View Full Version : Scam Alert - Haldrik/Kalros
05-07-2016, 01:04 AM
Haldrik/Kalros is trying to scam you out of your pendant.
He's claiming that his golvern segment is going to be so incredibly rare and that pendants are going to be common and worthless.
He's only offering 10m for a pendant.
Pendants have sold for 25m many times.
Don't fall for his scams.
05-07-2016, 01:09 AM
Haldrik/Kalros is trying to scam you out of your pendant.
He's claiming that his golvern segment is going to be so incredibly rare and that pendants are going to be common and worthless.
He's only offering 10m for a pendant.
Pendants have sold for 25m many times.
Don't fall for his scams.
Sounds reasonable to me. There are at least 10 pendants left over this run. Assuming the same odds, next run there will be 20 pendants left over. The time after that, 30, 40, etc.
Except I'm not going to spend $2000 in the sewer next DR, I doubt other people are too. I'll be doing the arena, which means even more pendants. So, I'd estimate at least 20 pendants left over next run.
Logic and math are hard to cope with in the face of your sensationalism, irrationality, and delusions. I'd try therapy.
05-07-2016, 01:19 AM
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "Hey Alastir, remember that one time you went into cavernhold and got all your shit stolen?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "Remember when I went invis and stole at least half of it? Oh wait, you shouldn't since I never told you."
Here's the "good guy" leading the scam patrol police.
05-07-2016, 01:22 AM
05-07-2016, 01:22 AM
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "Hey Alastir, remember that one time you went into cavernhold and got all your shit stolen?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "Remember when I went invis and stole at least half of it? Oh wait, you shouldn't since I never told you."
Here's the "good guy" leading the scam patrol police.
Yeah, that wasn't actually true. I only have a rogue, no invis here. But thanks for taking the bait. :)
05-07-2016, 01:24 AM
05-07-2016, 01:25 AM
Yeah, that wasn't actually true. I only have a rogue, no invis here. But thanks for taking the bait. :)
Right. So you were lying, or you're lying about lying.
For those curious: I did go to cavernhold to rescue people that lost weapons, and I ended up losing a lot of weapons/rings myself.
It's nice to know that Kalros was the person who stole them.
05-07-2016, 01:40 AM
05-07-2016, 01:43 AM
Right. So you were lying, or you're lying about lying.
For those curious: I did go to cavernhold to rescue people that lost weapons, and I ended up losing a lot of weapons/rings myself.
It's nice to know that Kalros was the person who stole them.
If this was true.
Should we blame the ill-informed idiot for going into cavernhold? Or the person taking advantage of the situation?
Hmmmm.... is there any correlation here to a similar situation in which we could draw a conclusion?
05-07-2016, 01:57 AM
Right. So you were lying, or you're lying about lying.
For those curious: I did go to cavernhold to rescue people that lost weapons, and I ended up losing a lot of weapons/rings myself.
It's nice to know that Kalros was the person who stole them.
Alastir knows full well what happened with his items yet is trying to make it appear that Kalros stole them. What a piece of shit. I'm the one who found and returned his 30mil in weapons and items he so stupidly lost, after which his stupid ass tipped me 3mil for the trouble. Oh and he forgot to ask me for a ring back so I sold that shits for 4mil, cause fuck you Alastir haha. You said the gm's duped it anyways, so who cares right?
So now we have Alastir who knows full well what happened to his items, claiming Kalros stole them. Alastir also has no problem taking advantage of ignorant players. If you think this is someone you want to deal with, by all means, have at it.
05-07-2016, 02:02 AM
Alastir knows full well what happened with his items yet is trying to make it appear that Kalros stole them. What a piece of shit. I'm the one who found and returned his 30mil in weapons and items he so stupidly lost, after which his stupid ass tipped me 3mil for the trouble. Oh and he forgot to ask me for a ring back so I sold that shits for 4mil, cause fuck you Alastir haha. You said the gm's duped it anyways, so who cares right?
So now we have Alastir who knows full well what happened to his items, claiming Kalros stole them. Alastir also has no problem taking advantage of ignorant players. If you think this is someone you want to deal with, by all means, have at it.
05-07-2016, 02:38 AM
There's a difference between taking advantage of noobs when you have hundreds of millions in the bank and taking from one idiot who doesn't know enough about game mechanics not to lose his 30mil in items. You seem to think they are equivilent in some way. Scumbag.
05-07-2016, 02:56 AM
There's a difference between taking advantage of noobs when you have hundreds of millions in the bank and taking from one idiot who doesn't know enough about game mechanics not to lose his 30mil in items. You seem to think they are equivilent in some way. Scumbag.
05-07-2016, 03:01 AM
You're a fucking moron.
What a game! Preemptive STFU to PB since he'll be all over my post.
05-07-2016, 07:04 AM
So essentially we've got 3 scum bags circle jerking while discussing which one of them is the biggest scum bag? Sorry I don't usually come into the merchant folders so I'm trying to catch up here.
05-07-2016, 07:39 AM
Luntz has never shown himself to be a scumbag to me.
05-07-2016, 07:55 AM
What a bunch of fucking losers.
05-07-2016, 07:57 AM
Luntz has never shown himself to be a scumbag to me.
Did you miss the part where a bunch of people died/lost gear in the Cavernhold, Luntz found that gear, and then kept it so he could sell it secretly for millions of silvers?
05-07-2016, 08:19 AM
Confirmed luntz = haldrik.
05-07-2016, 10:55 AM
Did you miss the part where a bunch of people died/lost gear in the Cavernhold, Luntz found that gear, and then kept it so he could sell it secretly for millions of silvers?
Let's not pretend ok, I hated you before you lost your shit like a moron and I still do. I could've stole your 30mil in shit and laughed in your face if I wanted, but I didn't, cause I'm better than you. Go justify scamming ignorant plebes some more.
05-07-2016, 03:15 PM
Yeah, that wasn't actually true. I only have a rogue, no invis here. But thanks for taking the bait. :)
Technically true, but you do have access to one.
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