View Full Version : Psinet Moderators and the Great Warclownhm Babysitting Escapade

11-27-2004, 11:19 AM
[OOC]-Indica: "Poll time: Is the entire business of Warclaidhm old news that isn't worthy of IG action or OOC slander?"
[OOC]-Indica: "I vote YES"
[OOC]-Xyelin: "yeah I've been ignoring for ages"
[OOC]-Femereff: "I vote a definative yes, I feel the abuse of him is immature and he should be ignored if folks dont like him"
[OOC]-Indica: "Precisely."
[OOC]-Femereff: "I didnt ignore him yesterday, when everyone was abusing him in his sleep, I moved him to a table, unfortunatly he didnt stay"
[OOC]-You: "If he starts threads he should be prepared for the consequences"
[OOC]-You: "likewise when he starts stupid shit"
[OOC]-Femereff: "as well, people who encourage him, are meeting his level"
[OOC]-You: "yeah"
[OOC]-You: "probably right"
[OOC]-Xyelin: "How do I get to kiramon"
[OOC]-Indica: "Besides that, I grow SERIOUSLY tired of the administrative work that goes with suggesting, warning, silencing, unsilencing, etc etc etc etc"
[OOC]-You: "but its funny"
[OOC]-Femereff: "no it isnt"
[OOC]-You: "it makes me laugh"
[OOC]-Xyelin: "you're easily amused"
[OOC]-You: "true"
[Private]-Indica: "I don't want to mention this aloud, but you responding with "Fuck off" every time he says a single word is getting quite tiresome"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "I have done it twice...youre exaggerating"
[Private]-Indica: "Tonight, perhaps. I've seen it several times in the past."
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "you have me confused with someone else I think"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "I would never do that"
[Private]-Indica: "Hehe, riiight :P"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "heh"
[Private]-Indica: "I'm not trying to be mean or get all authoritative on you or anything, but I really think the best course of action would be to ignore him if you don't like what he has to say"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "its fun"
[Private]-Indica: "He does have as much right to chat here as you do, and his chats don't generally warrant a "Fuck off" response."
[Private]-Indica: "It might be fun, but if you want to torment him I ask that you do it through private chats."
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "I wasnt restricting his right to chat here...but until you start censoring Bob and Tayre, then I will do what I want"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "this is the one thing that bugs me about psinet"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "the pally kind of censorship"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "if your face fits you can do what you want"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "if not, then be told"
[Private]-Indica: "Well, Tayre has been a moderator recently, so it's difficult for me to censor him."
[Private]-Indica: "Bob is told to shut the hell up from time to time as well :P"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "well if your mods do it, dont expect other people not to"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "I dont come anywhere near as abusive as Bob is to everyone"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "so your "shut ups" arent working"
[Private]-Indica: "I didn't say anything about being abusive. My biggest problem is that your sole response to anything Warclaidhm says is "Fuck off." At least be creative, and if you must pick on every single line he chats, make it relevant"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "if that was what I was doing with him, you would have a point. As it isnt, you dont. Thanks for your input"
[Private]-Indica: "Technically, the "Fuck off" line after every thing he says is classified under "being repeatedly and unnecessarily combative""
[Private]-Indica: "So I request that you please have a point behind your comments in the future."
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "I request that you have a point behind your stupid moderating in the future"
[Private]-Indica: "If you want me to go through my logs, I can do that. I simply request that you cease responding to generic CHATs by Warclaidhm with "Fuck off" or similar inflammatory insults"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "please go through all the logs you have and count exactly how many times I have done that in response to Warclaidhm. When you find out that you can count the amount of times on one hand, please come back and apologise"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "In addition, please inform all users of OOC that there must be a point to each and every chat they make"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "when you have done that, I will take notice of what you have said as there may be some purpose in it. Until such time I shall treat your comments with the contempt they deserve"
[Private]-Indica: "There must not be a point to every chat you make. However, if you are going to respond to a chat by a certain person, be it Warclaidhm, Jamus or Bardon himself, don't do it just to rile them up"
[Private]-Indica: "Per your request, I will go through my logs and let you know of my findings."
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "[Private]-Indica: "So I request that you please have a point behind your comments in the future.""
[Private]-Indica: "That line should be read together with the previous line. Sorry if I was unclear :)"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "there is always a point behind me telling someone to fuck off"
[Private]-Indica: "What I meant was, if you want to ridicule/insult Warclaidhm, please do it on the basis of his comment at that time, rather than issuing a general "fuck off""
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "for instance...today...Warclownhm moaning about noone rescuing him...he asked me to do so...I told him to fuck off. Where's the problem"
[Private]-Indica: "It's out of my buffer now; I'll have to check the log. I believe the last CHAT he sent was the average Warclaidhm Dumbass Comment (TM), to which you replied the same"
[Private]-Indica: "Anyway, I'm not trying to threaten you or silence you or whatever. I just think it would be better for all involved if people would stop responding to Warc's dumb chats in kind"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "I have just done a seach of my logs and found that you are wrong. It's not something that happens often. Where I have told him to fuck off it has been in context and warranted. "
[Private]-Indica: "I will check my logs tomorrow, if you wish that I do so. However, at this point it boils down to "I asked you to stop, so please do so.""
[Private]-Indica: "If you want to ask Jamus, you're free to do so. He will tell me if I am in the wrong, and if he does I will apologize."
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "I dont care if you check your logs or not. I will continue to tell people to fuck off if I feel it warrants it, unless you ban the use of the phrase fuck off, from the OOC channel"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "interestingly, the person I have told fuck off to the most would be Sean, not Warclaidhm"
[Private]-Indica: "All I ask is that you don't tell Warclaidhm to "fuck off" after any and every little thing he chats."
[Private]-Indica: "We are in agreement there, concerning Sean :)"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "If that was something I had done in the past I would change my responses to him as it isnt I WONT HAVE TO CHANGE ANYTHING BECAUSE I DIDNT DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE...this conversation is stupid."
[Private]-Indica: "Warclaidhm is basically an attention whore with no true entertainment value. The majority of his entertainment value has been exhausted."
[Private]-Indica: "You're right. I didn't expect this to evolve into a discussion of this caliber."
[Private]-Indica: "Really, if you don't have an insult related to Warclaidhm's latest statement, just keep quiet."
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "no"
[Private]-Indica: "Fuck off is old and vague and boring"
[OOC]-Indica: "No what?"
[Private]-Indica: "no what?"
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "I wont keep quiet unless I dont want to say anything"
[OOC]-Indica: "Er, never mind that"
[Private]-Indica: "If you must continue to retort to any and every chat Warclaidhm makes with "Fuck off", or anything else not related to his chats, that may be interpreted as repeated and unnecessary combativeness and you may receive a temporary silence and/or ban."
[Private]-Indica: "You may speak to Jamus on AIM at JamusPsi if you have questions."
[PriavteTo]-Indica: "I am really beginning to doubt your cognitive abilities...I DO NOT RESPOND TO EVERY ONE OF THE FUCKING IDIOTS' CHATS WITH FUCK OFF"
[Private]-Indica: "You may speak to Jamus on AIM at JamusPsi if you have questions."

11-27-2004, 11:31 AM
He brings it upon himself. I don't see it as any different than the entire of Psinet giving shit to Atreau, Waedon etc.

11-27-2004, 11:33 AM
Its so much easier to ignore him when he is a pain....


11-27-2004, 11:34 AM
Heh. Good luck to the moderators getting people to ignore the jerks. We've tried that here. It's an exercise in futility, believe me. :D

11-27-2004, 11:38 AM

11-27-2004, 11:40 AM
I wouldnt mind if I said Fuck Off after everything he said, which is what she was making out happened.
I think I told him a couple of times to fuck off and one of them was in response to him moaning about no-one rescuing him and then asking me to.

11-27-2004, 11:44 AM
Nobody likes to be accused of something they haven't done. Besides, from what I've seen, just about anything goes on PsiNet, so how the heck can you tell whether you're out of line, or not? ;)

11-27-2004, 11:47 AM
< I wouldnt mind if I said Fuck Off after everything he said. >

I hate to mention it, but the day after his pictured was released into the public, I remember you saying "Fuck Off Kevin". etc quite alot. I dunno if I could claim it disruptive since I don't have logs on my home machine, but it was alot.

11-27-2004, 11:49 AM
Ignore is your friend.


11-27-2004, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Stunseed
< I wouldnt mind if I said Fuck Off after everything he said. >

I hate to mention it, but the day after his pictured was released into the public, I remember you saying "Fuck Off Kevin". etc quite alot. I dunno if I could claim it disruptive since I don't have logs on my home machine, but it was alot.

Not sure about when it was but for sure I remember that time. I did say it on a number of occasions. It probably was excessive/pointless.
It wasnt dealt with at the time.
It hasnt happened since.
I do not follow every thing he says with Fuck Off, as much as I probably think that to myself.
One month on, its a little late to start dealing with it if nothing is said at the time.
Also, make sure the accusations are correct...otherwise the accuser looks pretty stupid :shrug:

Was a strange conversation.

11-27-2004, 12:01 PM
Personally, it appears to me (someone who doesn't use PsiNet) that it looks like babysitting. If there is someone who causes such a problem that they can't even type a word without people groaning and wincing at their keyboards, it seems like the solution would be to REMOVE THE PROBLEM rather than change how people react to the problem. It's not like Warclaidhm is being unfairly targeted. It's not like people just decided not to like him because he's not cool enough, or not part of some "in" crowd. He did it to himself.


Miss X
11-27-2004, 12:03 PM
Warclaidhm brings it all on himself, there are plenty of other things that are talked about on OOC that are ignored by the mods.

What I hate, is that every time a conversation gets heated one of the mods makes a threat to silence everyone etc, it's kind of annoying. I don't really talk much on OOC anymore for that reason. Too bad all of the OOC mods aren't as cool as Eider.

11-27-2004, 12:05 PM
You forget Chica that if the mod themselves doesn't like the person who is being hassled themselves, they'll let the users of OOC keep on going without any warnings.

11-27-2004, 12:10 PM
I wonder if Indica also got after the other 5698743 people who rag on Warc? I say just untune him, I know I have several people blocked it makes my day so much quieter.

Miss X
11-27-2004, 12:10 PM
Oh yeah....

11-27-2004, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
Warclaidhm brings it all on himself, there are plenty of other things that are talked about on OOC that are ignored by the mods.

What I hate, is that every time a conversation gets heated one of the mods makes a threat to silence everyone etc, it's kind of annoying. I don't really talk much on OOC anymore for that reason. Too bad all of the OOC mods aren't as cool as Eider.

Unfortunately these days unless it is really awful stuff going on or flooding I will tend to ignore it. Jamus has been there on occasions and if he has done nothing about it I tend to follow suit.

If two people are being disruptive I will tell em to shut up or risk being separated, but when I'm one of the few mods on I cannot always be paying attention to OOC and do other things besides sit here watching for people to step out of line. I will also sometimes not even be at my computer and return to have seen private messages to myself asking for me to do something about someone but because I wasn't there at the time I cannot really tell them to STFU etc because 10 minutes has passed since I received the msg.


You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.

11-27-2004, 12:27 PM
You got that right, Eider! Besides, if Jamus has been on PsiNet when some of this was going on, and he has done nothing about it, that puts you mods at a distinct disadvantage. Without his backup, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. :(

11-27-2004, 12:54 PM
< [Private]-Indica: "Fuck off is old and vague and boring" >

So you say...

< I did say it on a number of occasions. It probably was excessive/pointless. >

That's all I was trying to say. One final quote to lighten the spirits..

< Also, make sure the accusations are correct...otherwise the accuser looks pretty stupid >

I do plenty enough already to make myself look stupid, however I try to practice restraint before speaking out. Indica raised a valid point, to which instead of taking constructively and dealing with it, you've made yourself a target for a certain Mod<s>. I agree with the basis of why you say "Fuck Off" when he speaks, but I think if you want rid of him, another approach might be wise. This one's been played out.

11-27-2004, 01:05 PM
They should just be banned and then the issue would be over! No need to get people to ignore them when they're gone

[Edited on 11-27-2004 by GSLeloo]

11-27-2004, 01:21 PM
I believe that most parties are not taking in the situation in a objective perspective.

Warclaidhm can be very annoying, but from what I've also seen on Psinet, he seems more mature then most on there. Flip that around though, and his annoying ways show up and he asks for it to happen.

Cycles can be broken, but who's going to grow up first and stay the course? Psinet hasn't been all unity from the beginning, and one Mod is not going to change the emotion of OOC Chat. You either all get in there and stay constant with the rules and who you are applying them to, or you sit back and shut up.

11-27-2004, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Eiderfleur
You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time. ''

But you can get rid of Warclaidhm all of the time (general you, not you specifically).


11-27-2004, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by Stunseed

I do plenty enough already to make myself look stupid, however I try to practice restraint before speaking out. Indica raised a valid point, to which instead of taking constructively and dealing with it, you've made yourself a target for a certain Mod<s>. I agree with the basis of why you say "Fuck Off" when he speaks, but I think if you want rid of him, another approach might be wise. This one's been played out.

Personally I dont care if he goes or stays. I think he is an idiot and when I am bored I often find his stupidity amusing.

I just felt this approach from Indica was stupid - although I have no axe to bear about her.

The point someone made about the different reaction from mods depending on the target is emphasised by this part.

[PriavteTo]-Indica: "interestingly, the person I have told fuck off to the most would be Sean, not Warclaidhm"

[Private]-Indica: "We are in agreement there, concerning Sean "

So it's ok to tell Sean to fuck off, but not the halfwit...seems pretty lame

11-27-2004, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl

Originally posted by Eiderfleur
You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time. ''

But you can get rid of Warclaidhm all of the time (general you, not you specifically).


All I know is that someone had banned or silenced him from ooc and he had harassed Jamus until he was unbanned/unsilenced. I have only ever silenced two or three people, one was Grabbs and I don't remember who the other was now off the top of my head.... I think it was Klaive (don't quote my on that).

11-27-2004, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by Eiderfleur

I have only ever silenced two or three people, one was Grabbs and I don't remember who the other was now off the top of my head.... I think it was Klaive (don't quote my on that).

Another reason why I :heart: ewe

11-28-2004, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
What I hate, is that every time a conversation gets heated one of the mods makes a threat to silence everyone etc, it's kind of annoying.I don't recall that ever happening, and for some reason I tend to argue with people a lot. Indica always struck me as a good PsiMod.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-28-2004, 03:06 PM
I'm telling Idiothm to fuck off now after every thought.

11-28-2004, 04:57 PM
The bottom line of that log still remains true, whether teasing him, insulting him or just telling him to "Fuck Off", you still feed the trolls, adding to the problem rather than ignoring it, which would make it go away eventually.

11-28-2004, 06:39 PM
Am I the only one that can manage not being bothered by him?

- Arkans

11-28-2004, 06:59 PM
Jamus has put many commands into PSInet so things like this can be avoided by those who want to avoid it. Dont like someone on the net, ignore them. Its easy. I also dont see the need to give the mod any trouble. Bottom line is you have said it before, the number of times is irrevilent, if you are asked to stop by a mod after the second time would you continue? most likely not. I think Indica should be given credit for *trying* to help the situation, which was not made any easier by snowdrop(dont know of any alts so im taking a guess at the char).

Am I the only one that can manage not being bothered by him?

- Arkans

I am not bothered by him because I think its funny how worked up the rest of you get when he does the same thing every day and you all flame him for it every day.

11-28-2004, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
Am I the only one that can manage not being bothered by him?

- Arkans

I just feel sorry for him and feel like tearing my hair out when he does something that I KNOW will get a reaction out of people.

I still think he needs psychological help.

11-28-2004, 07:12 PM
I have two theories on Warclaidhm.

1. It's all an act.

2. He just has no social skills at all. He's the "ub3r nerd". Trust me, they were in your high school, you know who I'm talking about! He thinks that doing what he is doing is just a way to get cool and is getting a "rise out of people" (hell, pleanty of people do that here and it works for them, they tend to entertain), but doesn't realize people are laughing at him, not with him.

Who knows, I'm no expert on Warclaidhm, I just don't see the point in constantly tearing him down. Just ignore him or give him a quick STFU. Don't take it overboard and kill him "just because he is Warclaidhm" or flame him "just because he is Warclaidhm". That's just fucking stupid.

- Arkans

11-28-2004, 07:13 PM
He doesn't particularly bother me. I find it easy to ignore him.

As for needing professional help, he's been offered advice by a psychologist on an online psych board he's been known to visit on occasion. He reacted to that advice exactly as he reacts to all advice...by ignoring it, saying it wasn't the advice he was looking for, and getting angry when the psychologist, and others on that board, pointed out to him that if he wasn't willing to take the advice given him, it was ludicrous for him to keep returning to the boards asking for advice. :rolleyes:

After awhile, even professionals lose patience with someone who refuses to help himself.

11-28-2004, 07:16 PM
I just have trouble trusting anything medical online. That's my big deal. Could also be that he is growing up, arn't most teenagers now a days fucked up?

- Arkans

11-28-2004, 07:19 PM
I just have trouble trusting anything medical online. That's my big deal. Could also be that he is growing up, arn't most teenagers now a days fucked up?

- Arkans

yes but most of them use things like alcohol and drugs to get them to that stage...

11-28-2004, 07:20 PM
Warclaidhm doesn't bother me in the least.

And I still don't know if it's all an act, or if he's for real.

11-28-2004, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
I just have trouble trusting anything medical online. That's my big deal. Could also be that he is growing up, arn't most teenagers now a days fucked up?

- Arkans

Translation: Back in my day, I showed respect to my elders! *mutter mutter* I tell yah! I get no respect!

Back to topic: I've read what was written on that other board advice wise.... It was nothing that hasn't been said here, initally.

Also I believe, from his posts, Warclaidhm has had RL "help", but his parents stopped his visits to his shrink because they all agreed he wasn't willing to change or something along those lines.

You can only help someone who wants help.

11-28-2004, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
arn't most teenagers now a days fucked up? Are you even out of your twenties?

Also, yes. I blame the Flintstones and Ringo Starr, myself.

11-28-2004, 08:17 PM
No, I am not. This doesn't change the fact that most teenagers are fucked up nowadays though.

- Arkans

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-28-2004, 08:24 PM
You've all bought into his "pity me, I'm socially inept" act. Frankly I don't give a shit about him, his problems, how fucked up he is, how his parents suck, how he abuses animals, or anything.

Fact is, he's unwilling to change. Period. The book on Idiothm is closed. So I'll continue to treat him like the piece of offal he is, until he stops whispering to me, until he stops coming around intentionally bothering me.

11-29-2004, 05:16 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
Am I the only one that can manage not being bothered by him?

- Arkans

Nah. I really just dont get how he can bother people *THAT* much. So everyones got shit wrong with them. My life is easier because I normally ignore whats wrong with other people and try to fix my own head.

Of course, everyone is subject to be the victim of humor now and then.

<------ equal opportunity humorist

11-29-2004, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
Am I the only one that can manage not being bothered by him?

- Arkans

I am not bothered by him.. rather he amuses me.

11-29-2004, 10:11 AM
I'll just react to him the way I would react normally to people. Not that hard. Some of the abuse his gets though, is a bit extreme.

- Arkans

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-29-2004, 10:17 AM
Should see the abuse I get VIA whispers from Idiothm. Then you'd understand why he gets it. Also note, it's not just me he whispers incessantly too, it's anyone.

I posted it in another thread somewhere, check it out. 30 minutes of whispers, without me responding once. Now I just kill him.

Edit: Actually, I've never killed him. Now I just hurt him.

[Edited on 11-29-2004 by Suppa Hobbit Mage]

11-29-2004, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I have two theories on Warclaidhm.

1. It's all an act.

2. He just has no social skills at all. He's the "ub3r nerd". Trust me, they were in your high school, you know who I'm talking about! He thinks that doing what he is doing is just a way to get cool and is getting a "rise out of people" (hell, pleanty of people do that here and it works for them, they tend to entertain), but doesn't realize people are laughing at him, not with him.

- Arkans

11-29-2004, 10:29 AM
Man, FUCK YOU PB. I'm all sitting at work, that picture pops up and I laugh like a drunked hyena. DICK.

- Arkans

11-29-2004, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
Man, FUCK YOU PB. I'm all sitting at work, that picture pops up and I laugh like a drunked hyena. DICK.

- Arkans


11-29-2004, 10:33 AM
Enjoy the misspelled "Agian". I hope it was intentional....

11-29-2004, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
Enjoy the misspelled "Agian". I hope it was intentional....

It's a long running joke. Please try to keep up simpleton.

11-29-2004, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Wezas
Enjoy the misspelled "Agian". I hope it was intentional....

It's a long running joke. Please try to keep up simpleton.

That's it, no more weapons for you.

11-29-2004, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
That's it, no more weapons for you.

I'm sorry.

11-29-2004, 10:50 AM