016, 07:49 AM
I've always felt that if there's already a bid on an item, the high bidder should get a right of first refusal on buyout offers.

Wanna buy out an item with no bids? It's yours. Wanna buy out an item with bids? It's yours if the high bidder doesn't want to match the buyout.

06-30-2016, 09:02 AM
Just some thoughts to tinker with. Thanks for bringing this around to constructive. Lord knows that wasn't my original plan.

Sorry you had to be the one to get the shit end of the stick, but I appreciate you making an issue about it and for making it a conversation. I know I'll be a better merchant going forward because of it.

06-30-2016, 10:05 AM
MB on 12

06-30-2016, 10:18 AM
Bids updated. Some items going twice. Great deals on 4x shirt morphing brig and doubles, and the unlocked TWC swordbelt.

06-30-2016, 03:46 PM
280k on the skull buckled dark leather swordbelt

06-30-2016, 05:12 PM
Updated. Pace of bids is slowing so I'm considering moving things along quicker. Get your bids in if you want something. FYI I am considering lowering the buyouts as follows...

#7 Swordbelt - from 1.5 mil to 500k

#12 4x shirt morphing brig from 1 mil to 400k

#13 4x shirt morphing doubles from 1 mil to 400k

I will PM current high bidders to advise and give approximately 2 hours before I update the actual post with the lowered buyouts.

06-30-2016, 07:17 PM
Last call on a couple items, going TWICE on most everything else with bids. Lowered some minimum bids and most buyouts.

06-30-2016, 07:31 PM
Buyout on 12 and 13, please!

06-30-2016, 08:29 PM
Buyout on #7. A skull-buckled dark leather swordbelt

07-01-2016, 01:14 AM
Everything sold. Thank you very much.