View Full Version : <3 Drizz and Sele

11-27-2004, 02:56 AM
Drizztdur recites:

&quot;Warning: if questionable material offends you... RUN&quot;

Ana wiggles her fingers.
Maynist scratches himself uncontrollably!
Drizztdur sings:

&quot;If all the young ladies were bricks in a pile
I&#039;d be a mason and lay them in style.&quot;

(Selenite clears her throat and smiles at everyone)
Meril ponders.
Frackenal blinks.
Maynist scratches himself uncontrollably!
&gt;beam drizz
You beam at Drizztdur.
Selenite sings:

&quot;If all the young laddies were big wooden stairs
They&#039;d go up mine and I&#039;d go down theirs.&quot;

* Gwennstorme joins the adventure.
* Meirit joins the adventure.
Drizztdur winks and flashes a sly grin.
Meril murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Meril gestures.
Meril&#039;s left hand looks better.
The ghostly voice of Missoni sweetly says, &quot;It offends me and I can not run.&quot;
Drizztdur sings:

&quot;If all the young ladies were bats in a steeple
And I were a bat there&#039;d be more bats than people.&quot;

A faint, flickering light emanates from a golden sheaf of grain candle, warming the room with its glow.
Ana blinks.
* Iomelindi joins the adventure.
Selenite sings:

&quot;If all the young laddies were bottles of beer
I&#039;d give good head and they&#039;d be of good cheer.&quot;

You chuckle.
Drizztdur snickers.
The ghostly voice of Missoni sweetly says, &quot;Please, that is vile.&quot;
* Kamisama joins the adventure.
Drizztdur sings:

&quot;If all the young ladies were bells in a tower
And I were a clapper I&#039;d bang every hour.&quot;

* Vongor joins the adventure.
Ana gasps.
Ana covers her ears.
* Carrley joins the adventure.
The spirit of Missoni sighs softly, raising the hairs on the back of your neck.
Selenite laughs!
Frackenal lets out a yelp!
You hoot.
* Soleil joins the adventure.
Drizztdur gawks at Selenite.
You let out a cheer!
Selenite sings:

&quot;If all the young laddies were fine silks and laces
And I were an iron I&#039;d sit on their faces.&quot;

Ana joins Frackenal&#039;s group.
Frackenal tries to pull Ana to her feet, but she is too heavy.
You say, &quot;Encore.&quot;
Frackenal just went out.
Ana stands up.
Drizztdur sings:

&quot;If all the young ladies were stones in a mill
And I were some grain, between them I&#039;d spill.&quot;

* Sentifyre joins the adventure.
Ana gasps.
Maynist looks somewhat less weakened and much more comfortable.
Ana covers her ears.
Frackenal just arrived.
Frackenal glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Frackenal.
Frackenal&#039;s group just went out.
Meril hums quietly to herself.
Selenite blushes a pink shade at Drizztdur.
Drizztdur chuckles.
Meril covers her ears.
You laugh out loud!
* Mystickitten joins the adventure.
Meril murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Meril gestures.
Meril&#039;s right eye looks better.
Drizztdur sings:

&quot;If all the young ladies were winds of the sea
I&#039;d be a sail and I&#039;d let them blow me.&quot;

The ghostly voice of Missoni sweetly exclaims, &quot;That is the crudest, most disgusting filth I have ever heard. It belongs in a tavern!&quot;
Selenite sings:

&quot;If all the young laddies were coconuts sweet
I&#039;d suck out their juices and chew on their meat.&quot;

Drizztdur smiles at Selenite.
A small draft catches the flame of a golden sheaf of grain candle and it flickers brightly.
&gt;roll laugh
You fall to the ground laughing hysterically!
Selenite leans on Drizztdur, giving him a companionable grin.
Drizztdur sings:

&quot;If all the young ladies were birds in their nests
I&#039;d be an egg and lie under their breasts.&quot;

P&gt;roll laugh
You roll around on the ground laughing hysterically!
Selenite sings:

&quot;If all the young laddies were champion steeds
I&#039;d mount them and ride them to reward their good deeds.&quot;

You feel less confident than before.
Drizztdur sings:

&quot;If all the young ladies were locks on a gate
I&#039;d be a key and insert and rotate.&quot;

The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves you.
With great effort the spirit of Missoni gives a keening cry, spectral tears falling to the ground.
Selenite kisses Drizztdur tenderly on the cheek.
Meril murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Meril gestures.
Meril&#039;s chest looks better.
*** TypoHelp: Converted &quot;425&quot; to INCANT 425.

You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Targeting spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You are filled with a sense of great confidence.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Selenite sings:

&quot;If all the young laddies were wines from the grape
I&#039;d screw in their cork and see what takes shape.&quot;

Drizztdur sings:

&quot;If all the young ladies were sweet fruits and berries
I&#039;d munch on melons and nibble on cherries.&quot;

Drizztdur gazes fondly at Selenite.
*** TypoHelp: Converted &quot;430&quot; to INCANT 430.

You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Barrier spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your skin tingles for a moment and you feel more secure.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Meril murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Meril gestures.
Meril&#039;s abdomen looks better.
Selenite sings:

&quot;If all the young laddies were as big as they say
All the young ladies would be saddlesore all day.&quot;

Drizztdur sings:

&quot;If all the young ladies were pure as they say
All the young men would be happy and gay.&quot;

Drizztdur gives Selenite a lingering kiss.
* Rispoun joins the adventure.
* Ekrem joins the adventure.
You feel at full magical power again.
* Asben joins the adventure.
Meril loses an aura of resolve.
Selenite sings:

&quot;If all the young laddies were singing this song
It would be twice as dirty and three times as long.&quot;

11-27-2004, 03:10 AM
Funny, but entirely inappropriate for Gemstone.

11-27-2004, 05:09 AM
not in public at least. heh.

11-27-2004, 05:13 AM
Best part:

The ghostly voice of Missoni sweetly says, &quot;It offends me and I can not run.&quot;

Sean of the Thread
11-27-2004, 08:09 AM
Selenite Warn Interacted me IG for talking about a &quot;donkey punch&quot; jokingly in psinet OOC. Gimme a fukin break. She acted like her dirty sanchez didn&#039;t stink and now she is singing about giving head on the dais??

***Private]-Selenite: &quot;&#039;didn&#039;t figure you were like the other assholes&quot;
***[PriavteTo]-Selenite: &quot;what I do?&quot;
***[Private]-Selenite: &quot;&#039;previous comments for ass fucking like it&#039;s common&quot;
[OOC]-Zeddica: &quot;do I have to say it again? ring, ring&quot;
***[PriavteTo]-Selenite: &quot;I offended you?&quot;
[OOC]-Zeddica: &quot;ring&quot;
[OOC]-Noralynn: &quot;ring ring ring ring ring&quot;
[OOC]-Zeddica: &quot;too quiet on here.&quot;
***Private]-Selenite: &quot;&#039;let&#039;s see you get fucked up the ass by someone without a care in the world - see how you like it&quot;
[OOC]-Zeddica: &quot;bananaphone!&quot;
[OOC]-Selenite: &quot;i&#039;m cussing out xyelin&quot;
[OOC]-Lybrac: &quot;morning&quot;
[OOC]-Toy: &quot;okay wtf is up with my spells melting when two minutes ago MAGIC told me I had over three hours?&quot;
[OOC]-Selenite: &quot;or should i make it public instead of private&quot;

11-27-2004, 12:54 PM
Yeah, I woulda either reported after the 2nd one or meteor swarmed. They deserved warnings.


11-27-2004, 01:39 PM
simu allows this and the cybering, and they call it fun for the whole family...heh

11-27-2004, 04:37 PM
&lt;&lt;Selenite Warn Interacted me IG for talking about a &quot;donkey punch&quot; jokingly in psinet OOC.&gt;&gt;

WARN is the stupidest thing that&#039;s ever been implemented in GS.