View Full Version : Disconnects in GS IV

06-07-2016, 08:42 PM
I use Lich in DR. Opened up a F2P account in GS IV. Logged in via SGE saw a ton of scroll as Lich installed/updated. Was promptly disconnected. Logged back in, messaging I am getting is:
[drinfomon: This script is meant for DragonRealms Prime, Platinum, or Fallen. It will likely cause problems on whatever game you're trying to run it on...]
--- Lich: equipmanager active.
--- Lich: equipmanager has exited.
[drinfomon: This script is meant for DragonRealms Prime, Platinum, or Fallen. It will likely cause problems on whatever game you're trying to run it on...]
[drinfomon: This script is meant for DragonRealms Prime, Platinum, or Fallen. It will likely cause problems on whatever game you're trying to run it on...]
--- Lich: roomnumbers active.
--- Lich: afk active.
[spellmonitor: This script is meant for DragonRealms Prime, Platinum, or Fallen. It will likely cause problems on whatever game you're trying to run it on...]
[drinfomon: This script is meant for DragonRealms Prime, Platinum, or Fallen. It will likely cause problems on whatever game you're trying to run it on...]
[drinfomon: This script is meant for DragonRealms Prime, Platinum, or Fallen. It will likely cause problems on whatever game you're trying to run it on...]
[afk: Afk script started - pausing for 30 seconds]
--- Lich: error: uninitialized constant Scripting::DRStats
smartlisten:28:in `script'
C:/Users/XXXX/Documents/lich/lich.rbw:2533:in `eval'

And then I am disconnected.

I tried ;k dependency but that doesn't seem to do anything.

I am able to log in thru the website, and can play the game. Lich is not running.

Anyone have any thoughts on how I can stop these disconnects?

06-07-2016, 08:54 PM
log on to DR and do an ;autostart list.
Remove all the global scripts that are DR specific.

06-08-2016, 12:33 PM
Thank you for your suggestion. I removed dependency (DR specific) and am now able to stay connected. :)