View Full Version : Lost: A Valinda Gown

MzFit Toy
06-15-2016, 06:18 AM
On Monday (June 13, 2016), I accidentally dropped a Valinda gown in River's Rest during an items swap between characters. The gown was partially unlocked with about 6 verb traps available, and the description was: "a black silk gown patterned with intricate silver brocade".

According to the GM, the janitor did not pick this item up, so it was likely found by another player.

If found, I am offering a suitable reward for its return.

06-15-2016, 07:22 AM
On Monday (June 13, 2016), I accidentally dropped a Valinda gown in River's Rest during an items swap between characters. The gown was partially unlocked with about 6 verb traps available, and the description was: "a black silk gown patterned with intricate silver brocade".

According to the GM, the janitor did not pick this item up, so it was likely found by another player.

If found, I am offering a suitable reward for its return.

These gowns are a dime a dozen because they are/were an EG prize. You should be able to find a suitable replacement easily.