View Full Version : What the FUCK is wrong with people? (Xmas lights)

11-24-2004, 10:56 PM
So day after Halloween I'm driving home and BLAM! Guy down our street has his Christmas lights up and on.


So, I figure its just a fluke, but now starting a week ago people are putting them up like crazy?

PEOPLE, the rule is, to put them up day after Thanksgiving at the EARLIEST.

I mean if I lived where it snowed I wouldn't be so criticle but the lowest it gets down here is mid thirties at the COLDEST. It does not snow down where I live, you do not have to worry about putting lights up in 0 degree weather in one foot of snow.



11-24-2004, 11:05 PM
Aww Christmas lights are so pretty. I have always put my Christmas decorations up the day after Thanksgiving, but this year, I decorated the inside of my house already :smilegrin:

Christmas is by far my most favorite holiday. I will make sure I at least clean up the thanksgiving meal dishes first, BUT then I am running outside to hang the lights!

11-24-2004, 11:06 PM

Mmm, sounds like you need to learn to appreciate your NORMAL pre-thanksgiving light hanger people.

Here in Texas suburbia we get the faded 1960's lit santa with cowboy boots leading his, *ahem* (ready for this?), 6 faded reigndeer with mangled aluminum foil horns. And then we just pray that this lovely deformity dosnt fall from the neighbors roof and into the pool. God Bless(/curse) the South.

Did I mention they never take these down?? Yes, thats right, there is no prior to thanksgiving hanging of the lights because THE LIGHTS ARE ALWAYS HUNG.

There ya go. Be thankful.

11-24-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit

Mmm, sounds like you need to learn to appreciate your NORMAL pre-thanksgiving light hanger people.

Here in Texas suburbia we get the faded 1960's lit santa with cowboy boots leading his, *ahem* (ready for this?), 6 faded reigndeer with mangled aluminum foil horns. And then we just pray that this lovely deformity dosnt fall from the neighbors roof and into the pool. God Bless(/curse) the South.

Did I mention they never take these down?? Yes, thats right, there is no prior to thanksgiving hanging of the lights because THE LIGHTS ARE ALWAYS HUNG.

There ya go. Be thankful.

YOU LIVE ON MY STREET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe

11-24-2004, 11:09 PM
Yeah, sorry if that was your kid I mutilated, he touched my car. :D

11-24-2004, 11:11 PM
I just choked on my grilled cheese, damn you Jhina!

11-24-2004, 11:33 PM
I love Christmas decorations. Dad and I are going apeshit on his house tomorrow. Can't wait until I have my own house to Christmas up.

11-24-2004, 11:36 PM
Thanks Dad! You taught me everything I know about exterial lumination.


11-24-2004, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
Yeah, sorry if that was your kid I mutilated, he touched my car. :D

Nah my kid is smart enough to run, he did knock that other kid down as he took off. Guess his mom might be upset!

11-25-2004, 03:54 AM
I agree!11!!!1!! Plus, I always thought Christmas lights in Phoenix looked sort of spooky and foreign, being a Flagstaffer and all.

We're going to put some up on our balcony tomorrow, but I'm sticking with straight white, none of that colored crap.


11-25-2004, 06:31 AM
I do white on windows and the tree, and colored down my banister.

11-25-2004, 09:43 AM
It is a bit early to flick those suckers on but all is forgiven if they look great. I'm not into the whole 1960's style of lighting. This year it's going to be blue (Noma lights rock) on the exterior and white inside.

I am sorry to hear about the neighbor Jihnas....You have a pool? Did I ever tell you I think your cool?:smilegrin:

11-25-2004, 09:47 AM
A hospital near my place sets up this crazy light display that you can drive through for 15 bones every year. They set it up last week.

Personally, I like light strings so it dosen’t bother me at all. Plus, I am pretty sure that money for the “Symphony of Lights” (odd, they don’t make any noise) goes to some charity stuff.

11-25-2004, 09:50 AM
I hate christmas stuff going up too early.
Special occasions need to be celebrated in teh following order.

My birthday
Bonfire Night
(if I was American here would go thanksgiving, but Im not so it doesnt)
and then Christmas.

I hate it when people get it out of order...

11-25-2004, 11:21 AM
We do colored lights outside, and white on the tree. That way nothing detracts from the collection of various hand-blown glass and Hallmark ornaments on the tree.

11-25-2004, 11:21 AM
We do colored lights outside, and white on the tree. That way nothing detracts from the collection of various hand-blown glass and Hallmark ornaments on the tree.

11-25-2004, 11:48 AM
My birthday
(If I was...whatever you are..... I might know what Bonfire Night is and it might have some meaning to me, but I'm not so it doesn't)
New Years (can't forget new years)

[Edited on 11-25-2004 by Eylanthriel]

11-27-2004, 12:32 AM
We ALWAYS wait till the day after Thanksgiving and it takes that Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to get the house in order, pull everything out, and get it up. This year we are far behind. See, my mother anticipated that my daughter would be 2 and a half this xmas... the perfect age to finally enjoy a "first" xmas. So last year after xmas during clearance sales, my mom went ballistic and purchased TONS and TONS of lights for outside, and even MORE decorations. We already have every animated creature for indoors you could imagine.

We have rope lights, chaser lights, blinking lights, regular lights, candy cane striped lights, net lights, animated reindeers, light up signs, you name it. By the time DH gets all the stuff up, our house is gonna look like a damn disco studio! But, what the hell, the tot will love it.

And, no, this is not my favorite time of the year. Xmas is not my favorite holiday... never mind that I'm agnostic, and my brother is atheist - we celebrate it at this point for the material worth, fun, and the lessons of giving... and because the rest of the family and in-laws are all Baptist or Catholic or Christian. :lol: St. Pat's and Halloween are my favs. St. Pat's is a big to-do for my family, we exchange gifts and everything, and all the friends and family come over for a massive feast, gift exchange, tales of Irish lore, and a drinking binge. :D

11-27-2004, 01:51 AM
Originally posted by LadyLuck
We have rope lights, chaser lights, blinking lights, regular lights, candy cane striped lights, net lights, animated reindeers, light up signs, you name it.

oooh! OOOOH! Your one of those competitive light people, ARENT YOU? Like on Home Improvement or umm, National Lampoon's Christmas vacation where they try really really really hard to have the best lights in the neighborhood.

I've always wondered if those people really existed.


11-27-2004, 02:51 AM
They do.

11-27-2004, 01:14 PM
I hate icicle lights. Remember the year everyone started using them? So overdone. Just like spidersilk.


11-27-2004, 01:32 PM
Agreed Spun. I don't even think they look that great. Maybe it's just because everyone had them for a couple years.

BTW, putting up some lights on my balcony today. :) I also got a big blown up penguin that lights up. :lol: I'm gonna try to be the tackiest in my apt complex this year.

Miss X
11-27-2004, 01:56 PM
What pisses me off is our neighbours who, at the start of November, covered their entire house with lights and stupid flashing plastic santa/snowmen and leave the fucking lights on all night so that there is a constant flashing light display in my bedroom, preventing me from sleeping for weeks. Lucky I'm not epileptic because I'm pretty sure I would be perma-fitting.

11-28-2004, 12:11 AM
I wish my mom's neighbors had their lights up. They do a rediculous amount of decorating. I'm talking, every square foot of their yard and house. They have two generators they fire up for it. I guess it's worth it, considering they get a blurb in the local paper every year. Haha, how sad.

11-28-2004, 03:26 AM
<--- Is the kid that hid across the street and took out peoples christmas lights with a BB gun..for amusment.

11-28-2004, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Adredrin
<--- Is the kid that hid across the street and took out peoples christmas lights with a BB gun..for amusment.

like minds.....I would rearange them silly wooden deer into umm.. interesting possitions :smilegrin: not that im against decorating just dont go crazy ..you all know the people the ones who need permission from the electric company before they start

11-28-2004, 12:46 PM
My aunt is insane with her decorating. She had me and my cousin put it up right after eating Thanksgiving dinner. Her fake tree is one of the biggest ones I have ever seen. Then she goes out and purchases all these expensive lights and things to go on said tree. That would be okay except she doesn't let anyone come into her house because its "dirty". Man if she saw my house she would have a heart attack. She almost did when I told her I left up my tree from last year. Zero prep time for me! :smilegrin:

11-28-2004, 01:02 PM
I love seeing the Christmas decorations, but I still feel it's too early, darn it! I usually have my home done about three weeks before Christmas. That's soon enough, as far as I'm concerned.

Once the crew gets finished with the outside, I start on the inside. I usually do a themed holiday, and want to do a Victorian Christmas this year, so I've started purchasing things to enhance that atmosphere. Buying the new stuff is fun! :D

11-29-2004, 01:20 PM
Gary's mom needs to have her house lights up right after Thanksgiving, so we spent a few hours yesterday getting them up. Icicle lights -- and I'm not a fan of them, either, I think the plain ones are prettier, but it's not my house.

While in the process, we realized that several strands weren't working, so I quickly volunteered to escape -- er -- go buy more lights. Armed with the sale circular, I went to Michael's.

Good lord. It was a zoo. And there were only 2 boxes of the icicle lights I needed, sitting way high on a shelf, with other people eyeing them. Hm.

In my "do I ever want to set foot in this establishment again? No." mood, I quickly appropriated a ladder and climbed up for the lights. I get down, and this lady holds out her hands and says, "Thanks." I'm like, "For what?" She says expectantly, "For getting those down for me."

I smiled victoriously and said, "Well, I got them down for me. I don't work here, hon."

She gives me the Look to Kill and says, "I've been standing here! I wanted them!"

In my best Christmas spirit, I said, "Guess I wanted them more."

Happy holidays! God, I hate Christmas.

11-29-2004, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Adredrin
<--- Is the kid that hid across the street and took out peoples christmas lights with a BB gun..for amusment.

Haha. One year at my Aunt's House in West Linn, Oregon, the people across the street had those little lit-up skeleton reindeer thingies. Some of the neighborhood kids strategically moved them into a Bloodhound Gang Discovery Channel Song pose. It was HILARIOUS.


11-29-2004, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Ylena
I smiled victoriously and said, "Well, I got them down for me. I don't work here, hon."

Happy holidays! God, I hate Christmas.

I totally cracked up picturing that. I would have been like, "do I have an ugly little red apron on?" I went to Michael's for beads the other day and it was craft madness.

On a side note, they actually have an aisle in that store labeled "crafts." WTF. It's a CRAFT STORE.


11-29-2004, 02:54 PM
First, ylena made me just about spit my Dasani on my computer. Now, with that said...

I have no issue with people putting up lights before Xmas, especially in areas where you take a nice weekend when you can get it. Just don't TURN THEM ON until after thanksgiving :)

Snapp, I would vote for you for said obnoxious prize for your inflatable penguin.

Icicles are being overused, IMO, but what's worse is those who leave those crinkly things hanging up ALL YEAR. Also, they look nice on steeply pointed roofs, but I don't care for them on regular straight ones so much.

11-29-2004, 03:31 PM
Actually, that's not my best Retail Madness story.

Believe it or not, I really don't like to shop all that much, and sometimes I just kind of snap.

I was in a Wal-Mart at midnight before a Simucon a few years ago because it was the only thing that was open when I realized that my cd player was dead -- can't fly without it. The case the players were in was locked.

I stopped two employees from walking around staring vacantly into space to ask them to open the case for me. The first drooled and shambled on, the second actually picked up the phone at the electronics counter, got on the intercom, and asked "Susan" to come to electronics.

I waited 10 minutes, no Susan. Another employee finally saunters by, I ask her where the mythical Susan is... "Oh, she must be taking a break." She picks up the phone and pages, "Customer needs help in Electronics."

By this time, I'm at white-hot meltdown level, but I gotta have the player, because if I'm not listening to music, the plane will crash. (Don't ask, I'm really phobic about flying, and it's only getting worse.) I patiently wait - okay, impatiently wait - another 5 minutes, when it dawns on me that I can solve my own problem!

I pick up the phone myself, which helpfully tells me that #66 is Store Page, whereupon I let everyone know, "Customer needs assistance in Electronics. Yes, this is the same customer that's needed assistance for the last 15 minutes, but apparently, you either don't care or it's more important to adhere to that break schedule. Customer would love to go to Target and pay a dollar more for the same CD player and get real service, but Target is unfortunately closed... oh! Well, here you are, thanks for finally showing up."

Not only did they unlock the case for me, they followed me around the store for 10 minutes until I went to check out because I might need something else! How thoughtful.