View Full Version : A perforated raffle ticket idol

05-22-2016, 06:00 AM
Reason for sale: Not used in the last 24 months - Was perfect when I used to visit merchants and wait for raffle results. No longer do either. However when I did, this was an absolutely perfect item. Will it bring you luck with a raffle...? Who know! haha!

MB: 10mil

(silvers or cash at 8 per)

Will sell within 12 hours of the minimum bid being received.

Item: A perforated raffle ticket idol

Show Description:

>l idol
Fashioned from a block of blue-veined white marble, the idol's upper section has been chiseled to form a wafer thin raffle ticket that has been meticulously shaped, perforated and engraved. The ticket protrudes at an angle from within the convex marble base. The base has been wrapped with three unadorned silver bands and colored with flecked brown dye to simulate an upturned huckster's barrel. Italicised words are engraved upon the idols base.

There appears to be something written on it.
>read idol
In the Common language, it reads:
"Fortune Love You"

Actions: (Think this is all the actions...)


First Person: You brush at the ground with your foot, clearing a space before lowering the statue and meticulously adjusting and readjusting its position. Within the ambient light, the idol casts an animated shadow followed by the accompanying sound of a huckster rotating a barrel of raffle tickets. You cast a sideways glance at the shadow and cross your fingers in its direction.

Third person: Wyrom sweeps the ground with his foot in a flowing pattern, placing an idol down gingerly and meticulously fine-tuning the placement. With his eyes transfixed on an idol, and with a deep inhalation of air, he crosses her fingers on both hands.

Pet / Touch:

First Person: You clutch at the idol with a sense of longing and entitlement. Your mind is immediately filled with the image of the idol, now iridescent, with the raffle ticket rotating at increasing speed upon its axis. With each rotation you hear your name whispered upon the generated wind. You are filled with a sense of certainty that you will soon become a raffle winner. Somewhat confidently you begin a series of gestures to indicate to all about you that the next raffle is a foregone conclusion.

Third Person: Wyrom's fingers wrap around an idol, his expression changing from desire to wide-eyed wonderment. His demeanour becomes one of supreme confidence, and he waggles a reproving finger at everyone about him. He points at himself and provides a knowing wink as he does so.

Kneel Idol:

First Person: You extend your arms towards the idol and bend at the waist, bowing deeply. You overbalance and thrust protective hands in front of you as you drop to your knees. Slightly embarrassed at your own unsteadiness, you feign an act of previously unintended worship, prostrating yourself before the idol in an over-exaggerated display of reverence. Hopefully no one noticed your clumsiness.

Third Person: Wyrom extends her arms, and in an unsteady movement he bends towards an idol, exposing the full spread of his posterior to the world. Dropping to his knees, he prostrates himself in an over-exaggerated display of reverence, and an idol comes into view once more.

Pray Idol:

First Person: You utter a prayer dredged from memory, pinching your eyes shut, and the image of multiple fluttering raffle tickets fills your mind. You grasp at the tickets, but they elude you. As one floats into your open hand, you recognize it as a winning ticket, raising it in the air excitedly and drawing it to you. With a high-pitched squeal of delight, you dance around the idol.

Third Person: With eyes closed tightly, Wyrom murmurs a few words over an idol. He snatches at the air, brandishing some illusory object between pinched finger and thumb. Emitting a somewhat unsettling high-pitched giggle, He commences an ungainly but exuberant turkey-like strut around an idol.

>analyse idol
You analyze your raffle ticket idol and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "There do not seem to be any specific limitations."

The creator has also provided the following information:
The ability to change the messaging on a perforated raffle ticket idol is extremely limited.

You get no sense of whether or not the idol may be further lightened.