View Full Version : Trading any of these for nice dagger(s) or mace(s)

05-25-2016, 04:04 PM
Trading any of the following for a nice dagger or mace: high enchant, perfect, +40 logic, greater flaring, etc.

a greyish blue steel broadsword, perfect 7x (+35), blessable. T2 ensorcelled. Max light.

a dual-bladed vaalorn handaxe, +18, T2 ensorcelled. Permanent heavy crit weighting, max light, handaxe

a viciously serrated moon axe with a knotwork-carved ivory haft, +30, T2 ensorcelled. Permanent mechanical flares (absolutely perfect springs, slash) max light, handaxe

a teak-handled golvern hook-knife, +25 acid flares, heavily scripted / morphs into a garrote and back

an etched rhimar longsword with a niveous suede grip, +30, T2 ensorcelled, max light

an oilskin ice-blue satchel, 1 of 5 (?) raffle quality snowball satchels, produces a snowbank 1x per day.

a silvery mithril mesh jazerant, +25 permanent DCP augmented chain, max lightened