View Full Version : 8x VHCP ASG 13 Armor, 105m

11-24-2004, 05:02 PM
Get in contact with me if interested.

11-24-2004, 05:03 PM
Also taking cash offers to the same respectable range.

11-24-2004, 05:22 PM
Sick of it already Nakiro?

11-24-2004, 05:23 PM
No, he's just intentionally making me drool.

11-24-2004, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Sick of it already Nakiro?

Fiance demanded a bigger ring. :yes:


11-24-2004, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Jorddyn

Originally posted by StrayRogue
Sick of it already Nakiro?

Fiance demanded a bigger ring. :yes:



11-24-2004, 10:17 PM
No, but I am going to quit more than likely and play something else.

I have yet to decide what I will do with my character.

Oh yes, I'm engaged now :)

11-24-2004, 10:24 PM
Do yourself a favour and don't sell him. When you come back, and you will come back, you'll only kick yourself ;)

11-24-2004, 10:24 PM
Oh, and come play WoW with us.

11-24-2004, 10:28 PM
I'll probably buy a new computer and give it a try.

Just depends on how quickly I can sell this stuff, hopefully with the merchant coming up someone will want to buy it to get it made EVEN BETTER.

Then you guys can buy my silvers and make some cool shit for yourselves.

Also, Nakiro will more than likely not be sold.

11-24-2004, 11:48 PM
"the merchant"?? hmm whats this?

11-25-2004, 03:32 AM
Damn you Nakiro, at least let me wear it before you sell it!

11-25-2004, 04:45 PM

11-27-2004, 04:36 PM
105m? ROFL


11-27-2004, 05:33 PM
Try to find a better set of chainmail for sale, it wasn't very desirable in GS3 so there are very few nice sets out there.

11-27-2004, 06:08 PM
It is mildly overpriced in my opinion. I got some 10x chain (which is altered and ICE age) for 30 million. Crit padding is mildly useless, and very heavy isn't all that much. I'd think 60 or 70 mil is what that armor is worth, but that's just my opinion. Augmented chain would have been much better than plain torso which nobody really uses...

11-27-2004, 06:55 PM
Actually, I prefer torso chain to augmented chain (which I don't use) and I'll just have to disagree with you on the crit padding thing. You sound like a shield user to be sure.

11-27-2004, 06:58 PM
Well, my self-cast DS is approximately 500 anyway, so I'm really not getting hit by any physical attacks anyway. Plus anyone who's wearing just torso chain is pretty much *only* an extremely old pure. Otherwise they should be trained for higher armor (bard, ranger, rogue) and wearing something with more protection.

*Note: The assumption was made that a younger PC will probably not be using, need, or be able to afford said armor.

11-27-2004, 08:12 PM
Well, you have a 10x DB item as well. For me, the bump in training to augmented (15 ranks for a ranger) and the extra 1% hinderance is hardly worth it, if I could afford it I would get it.

11-27-2004, 08:16 PM
(15 ranks for a ranger)


Isn't armor use 4/0? 60 physical TP's is hardly considerably. 1 spell costs me more than that.

11-27-2004, 08:27 PM
<---- Ranger in Augmented Chain and loving it. Well worth the TP's, and hinderance, to be honest. 9% hinderance to get to wear that is just too sweet.

11-28-2004, 02:32 AM
You lose out on some avd, but torso only coverage can be convereted into any ASG within the chain class.

So if you wanted, you could think of it as +32 vhcp ASG 14 - 16.

11-28-2004, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
(15 ranks for a ranger)


Isn't armor use 4/0? 60 physical TP's is hardly considerably. 1 spell costs me more than that.

If I were capped, I probably would, but honestly the AvD difference is minimal, the CvA is only 1 difference, and I've probably been legged once in the last 15 levels in my FGB and nearly every critter I hunt swings two handers. Given that I don't think the extra crit protection is worth it considering the training point investment (plus I hate when I really need a spell to work and it doesn't, the hinderance adds up). Armour use is 5/0, but it's not really the points, it's the hinderance and dodge penalty for the minimal benefits.

PS: A good suit of augmented chain is nearly as hard to find.

11-28-2004, 01:34 PM
Well I could always sell my 4x vhc augmented chain... but not for 105m


11-28-2004, 10:02 PM

Pay in cash and save!

11-29-2004, 08:06 PM
BUMP Again.

11-29-2004, 08:44 PM
Hm... maybe the lack of interest is indicative of something...

rht :shrug:

11-29-2004, 10:17 PM
Nope ';o)

12-04-2004, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by Nakiro
You lose out on some avd, but torso only coverage can be convereted into any ASG within the chain class.

So if you wanted, you could think of it as +32 vhcp ASG 14 - 16.

Subject: 8x VHCP ASG 13 Armor, 105m

8x = +32? WTF?

12-04-2004, 01:19 AM
+32 = 6x

12-04-2004, 01:21 AM
6x as in the difference on the AvD for most chain verses haubrak swings.

12-04-2004, 02:00 AM
Ok, gotcha.

01-17-2005, 04:25 PM
Asking price lowered to 85m.

01-17-2005, 04:26 PM

01-17-2005, 04:27 PM
waiting for it to be one of those 2 numbers as the price and i'll buy it, hell i'll even give you the bigger one, 8 mil :)

01-17-2005, 04:32 PM
Rhett just gets a kick out of this every time.

01-17-2005, 04:43 PM
i'll give you 40 or so. Which is how much the armor is worth in the first place.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-17-2005, 04:47 PM
I'd pay 45m for it :)

01-17-2005, 04:50 PM
The ticket to convert this set was worth more than that alone :oP

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-17-2005, 05:03 PM
oh I'd disagree, I sold my conversion ticket to Tsin for 35m

01-17-2005, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by Nakiro
The ticket to convert this set was worth more than that alone :oP

worth more, or cost more?

01-17-2005, 06:25 PM
So the price to convert it gets figured into the price of the armor? I am confused.

01-17-2005, 07:35 PM
<<oh I'd disagree, I sold my conversion ticket to Tsin for 35m >>


fucking JUKEd
