View Full Version : Script check(s).. Post your logs here so we can keep a current defense.

05-28-2016, 12:32 PM
So, I'd love to keep a somewhat current script check alert repo here.

In the sense if you get script checked. Post the method the used to check you. We can then update salert or a new repo that will give us more of a chance to detect them when they happen.

It seems most GM's use the same version for a month or two before changing it slightly.

Check your logs and post what you have!


05-28-2016, 12:40 PM
Here is an example:

A giant creepy spider wearing a woven silk hat crawls up next to you and says, "Hey there! How much loot are you getting? TELL me how many SILVERS you have."

05-28-2016, 01:32 PM
GMs read these forums :)

05-28-2016, 01:37 PM
Alerts are great, its hard to see a one liner while you are fighting a swarm, etc. Good for visual or audio alerts. And of course they do. Just like all of them have characters in game.

05-28-2016, 10:01 PM
You aren't going to catch all script checks. The best rule you can follow is to be VERY attentive when you are script hunting and not AFK script period because you will get nabbed. Here is an example from just now. I actually missed the first check in the scroll...caught the second.

You sudddenly have the feeling you are being watched. A soft voice whispers from the shadows, "Why are you here?"

There isn't any rhyme or reason to the checks and each are individual to the GM. I'm actually glad they do checks like this.

05-28-2016, 11:45 PM
One (or more) of them use pink creatures when they script check. I've seen and heard of a few varieties. I had one a few weeks ago that asked me what profession I was. Then asked why I was killing all these poor creatures.

05-29-2016, 02:52 AM
My tip for script checks; Don't follow the directions of the script check, respond to the situation presented to you. If someone/thing comes up to me ask asks how many silvers I have, I sure as hell ain't giving em no tree fiddy. If someone enters my private forging stall? Well, nobody can hear a ride dwarf scream over the hammer falls.

05-29-2016, 03:08 AM
You folks even know how to be criminals?

05-29-2016, 11:46 AM
You aren't going to catch all script checks. The best rule you can follow is to be VERY attentive when you are script hunting and not AFK script period because you will get nabbed. Here is an example from just now. I actually missed the first check in the scroll...caught the second.

[b]You sudddenly have the feeling you are being watched. A soft voice whispers from the shadows, "Why are you here?"

If I ever get this check my response will be "...Douglas cried, as poop can out his wiener, in a long thin strip. It was...wiener poop, which is the grossest poop of all."


Then asked why I was killing all these poor creatures.

Just for future reference, the appropriate answer to this is "BECAUSE YOU ARE UNDEAD JESUS FUCK!"

05-29-2016, 06:19 PM
And Ososis reply is good. I've gotten a few RPA's for the type of interaction he has talked about.

I the few checks I've had personally were all really similar, so I figure they stay that way and then are dump/recycled. A few times they had to present their one liner like above 3 or 4 times before I caught it with all the shit that can go on with hunting.

Share if you can. I'll make something that can help spot them or at least we can all make some highlights / sounds for phrases or whatever.. The power is yours! (captain planet!) i mean the choice is yours? :P

05-29-2016, 08:59 PM
I guess lucky for me it was already in monsterbold when they hit me.

05-29-2016, 09:12 PM
Theres a scriptcheck script on the repo from Tillmen and also a modified one that Tgoo created. It's on here somewhere.

05-29-2016, 09:22 PM
Checks in monsterbold are the nice ones. I usually get hit with the ones that are single line standard text color and they send them in the middle of movement which makes them hard to spot.

06-02-2016, 10:59 PM
I had a plain grey script check this morning. Shit scrolls by FAST. I noticed the second one, completely missed the first one. Non-monster bold is harsh as fuck. I don't see what the big deal is either, you are either there or you are not. Monsterbold helps people who are actually there respond. Monsterbold isnt going to help someone who is afk. And anyone who is sophisticated enough to detect monsterbold is sophisticated enough to detect any sort of script check.

I'd also like to go back to the days of free RPAs for script checks.

06-03-2016, 10:05 AM
One script check that I got was when I was hunting trolls or orcs or something in Vaalor, critters started running up to me and yelling that I should give them their tablet back that I auto-looted. After the second critter said something, I realized it was a script check, started refusing to give them their tablet back, claiming that to the victor go the spoils, and there is nothing they can do about it. Tablet ended up being an altered scroll with curse on it 5 times. neat. Was fun playing with the GM.

Second script check was when Jastalyn reported my super low level F2P Ranger that pretty much only existed to test stuff. They ended up giving me a three line long, monsterbolded check to the degree of, "Just say anything, and you're all set". She later payed Dustybeard like, 5m to kill my level 15 ranger... Dusty and I had a big laugh about it.

06-03-2016, 03:28 PM
She later payed Dustybeard like, 5m to kill my level 15 ranger... Dusty and I had a big laugh about it.


08-04-2016, 09:26 PM
I've always wondered what the gm's see when they are looking for scripters. How exactly do they see the game from their point of view and how do they determine if they think someone is scripting? I've been checked twice, the first I passed and the second I failed. I wasn't happy I failed the second one but I was afk seeing a client to the door... totally on me. Both times I was checked I was running bigshot.

What do they see on their side?

08-04-2016, 09:48 PM
I think Bigshot is just a lot more efficient at hunting than someone is manually, so they can kind of just tell when watching how fluid one action is to the next.

08-04-2016, 09:52 PM
One of my experiences with a script truck was creature coming in asking me to tell how many Silvers. It was my first one and was a bit confused as it asked to "TELL how many silvers I had. Each time I tried to TELL SPIDER TO SUCK IT I got an error message (really they wanted me to SAY it as the spider was not actually a thing in the room, just wording that it was there. Anyway, as I started sorting through it the check response went from standard to monster bold after a few lines. I assumed that it was a build up to be more obvious.

Has anyone FAILED a script check that never went to monster bold? My guess is that you caught it before they bolded (good marks for you) and that it wasn't actually a no bold check, but I may be wrong. I also think script checks are more than just pass/fail. You can also get marked as "questionable" depending on how/when you reacted to a script check. For example if you had a script check answer script, and responded in a suspiciously fast manner, they may pass you then try to work a better check to work around your flags. Such as the example below.

A friend relayed a script check that he failed, basically they took one of the creatures he was hunting and gave it like 1000 ds. After he swung on the creature for 10+ minutes he got a violation. And rightly so.

08-04-2016, 10:06 PM
A friend relayed a script check that he failed, basically they took one of the creatures he was hunting and gave it like 1000 ds. After he swung on the creature for 10+ minutes he got a violation. And rightly so.

I don't like those script checks because not everyone has combat numbers turned on.

I was worried about this happening to me though so I turned the numbers back on and I have a script running in the background that will watch the endrolls of my swings/casts and if 4+ attacks in a row result in an endroll that is way lower than it should be then it alerts me.

08-04-2016, 10:14 PM
I don't like those script checks because not everyone has combat numbers turned on.

I feel like even without numbers nobody paying attention would swing at a creature for 10 minutes without ever making contact. ESPECIALLY (as happened to be the case with my friend) when underhunting. How many swings on a rat (exaggeration) do you miss before you realize something is fishy. This may actually be geared toward underhunting specifically, as anything that could do damage to you would most likely either kill you or send your script into run/heal mode, which can't definitively prove scripting. Though, I guess they could take any creature and give em 1000 DS and 0 AS.

08-04-2016, 10:20 PM
I feel like even without numbers nobody paying attention would swing at a creature for 10 minutes without ever making contact. ESPECIALLY (as happened to be the case with my friend) when underhunting. How many swings on a rat (exaggeration) do you miss before you realize something is fishy. This may actually be geared toward underhunting specifically, as anything that could do damage to you would most likely either kill you or send your script into run/heal mode, which can't definitively prove scripting. Though, I guess they could take any creature and give em 1000 DS and 0 AS.

I suppose. It still just feels like a sneaky script check to me. I don't mind script checks, but I hate sneaky script checks.

Like one time my rogue was picking a lot of boxes and one message was something like "You discover no traps on this box. Perhaps you should check it again."

I thought to myself "Well that's strange, I don't recall that message looking like that before" but I ignored it because I thought maybe they had just introduced new messages to picking/disarming boxes.

So I keep going and I see the message again and again think nothing of it.

Then the message was something like "You REALLY should check that box again!!!!"

At this point I was like...oh...script check...so I "checked" the box again and passed.

To me it was a bullshit script check because it blended in so well with the legit game lines that I didn't even think twice about it.

08-04-2016, 10:28 PM
Thats a valid concern, as with no bold checks. At the same time the question remains how far they would have escalated it before giving a violation. You may have caught it in full sneaky mode but it's possible it would have gotten much more angry had you missed it again.

As to the 1000 DS method, I don't feel it's that sneaky. I can't think of a scenario where someone at their keyboard would A:spend 10 minutes on any creature for any reason ever ever, and B: Spend more than 2 minutes missing every single attack.

*edit* OK, I DID spent 30 minutes dickering around with a Vvreal Warlock who had stolen my shield.

08-05-2016, 02:12 AM
A friend relayed a script check that he failed, basically they took one of the creatures he was hunting and gave it like 1000 ds. After he swung on the creature for 10+ minutes he got a violation. And rightly so.

You know, I don't ever hunt AFK, but I do use macros and a one critter at a time script that I start manually.

I'd probably have failed that and been sitting there swinging away at my keyboard the entire time...because I would never have known why that one thing was taking that long to kill, let alone what to do about it. :(

08-05-2016, 12:53 PM
I was hunting Fire Mages once with my warmage (and my capped empath in tow) and some this random creature showed up (a shadowy something or other). It had like 5000+ HP, and after I had hacked at it for a while (my ~70 mage could hit it just fine and it didn't attack me), I gave up and went back to town. It was still there when I got back, so I killed it eventually. Always wondered if that was a script check. I was actually hunting manually, though the warmage makes a crap ton of scroll, and the empath was using a heal script (which I alt-tabbed and manually activated every time).

08-05-2016, 01:30 PM
I was hunting Fire Mages once with my warmage (and my capped empath in tow) and some this random creature showed up (a shadowy something or other). It had like 5000+ HP, and after I had hacked at it for a while (my ~70 mage could hit it just fine and it didn't attack me), I gave up and went back to town. It was still there when I got back, so I killed it eventually. Always wondered if that was a script check. I was actually hunting manually, though the warmage makes a crap ton of scroll, and the empath was using a heal script (which I alt-tabbed and manually activated every time).

Sometimes it's a script check...sometimes it's just a GM fucking with ya. Not sure if that was one of those times, but I'd like to see more GM's do stuff like that just to mess with people. Throw in the odd two headed kobold or 5k+HP critter every once in awhile.

08-05-2016, 02:19 PM
Do they script check mainly off being reported maybe? Or perhaps they see how long a character has been logged in, and do a check? I would guess logging out and back in every few hours would be a good idea, as a GM that sees a character logged in for 24 straight hours grinding away, that might look suspicious.

08-05-2016, 02:22 PM
Do they script check mainly off being reported maybe? Or perhaps they see how long a character has been logged in, and do a check? I would guess logging out and back in every few hours would be a good idea, as a GM that sees a character logged in for 24 straight hours grinding away, that might look suspicious.

I know anecdotally that they've tracked how long someone was in for and compared that to their exp absorption and gotten an idea they had been scripting and were most likely afk for a good portion of it.

08-05-2016, 02:25 PM
Do they script check mainly off being reported maybe? Or perhaps they see how long a character has been logged in, and do a check? I would guess logging out and back in every few hours would be a good idea, as a GM that sees a character logged in for 24 straight hours grinding away, that might look suspicious.

Probably. It isn't like there are 342345 people in the game though, I'm sure they also just sorta look around too.