View Full Version : More OOC from Doofhm

11-26-2004, 03:26 PM
The ghostly voice of Warclaidhm says, "And if anyone else wants to join me, I can boost our group attack by +20 with warcries."

11-26-2004, 03:38 PM
Lo iba a llevar a cazar, pero vi un raton en mi pieza y no lo pude hacer.

11-26-2004, 04:20 PM
Not while he's dead he can't. ::snickers:: Really... find a more in character way to say that! Like... "If you'll all join me a moment, I think I can rustle up a way to boost our defenses!" No need to mention warcry, no need to mention numbers. Sheesh.

11-27-2004, 10:47 AM
When he has said ooc things I have whispered to him a better way to say them and he has used the ideas... maybe just whisper and help him along....

He is not going anywhere and it would tolerable if we gave him suggestions in a positive way and he used them ( which he has done with mine)

NOT ok dumbass don't say that ooc crap


whisper Warcladhm hey there. +20 is ooc and jarring to us trying to stay IC... a great way to say that would be: I have a mighty warrior's cry I use in battle and it seems to help the groups I am with. Anyone want to join up for a hunt?

He MAY just use that from now on and problem solved....

Just an idea.


11-27-2004, 10:49 AM
I was doing that last night. Some of the stuff he would say "Yeah thanks" Some of the stuff he would say "Well I didnt say (fill in the gap)"

None of it made a difference

11-27-2004, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
I was doing that last night. Some of the stuff he would say "Yeah thanks" Some of the stuff he would say "Well I didnt say (fill in the gap)"

None of it made a difference

Maybe he will take the stuff you whispered and use it if he said yeah thanks.... You never know....

And yes some stuff will just not stick .... but some might and every small bit can help.


11-27-2004, 10:51 AM
My experience with Warclaidhm's player leads me to believe that he will use good advice when it suits him to do so; however, he enjoys negative attention. If he's in the mood to start shit, he'll do so. The only way to stop him would be to totally ignore him, and that just ain't gonna happen enough for it to work. :shrug:

11-27-2004, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
My experience with Warclaidhm's player leads me to believe that he will use good advice when it suits him to do so; however, he enjoys negative attention. If he's in the mood to start shit, he'll do so. The only way to stop him would be to totally ignore him, and that just ain't gonna happen enough for it to work. :shrug:

I am just an optimist.... one can always hope even if it is futile...


11-27-2004, 10:56 AM
I hear ya, Amaron. Been there, done that already. I'd love to see Kevin learn from his mistakes, and listen to the people who would sincerely like to help him. I guess I'm just a bit jaded with what I've seen to date. :(

11-27-2004, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
I hear ya, Amaron. Been there, done that already. I'd love to see Kevin learn from his mistakes, and listen to the people who would sincerely like to help him. I guess I'm just a bit jaded with what I've seen to date. :(

One can only keep trying or pound your head into mush against a brick wall....

The mentor in me says keep trying and the wimp in me says the wall would hurt too much.



11-27-2004, 11:43 AM
Hee! Yeah. My head is already mush from pounding it against brick walls for far too many years. I think I'll just try to avoid walls from now on.....:D

11-27-2004, 11:46 AM
Actually you can't say he's not going anywhere... I'm sure he was run out of Landing and I'm just as sure he'll be run out of Illisitm soon enough. He can't change his behavior, he's hopeless and no one will tolerate how he acts.

11-27-2004, 12:12 PM
<< The mentor in me says keep trying and the wimp in me says the wall would hurt too much. >>

Unfortunately the twerp enjoys starting shit and it's not RP, just shit.

Fortunately, he is noted as a very HMC and will not be around much longer.



11-27-2004, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Askip
Unfortunately the twerp enjoys starting shit and it's not RP, just shit.

Fortunately, he is noted as a very HMC and will not be around much longer.

I would like to believe that.

11-27-2004, 12:36 PM
I pray daily for that, and I'm not even religious.
