View Full Version : Tell me why my training sucks (not changing) and what CMANS I need

05-01-2016, 11:08 AM
Sooooo...Piggybacking on Jelten's awesome monk title post I have a question on what CMANS I should be focusing on with my (for a warrior) terribad spec. I am doing it for RP purposes, so the training 99% won't be changing, but just curious as a warrior with this kind of build what would be my go to CMANS to support this spec.

feel free to openly crucify me and my terrible life choices as it relates to my intended training plan.

(at level 2), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 15 3
Armor Use..........................| 35 7
Combat Maneuvers...................| 30 6
Ranged Weapons.....................| 30 6
Brawling...........................| 30 6
Ambush.............................| 5 1
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 20 4
Physical Fitness...................| 30 6
Dodging............................| 30 6
Survival...........................| 15 3
Perception.........................| 30 6
First Aid..........................| 15 3

05-01-2016, 01:41 PM
You dual wielding crossbows?

05-01-2016, 01:51 PM
that would be BOSS but no open handed UAC and bow for certain things.

My guys is only going to carry so many arrows and once he runs out in a hunt (as someone would in the actual given scenario) fall back on my other skillset which in this case will be close quarters combat. Chose to be a ranged warrior to fit my character who was raised to utilize a bow to survive and rely on his combat as a necessary last resort.

RP nonsense but works for me.

05-01-2016, 01:57 PM
Just stab everything with your last arrow like Legolas.

To answer the thread title though, your training sucks pretty badly. :(

05-01-2016, 02:26 PM
I know right? Any thoughts on CMANs though?

05-01-2016, 02:28 PM
Just stab everything with your last arrow like Legolas.

I know you are jesting...but actually, is that possible mechanically and if so does it use Ranged bonus to determine AS or edged? lol

05-01-2016, 02:29 PM
I know right? Any thoughts on CMANs though?

No. Your training path is unsustainable and you don't want to listen to input on it from the best.

05-01-2016, 02:29 PM
I know you are jesting...but actually, is that possible mechanically and if so does it use Ranged bonus to determine AS or edged? lol

I think arrows are edged based when you attack with them directly. Maybe? I dunno. Inspect an arrow.

05-01-2016, 02:32 PM
You should train in berserk, and when you run out of arrows, drop your crossbow and yell "HULK SMASH!!" and start zerking.

05-01-2016, 02:36 PM
Aren't crossbows OHB based when swung? Train in OHE also so you can also use an arrow. Smash with the crossbow, poke with the arrow.

05-01-2016, 02:47 PM
No. Your training path is unsustainable and you don't want to listen to input on it from the best.

While my training plan is terrible from the conventional warrior sense, I know I certainly won't be utilizing some very handy/powerful tools for warriors but I would disagree with you that it is not sustainable. I am hitting the marks for all the UAC training to be effective in, and the open aiming archery won't be a concern either. If you notice my OP title it says no suggestions on the training path, but does ask for aid for possible CMAN input. So it's not that I don't want input, I have merely specified what I would like input in. The title doesn't leave a ton of room for grammar etc so I can see how it could be misconstrued though.

Just trying a training path outside the box, no different than anyone else trying something a little outside of the norm. Harder time leveling versus unsustainble are quite different.

Also I can RP at a later time my renouncing of bows or UAC as I so please but at the time that was the path I chose. I just happen to love warriors, ranged and UAC and this provided me the opportunity for all 3 in 1 =)

05-01-2016, 03:14 PM
Since you don't want training suggestions, let me offer an RP suggestion:

After running out of arrows in a hunt, your warrior thinks, "Hmm, maybe I should carry more arrows next time."

05-01-2016, 03:29 PM
Since you don't want training suggestions, let me offer an RP suggestion:

After running out of arrows in a hunt, your warrior thinks, "Hmm, maybe I should carry more arrows next time."

Noted and may be utilized =)

05-01-2016, 03:46 PM
While my training plan is terrible from the conventional warrior sense, I know I certainly won't be utilizing some very handy/powerful tools for warriors but I would disagree with you that it is not sustainable. I am hitting the marks for all the UAC training to be effective in, and the open aiming archery won't be a concern either. If you notice my OP title it says no suggestions on the training path, but does ask for aid for possible CMAN input. So it's not that I don't want input, I have merely specified what I would like input in. The title doesn't leave a ton of room for grammar etc so I can see how it could be misconstrued though.

Just trying a training path outside the box, no different than anyone else trying something a little outside of the norm. Harder time leveling versus unsustainble are quite different.

Also I can RP at a later time my renouncing of bows or UAC as I so please but at the time that was the path I chose. I just happen to love warriors, ranged and UAC and this provided me the opportunity for all 3 in 1 =)

For your build, cman reroll would be what I would pick up first. Once you have that everything else should be cake.

05-01-2016, 03:50 PM
For your build, cman reroll would be what I would pick up first. Once you have that everything else should be cake.

Do I have to unlock the CMAN -- is CMAN skill adjust a pre-req for that? Low on CMAN at the moment so not sure how to unlock it.

05-01-2016, 09:46 PM
Combat Focus (focus)- TD is always nice
Bearhug (bearhug) - Fun to use but not terribly practical
Dirtkick (dirtkick) - Lower EBP of target and can be used in defensive without harming effectiveness
Twin Hammerfists (twinhamm) - Nice quick knockdown but requires two empty hands or brawling weapons
Headbutt (headbutt) - Fun to use but with a 5 second rt to use and often repeated uses to be effective not terribly practical
Haymaker (haymaker) - Same as above
Specialization I (wspec1) - Wspecing arrows can increase your ranged AS
Multi-Fire (mfire) - Good for front loading damage but often terrible rt's compared to single shots
Coup de Grace (coupdegrace) - Fun maneuver with great messaging
Combat Mobility (mobility) - Spring to your feet when attacked as long as you aren't stunned or anything. Everyone can agree 1 rank is a must and I always aim for 2
Combat Toughness (toughness) - If you aren't a giant, dwarf or HK, you may want to consider adding to your health pool
Bull Rush (bullrush) - Decent knockdown but unreliable on low endrolls
Surge of Strength (surge) - This can shorten your firing rts, slightly boost your UAF, and increase what you can carry before you see a DS hit
Cunning Defense (cdefense) - A nice small boost to your defense against any and all combat maneuvers
Punch Mastery (punchmastery) - +5 MM is always good for UAC, I think the first rank of all the masteries is worth it if you UAC enough
Kick Mastery (kmastery)
Grapple Mastery (gmastery)
Tainted Bond (tainted) - Extra swing with AS boost, can be worth it for T4 and 5 weapons
Griffin's Voice (griffin) - Love this maneuver, allows one to use warcries more often and keep holler up for that +20 AS
Whirling Dervish (dervish) - With enough ranks in MoC this could be worth it
Unarmed Specialist (unarmedspec) - Allows you to use a range of maneuvers with your open right hand without being a master in them

A quick breakdown of the maneuvers I think you'd be interested in with your build. I see nothing wrong with your training plan, you aren't the first nor likely to be the last to try it. You could honestly cap with that build and without much difficulty either. You just miss out on bonding which is one of the biggest draws for being a warrior but hardly the only one.

05-02-2016, 01:21 AM
You'll miss out on berserk as well.

05-02-2016, 08:52 AM
I'll just use that for breaking webs and stuns, in 6-12 short years they will add UAC to berserk I'm almost 25% sure of it

05-02-2016, 09:51 AM
The problem with that is that you really have to tank short webs/stuns/etc. rather than berserk out of them. If you miss your break attempt and the status drops naturally, you're left fist berserking, which is probabky more dangerous than just being stunned or webbed in the first place.

05-02-2016, 10:45 AM
I made a similar warrior build, which was quite fun and my capped monk has this build. It sucks that warriors can't bond to the ranged for disarming. Make a script to pop bow away and mstrike jab, wait 7 and pop bow back out. It is quite effective, once the group of critters are softened up, just pluck the bow.

Drop dodge to 1x, ambush and perception to 2x get ride of first aid, twc, survival, points will be tight. With this build you use brawl when you get disarmed and for MOC.

Krynch for MOC
Combat mobility
Cunning defense

05-02-2016, 05:44 PM
Oh so I can lose TWC as well? I figured the DS would be important, but I guess when points allow build it up huh?

05-02-2016, 06:43 PM
If you can squeeze it in, have it half the amount of ranks when compared to your training. You will only need the twc defense when the bow is away and MOCing.

05-02-2016, 08:10 PM
Ahh fair enough! Makes sense