View Full Version : May I buy a vowel please?

11-24-2004, 10:36 PM
Euenduin quietly asks, "Cn I gt hld pls?"

I mean really.. what the fuck? How do you pronounce that damn sentence? Leaving all vowels out is NOT an accent.

11-24-2004, 10:36 PM
Kill him.

11-24-2004, 10:37 PM
That should be reportable.

11-24-2004, 10:39 PM
it's sorta like pronouncing "teh l337 r0x0r"....you can have 10 people try to say it 10 different ways and they all probably can't and if by some act of god they can, it still doesn't make any sense.


11-24-2004, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Euenduin quietly asks, "Cn I gt hld pls?"

I mean really.. what the fuck? How do you pronounce that damn sentence? Leaving all vowels out is NOT an accent.


11-24-2004, 10:44 PM
Speaking of vowels

11-24-2004, 10:48 PM

kll hm

11-24-2004, 10:49 PM
Yeah, saw this guy in TC, I whispered to him "Ever heard of a vowel?" and he responds (after a minute) with "Ever heard of Roleplay?" I had to leave, so I didn't pursue it..but give me a break.

11-24-2004, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Euenduin quietly asks, "Cn I gt hld pls?"

Awww give him a break. He used up his daily vowel allowance in making his name and now has to conserve some for tomorrow.

11-24-2004, 11:42 PM
WFT is hat supposed to mean?

11-24-2004, 11:50 PM
"Can I get healed please?"

I dont see how that manner of speaking is anymore roleplaying than saying Aye and nay alot.

11-24-2004, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by Methais
Speaking of vowels


I put on my robe and wizard hat...

11-25-2004, 02:53 AM
This guy is a fucking TOOL.

So, I have my empath in there, doing her thing, having a little rp session going on with a guy there, kudos to whoever it was, it was fun. ANYWAY, this transpires...

Euenduin raises an eyebrow.
Euenduin quietly asks, "Cn I gt hld pls?"
>glance eue
You glance at Euenduin.
Euenduin clutches his jaw into a grimace of pain, his eyes pleading for relief.
whisper eue You wanna put some vowels in there?
You quietly whisper to Euenduin, "You wanna put some vowels in there?"
Euenduin looks over at you and shakes his head.
>whisper eue Why not?
You quietly whisper to Euenduin, "Why not?"
Euenduin whispers, "Just learning how to talk, best way I could RP it."
Euenduin clutches his jaw into a grimace of pain, his eyes pleading for relief.
Euenduin cringes.
>whisper eue Hmm...well its a great start, but its physically unpronounceable. Might want to think about using less consonants
You quietly whisper to Euenduin, "Hmm...well its a great start, but its physically unpronounceable. Might want to think about using less consonants."
>'Why all goes make bleeded?
You ask, "Why all goes make bleeded?"
Regarth deftly removes the gornar longsword from his harness.
>whisper eue Kinda like what I'm doing.
Euenduin whispers, "I get by."
You quietly whisper to Euenduin, "Kinda like what I'm doing."
Euenduin smiles at you.
Speaking quietly to Nekoule, Euenduin asks, "Cn I gt hld pls?"
Euenduin smiles at Nekoule.
Nekoule says, "Im too young."
(Nekoule manages to heal him up)
>whisper eue Well I know there are a lot of people who have noticed you doing this and you might wanna change your style a little. it just seems as though you're too lazy to put the vowels in there.
You quietly whisper to Euenduin, "Well I know there are a lot of people who have noticed you doing this and you might wanna change your style a little. it just seems as though you're too lazy to put the vowels in there."
Speaking softly to Euenduin, Ithilmar says, "I would advise speaking slowly and clearly."
Euenduin quietly says, "Thnk yu."
Euenduin whispers, "It's harder to remember not to put vowels in there."
Euenduin whispers, "I usually can type 120 WPM, I have to drop down to like 20WPM when doing it that way."
Euenduin whispers, "Besides it's suppose to be hard to understand me, that's kinda the point."
>whisper eue Well, might want to go with a whole other rp tactic if its difficult. I see you getting pulled due to reports of you being "too lazy" to put the vowels in when you're actually making an effort to vary the rp.
You quietly whisper to Euenduin, "Well, might want to go with a whole other rp tactic if its difficult. I see you getting pulled due to reports of you being "too lazy" to put the vowels in when you're actually making an effort to vary the rp."
Speaking softly to you, Ithilmar asks, "I don't suppose you know where I might find the local lawman in this town, do you?"
Euenduin raises an eyebrow.
Speaking to Ithilmar, Nekoule says, "I know."
>'Screaming fats man?
You ask, "Screaming fats man?" (I had to keep this, I made myself laugh)
Euenduin whispers, "I would love to see me get pulled..."
Ithilmar blinks at you.
Thelena sits down.
>whisper eue Just a suggestion.
You quietly whisper to Euenduin, "Just a suggestion."
Euenduin whispers, "Suggestion noted."

Holy shit I wanted to slap him til his teeth fell out. I figured he was a newb but with his arrogant remark about getting pulled had me thinking otherwise. I was trying to be logical, but I think just killing him originally was the right idea everyone had.

11-25-2004, 04:12 AM
At least the guy is genuinely trying to RP instead of turning out to be some loser from an AOL chatroom or something. Gotta at least give him credit for that, whether or not most people think it's a dumb RP idea.

Yeah he's gonna be misunderstood by probably 95% of the people he comes into contact with that will assume he's some chatroom reject, but I don't think it's gonna be a permanent thing.

Euenduin whispers, "Just learning how to talk, best way I could RP it."

I'm gonna go ahead and guess that within a couple weeks you'll start seeing more vowels popping out of his mouth. In the meantime, just deal with it and let the guy play it out. It's clear he's doing it as an RP thing even if the execution could be a bit better. Until you (in general) can come up with a better solution for him to RP it out better, just deal with it until more vowels start coming out (which like I said, I'd guess would happen in the next week or 2). Saying "I'd love to see me get pulled." didn't really seem arrogant to me. I doubt a GM would tell him to stop after hearing his side of it. If he talked like that forever then maybe, but I still doubt it.

<<I was trying to be logical, but I think just killing him originally was the right idea everyone had.>>

For the first time in I dunno how long (probably years), I disagree with that. The guy's playing out a RP idea. Killing him because you disagree with his idea is just...beef wellington (the kind that likes other beef wellingtons). Try dragging him to a table and giving him speaking lessons. It'd probably result in having a few more vowels spit out of his mouth by the time the lesson's over.

The fact that he didn't start acting like an ass the second you started whispering to him should have told you something.

[Edited on 11-25-2004 by Methais]

11-25-2004, 10:57 AM
I hadn't realized he was trying to roleplay.. although simply leaving out vowels from words is hardly considered roleplaying.. especially when it makes clumps of letters and not pronouncable words.

I'll give him the benefit of doubt on it though and hope he quickly learns how to shove an A,E,I,O,U into his language.

11-25-2004, 11:09 AM
Well, I had tried giving him suggestions on how to talk, as my empath talks all messed up too. She doesn't speak good common for a certain RP reason too. I told him he should take examples from the way I speak, but he dismissed it.

As far as killing him goes, that was just a pissed off sarcastic remark. I try to keep clear of killing people for OOC reasons (Even when their name is Thuunderstorm! :D )

Anyway, I'll grit my teeth and also hope he starts talking like a normal person.

11-25-2004, 06:30 PM
<<I told him he should take examples from the way I speak, but he dismissed it. >>

So what?

11-25-2004, 07:55 PM
I hadn't realized he was trying to roleplay.. although simply leaving out vowels from words is hardly considered roleplaying.. especially when it makes clumps of letters and not pronouncable words.

True. I never really considered speech impediments good roleplay. There was a guy a few years ago, forgot his name, who roleplayed a stutter, thought he was a genius roleplayer, but in reality, he couldn't roleplay himself out of a wet paper bag.

You've gotta give credit to the guy for trying, though. Just... not a whole lot of credit, since he's basing his tries on a dumbassed idea.

Could be worse, though. He could be trying to be roleplay a human bard who was a rock star from future Earth who was somehow transported back in time and across dimensions only to land in Elanthia.

And yeah, someone once had the idea to do that. Fortunately, someone talked him out of it.

[Edited on 11-26-2004 by 3704558]

11-25-2004, 08:29 PM
<<Could be worse, though.>>

Yeah, he could be like Warclaidhm. Or Sean, and speak that way not cause he's "learning to speak", but cause he thinks he's a thug raised from the mean streets in the projects and had to fight 15 guys at once everyday just to survive yo!

[Edited on 11-26-2004 by Methais]

11-25-2004, 09:51 PM
I had a halfling that couldn't speak common once. Peope tried to teach her some common. She learned a few words (Comma/common, langish/language, gud/good). All had vowels and all were pronounceable. Cutting out vowels is NOT an accent, it's stupid.

11-25-2004, 10:26 PM
Not knowing how to speak isn't exactly an accent. It no vowels was supposed to be an accent, then yeah that'd be beef wellington (the kind that likes other beef wellingtons).

11-25-2004, 10:31 PM
Haha, whatever. One of the guys Naessi hangs around with a lot can't speak common worth a damn, and you sometimes have to read carefully to get what he's saying. He roleplays not being able to speak really, really well. Misprounounces words, doesn't always say what he means, etc. Just making yourself physically incapable of uttering vowel sounds doesn't count, sorry.


11-25-2004, 10:46 PM
I'm just saying at least give him credit for making an attempt, even if he didn't do it the best way.

Euenduin whispers, "Just learning how to talk, best way I could RP it."

Go have your friend show him the best way.

11-26-2004, 01:45 AM
I just happen to think that if you're going to RP an idea, you might as well know how to do it. If you don't know, learn how and then do it. It makes it more enjoyable for the people you're interacting with, that's all.

11-26-2004, 02:48 AM
I remember a halfling called Tallybelle who used to do something strange with her speech. Really had to concentrate to understand her, which most people did. I just RPed that I couldnt understand her (which wasnt far from the truth in RL either). She was fun.

This laddy isnt making the best choices in terms of RPing, and it does look like he is speaking in text-speak, but as people have said, he is at least trying. There are worse examples in the game.

11-26-2004, 07:16 AM
When I first read the post I thought he might have been in RT and asking "Can I get held" because there were mass spells being cast, I guess it might be fun trying to RP not understanding him and trying to teach him certain correct words along the way.

I know of a certain hobbit who uses the word oodles a lot and ends up having to define what it is when people question her. :P

But in the end she usually manages to get her point across, usually by belching at them.