View Full Version : Brauden

11-24-2004, 01:38 AM
So for those of you who might wonder if I ever got ahold of Brauden..

I reopened my account to chat with him two weeks ago. I'm still in a consultation room.

Tonight a friend of mine IMs me telling me she got pulled for scripting, but was AT the keyboard.

A (11:54:27 PM): i just got pulled for scripting in GS.
A (11:54:30 PM): I would assume not
JamusPsi (11:54:38 PM): You're atk though, right?
A (11:54:42 PM): mh
A (11:54:44 PM): mhm
A (11:54:51 PM): oh
A (11:54:53 PM): joy of fucking joys
A (11:54:55 PM): brauden
J (11:54:59 PM): Ooh
A (11:55:08 PM): Pardon me while I lazer him
J (11:55:15 PM): No, keep him occupied!
A (11:55:18 PM): ....
A (11:55:19 PM): NOO
A(11:55:20 PM): FUCKHEAD
A(11:55:27 PM): I was all like
A(11:55:33 PM): 'Hi. Why was I pulled?
A (11:55:45 PM): brauden> "oh you're here. Good."
A(11:55:46 PM): POOF
JamusPsi (11:56:24 PM): Good enough.
JamusPsi (11:56:28 PM): Now I know he's here.
JamusPsi (11:56:32 PM): Just logged in to my consultation room.

You have unread news articles. Type NEWS NEXT to view the first new article.

[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Obvious exits: none
Your mind extends outward in an attempt to link with the PsiNet, but fails.
(Client will attempt reconnection every 5 minutes. You may disable this by typing PSINET UNLINK.
report Hi, I'd like to speak with Brauden; I'm already in a consultation room.

No answer.

>report I imagine you're available, if you're only pulling hunters you suspect of scripting.

No answer for several more minutes.

Staff on duty:
GameMaster Modrian
GameHost Ivella

>report Still need to talk to Brauden. Anyone listening?

A minute longer.

SEND[A GM I Like] Dun see him, sorry.

I look at my clock and compare it to my timestamp with A.

>report He pulled someone 7 minutes ago for scripting. I've been waiting two weeks.

SEND[A GM I Like] No clue, sorry

I fume a few minutes.

report Well, ok. You have any idea what his schedule is like, when I'm more likely to catch him?

No answer.

Jamus, Brian

11-24-2004, 01:43 AM
Brauden = douchebag

11-24-2004, 01:58 AM
He's obviously a coward. He doesn't have the balls to talk to you face-to-face, which honestly doesn't surprise me the least bit.

It was probably him that gave you the send too.

11-24-2004, 02:02 AM
No, the sends were from a different GM, one of the few I trust and respect enough to keep his name out of it.

Jamus, Brian

11-24-2004, 02:06 AM
Feeling particularly persistent/obsessive tonight, I guess..

>report If it's at all possible, I'd like to speak with Brauden tonight. If anybody up there could IM him or something and ask if he can spare a few moments, I'd be much obliged.

SEND[Mitra] I'm afraid he will not be available tonight.

Makes sense. He's ignoring my IMs too. :lol2:

11-24-2004, 02:08 AM
Brauden should go hide somewhere and work on stuff he's supposed to be doing... like Layred clothing, instead of trying to be Robocop.

11-24-2004, 02:11 AM
But then what would he do to feel good about himself?

This is Brauden's way of getting even for all the times he got beat up in school and had his lunch money taken.

Or maybe he's still getting assraped by his dad and has to take it out on someone.

[Edited on 11-24-2004 by Methais]

11-24-2004, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by JamusPsi

SEND[Mitra] I'm afraid he will not be available tonight.

Gee, how convenient.

PS. Mitra rocks!

11-24-2004, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by Methais
But then what would he do to feel good about himself?

Send him to a playground. I'm sure he can find some kids to bully.

11-24-2004, 02:21 AM
Scripting can still be considered a scripting violation if it's considered distracting, or if enough complaints warrant it being a disturbance to other players. Seriously though, Brauden does a good job. I'd rather a tough GM than one who didn't get anything accomplished.

11-24-2004, 02:25 AM
There's a difference between a tough GM and a schmuck on a power-trip that acts like an asshole just because he can.

Guess which one Brauden is?

11-24-2004, 02:26 AM
The scripting was incidental. The fact is that he apparently vanished in 2 minutes and 5 seconds, when I logged in to speak with him.

[Edited to add:]
If it hadn't been the GM that it was that gave me the sends, "apparently" would have been "supposedly".

Jamus, Brian

[Edited on 11-24-2004 by JamusPsi]

11-24-2004, 02:38 AM
<<No, the sends were from a different GM, one of the few I trust and respect enough to keep his name out of it. >>

GMs stick together. He/she was probably full of shit anyway.

"Brauden, Jamus is calling for you."

"Tell him I'm gone for the night!"

"He's um...not here.....til you logout."

[Edited on 11-24-2004 by Methais]

11-24-2004, 02:41 AM
I'd love to know who Brauden's PC is/was. It's got me thinking now.

11-24-2004, 03:41 AM
You should go to simucon and beat his ass.

11-24-2004, 04:05 AM
Braudens behaviour was the single most reason that myself and my fiance left GS, between the two of us we had 6 accounts, four of which were premium.

You all might know my fiance, her site is a rather popular guide site to col, Lady Jocelin.....which has now gone into operational functionality but will no longer be updated.

Good Job Brauden, keep up the good work.

eh, WoW has had us both rather pre-occupied, to any here that haven't tried it, I suggest strongly on giving it ago.

Let GS join the ranks of the beta max and 8-tracks, great for there time....


11-24-2004, 04:12 AM
While Brauden isnt cool for avoiding Jamus at all.. I would rather deal with him that certain other GH's or GM's.. who are dumbasses and would rather try and get you to forget that you have a problem rather than DO something about it.

11-24-2004, 06:43 AM
What'd I miss? Why are you in the consultation lounge?


11-24-2004, 07:26 AM
It's over that thread when (I forget his name) was pulled up and questioned about a possible justice bug (constable boxes) - it was clear that Brauden was getting info from someone on PSInet or was watching it himself. Jamus didn't like that because Brauden has made disparaging and misleading comments about PSInet on the official boards and passed them off as fact.

Sorry - the rough cliff notes version. That character got locked out btw - he was involved in the duplication of the items with the nightwatchman, ring a bell?

11-24-2004, 07:30 AM
I see, I remember. So, uh, Jamus was pulled into a consultation lounge and made to wait there over that? Or he just wants to discuss Brauden's comments about PsiNet with him?


11-24-2004, 07:38 AM
I have to say, never had a problem with Brauden, and he's always been more than nice to me.



11-24-2004, 07:39 AM
Jamus asked to be pulled in order to speak with Brauden over his comments about psi-net on the official boards.

11-24-2004, 07:47 AM
I see. Well, I can understand wanting to discuss it with him, but maybe email is a better option. Brauden doesn't have to take the time out to talk about it. If a GM or GH was constantly after me to speak with them because I made some comments about them on a message board, I'd be irritated.


11-24-2004, 09:15 AM
Why do you need to talk to him, Brian?

11-24-2004, 09:16 AM

11-24-2004, 09:21 AM
I think that is pretty lame, does he think avoiding Jamus will make him just go away? The stand up thing to do would be to talk to Jamus about using his product that he spoke so badly about.

11-24-2004, 09:22 AM
From a business standpoint.. the longer he keeps Jamus hanging on.. the longer Jamus will pay his subscription.

Just playing devil's advocate here.. don't throw fruit.


11-24-2004, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by Snowman
eh, WoW has had us both rather pre-occupied, to any here that haven't tried it,

Off-topic - consider joining our Guild (when it's formed)


11-24-2004, 09:57 AM
The only solution left is for jamus to e-mail me his scripting engine

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-24-2004, 10:13 AM
I don't see how anyone DEMANDS to see an SGM anyway. I'd keep you waiting as well.

11-24-2004, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Meos
You should go to simucon and beat his ass.

Not my style... But I do have a list of people that if I ever went, I'd 'accidentily' trip, spilling a full glass of red wine over them. Brauden and Whatley would be marks 1 & 2 on my Simu list.

But who's kidding anyone? I hardly play GS anymore, and St. Louis is a good 30 hour drive... so forget that.

11-24-2004, 10:29 AM
Let's be realistic. How many of you people here have slammed a GM or GH for something they did that you felt was unfair? I know I have. How many of you have posted a message on the officials about how dissapointed you were with a merchant event? I know I have.

Now, how would you feel if the GM/GH you discussed (in whatever medium) or the GM behind the merchant you posted about DEMANDED to speak to you about it? How would you feel if they started IMing you about it? What about if you were in-game, trying to hunt, work on guild skills, or (gasp!) roleplay, they were giving you constant SENDS about it and demanding that you attend to their concerns?

Being a GM is a job for Brauden. If he has other things to do in his job besides sit in a consultation lounge and argue with Jamus, well, I can hardly blame him. He may have posted some things on the official boards that Jamus didn't appreciate, but I'm sure we've all posted things here that staff members or even other characters didn't appreciate. Plenty of people use PsiNet. Just let it go.


11-24-2004, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I don't see how anyone DEMANDS to see an SGM anyway. I'd keep you waiting as well. Uhhh, :yeahthat:

You sure do have some pull to be making demands like that. Just to piss you off I'd probably avoid you for a while too. But, at the same time he should just man up and talk to you before the situation gets more out of hand.

11-24-2004, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Just playing devil's advocate here.. don't throw fruit.


But pies are ok.. right? :D

11-24-2004, 10:38 AM
He probably should talk to Jamus, but honestly, I don't think if I demanded to see Brauden he'd show up instantly to address my concerns. It's taken me weeks to get a SGM referral answered, and I was just waiting for ANY SGM, not demanding a specific one.

If you really want to communicate with Simu, I'd suggest emailing Brauden, or Whatley for that matter, and express your concerns.

11-24-2004, 10:41 AM
Brauden talks a big game... and when he's confronted about it, he hides. Job or not, that's just plain cowardice. He's about on par with a slammer. He's on par with Sean who, as Kesir, tried to slam when he got pulled to the consultation lounge.

Kesir grows indistinct... blah blah blah...
* Kesir just left.

11-24-2004, 10:45 AM
Thats just a stupid claim.
He is nothing like Sean. Stupid Stupid Stupid argument.
He is choosing not to come running when Brian stamps his feet. There is a difference, though I agree (for once) with mistomeer in that dealing with it sooner rather than later would prevent things migrating to silly season.

11-24-2004, 10:48 AM
That's your opinion, Nieninique, and you're welcome to it.

In my opinion, however, to me he is the Sean of GM's.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-24-2004, 10:49 AM
I still fail to see why he (Brauden) has to deal with it at all.

11-24-2004, 10:52 AM
Its also the day before Thanksgiving weekend. Maybe the guy just has other more important obligations like family to attend to. You have no clue, never will, and its really none of your business in the first place.

11-24-2004, 11:02 AM
I don't see it as he HAS to deal with it... but SHOULD deal with it, just to get it over with. We know that Brauden lacks CS skills, but to ignore it and hope it goes away just makes him look like more of an ass IMHO.

Reason number 14,001 why I don't play GS anymore... crappy CS.


11-24-2004, 11:03 AM
I think Brauden should stop being a pussy. From a professional standpoint he has no reason to deal with Jamus. That said I think if he wants to make disparaging comments about something and THEN use it for his own means he should man up about it.

Personally, I were Jamus I'd take measures to insure that at least brauden doesn't have access to psinet. If he wants it back he can talk to Jamus about it and sort it out. That's what I'd do at least, I wouldn't waste my time waiting for a jackass to not be one.

11-24-2004, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I still fail to see why he (Brauden) has to deal with it at all.

He doesn't HAVE to.. However, Brauden made the comments about Psinet as an official, and he should deal with his own hypocracy (sp?).

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-24-2004, 11:09 AM
Why? WTF does PSINet have to do with his job AT ALL?

Edit: And by the way, for all Brian's posturing, threats of releasing source code and what not, were I in Brauden's shoes, you are goddamned right I'd treat him like an ass.

Were I in Whatley's shoes, and someone threatened my company with software like Brian did, I'd get a lawyer and PWN his ass.

[Edited on 11-24-2004 by Suppa Hobbit Mage]

11-24-2004, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Why? WTF does PSINet have to do with his job AT ALL?

No idea. However, he was slamming it on the official boards as an SGM, and he also used it to help him do his job.. So it was Brauden that associated Psinet with his job in the first place.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-24-2004, 11:14 AM
An SGM of a company telling folks to use PSINet (a third party non-sanctioned piece of software) puts their accounts as risk is slamming it? So what.

Using all his tools at his disposal to catch jackasses who game the system? So what.

Again, tell me why he should give Brian preferential treatment over anyone else?

11-24-2004, 11:15 AM
He didn't associate it with his job. We don't even know that Brauden HIMSELF used PsiNet to decide to pull the person he did. Someone could have easily cut and pasted a PsiNet snippet to him and said, "take a look at this."


11-24-2004, 11:18 AM
If that were true it would be too easy for him to say that

11-24-2004, 11:19 AM
I never claimed Brian should get preferencial treatment. You made a false claim, and I corrected it. I DO believe that Brauden should speak with Jamus about this, whether it be in game, via e-mail, AIM, etc.

11-24-2004, 11:20 AM
Unfortunately, freedom to do whatever the fuck you want is a two way street and I doubt they want him releasing all the shit he has.

Like say..his scripting engine.

11-24-2004, 11:21 AM
True. If Jamus released that engine, Simu will get totally pwned. I don't think they want that.

[Edited on 11-24-2004 by Chadj]

11-24-2004, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by RangerD1
If that were true it would be too easy for him to say that

It's also too easy for everyone else to just assume he was using the product he doesn't even like. I understand that people have little faith in Brauden because of other issues or whatever, but to crucify him because he doesn't want to talk to Jamus about his hurt feelings is just ridiculous.


11-24-2004, 11:23 AM

jk. I totally <3 you, even if I think you are looking at this situation incorrectly.

11-24-2004, 11:24 AM
I don't know Brauden from a hole in the ground. The way I see it is that if he has the nerve to talk shit about something and then turn around and use it himself, then he has a lack of integrity and should at least have the balls to address the guy he slammed.

I already said he has no obligation to give Jamus the time of time, just like no one has an obligation to be a decent person. It's his choice.

11-24-2004, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
An SGM of a company telling folks to use PSINet (a third party non-sanctioned piece of software) puts their accounts as risk is slamming it? So what.

Using all his tools at his disposal to catch jackasses who game the system? So what.

Again, tell me why he should give Brian preferential treatment over anyone else?

I don't see it as having preferencial treatment. If he has asked numerous times to speak with Brauden and Brauden has been in game, or around when Brian is online, in game, whatever... What's the big deal with answering his request to speak with him... ignoring him is just rude and shows complete lack of business/customer service skills.

I know that if I did the same thing in my position, upper management would eventually find out and ask why I was ignoring customers.


11-24-2004, 11:45 AM
At least *someone* knows how to deal with opinion differences in a lighthearted, mature manner. <3 Chadj.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-24-2004, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Allycat

Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
An SGM of a company telling folks to use PSINet (a third party non-sanctioned piece of software) puts their accounts as risk is slamming it? So what.

Using all his tools at his disposal to catch jackasses who game the system? So what.

Again, tell me why he should give Brian preferential treatment over anyone else?

I don't see it as having preferencial treatment. If he has asked numerous times to speak with Brauden and Brauden has been in game, or around when Brian is online, in game, whatever... What's the big deal with answering his request to speak with him... ignoring him is just rude and shows complete lack of business/customer service skills.

I know that if I did the same thing in my position, upper management would eventually find out and ask why I was ignoring customers.


I'd like to talk to George Bush. I continually ask to talk to George Bush. WTF doesn't he talk to me?

Oh, thats right. Because he has other things to do.

11-24-2004, 11:59 AM


11-24-2004, 12:09 PM
Ok this just went too long... does this has anything to do with why Psinet has been down?

11-24-2004, 12:19 PM
Jamus did release his engine, to certain people. And I have to say, it is.. amazing. It blows UltraTech or whatever that useless crap was called out of the water.

I'd also like to note that this whole post was because it was obvious Brauden was on, and he had time to pull someone for scripting that was ATK, so why couldn't he talk to Jamus?

*prepares for the flames*

11-24-2004, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Ok this just went too long... does this has anything to do with why Psinet has been down?


Jamus can't get ahold of the guy with the server. If he doesn't get ahold of it, it'll prolly be a week or so before I have the server running on my machine. (This isn't a guarantee, I just brought it up with Jamus and he said it might be a good idea)

11-24-2004, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
He didn't associate it with his job. We don't even know that Brauden HIMSELF used PsiNet to decide to pull the person he did. Someone could have easily cut and pasted a PsiNet snippet to him and said, "take a look at this."


if this were true then what he did by pulling whoever it was and giving them a hard time about the whole deal was completely unwarranted. if it wasnt him it was 100% heresay and he would have no reason to do what he did. not that hard to edit a paste to make someone look bad

11-24-2004, 12:27 PM
It's not that hard for a GM to check into someone's actions based on something they heard, and pull them based on the cumulative information. Duh.


11-24-2004, 12:28 PM
<3 alahnna

11-24-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale
Jamus did release his engine, to certain people. And I have to say, it is.. amazing. It blows UltraTech or whatever that useless crap was called out of the water.

I'd also like to note that this whole post was because it was obvious Brauden was on, and he had time to pull someone for scripting that was ATK, so why couldn't he talk to Jamus?

*prepares for the flames*
Actually, it wasn't 'obvious' he was on Psinet. People use REPORT all day long for more retarded reasons than "REPORT - THERE IS SOMEONE ON THE PSINET OOC CHANNEL TELLING ABOUT HOW HE WAS ABUSING A BUG IN GAME. I JUST THOUGHT YOU MIGHT WANT TO KNOW".

Funny how that same individual was banned from the game for doing exactly what Brauden believed he was doing.. huh. It's as if.. Brauden already knew he was abusing bugs from some of the evidence he had already collected on this fool.


11-24-2004, 12:42 PM
Lets break it down for some that are having problems with this!

Person reports there is a conversation going on OOC about abusing an in game bug. Brauden does a SEND to reportee, asking for names. Person reports said names.

Brauden then pulls up the logs (The game logs EVERYTHING everyone does.) He does a few searches, a bit of research time..and finds something that seems kind of odd. He pulls the person(s) involved, and gives them a chance to fess up (less trouble for them, less work for him). They act the ass. He sends them back, does in-depth research, figures out what they did, busts their ass, BAN.

End of story.

[Edited on 11-24-2004 by LordAdredrin]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-24-2004, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale
Jamus did release his engine, to certain people. And I have to say, it is.. amazing. It blows UltraTech or whatever that useless crap was called out of the water.

I'd also like to note that this whole post was because it was obvious Brauden was on, and he had time to pull someone for scripting that was ATK, so why couldn't he talk to Jamus?

*prepares for the flames*

Maybe Brauden was doing stuff he gets paid to do, instead of baby sit an egotistical programmer who's threatened the company?

11-24-2004, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale
Blah blah blah ... I'm so popular ... blah blah blah. :blah:

Ultratech is still in the build phase I believe.

It's been stated that the man (Brauden) has a job to do. That job is not talking to someone that is pissed off over something said on a message board.

Jamus can continue to sit in consultation, paying his subscription and bitching about Brauden not catering to his demands, or he can send of e-mails.

Guess which is free and will probably get a quicker response.

[Edited on 11-24-2004 by Tsa`ah]

11-24-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage

Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale
Jamus did release his engine, to certain people. And I have to say, it is.. amazing. It blows UltraTech or whatever that useless crap was called out of the water.

I'd also like to note that this whole post was because it was obvious Brauden was on, and he had time to pull someone for scripting that was ATK, so why couldn't he talk to Jamus?

*prepares for the flames*

Maybe Brauden was doing stuff he gets paid to do, instead of baby sit an egotistical programmer who's threatened the company?

I'm curious how you find it babysitting? I think that him asking to speak with Brauden, when Brauden was around was a simple request. If Brauden didn't want to have an indepth conversation right then, why not tell the GH that spoke to Jamus in game, to have Brian send him an email, so he could reply to him that way?? Instead of just pushing him off so rudely.


11-24-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale
It blows UltraTech or whatever that useless crap was called out of the water.
You are on that "useless crap" makers message board. You have shit to say about it.

11-24-2004, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
(The game logs EVERYTHING everyone does.)
I'm 99% sure that is 100% wrong.

11-24-2004, 01:13 PM
Shes Just too stupid to figure out how to use it..

I jeeez I've sunk to pwning today.

11-24-2004, 01:15 PM
Ultra Tech = Open to all public thats willing to put in the effort to learn the code.

Jamus' Engine = Closed, a few people have it, but thats it.

Useless crap? Eh..I'd tend to then the only useless one is Jamus'. From the sound of it..you got to be one of the psinet "elite" to get access too it.

11-24-2004, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by Tayre

Originally posted by LordAdredrin
(The game logs EVERYTHING everyone does.)
I'm 99% sure that is 100% wrong.

And I'm 100% sure your wrong. I've had a GM pull up logs over 2 years old to find an missing item, and replace it. :)

11-24-2004, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
Ultra Tech = Open to all public thats willing to put in the effort to learn the code.

Jamus' Engine = Closed, a few people have it, but thats it.

Useless crap? Eh..I'd tend to then the only useless one is Jamus'. From the sound of it..you got to be one of the psinet "elite" to get access too it.

Or like popular ... like ... Oh my god!

[Edited on 11-24-2004 by Tsa`ah]

11-24-2004, 01:44 PM
Tsa'ah! You ain't foolin no one! We all know your one of the popular Psinet users!

Like, forsure! As if. Stop Frontin!

11-24-2004, 02:00 PM
<<I'd love to know who Brauden's PC is/was. It's got me thinking now.>>

Probably Edward. Or Warclaidhm.

11-24-2004, 02:01 PM

[Edited on 11-24-2004 by hectomaner]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-24-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Allycat
I'm curious how you find it babysitting? I think that him asking to speak with Brauden, when Brauden was around was a simple request. If Brauden didn't want to have an indepth conversation right then, why not tell the GH that spoke to Jamus in game, to have Brian send him an email, so he could reply to him that way?? Instead of just pushing him off so rudely.


Ok, help me out with this. Who says he was pushed off rudely. By Brian's own account, Brauden has not spoken to him at all. I don't see anything rude there.

I guess I'm applying too much real world experience to this. I am a manager where I work, but I don't have time for EVERY person that wants to talk to me. I pick and choose where I spend my time and how I spend it. If someone wants to talk to me, I do my best to accomodate, but frankly, I have more work to do than I have time. So guess what... not everyone gets my immediate attention. Please take this example and apply it to Brauden.

11-24-2004, 02:18 PM
Personally, for the money I pay Simu, I'd rather see Brauden spend his time coding cool new shit for the game or pwnz0rating assholes like Caladari and Lycain than debating PsiNet with Jamus.


11-24-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale
Jamus did release his engine, to certain people. And I have to say, it is.. amazing. It blows UltraTech or whatever that useless crap was called out of the water.

I'd also like to note that this whole post was because it was obvious Brauden was on, and he had time to pull someone for scripting that was ATK, so why couldn't he talk to Jamus?

*prepares for the flames*
Actually, it wasn't 'obvious' he was on Psinet. People use REPORT all day long for more retarded reasons than "REPORT - THERE IS SOMEONE ON THE PSINET OOC CHANNEL TELLING ABOUT HOW HE WAS ABUSING A BUG IN GAME. I JUST THOUGHT YOU MIGHT WANT TO KNOW".

Funny how that same individual was banned from the game for doing exactly what Brauden believed he was doing.. huh. It's as if.. Brauden already knew he was abusing bugs from some of the evidence he had already collected on this fool.


...Price? Tea? China?

I was refering to the fact that Brauden was in-game when he pulled the person in the original post, yet couldn't be bothered to talk to Jamus.

11-24-2004, 02:25 PM
Lets see...Talk to person complaining about me, or do my job and pwninate cheaters?


Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-24-2004, 02:25 PM
Yeah, doing his job.

See my post above.

11-24-2004, 02:27 PM
<<What about if you were in-game, trying to hunt, work on guild skills, or (gasp!) roleplay, they were giving you constant SENDS about it and demanding that you attend to their concerns?

Being a GM is a job for Brauden. If he has other things to do in his job besides sit in a consultation lounge and argue with Jamus, well, I can hardly blame him.>>

Like pulling people into the lounge for AFK scripting when they weren't even AFK so he can swing his balls around and feel manly? Yeah, sounds like he was really busy.

<<Maybe Brauden was doing stuff he gets paid to do>>

See above.

<<instead of baby sit an egotistical programmer who's threatened the company?>>

Since when does calling a spade a spade = egotistical?

<<or he can send of e-mails.

Guess which is free and will probably get a quicker response.>>

You really think Brauden would actually respond to his e-mails? Hah!

Then again, I think someone had it right earlier though and it might have gone like this...

SomeGM: Hey Brauden, Jamus reactivated his account so he could speak with you personally.

Brauden: Ok I'll be right there.


SEND [SomeGM]: I'm sorry, Brauden won't be available for another 6 years, and that's only if you keep your subscription open for those 6 years without interruption.

<<And I'm 100% sure your wrong. I've had a GM pull up logs over 2 years old to find an missing item, and replace it.>>

Funny how when it comes down to dipshits acting like dipshits and you report them, you get "Well I didn't see it so I can't do anything about it."

<<I am a manager where I work, but I don't have time for EVERY person that wants to talk to me.>>

Maybe so, but Jamus is probably the ONLY person in the entire world that actually WANTS to talk to Brauden.

<<I'd rather see Brauden spend his time coding cool new shit for the game or pwnz0rating assholes like Caladari and Lycain than debating PsiNet with Jamus.>>

Maybe so, but it was pretty clear he wasn't doing anything productive at the time, unless you call pulling people to the lounge for AFK scripting that aren't AFK productive. I suppose in Brauden's world, that's productive because without some way to cater to his inbred ego, he'd probably hang himself.

I mean come on people, you guys act like Brauden is swamped with this endless super intense ultra time consuming workload that if he took 5-10 minutes out of it to talk to someone, cheaters would start rioting in GS and cause so much damage from cheating in those few minutes that the entire world would explode and it would be Brauden's fault because he was busy talking with Jamus for 5-10 minutes. Gimme a break.

Also, Brauden doesn't code new cool shit. He only nerfs old cool shit.

[Edited on 11-24-2004 by Brauden]

[Edited on 11-24-2004 by Methais]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-24-2004, 02:31 PM
Methais, dude. I don't have rose tinted glasses on. I have my own criticisms of SIMU. I do think you are letting your emotion run on this one though.

Post some pictures of a naked fat guy at his computer and relax some.

11-24-2004, 02:33 PM
<<Post some pictures of a naked fat guy at his computer and relax some.>>


[Edited on 11-24-2004 by Methais]

11-24-2004, 02:55 PM
A couple of things...

First, have any of you ever logged in and demanded to speak with a SGM and had it happen immediately? Spend a week straight IG and maybe you'll get your SGM referral answered. Logging in, spending 10 minutes asking to talk to Brauden isn't going to produce results. I seriously doubt the guy is going to drop everything and show up to speak with Jamus, mostly because I doubt he cares.

As far as the scripting engine is concerned, it wouldn't do shit to Simu. It might make life a little easier for a few, but mostly, the good scripters can AFK script from 0-100 anyway, so what is some other engine going to do? If you want to write more in-depth scripts, there are plenty of options, besides just the Simu FE's including Ultratech and Wizbot.

11-24-2004, 03:07 PM
Whew! Well that was suddenly 3 pages of.. stuff.

An awful lot of these posts missed the point, and part of that I suspect is because it implicitly refers to points in other threads.

On whether or not Brauden had 'investigated' before pulling Caladari up: a mere glance over the conversation he had with Caladari makes it REALLY obvious that he hadn't. He was using PsiNet, directly or indirectly (hypocrisy or mild hypocrisy and acting on hearsay) to help him do his job. I'm offended, and I would like to have my say.

On whether or not Brauden is obligated to see me? I personally think that if he's gaining from the use of my software, and LIES about it on the official boards using his credible name, then he probably owes me just a tiny bit of time.

That said, I'm MORE than aware that I cannot force him to see me. I will wait some time longer and then give up, in-game.

There IS a reason I'd like to do this in-game. I don't want to send an email and have it wastebasketed. I want it in-game, preferably with another GM, in the context of a referral so that it is officially logged. I may not get that, but it is worth my occasional time listening for when Brauden appears to be less than busy (Methais phrased it best) and asking to arrange an appointment.

And more or less, what i'm going to tell Brauden, is that I"d like him to refrain from eating where he shits. He does not use PsiNet as Brauden, and I do not know his player character's name, so I cannot mechanically ban him. I WILL however ban him in person. At that point, any further action he takes as the result of PsiNet communications will necessarily be acting on the unproven report of another.

This DOES matter, at least to me, in principle. When Caladari was pulled, Brauden absolutely had no information outside what was said on OOC. It was PLAINLY obvious. Why shouldn't I say right now, "Suppa Hobbit Mage claimed to know how to dupe 3000000000000 silvers at a time on a post in PC but then deleted it!" Should he pull SHM, and harass him like he did Caladari, for nothing but my report?

I welcome GMs to use PsiNet. last night someone sent me a table of about 35 GMs/GHs and their player character names, so I found out that quite a few GMs/GHs DO use PsiNet. I think Caladari was stupid stupid stupid. But this isn't about Caladari; it's about Brauden.

Suppa Hobbit Mage, I could explain, for the nth time, that I have never ever threatened Simu, but instead was honest and upfront about where my emotional attachments lie. In truth, it would not take much for Simu to shut me down. I cannot afford legal recourse, a simple lawsuit, founded or unfounded, would force me to back down. Simu and I are both fully aware of this. It is NOT an offense, or a counter-attack. It is simply the rational result of terminating my compassion for their game.

All that said, the mere fact that i've released the engine to limited parties currently should indicate that what I said had nothing to do with retribution. My vested interest in GS is rather limited, anymore, and therefore I allowed certain people to use the engine, partially so that I can see what they've created.

Thus far, they haven't created anything apocalyptic as I had feared. Kranar may have been right, on that point.

But anyway, as billing appears to have decided early this morning to charge in advance my next month's subscription.. I think my patience in this consultation room is waning.

Jamus, Brian

11-24-2004, 03:12 PM
<<as billing appears to have decided early this morning to charge in advance my next month's subscription>>


Are you gonna get that fixed at least? That's pretty low.

11-24-2004, 03:14 PM
That's how billing is done now. They precharge you for the month when you return to the game. It's why they backcharged in December.

11-24-2004, 03:17 PM
First off, this isn't a GS issue, why would Brauden feel a need to waste his time with Brian bitching about him using PSINET. It has nothing to do with Gemstone, and quite frankly none of Brauden concern. I think Brauden has more important things to do, IE investigating bugs, getting scripters, etc. Psinet has nothing to do with Gemstone, it's a OUTSIDE program.

Quite frankly if I was Brauden I would give him a SEND, it would read:

Jamus, please stop bitching and demanding I speak with you about PSINET. I will not speak with you about the issue, I removed your referral and if you have any problems, you can write to feedback@simutronics.com. Good day, have fun, and stop whining.

Jamus is no more important then I am. He's a paying customer, just like everyone else here. I highly doubt that I would get to speak with an SGM.

REPORT Hi, this is Scott, I have a referral in the queue and I see that Brauden is on, I would like my referral now please.

[SEND] BRAUDEN: When you referral is ready to be answered, I will speak with you, until then, wait.

As you yourself have stated Brian, PSINET is an OUTSIDE program, something SIMU is not associated with. So Simutronics and their employees have NOTHING to do with your program, so they don't need to speak with you about the issue. Move on.....

11-24-2004, 03:20 PM
I think because over 1/3rd of their customers use my software in conjunction with theirs, they should at least be somewhat interested. And they said as much when I spoke with Melissa. You can search for that one. Again, as I've stated before, I'm not sure I'll get the response I want.

Brauden associated himself with it. Are you reading my posts?

11-24-2004, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by JamusPsi
I think because over 1/3rd of their customers use my software in conjunction with theirs, they should at least be somewhat interested. And they said as much when I spoke with Melissa. You can search for that one. Again, as I've stated before, I'm not sure I'll get the response I want.

Brauden associated himself with it. Are you reading my posts?

No Brauden didn't associate himself with your program. He said your program wasn't safe, and he showed a log of someone saying something on PSINET. Something myself, or anyone of the "1/3rd of GS players" could have REPORTED to him.

He doesn't have to speak with you, nobody does. Your program is not a simutronic's program, and just because you made a program that people use, doesn't mean you get to pull more weight. Kranar owns these boards, a lot of people use these boards and they are RELATED to Gemstone, does that mean that he should be treated special? No it doesn't. I pay SIMU the same amount, if not more money then you..... You don't deserve ANY more pull then I do or anyone else who plays Gemstone.

[Edited on 11-24-2004 by Gemstone101]

11-24-2004, 03:26 PM
Just go speak to his PC ;)

11-24-2004, 03:26 PM
He didn't associate himself with it, he got some information from it. If you use the TV guide to find out what time X-files is on, are you suddenly associated with TV guide? I

If you ever say anything disparaging about TV guide, does that mean you're a hypocrite if you ever use it for info again?

What if you said TV guide sucked and all of a sudden they were like, "do not use our product any longer!! speak to us now!!11!"


11-24-2004, 03:28 PM
Brauden is still a cunt no matter which way you look at it.

For some reason, this flash reminded me of Brauden the first time I saw it:


11-24-2004, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Methais
Brauden is still a cunt no matter which way you look at it.

For some reason, this flash reminded me of Brauden the first time I saw it:


I'm sure some people feel the same way about you, but that doesn't mean you can't be right sometimes.

11-24-2004, 03:30 PM
>>Again, as I've stated before, I'm not sure I'll get the response I want. <<

>>That said, I'm MORE than aware that I cannot force him to see me. I will wait some time longer and then give up, in-game. <<

:deadhorse: I get it. You an tell me a few more times if you want, I suppose..

>>No Brauden didn't associate himself with you. He said your program wasn't safe, and he showed a log of someone saying something on PSINET. Something myself, or anyone of the "1/3rd of GS players" could have REPORTED to him. <<

Not me- PsiNet. And, uhm.. I'd say that, yeah, he DID associate himself with PsiNet when he began LYING ABOUT IT and then using it, directly OR INDIRECTLY, to help him do his job.

However, if we're principally opposed here, I can agree to disagree on this point.

Jamus, Brian

11-24-2004, 03:32 PM
I'm sorry, if he's relying on something someone reported as being said on PsiNet, he's full of shit.

ANYONE can fake ANYTHING in text.

11-24-2004, 03:34 PM
<<<I get it. You an tell me a few more times if you want, I suppose.. >>>

I'll be glad to, because it doesn't seem to be sinking in....

<<<<Not me- PsiNet. And, uhm.. I'd say that, yeah, he DID associate himself with PsiNet when he began LYING ABOUT IT and then using it, directly OR INDIRECTLY, to help him do his job.>>>

I guess because he said your program wasn't safe.... he should have just ignored the guy abusing a bug because the information was obtained through PSINET......

11-24-2004, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I'm sorry, if he's relying on something someone reported as being said on PsiNet, he's full of shit.

ANYONE can fake ANYTHING in text.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't ask questions. He never banned the guy because of what he recieved, he simple pulled the guy and made some comments.

Anyone comes up to me and work and say "so and so made a bomb threat on the building." They can lie, but that sure as hell doesn't mean I'm not going to look into it because there is a chance that it is a fake.

11-24-2004, 03:41 PM
Looking into it and the way he treated Caladari is like comparing an interview to an inquisition.

101, Brauden did not merely say that it was not safe. He LIED, and announced that the software does things that it is not capable of doing. There's a difference.

11-24-2004, 03:44 PM
Wait, I must be behind here. Is this why Psinet has been down for the last few days? Have they pulled the plug?

11-24-2004, 03:45 PM
I'm curious, do you have the posts that Brauden made about your program? I'd be interested in seeing what all he said about it.

11-24-2004, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by JamusPsi
Looking into it and the way he treated Caladari is like comparing an interview to an inquisition.

101, Brauden did not merely say that it was not safe. He LIED, and announced that the software does things that it is not capable of doing. There's a difference.

I'm still not clear on what lies he told.
Did he say it did things, or did he say it was capable of things?

11-24-2004, 03:46 PM
Caladari is a trouble maker and got treated like one. I laughed so hard when I saw that log of Brauden of at least doing SOMETHING about one of the people that likes to break the rules. Personally I don't think it would hurt if he just sent Jamus an email.. even if it said something like "I used the info to maybe stop someone from doing something against the rules, now get over it" or whatever. As for Brouden being a cunt.. well if thats what it takes...

11-24-2004, 03:48 PM
From what I remember, he said that PSINet is capable of stealing someone's account and password information. "It's an unsafe program, which is why we GM's don't use it."

Methais then posted something like, "Oh you're just bitter because Jamus won't let you guys go invisable while using his program." To which Emeradan closed the thread.

11-24-2004, 03:51 PM
I don't have the posts. I assume they're still on the official boards.

And he asserted, quite plainly, that it DID do things, such as allowing the author (me) to control anybody's character, and gave me all their account and password information.

Then he ignored my responses indicating that it did NOT do any such thing, and if there was a security leak I was not aware of I'd like to know what they are so I could fix them.

He did NOT say that they could not guarantee that PsiNet did not do these things- I would understand that. He did NOT say that software like PsiNet COULD potentially do these things, if the author designed them to do so- I would understand that. Instead, he lied, and continued lying, as though I were not responding at all.

Jamus, Brian

11-24-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by JamusPsi
I don't have the posts. I assume they're still on the official boards.

And he asserted, quite plainly, that it DID do things, such as allowing the author (me) to control anybody's character, and gave me all their account and password information.

Then he ignored my responses indicating that it did NOT do any such thing, and if there was a security leak I was not aware of I'd like to know what they are so I could fix them.

He did NOT say that they could not guarantee that PsiNet did not do these things- I would understand that. He did NOT say that software like PsiNet COULD potentially do these things, if the author designed them to do so- I would understand that. Instead, he lied, and continued lying, as though I were not responding at all.

Jamus, Brian

That's just a dickhead thing to do.
I understand that Simu has a certian responsibility to their customers (mostly because their security is so weak) to alert their customers of possible vulnerabilities, but apparently, Brauden is just crying wolf for one reason or another.

11-24-2004, 04:00 PM
For the record, I offered invisibility on PsiNet Who Full, but not for Peek on public channels. No snooping. It was a weird conversation- they asked for it, but then said they wouldn't be able to trust that I did it without a contract.

They don't always alert their users of vulnerabiliites. There's a method by which they can send data to the Wizard FE to execute a program on your computer. Of course, I guess if you're running the Wizard FE, you already decided that you trust them.

Jamus, Brian

The Cat In The Hat
11-24-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I don't see how anyone DEMANDS to see an SGM anyway. I'd keep you waiting as well.

Technically, as a paying customer we should have the right to say who we want to speak to. Granted, it would be at the leisure of the GM you requested... but they do work for Simu and in turn, for the customers. I've requested a certain GM before (Zilana) and was put in touch with her when we had an issue with one of the alters she had made for me. Any GM could have taken care of it but I wanted her, and I got her.

Brauden needs to do the right thing and just answer your emails at the very least. I've never dealt with him personally, but I can say that this just doesn't seem "right".

11-24-2004, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by JamusPsi
For the record, I offered invisibility on PsiNet Who Full, but not for Peek on public channels. No snooping. It was a weird conversation- they asked for it, but then said they wouldn't be able to trust that I did it without a contract.

They don't always alert their users of vulnerabiliites. There's a method by which they can send data to the Wizard FE to execute a program on your computer. Of course, I guess if you're running the Wizard FE, you already decided that you trust them.

Jamus, Brian

They also have my credit card number, so what they can do on my computer isn't my greatest concern if they decide to do something malicious.

11-24-2004, 04:04 PM
I ghost my computer about once a month and anything real important is on my secondary HDD so I'm not really worried one way or the other. I R A recovery God!

11-24-2004, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
I ghost my computer about once a month and anything real important is on my secondary HDD so I'm not really worried one way or the other. I R A recovery God!

Paranoid freak...

11-24-2004, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by JamusPsi
There's a method by which they can send data to the Wizard FE to execute a program on your computer. Of course, I guess if you're running the Wizard FE, you already decided that you trust them.

There is a huge difference between the liabilities of a large multi-million dollars company and some schmo who wrote a decent piece of software.

Look at it this way, if Simutronics went in and took a thousand dollars from my bank account, it'd only take a call to my bank, one to the police and another to my attorney to get it resolved.

Now, if this individual who allegedly has account/password information available via PsiNET were to go in and toss your items and rerolled your character, it'd be alot harder to reverse.

There is another thing you need to understand Brian. You've developed a piece of client-based software that essentially piggy-backs onto their trademarked products. It's not an independent program, it uses some well written code to send commands to the Wizard or Stormfront clients in order to display information. You did this without Simutronics consent, and very likely are violating thier trademark. Rather than continue to puff up and walk around like you are some victim demanding the right to tongue-whip an agressor, why don't you realize you're at his/their mercy.

If some ass called me at work and started making demands on some bill he had in the office, I'd promptly tell him balance in full is due and I'm further more reporting it delinquent on his credit record and assigning it to my attorney for suit. When the person in question called because he was handed a court summons I issued, I'd laugh and tell him he better have a damn good attorney.. because I have three.

11-24-2004, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer

Originally posted by AnticorRifling
I ghost my computer about once a month and anything real important is on my secondary HDD so I'm not really worried one way or the other. I R A recovery God!

Paranoid freak...

It's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

11-25-2004, 06:30 AM
Maybe so, but it was pretty clear he wasn't doing anything productive at the time, unless you call pulling people to the lounge for AFK scripting that aren't AFK productive. I suppose in Brauden's world, that's productive because without some way to cater to his inbred ego, he'd probably hang himself.

I mean come on people, you guys act like Brauden is swamped with this endless super intense ultra time consuming workload that if he took 5-10 minutes out of it to talk to someone, cheaters would start rioting in GS and cause so much damage from cheating in those few minutes that the entire world would explode and it would be Brauden's fault because he was busy talking with Jamus for 5-10 minutes. Gimme a break.

This bears repeating.

11-25-2004, 07:16 AM
I'm not sure if it piggy backs or not, Seran, but I don't think it does. But my knowledge in that is limited. I'd write a full reply, but I have a school bus to catch.

11-25-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
I'm not sure if it piggy backs or not, Seran, but I don't think it does. But my knowledge in that is limited. I'd write a full reply, but I have a school bus to catch.

Yes, it piggy backs.

11-26-2004, 05:55 AM

Chadj goes on a school bus :lol:

11-26-2004, 06:43 AM
Originally posted by Chadj
I have a school bus to catch.

Not the short bus.. right? :D

11-26-2004, 07:20 AM
Nope! Not the short bus! ( A short bus just passed tho :D)

Since I moved, I don't know anyone around here with their liscence to drive me :(. It mad sucks.

[Edited on 11-26-2004 by Chadj]

11-26-2004, 07:45 AM

I don't think that Brauden does nothing all day and has time to meet with someone on demand. I'm sure that he will talk to Brian when he has the time, but there is no need to say he doesn't have a heavy workload. The man works his ass off for the game.


11-26-2004, 09:51 AM
I think it's already been proven that Brauden wasn't doing anything productive at the time.

11-26-2004, 09:53 AM
Proven how? That he didn't answer when Jamus asked him to?

I see.


11-26-2004, 09:56 AM
He was too busy consulting with supposed afk scripters who were not afk.

11-26-2004, 10:05 AM

11-27-2004, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by Adredrin

Originally posted by Tayre

Originally posted by LordAdredrin
(The game logs EVERYTHING everyone does.)
I'm 99% sure that is 100% wrong.

And I'm 100% sure your wrong. I've had a GM pull up logs over 2 years old to find an missing item, and replace it. :)

That's because when you either register an item or a GM/Merchant creates the item or the item is a common one in the game or you purchased the item from an automated merchant, that purchase is logged to your account.

11-27-2004, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat

Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I don't see how anyone DEMANDS to see an SGM anyway. I'd keep you waiting as well.

Technically, as a paying customer we should have the right to say who we want to speak to. Granted, it would be at the leisure of the GM you requested... but they do work for Simu and in turn, for the customers. I've requested a certain GM before (Zilana) and was put in touch with her when we had an issue with one of the alters she had made for me. Any GM could have taken care of it but I wanted her, and I got her.

Brauden needs to do the right thing and just answer your emails at the very least. I've never dealt with him personally, but I can say that this just doesn't seem "right".

I just scanned the Terms of Service (TOS) and the U.S. Constitution and in both cases, there is no "RIGHT TO SEE" whomever it is you want to see.

Wow. All this over a video game.

Jamus' player Brian wrote a nice program. The source code is not public knowledge. For that reason, I personally refuse to use PSINET. For one, I don't trust an outside program to be running while I'm typing my password and userid.

Brauden was correct with his "wolf" calls. I for one am one of the 2/3rds that wont ever use his program unless he reveals his source code so that we can make certain there is nothing imbeded within the code that logs the keystrokes to his server or sent through the internet to his computer via the account holders email client.

Jamus, you have to understand that your program is potentially dangerous, and from what I've read, Brauden is warning of those potentials. Just because you are not getting the answers you seek, doesn't mean that you are right and that they are all wrong.

Let it go and go back to playing the game. If this was my program, and Simu stepped on me the way that they are stepping on you, I would pull the program.

That's just me.

Have a nice day.

11-27-2004, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Bobby:
Jamus' player Brian wrote a nice program. The source code is not public knowledge. For that reason, I personally refuse to use PSINET. For one, I don't trust an outside program to be running while I'm typing my password and userid.

Where do you type your user name/password into StormFront or the Wizard? Psinet doesn't run until those programs are executed. You type them into the SGE, not the Wizard/SF. Your username/password in no way goes through Psinet. Heh.

11-27-2004, 02:35 PM
Just your character key is sent. At least that's what I remember Jamus saying.....

So assuming that I remember correctly, that key can be used to log onto a character for like a 12-24 hour period. That leaves plenty of time to reroll a character or whatever else someone would want to do.....

That doesn't stop me from using the program though.....

11-27-2004, 04:15 PM
There are inherit risks to using this problem, but many people find it to be one work taking. It's handy to be able to track bank account balances, XP rates and to talk to people across realms. I personally like the program and would like to thank Brian for creating it.

Because of the potential of abuse, it was very responsible for Brauden to release that warning. I can see where it'd seem hippocritical that he'd use info provided directly, or indirectly through such a problem, but such is life. The fact that a known bug abuser was caught in part by such information is a good thing. I can care less how he does his job, as long as he does it. Keep up the good work Brauden!

11-30-2004, 02:48 PM
This was funny, during a discussion about PSInet on the officials someone said: (I know Psinet isn't a Simu approved tool, but I also do know that it is in use by some GMs, and worth looking at, at least for extra ideas)

and Brauden replyed:

>>(I know Psinet isn't a Simu approved tool, but I also do know that it is in use by some GMs, and worth looking at, at least for extra ideas)

Send me those names please.



http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=4&topic=24&message =747

[Edited on 11-30-2004 by Drew]

11-30-2004, 03:25 PM
OMG can someone please reply to that and say "Yeah... YOU!"

11-30-2004, 04:02 PM

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=4&topic=24&message =756

11-30-2004, 04:23 PM

:heart: Methais

11-30-2004, 06:16 PM
Has anyone considered that there is a difference between a GM using PsiNet as a GM, and a GM using PsiNet as their player character? Their player accounts don't have GMly powers on them, I fail to see how Simu could smack them for that.


12-01-2004, 03:27 AM
The point is that Brauden's full of shit. If he says shit like "Psinet will steal your password" and shit, it doesn't matter who he's using it as, GM character or not.

12-01-2004, 06:43 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
OMG can someone please reply to that and say "Yeah... YOU!"

Heh. Someone already did, apparently.

12-01-2004, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by Methais
The point is that Brauden's full of shit. If he says shit like "Psinet will steal your password" and shit, it doesn't matter who he's using it as, GM character or not.

Without the source code, we don't know this.

Most password protected sources use cookies and password Que. Since GS doesn't rely on cookies, it requires another method to validate that a person is connected.

Simply put, as Scott mentioned, a profile or even a validation queue.

ICQ operates, or used to, on the same premise. Every few minutes the server requests verification from the program on your disk, the program responds and you remain connected. ICQ was/is vulnerable in that a skilled IT person could sit on the port and intercept the response, thus gaining the password.

We don't know if Psi-net does or can do this. We only have the word of the programmer who wrote it. Without the source code we don't know what it is capable of.

12-01-2004, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah

Originally posted by Methais
The point is that Brauden's full of shit. If he says shit like "Psinet will steal your password" and shit, it doesn't matter who he's using it as, GM character or not.

Without the source code, we don't know this.

Most password protected sources use cookies and password Que. Since GS doesn't rely on cookies, it requires another method to validate that a person is connected.

Simply put, as Scott mentioned, a profile or even a validation queue.

ICQ operates, or used to, on the same premise. Every few minutes the server requests verification from the program on your disk, the program responds and you remain connected. ICQ was/is vulnerable in that a skilled IT person could sit on the port and intercept the response, thus gaining the password.

We don't know if Psi-net does or can do this. We only have the word of the programmer who wrote it. Without the source code we don't know what it is capable of.

Actually, Simu's keep-alive message does NOT send your password nor account name in it. When you log in, it generates a random key that has NOTHING TO DO with your password/username and sends that key back and forth. When you log, that key expires.

Being that you enter your name/password either on the website itself or on the SGE itself, not in the Wizard, I fail to see how Psinet has access to something that is not sent through it.

To clarify:

SGE sends name/Pass to Simu servers.

Simu servers generate random key. Transmit back to you.

Wizard FE launches, sends to key to Simu servers.

Simu receives key, game connects.

No where in here does Psinet have access to your name or password.

What Brauden says is false. Also, those who say "I don't believe it until I see the source code" have no ground to stand on.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-01-2004, 04:03 PM
<Also, those who say "I don't believe it until I see the source code" have no ground to stand on. >

What ground do the "Brauden is wrong because we say so." people stand on?

12-01-2004, 04:05 PM
What people are those?

12-01-2004, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
<Also, those who say "I don't believe it until I see the source code" have no ground to stand on. >

What ground do the "Brauden is wrong because we say so." people stand on?

I'm unsure what you mean.

Brauden made several comments on the Official Board regarding Psinet being a security hole that steals passwords and does other unknown malicious things.

These comments were based on nothing, are completely false, and as such, lies.

Brauden may be a shithead that I refuse to deal with; however, that has no bearing on my thoughts on this matter. It could be Khaladon or any other of the GM's whom I like and I would still be upset over them bold-faced lying about this.

12-01-2004, 04:13 PM
I can understand if Jamus or anyone close to him and his program would get upset about anyone spreading lies about the program however that doesn't mean he gets to request an audience with Brauden in game and it also doesn't mean Brauden *has* to speak with him regarding it. I see both sides of the coin here but it still comes down to if he feels like talking to Jamus and if he wants to continue blowing him off. The ball is in Braudens court, like it or not.

12-01-2004, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
The ball is in Braudens court, like it or not.

I completely understand this, as does Jamus. What we both are upset about is his cowardice in not speaking to Jamus. The man knows he has zero ground to stand on in this matter, and so avoids the situation entirely.

12-01-2004, 04:21 PM
Probably because he knows he's wrong.

12-01-2004, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale
No where in here does Psinet have access to your name or password.

What Brauden says is false. Also, those who say "I don't believe it until I see the source code" have no ground to stand on.

Says you. I'm sorry, but I'll take the word from the provider before I take the word of a person associated with a piggy back program.

Brauden has all of the ground to stand on as the source code is not public. It is up to Jamus, not you, to prove that his program is not capable of a security breech.

Jamus, and the associated mouth pieces of Psi-net, have no ground to stand on until it has been proven that Psi-net is incapable of what has been alleged.

12-01-2004, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale
I completely understand this, as does Jamus. What we both are upset about is his cowardice in not speaking to Jamus. The man knows he has zero ground to stand on in this matter, and so avoids the situation entirely.

Where's the cowardice? Jamus wants to speak with Brauden in game, Brauden says kick rocks.

I'm sorry, but as I said, Jamus has no ground to stand on. I wouldn't talk to Jamus either were I in Brauden's shoes, not until Jamus coughed up a source code.

12-01-2004, 04:34 PM
Says you. I'm sorry, but I'll take the word from the provider before I take the word of a person associated with a piggy back program.


Psinet is not the only problem that uses the character login key. Zmud as an example.

12-01-2004, 04:38 PM
<<Says you. I'm sorry, but I'll take the word from the provider before I take the word of a person associated with a piggy back program.>>

You mean to tell me that there are still people in this world that actually believe ANYTHING that comes out of the mouth of ANYONE from Simutronics?

12-01-2004, 04:38 PM
Z-mud is a client used to connect with the game. It does not require connection to a third party. Just your computer and the server of the game you want to play.

You can control the connections of Zmud without worrying about how it functions.

12-01-2004, 04:40 PM
You can control the connections of Zmud without worrying about how it functions


So? That wasn't the point at all. The point was the way the game handles your password.

12-01-2004, 04:40 PM
Publishing your "Holy Grail" Source Code (can you even code C++?) would do more harm than good, which is why it wasn't released. Consider that if the source was out, anyone could find flaw in it to take advantage of. "Pirate" versions of Psinet could be created that WOULD do the things Brauden accuses it of doing.

Being privy to the inner workings of Psinet, I can vouch for its security. Whether you believe me or not is up to you. *shrug*

Also. Learn to spell it. PSINET. Not Psi-net. You seem to be the grammar National Socialist on other threads, so at least be consistant.

12-01-2004, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Methais
You mean to tell me that there are still people in this world that actually believe ANYTHING that comes out of the mouth of ANYONE from Simutronics?

When it comes to the security of their customers and the service they provide, absolutely.

Other than that I take the other 99% as seriously as I take the weather report.

12-01-2004, 04:42 PM
<<<<Actually, Simu's keep-alive message does NOT send your password nor account name in it. When you log in, it generates a random key that has NOTHING TO DO with your password/username and sends that key back and forth. When you log, that key expires.

Being that you enter your name/password either on the website itself or on the SGE itself, not in the Wizard, I fail to see how Psinet has access to something that is not sent through it. >>>>

Ahh.... How amusing. You yell at Brauden about making comments without knowing the facts, but you are doing it as well. The login key is changed every 6 hours or so, maybe less, but it can be used more then once. How ironic that you bitch at Brauden when you do the same thing.......

12-01-2004, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale
Publishing your "Holy Grail" Source Code (can you even code C++?) would do more harm than good, which is why it wasn't released. Consider that if the source was out, anyone could find flaw in it to take advantage of. "Pirate" versions of Psinet could be created that WOULD do the things Brauden accuses it of doing.

Being privy to the inner workings of Psinet, I can vouch for its security. Whether you believe me or not is up to you. *shrug*

Also. Learn to spell it. PSINET. Not Psi-net. You seem to be the grammar National Socialist on other threads, so at least be consistant.

So privy that you have no idea what you are talking about? Yeah, I'm going to take your word when you've already said you can't use the login key more then once......

12-01-2004, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by Scott
<<<<Actually, Simu's keep-alive message does NOT send your password nor account name in it. When you log in, it generates a random key that has NOTHING TO DO with your password/username and sends that key back and forth. When you log, that key expires.

Being that you enter your name/password either on the website itself or on the SGE itself, not in the Wizard, I fail to see how Psinet has access to something that is not sent through it. >>>>

Ahh.... How amusing. You yell at Brauden about making comments without knowing the facts, but you are doing it as well. The login key is changed every 6 hours or so, maybe less, but it can be used more then once. How ironic that you bitch at Brauden when you do the same thing.......

Maybe I was incorrect about the timing of the login key; however, you completely missed the point. The point made was it does not send your username/password back and forth.

12-01-2004, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale

Originally posted by Scott
<<<<Actually, Simu's keep-alive message does NOT send your password nor account name in it. When you log in, it generates a random key that has NOTHING TO DO with your password/username and sends that key back and forth. When you log, that key expires.

Being that you enter your name/password either on the website itself or on the SGE itself, not in the Wizard, I fail to see how Psinet has access to something that is not sent through it. >>>>

Ahh.... How amusing. You yell at Brauden about making comments without knowing the facts, but you are doing it as well. The login key is changed every 6 hours or so, maybe less, but it can be used more then once. How ironic that you bitch at Brauden when you do the same thing.......

Maybe I was incorrect about the timing of the login key; however, you completely missed the point. The point made was it does not send your username/password back and forth.

Ok, so it doesn't send your password and user name, just a key that you can use to access the account...... Damn, I need to pay attention more.

12-01-2004, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale
Publishing your "Holy Grail" Source Code (can you even code C++?) would do more harm than good, which is why it wasn't released. Consider that if the source was out, anyone could find flaw in it to take advantage of. "Pirate" versions of Psinet could be created that WOULD do the things Brauden accuses it of doing.

This is why you release it to Simu, let them vouch.

It doesn't matter if I can code or not. Can you rebuild an engine? Can you determine the ratio of PCR to virgin material in a Pepsi bottle via water displacement and AGR pressure reading?
It's all pretty irrelevant.

Being privy to the inner workings of Psinet, I can vouch for its security. Whether you believe me or not is up to you. *shrug*

And who are you? Your word means nothing when it comes to character and account security for Simutronics and its subscribers. You can vouch for it all day, you have no credentials. Simu and Brauden on the other hand have the credentials and the clout. They have something to lose. Jamus and you have nothing to lose really and more to gain.

Also. Learn to spell it. PSINET. Not Psi-net. You seem to be the grammar National Socialist on other threads, so at least be consistant.

Psi-shit ... I knew I could do it.

You have me mistaken for someone else; I rarely crack on grammar and spelling unless someone begs for it.

12-01-2004, 04:54 PM
I'm surprised that Brian even continues to support PsiNet since he doesn't play anymore.

As much as I understand his need to speak to Brauden, since Brian is not really a paying customer anymore, I don't see why Brauden would have an urgency to speak with him. I'd probably shrug him off to. "Gee, someone who wrote a piggy back program for our game, who no longer plays, is bitching at me. Yeah I'll get right on that. Not."

12-01-2004, 04:58 PM
What CT said. Plus Alahnna, you just stated that if someone got ahold of the codes or source of the program, made pirated copies and exploited any flaws it could do the things Brauden is speaking on.

12-01-2004, 05:03 PM
I mis-worded. Basically, a person could change the source code so it looked like Psinet, acted like Psinet, but did something completely malicious in the background.

12-01-2004, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale

Being that you enter your name/password either on the website itself or on the SGE itself, not in the Wizard, I fail to see how Psinet has access to something that is not sent through it.

To clarify:

SGE sends name/Pass to Simu servers.

Simu servers generate random key. Transmit back to you.

Wizard FE launches, sends to key to Simu servers.

Simu receives key, game connects.

No where in here does Psinet have access to your name or password.

What Brauden says is false. Also, those who say "I don't believe it until I see the source code" have no ground to stand on.

If I remember correctly, a random key is sent, which is used to generate your session key, which is based on your username and/or password and the random key sent to you in the first place. I'm rusty on this, so it may not be 100% accurate. However, that key is stored locally on your computer and anything program installed on your computer could grab your key, and transmit it wherever. However, username/password security really isn't an issue with Psinet when you consider it serves as a proxy between you and the game, and the person controlling that proxy, could, if they so desired, hijack the connection and send whatever commands they want to the game, whether it be hunting for you or stealing all your gear and rerolling your character.

12-01-2004, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Methais

You mean to tell me that there are still people in this world that actually believe ANYTHING that comes out of the mouth of ANYONE from Simutronics?

Why yes actually. I do. I mean, how can you argue with someone in the Simu CS department telling you that the reason you no longer have access to the account that you've had for 8+ years is that the account was given back to the original owner when you are in fact, the original owner?

"Come to find out, it was actually hijacked and 2 years later finally finding out who did it"

12-02-2004, 01:25 AM
Eh, I ain't getting into it on Psinet. I use it, I like it, I stay away from the frigged out cheaters and ookers on the OOC net, that's it. Done, gawn, buh-bye.

But the only reason I don't call Brauden a total cunt is I'd insult honest gals' genitals everywhere. He sucks dead rotting dog cock.


12-07-2004, 05:54 AM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
But the only reason I don't call Brauden a total cunt is I'd insult honest gals' genitals everywhere. He sucks dead rotting dog cock.


And now you have insulted my dog with ghonorrhea. Thanks alot.

12-09-2004, 08:34 AM
I've never had a problem getting in touch with an SGM, or even Melissa for that matter and they all really loathed me.

Brauden is a hard worker and I'm sure there is a very good reason he can't squeeze you into his schedule so quickly.

12-09-2004, 12:27 PM
Rhainy! Where the bleep have you been, girl? Haven't seen a word from you in a loooooooong time! Glad to know you're still alive and kickin'! :D

Shibbidy Joe
12-09-2004, 01:20 PM
Before zmud explicitly supported Simutronics games, I coded a script that would log on for you, which is posted in the files section of the Yahoo group DRzMUD. (not sure if this link will expire, but it's the code: http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/oJK4QQiO9mu-yC6IkMDgd9ega0Q3fd49UXkbc8wSvY15Q_dHH586tfiAclwJTM LiW8mzKNVvpP2Ke2RHiTQCCBlfDApwiYipeb55xcyjbcTDlIm_ iDLImAWo/Old%20Progs/GSConnection.txt)

Anyway, I can confirm Mistomeer. You receive a random key from simu, encode the password into it, and send it back to the server. Then you receive the second (session?) key, which you can use to log in, and which is stored locally. If you use the SGE, it's stored in a plaintext file called gse.~xt (search your computer.) The key can be used multiple times, but I don't know the duration exactly.

ps: I belive I got the info on how to encode the key and everything from Kranar, in his capacity as drConnect programmer. (I think he had it programmed in VB or something.)

(Edited because that link did in fact expire. U2U me if you want the code.)

[Edited on 12-9-2004 by Shibbidy Joe]

Yo Mama
12-14-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Adredrin

Originally posted by Tayre
[quote]Originally posted by LordAdredrin
(The game logs EVERYTHING everyone does.)
I'm 99% sure that is 100% wrong.

And you would be correct..

And I'm 100% sure your wrong. I've had a GM pull up logs over 2 years old to find an missing item, and replace it. :)

.. While you are 100% incorrect. As stated before, the game logs certain things, but far from everything. Can you imagine what a mess, not to mention a crazy storage issue, if the game logged every single thing from every single player? Even with different categories, that would be incredibly unwieldy.

As for Brauden, I can't think of any words to describe what a hateful, egotistic prick he actually is, both in game and out. The assessment that he was beaten up in school and now uses his power in GS to make up for it seems more than accurate to me. First of all, while he's an SGM, he is *not* customer service side, he is primarily a Dev GM. So the better question is why he feels the need to meddle in affairs best left to the folks trained in customer service. From what I hear, he not only acts as Big Brother for 'evildoers' in game, but also breathes down CS GMs' backs, from questioning their calls on issues, overriding their decisions completely, to watching them secretly.

This man is not kept on staff for his likeable personality, let me tell you that much. It's because he's some super whiz-bang coder they can't do without, but they should lock him in his cage and not allow him to talk to anyone outside of Dev. As far as organization goes, he is supposed to be overseeing development and other Dev GMs, yet he constantly has his hands in things in which he has absolutely no business.

There's a lot more, but I'll stop there. Let's just say I'm generally not a violent person and that I don't hate many people, but he is one of a select few that I absolutely detest with a burning passion. I fantasize about ramming his head against concrete, punching him in the face, beating the shit out of him, etc.

-- YM

12-14-2004, 05:18 PM
Whats this Ultra tech stuff, any one got links or info about this. If this is an open source project to replicate psinets functions I'm interested!!

Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale

Consider that if the source was out, anyone could find flaw in it to take advantage of. "Pirate" versions of Psinet could be created that WOULD do the things Brauden accuses it of doing.

Being privy to the inner workings of Psinet, I can vouch for its security. Whether you believe me or not is up to you. *shrug*

This is a bogus argument. Also if the code was released, modifications of the original wouldn't be "pirate" copys, they would be modified versions. Your faulty grasp of that simple relation disturbs me. In light of your latter statement, that being privvy to psinet's code. In other words, do you have any grasp on what is acceptable and unacceptable, right and wrong, safe and unsafe, secure and unsecure?

But anyway, if the source was out and some person wrote in some malicious code he would have to somehow get you to run it. And if you know anything of open source coding (which you obviously do not) you would know that its highly unlikely that a single crazed individual could compete with a group of people working on the open source.

And any real bugs that could be taken advantage of would be found by many people, so its unlikely a single crazed person could gain advantage against the official program in that way.

However, unless you can verify the code free of suspect code yourself it will always come down to trust. In the beginning you had to trust Jamus, now it seems you have to trust Jamus and a mindmeld of a select group of people. If it were open you would have to trust a group of people that took on the development. If you instead used a rogue version then you would have to trust whoever was running it. In my opinion its much easier to trust a group of people that have the same motives for using the software as I, where everything is open.

There is a fairly classic paper written about code and trust, called something like "Trusting trust". Goggle it for a better understanding of code and security if you haven't seen it before.

Also statements like this, "Whether you believe me or not is up to you. *shrug*" just bleeds dishonesty. Of course my beliefs are up to me, how would you propose to make me believe something against my will? And if you don't care what we believe why bother discussing it?

12-14-2004, 10:51 PM
<<It's because he's some super whiz-bang coder they can't do without,>>

Nobody is indispensible. Everyone can be replaced, especially when they're the cause for the company losing customers, as I'm sure more people have left GS on account of him being his usual dickhead self (not including the shitloads of people he's locked out) than on account of any other GM (or player too probably) by far.

Yo Mama
12-15-2004, 03:05 AM
Originally posted by Methais
<<It's because he's some super whiz-bang coder they can't do without,>>

Nobody is indispensible. Everyone can be replaced, especially when they're the cause for the company losing customers, as I'm sure more people have left GS on account of him being his usual dickhead self (not including the shitloads of people he's locked out) than on account of any other GM (or player too probably) by far.

I agree completely; however, when you compare his level of ability to other GMs, and if you knew a little more backstory about him, you would understand that what I say is true. Trust me when I say he is not kept for his personality (he is, in fact, quite disliked by some staff as well).

And being a skilled Dev GM, wouldn't it be nice if he kept himself to what he was supposed to be doing, rather than giving players and staff a hard time? I would figure his time is better spent coding and designing, rather than harassing people..

-- YM

12-15-2004, 04:37 AM
YM, a lotta blokes been tearing their short hairs out fer a long time trying to figger out how Simu works and why. Ain't nothing new.

12-15-2004, 03:00 PM
<<And being a skilled Dev GM, wouldn't it be nice if he kept himself to what he was supposed to be doing, rather than giving players and staff a hard time? I would figure his time is better spent coding and designing, rather than harassing people.. >>

Like I said, when someone is constantly causing problems with people, be it staff or customers (especially customers, since that's how Simu makes their money obviously), and causing a lot of said people to leave, then it's time for him to go, even if it's Bill Gates or even Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, Simu is too stupid and short sighted to realize that.

Judging by the rate at which good things come out for the game (Brauden also likes to nerf stuff and tell you to eat a dick if you don't like it), only a retarded ass company like Simu would still think he's worth keeping around.

12-15-2004, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Methais

...when someone is constantly causing problems with people, be it staff or customers, and causing a lot of said people to leave, then it's time for him to go...

You like to think thats how it works, but obviously if it does work that way it doesn't with respect to Brauden. The reality is that if you've hear rumors that such and such GM dislikes him, then in fact the beginning of the rumor is more likely to get fired than Brauden. Turning internal politics public is a very bad idea.

And the fact is what company would respect or trust Chad or your opinion enough to hold it up against a GM that they know, and has worked for them and apparently done a job? I doubt even 10 teenagers or 20-something losers rate against a productive GM. Now if he were to clearly step over a line thats another story, so when he murders your pet by all means whine to hell and back.

12-17-2004, 04:53 AM
Brauden is a stupid bitch. He deserves to be dropped out of an airplane with no parachute.

12-17-2004, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by MethaisLike I said, when someone is constantly causing problems with people, be it staff or customers (especially customers, since that's how Simu makes their money obviously), and causing a lot of said people to leave, then it's time for him to go, even if it's Bill Gates or even Jesus Christ.

Firing Jesus Christ = one way ticket aboard the HELL train.

Naomi Chan
12-17-2004, 03:01 PM
Hmm, I like Brauden. He seems to have a funny sense of humor and the trickster spirit which leads him into trouble and generally does not endear him to the generla populace. I can totally relate to that. You guys are too hard on him. Just my opinion though :shrug:

12-17-2004, 03:06 PM
If by "trickster spirit" you mean powertripping asshole, then yes, I agree.

12-17-2004, 04:50 PM
I never had a problem with Brauden myself...

I usually have to read all his posts twice because the first time they seem nasty and the second time I kinda get that they are meant to be a joke but he doesn't know how to convey it.


12-17-2004, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Fengus

You like to think thats how it works, but obviously if it does work that way it doesn't with respect to Brauden. The reality is that if you've hear rumors that such and such GM dislikes him, then in fact the beginning of the rumor is more likely to get fired than Brauden. Turning internal politics public is a very bad idea.

And the fact is what company would respect or trust Chad or your opinion enough to hold it up against a GM that they know, and has worked for them and apparently done a job? I doubt even 10 teenagers or 20-something losers rate against a productive GM. Now if he were to clearly step over a line thats another story, so when he murders your pet by all means whine to hell and back.

Again you're just blowing shit out of your mouth. I've played this game a long time and my opinions of Brauden are based both on my own experiences with him as well as siimlar situations others have had with him, which mostly tend to show him acting the same way (mostly people I know well that have shown logs, not just some asswipe screaming "OMG BRAUDEN DID THIS 4 NO REASON HE R TEH SUX HE HATES MEEEEEE!!!1")

I'm sure he is quite productive on the DEV side of things. The problem is that his ego and need to feel good about himself by sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and just being an asshole in general tends to get in the way. 99% of the people you talk to will probably agree that he is the absolute worst "people" GM around (he's apparently just as much of a egotistical prick in RL too, but I can't say so from my own experiences), and his dickhead actions have been at least partially responsible for people finally saying they've had enough of Simu's bullshit and quitting GS. I can't think of any Simu staff member that people have complained about more than Brauden, and they all tend to be for the same reasons, which fits his profile pretty accurately.

The majority of the things you'll hear about someone like Brauden are negative things, usually the result of him being his regular egotistical asshole self. The majority of the things you'll hear about someone like Kyalia or Khaladon tends to be the opposite of that, because aside from being great GMs, there's also a great person behind the GM character. People call things the way they see it (most of the time, there are always exceptions)..

When you have so many people complaining about the same guy acting like an ass (yes I know some staff and former staff members that think he's an asshole too for the same reasons the rest of us do), well....if it looks like an asshole, smells like an asshole and acts like an asshole, it must be an asshole.

Brauden is an asshole, and your fanboy parading isn't going to change that.

[Edited on 12-17-2004 by Methais]

12-17-2004, 05:14 PM
I think I just heard a PWN......

"My absolute and utter hatred for Brauden goes so deep, it would fill Jenna Jamieson"

12-17-2004, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Methais
Brauden is an asshole, and your fanboy parading isn't going to change that.

I have no opinion of him directly, but if him being an asshole is based on the stuff like I've seen with Chadj then he is not an asshole at all. There is a whole group of losers that play this game that bristle at any use of power wether its abuse or not. There isn't a doubt in my mind that Chadj was afk scripting in that incident and has many times before. Just cause Brauden isn't a complete retard and didn't give Chad's script ample warning doesn't make him an asshole, it makes him an effective agent for warning scripters.

This power-abuse is the same mentality that brands all cops as assholes, or every time they do anything its an abuse of power.
My question to all you sounds-like-bitches is why do you continually interact with him if you dislike em so much? Ignore his posts, cancel your assists/referrals whenever he appears and quit cheating and whining. Then he won't have to babysit you and you won't have to deal with him at all. In summary find another outlet for your attention starvation.

12-17-2004, 07:26 PM
You see, you almost start to make a reasonable post, then end it by calling everyone bitches and assuming that everyone that has posted about not liking him is because of the threads here concerning him.

I don't care about Chadj's scripting, or about him not seeing Jamus.
I think he's an asshole because the times my characters have interacted with him IG, he's been an asshole.

Yo Mama
12-18-2004, 01:50 AM
I have no opinion of him directly, but if him being an asshole is based on the stuff like I've seen with Chadj then he is not an asshole at all. There is a whole group of losers that play this game that bristle at any use of power wether its abuse or not. There isn't a doubt in my mind that Chadj was afk scripting in that incident and has many times before. Just cause Brauden isn't a complete retard and didn't give Chad's script ample warning doesn't make him an asshole, it makes him an effective agent for warning scripters.

First, his being an asshole isn't even remotely based on his busting idiots. As much as I dislike him, I am fair and I will call a spade a spade if he's reaming someone that earned it. However, he is a power-tripping asshole, that much I can tell you from personal experience and that of respectable, well-known people. I agree with the rest of this paragraph, but please understand that not all of us are the kind that live to cause trouble and take issue with authority. While I dislike Simu's organization and business practices, I have a good deal of fondness for most GMs on staff. The problem is one in particular, for reasons beautifully outlined above in Methais' post. Well said, by the way.

This power-abuse is the same mentality that brands all cops as assholes, or every time they do anything its an abuse of power.
My question to all you sounds-like-bitches is why do you continually interact with him if you dislike em so much? Ignore his posts, cancel your assists/referrals whenever he appears and quit cheating and whining. Then he won't have to babysit you and you won't have to deal with him at all. In summary find another outlet for your attention starvation.

I don't know if you've played this game called Gemstone? For one, you should know that Brauden holds a lot of power and influence. You should also know that when he doesn't like someone, he will hold a grudge and stick it to that person at every available opportunity. It's possible to avoid him on the boards, and maybe even referrals, but good luck if he has to decide something important and he doesn't like you. I should also note that his dislike is spread randomly and according to criteria known only to him. Rather than the person's merit, because he does pick on some really nice, truly good people. I don't have permission to name names, but if I did list them, you might be surprised at some. They're well-liked, but they get shit on because Brauden decided he didn't like them.

-- YM

12-18-2004, 01:55 AM
Originally posted by Yo Mama
I don't have permission to name names, but if I did list them, you might be surprised at some.

I find the above statement funny

and you had no problem commenting on Brauden without his permission

12-18-2004, 02:17 AM
I was about to respond to you Fengus and point out the holes in your post that show how ignorant you are, but I was beat to the punch, and there's no point in repeating it.

I will however admit that I was wrong in assuming that you would be able to comprehend what I was getting at without assuming that everything I've been saying is based on the whole Jamus and Chadj threads, but apparently I gave you too much credit by assuming you don't ride the short bus.

Maybe next time.

12-18-2004, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by Methais
I was about to respond to you Fengus and point out the holes in your post that show how ignorant you are, but I was beat to the punch, and there's no point in repeating it.

I will however admit that I was wrong in assuming that you would be able to comprehend what I was getting at without assuming that everything I've been saying is based on the whole Jamus and Chadj threads, but apparently I gave you too much credit by assuming you don't ride the short bus.

Maybe next time.

Hey hey the short bus WON'T even stop at his house! :P

I have not interacted at all with Brauden, but I have enough respect for the ones like Methais to believe what he says is fact and not some whining BS.

Yo Mama
12-18-2004, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by Yo Mama
I don't have permission to name names, but if I did list them, you might be surprised at some.

I find the above statement funny

and you had no problem commenting on Brauden without his permission

Well, no. Duh. It's obviously well-known enough that he's a prick. Why can't I call him out on it without getting innocent people in trouble? I don't know if you're aware, but GS staff reads these forums and knowing Brauden as I do, naming names will only make things worse for them.

It's sort of like when you have a really unfair, mean teacher. The students should have a right to complain anonymously without risk of retribution.


-- YM

12-18-2004, 06:00 PM
I get surprised when I read all the things you guys say about Brauden, because I've never had a bad interaction with him. I've actually had some bad interactions with people who seem to be really liked by many players, who have said things that really really irritated me.

At least Brauden is honest with you, isn't going to feed you a line of bullshit, and will do things for the good of the game, without going behind your back and messing with the players enjoyment with a smile on his face, like some others.;)


12-18-2004, 06:27 PM
<<I get surprised when I read all the things you guys say about Brauden, because I've never had a bad interaction with him.>>

Just because you haven't had a bad experience with him doesn't make him a good GM/person. When it comes to Brauden, people that haven't had bad experiences with him are the exception.

<<At least Brauden is honest with you, isn't going to feed you a line of bullshit, >>

That's arguable.

<<without going behind your back and messing with the players enjoyment with a smile on his face, like some others.>>

You have a point. Brauden has never tried to hide the fact that he's a prick. I guess he deserves credit for that if nothing else.

Naomi Chan
12-19-2004, 12:37 AM
Well come to think of it, he was absolutely obsessed with the boulder dwellers. But I don't know if it was his orders he was carrying out from above from a Senior GM or if he was just really really letting it get to him. Either way I think he'd be a better roleplayer than a GM. Coding does not build character. This is, of course, pure speculation. We won't know unless we tie him up at Simucon and interrogate him in the hotel janitor's closet.

Who's with me? :P

12-19-2004, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by Yo Mama
I don't know if you've played this game called Gemstone? For one, you should know that Brauden holds a lot of power and influence. You should also know that when he doesn't like someone, he will hold a grudge and stick it to that person...

Like I said I don't know him directly I know him from indirect confrontation in the words of Jamus and Chadj, in both those cases the antagonist has not been Brauden. Thus I am more likely to take an opposing view. Having read what you said and more importantly how it doesn't make me think of a prepubesent teen scribbing a broken crayon, I'm inclined to hold my judgement until I have more direct knowledge.

However, I never claimed that he was some saint. My motives are more a shift towards balance, when Chadj or Jamus come here ranting about being abused where they were clearly in the wrong I am motivated to step up and interject some balance.

Jamus trying to force a confrontation makes him seem obnoixiously arrogant, but at the same time almost passive aggressive, which makes me cringe with distaste. Chadj was just acting the victim where he was clearly cheating, which makes him look like a cry baby whiner.

I think what it all boils down to is that your only real option other than plain old complaints is to put your money where your mouth is, if the bad outweighs the good then leaving the game sends the biggest and only real message Simu understands. I know customers want to be appreciated, but wanting that and hoping that will someday happen are two very different levels of emotional attachment. Simu has always been slightly detached from their customers, I think it has to do with the fact that most all GMs come from the customer base. They then percieve themselves as better (they've advanced from player to gamemaster) than the customers instead of servants.

It actually harkens back to MUD lore, because the winning of most MUD was attaining Wizard status which then put you in control of the game and with complete power over all the non-Wizard players. This differs from GS in only one way, they are called GMs and they get paid on some sort of value based assessment.

Originally posted by Methais
I was about to respond to you Fengus and point out the holes in your post that show how ignorant you are, but I was beat to the punch, ...

Let me point out the error of your ways, the above statement is a lie. You are in fact responding, you've only realized you have nothing relevant to say. There is no harm in that, but typically people that have nothing to say, say nothing.

12-19-2004, 03:47 PM
No, I'm afraid the above statement is not a lie. I could have basically repeated what two people have already said before I read your post, but why bother? It's been said already, and I felt no need to repeat it. Like I just said, it's already been said. Like I just said, again, it's already been said. Like I just said AGAIN, it's already been said. Like I just said ONE MORE TIME NOW, it's already been said. One day, just maybe one day you'll learn what reading comprehension is and how to do it.

However, since you seem incapable of that, I'll give you the short, short version, minus Princess Vespa and Prince Valium.....

Originally posted by Mistomeer
You see, you almost start to make a reasonable post, then end it by calling everyone bitches and assuming that everyone that has posted about not liking him is because of the threads here concerning him.

I don't care about Chadj's scripting, or about him not seeing Jamus.
I think he's an asshole because the times my characters have interacted with him IG, he's been an asshole.


Originally posted by Yo Mama

First, his being an asshole isn't even remotely based on his busting idiots. As much as I dislike him, I am fair and I will call a spade a spade if he's reaming someone that earned it. However, he is a power-tripping asshole, that much I can tell you from personal experience and that of respectable, well-known people. I agree with the rest of this paragraph, but please understand that not all of us are the kind that live to cause trouble and take issue with authority. While I dislike Simu's organization and business practices, I have a good deal of fondness for most GMs on staff. The problem is one in particular, for reasons beautifully outlined above in Methais' post. Well said, by the way.

I don't know if you've played this game called Gemstone? For one, you should know that Brauden holds a lot of power and influence. You should also know that when he doesn't like someone, he will hold a grudge and stick it to that person at every available opportunity. It's possible to avoid him on the boards, and maybe even referrals, but good luck if he has to decide something important and he doesn't like you. I should also note that his dislike is spread randomly and according to criteria known only to him. Rather than the person's merit, because he does pick on some really nice, truly good people. I don't have permission to name names, but if I did list them, you might be surprised at some. They're well-liked, but they get shit on because Brauden decided he didn't like them.

-- YM


[Edited on 12-19-2004 by Methais]

12-20-2004, 04:22 PM
Methais posted that just because Ilvane hasn't had a bad experience doesn't make Brauden a bad GM but....

Many posters here are basing their opinions on Brauden's "badness" on other people's experiences with said GM.

I don't get it.

12-20-2004, 04:23 PM
oh...and hello Harm...you...person I probably know :)

12-20-2004, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Rhaindrop
Methais posted that just because Ilvane hasn't had a bad experience doesn't make Brauden a bad GM but....

Many posters here are basing their opinions on Brauden's "badness" on other people's experiences with said GM.

I don't get it.

Maybe it's because those who have opinions on Brauden's badness rightly deserved to be busted by him, and they're resentful?

Here's another example, just because 10 people might think someone is a bitch, does that make it true, especially if the person they're talking about doesn't think they are one? No, I'm not talking about myself.


12-20-2004, 05:20 PM
Brauden sure does have a big impact on the game for most.
Ya'll better recognize.

I've never had an interaction with him so my judgement is reserved.

Yo Mama
12-20-2004, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Rhaindrop

Maybe it's because those who have opinions on Brauden's badness rightly deserved to be busted by him, and they're resentful?

I respect the right to reserve judgement on a subject until personal experience is had, and I regularly exercise it, myself. But I don't see how your judgement of those in this discussion is any more justified than ours of Brauden. Obviously you do not believe the posters in the discussion, or you would have already gleaned that Brauden picks on people who otherwise are good and get along with the majority.

Here's another example, just because 10 people might think someone is a bitch, does that make it true, especially if the person they're talking about doesn't think they are one? No, I'm not talking about myself.


Subjective question, not only in nature, but in number. Ten people out of how many? A million, a thousand, a hundred, ten? It makes a big difference. If 100% (10/10) of people who know the 'bitch' thinks she is a bitch, then of course she is. Being in denial about your personality traits does not negate them. If you act like an asshole to almost everyone, and they view you that way, then it follows that you are an asshole.



12-20-2004, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Yo Mama
Subjective question, not only in nature, but in number. Ten people out of how many? A million, a thousand, a hundred, ten? It makes a big difference. If 100% (10/10) of people who know the 'bitch' thinks she is a bitch, then of course she is. Being in denial about your personality traits does not negate them. If you act like an asshole to almost everyone, and they view you that way, then it follows that you are an asshole.



And the chances of a person only being known by 10 people is what? Almost non-existent?

12-20-2004, 07:11 PM
9,999,999 out of 10,000,000 people think Brauden is an asshole.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-20-2004, 07:16 PM
I guess I'm not in the in crowd then.

Yo Mama
12-20-2004, 10:03 PM
And the chances of a person only being known by 10 people is what? Almost non-existent?

Sure, if you take my point literally.

-- YM