View Full Version : Tell my why my training sucks, and how I fix it.

04-30-2016, 08:57 PM
Level 26 monk. Half-elf. Stats are all jacked up because I converted from a paladin I made in like... 2003 or some such and hadn't touched since. They might be decent for growth on monk, who knows - haven't checked. I am like 99% going to make a new monk, but I'd like the experts to take a look at this one and give me some feedback so I better know how to train the new one when I make it. Thanks!

Strength (STR): 82 (16) ... 82 (16)
Constitution (CON): 63 (6) ... 63 (6)
Dexterity (DEX): 63 (11) ... 63 (11)
Agility (AGI): 93 (31) ... 93 (31)
Discipline (DIS): 88 (14) ... 88 (14)
Aura (AUR): 66 (8) ... 66 (8)
Logic (LOG): 96 (23) ... 96 (23)
Intuition (INT): 62 (6) ... 62 (6)
Wisdom (WIS): 66 (8) ... 66 (8)
Influence (INF): 75 (17) ... 75 (17)

Two Weapon Combat..................| 5 1
Combat Maneuvers...................| 111 27
Brawling...........................| 154 54
Physical Fitness...................| 184 84
Dodging............................| 183 83
Harness Power......................| 66 14
Spirit Mana Control................| 66 14
Perception.........................| 111 27
Climbing...........................| 90 20
Swimming...........................| 25 5

Spell Lists
Minor Mental.......................| 20

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Combat Focus focus 1
Punch Mastery punchmastery 3

04-30-2016, 09:05 PM
Level 26 monk.

I think I found the problem. Naww, I tease.

Monks are squares so .5xing in spells seems to be the way to go, that would free up a lot of points right there. 2xing CM is probably a good idea as well, 3xing dodge seems to be overkill for a monk, my monk does just fine with 2x.

The way Donquix explained TWC for UAC to me was you want the number of ranks to be equal to half your level plus 1. So like at level 10 you would want 6, at level 30 you want 16. Apparently the best DS bang for your TP buck was 51 ranks total of TWC at level 100.

04-30-2016, 09:14 PM
I think I found the problem. Naww, I tease.

Monks are squares so .5xing in spells seems to be the way to go, that would free up a lot of points right there. 2xing CM is probably a good idea as well, 3xing dodge seems to be overkill for a monk, my monk does just fine with 2x.

The way Donquix explained TWC for UAC to me was you want the number of ranks to be equal to half your level plus 1. So like at level 10 you would want 6, at level 30 you want 16. Apparently the best DS bang for your TP buck was 51 ranks total of TWC at level 100.

Do you use anything to handle uac combat? Script wise that is?

04-30-2016, 09:19 PM
Do you use anything to handle uac combat? Script wise that is?


04-30-2016, 10:35 PM

Lol anything you can recommend?

04-30-2016, 10:37 PM
;smartmonk for me

04-30-2016, 10:38 PM
Lol anything you can recommend?

I think there's a script on the ;repo called ;bettermonk or ;automonk or something that handles UAC.

I'm not sure, I made a script for my monk. Most of the coding can be found in my script ;auto-level if you want to check it out.


;smartmonk for me

;smartmonk that was it.

04-30-2016, 10:41 PM
;smartmonk for me

I've tried combo in the past but never smartmonk. Ill have to give it a whirl. Any issues or does it perform well? Combo has way too much screen scroll for my taste

04-30-2016, 10:43 PM
I think there's a script on the ;repo called ;bettermonk or ;automonk or something that handles UAC.

I'm not sure, I made a script for my monk. Most of the coding can be found in my script ;auto-level if you want to check it out.


;smartmonk that was it.

Awesome thank you I will check it out

04-30-2016, 10:45 PM
I've tried combo in the past but never smartmonk. Ill have to give it a whirl. Any issues or does it perform well? Combo has way too much screen scroll for my taste

Only issue I had with it is that it doesn't run from clouds.

05-01-2016, 02:03 AM
I think I found the problem. Naww, I tease.


05-01-2016, 08:16 AM
Just throw it in bigshot if clouds are an issue. Check the flee from clouds box in bigshot and use script smartmonk as your attack command. Just disable loot scripts in bigshot or smartmonk or else they'll both try to run sloot or whatever.

05-03-2016, 10:10 PM
So basically, from what I was able to ascertain here, this is more or less how my training "should" look at level 3? Not sure if I'll be able to keep all of it up once I hit the end of 30 days and have to redo stats for growth, but as a general theme anyway:

Jelten (at level 3), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 10 2
Combat Maneuvers...................| 40 8
Brawling...........................| 40 8
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 20 4
Physical Fitness...................| 58 12
Dodging............................| 40 8
Harness Power......................| 10 2
Perception.........................| 20 4
Climbing...........................| 20 4
Swimming...........................| 20 4
First Aid..........................| 20 4

Spell Lists
Minor Mental.......................| 2

05-03-2016, 10:15 PM
So basically, from what I was able to ascertain here, this is more or less how my training "should" look at level 3? Not sure if I'll be able to keep all of it up once I hit the end of 30 days and have to redo stats for growth, but as a general theme anyway:

Jelten (at level 3), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 10 2
Combat Maneuvers...................| 40 8
Brawling...........................| 40 8
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 20 4
Physical Fitness...................| 58 12
Dodging............................| 40 8
Harness Power......................| 10 2
Perception.........................| 20 4
Climbing...........................| 20 4
Swimming...........................| 20 4
First Aid..........................| 20 4

Spell Lists
Minor Mental.......................| 2

If you're still low on TPs you could probably make do with 2x PF as well.

Also depending on where you hunt you could probably even put off swimming for a long time. Icemule for example doesn't require any swimming at all until you reach the Rift, which isn't until level 67ish, but you would have to move around level 55 anyways.

05-03-2016, 11:18 PM
i use combo, i dunno if smartmonk is more better than dreaven updated it today.

.5x is real high for monk spells, but it's generally a decent idea to overtrain pretty aggressively to get 1220. Eventually getting 120 is nice but early levels it's not like you have to deal with spell burst and you can get 101/103/107 from like...literally anyone. I did go really magical overall (i was .6ish i think most of my leveling up time) i've stopped doing spells earlier than originally anticipated to work on pure physical skills, mainly just because i got bored of going forever not training anything. I stopped at 1235 and 120. For reference GMs "expect" a .3x spell training plan (as per estild or finros, i forget)

my general training plan was:

things i did regular the whole time:
2x brawl
2x PF
2x dodging
2x CM
1x perception
.5x TWC (leaving at 1 rank is also an option, the per rank increase is shit but if you maintain .5x or more you get a static +10 DS)
.5x harness power
.5x climb
.5x swim

things i randomly picked up along the way:
20 ranks ambush for helping to aim punches (i had this by around 30 or 40)
20 ranks arcane symbols and 20 ranks MIU - picked up pretty late for spell burst areas + random imbedibles and reading scrolls, but i rarely if ever use them. (70+)
5 ranks then 15 ranks mental lore transformation - if you're sticking with robes, 5 ranks is good bang for the buck (it's an ASG increase). around level 50 or so (whenever the monk naturable scaling allowed it) i bumped this to 15 ranks, which gave me full coverage scale leather (brig equivalent). Now with the last natural monk increase i have chain vest equivalent skin /flex
.5x survival + first aid - went forever with non, eventually threw some points in cause it's kinda convenient (stayed under the .5x threshold so i don't get skinning bounties) (80+)
MoC - had like 10 ranks or something for a long time, when the changes rolled in to make it work with UAC i immediately dumped points into it to get 55 ranks. recommend 1xing to that or more, hard to say since i got to skip that and was forced to go wtihout

everything else went into spells. 1220 first, obviously, then 120. I very much enjoyed having 1220 and 120 by ~60 or something.

now i'm picking up 3x dodge, i won't quite get it by cap (i'll cap at about 285 ranks)

This is all in voln.

one disclaimer is i always had a wizard spellup. it certainly let me be lazier, but is not at all necessary (i just, you know, never had to stance dance...ever. i just walked around in offensive at all times until i got to much higher levels).

my current plan is: 3x dodge, 3x PF (i'm ~1300 physical points converted to mental so...going the more physical skills will seem like i'm going faster!) then i dunno, still deciding. probably max spells, just to say i did. still deciding if i'm going to do MnS any higher or just put it all in monk. I'll either do 81/20 or 61/40. wall of force would come in handy during invasions, swarms, etc. If i wasn't voln, i'd likely pick up 130 after 1235 just for convenience. 1208 TD scaling caps at 1248 so, that is a must eventually. (even if it's only another like 3 non-mental TD)

I'll probably eventually do ~70 transform and 30 telep. But this stuff is all way, way, way down the line :D

oh, combat maneuvers, here's what i'm at now:
Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Combat Focus focus 5
Feint feint 5
Surge of Strength surge 3
Cunning Defense cdefense 4
Burst of Swiftness burst 3
Perfect Self perfectself 5
Punch Mastery punchmastery 3
Ki Focus kifocus 3
Rolling Krynch Stance krynch 3

going to finish cdefense, pick up 1 rank of mobility then that's either all my points or i might have 5 leftover for something else random. I can't remember. Not real important. i'm also tempted to drop krynch for slippery mind because with MoC and kifocus i can make due without krynch, but i dunno. It would be tough to not have it, and i would DEFINITELY go krynch until much higher levels.

krynch -> punch mastery -> perfect self (and prereqs) -> feint -> combat focus -> kifocus

was more or less my order (this was, again, before the recent changes so kifocus was still useless. might better early now? not sure)

05-04-2016, 12:32 AM
i use combo, i dunno if smartmonk is more better than dreaven updated it today.

I use ;combo as well and it works great but I don't like all the screen scroll with the attack spamming. It also seems to want to clear targets and randomly attack any critter in the room.

05-04-2016, 01:20 AM
i've never had it clear a target randomly or spam too much, are you on the latest version? it does pick a target randomly if you don't specify one but if you do ;combo <thing> it targets just like you would by typing "target thing" then attacks using that mobs GameObj ID until it exits.

it doesn't have MOC support, i should upload my modified version but i hacked some stuff into it i think most people want taken out for some record keeping i was doing.

05-04-2016, 12:11 PM
Please goodness I've been waiting for ;combo with MOC support

05-04-2016, 12:22 PM
Please goodness I've been waiting for ;combo with MOC support

I'm surprised no one has put together a complete uac script yet. I think a great package would encourage more people to use UAC.

05-04-2016, 12:34 PM
Very similar to above build, my level 89 monk for reference:

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 191 91
Combat Maneuvers...................| 282 182
Brawling...........................| 282 182
Ambush.............................| 140 40
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 82 18
Physical Fitness...................| 299 199
Dodging............................| 282 182
Harness Power......................| 140 40
Mental Lore - Telepathy............| 62 13
Mental Lore - Transformation.......| 178 78
Perception.........................| 191 91
Climbing...........................| 150 50
Swimming...........................| 140 40

Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual....................| 20

Spell Lists
Minor Mental.......................| 20

Combat Focus focus 5
Combat Mobility mobility 2
Surge of Strength surge 5
Burst of Swiftness burst 3
Perfect Self perfectself 5
Punch Mastery punchmastery 3
Kick Mastery kmastery 1
Grapple Mastery gmastery 1
Rolling Krynch Stance krynch 3

Available Combat Maneuver Training Points: 9

One thing to note, I am not taking advantage of amazing MOC because I duo with a wizard. I am backing it down to put points elsewhere. Once I cap and have a better PTP MTP balance, will put points back into MOC.

05-04-2016, 05:28 PM
i've never had it clear a target randomly or spam too much, are you on the latest version? it does pick a target randomly if you don't specify one but if you do ;combo <thing> it targets just like you would by typing "target thing" then attacks using that mobs GameObj ID until it exits.

it doesn't have MOC support, i should upload my modified version but i hacked some stuff into it i think most people want taken out for some record keeping i was doing.

It clears target at beginning which is after bigshot sets it up. It spams the attack probably 4-6 times before it actually attacks. Seems excessive and creates a lot of scroll with fast attacks

05-04-2016, 05:46 PM
I'm surprised no one has put together a complete uac script yet. I think a great package would encourage more people to use UAC.

because open UAC, even after the changes, is still meh. The changes are still really new. Most people doing UAC are ambushing so, it's not needed. I'll see if I can get my changes cleaned up sometime toon but...Overwatch is kinda out soooooooo. Priorities.

It clears target at beginning which is after bigshot sets it up. It spams the attack probably 4-6 times before it actually attacks. Seems excessive and creates a lot of scroll with fast attacks

huh, haven't had that issue. what do you have in your combat line for bigshot to use it? should be "script combo target" if memory serves.

The other issues i'm trying to think of for combo is, as someone said it doesn't exit for clouds. It also doesn't respect your flee settings for bigshot (as in too many targets or things you have it set to "always" flee from) Those can all either be addressed with an outside monitoring script (watches for those conditions, then kills combo if they are met) or in the script itself. One of the other updates i did if i recall was adding breaks into combo if your bigshot settings are there, but that should really exist outside of combo. Should probably make a generic bigshot helper script that monitors for all those, then kills XXXX script (and you can add scripts to that helper scripts config and it kills them all, so it's extensible beyond just combo/smartmonk/etc.)

for the mstrike i have mine setup so if cooldown is up, it mstrikes. i think i also changed it so it tries to punch my aimed target even at good, because i get enough kills at that tier anyway. also with rank 3 punch mastery, there's actually pretty negligible difference in tierup chance between jab and punch.

05-04-2016, 05:47 PM
Very similar to above build, my level 89 monk for reference:

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 191 91
Combat Maneuvers...................| 282 182
Brawling...........................| 282 182
Ambush.............................| 140 40
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 82 18
Physical Fitness...................| 299 199
Dodging............................| 282 182
Harness Power......................| 140 40
Mental Lore - Telepathy............| 62 13
Mental Lore - Transformation.......| 178 78
Perception.........................| 191 91
Climbing...........................| 150 50
Swimming...........................| 140 40

Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual....................| 20

Spell Lists
Minor Mental.......................| 20

Combat Focus focus 5
Combat Mobility mobility 2
Surge of Strength surge 5
Burst of Swiftness burst 3
Perfect Self perfectself 5
Punch Mastery punchmastery 3
Kick Mastery kmastery 1
Grapple Mastery gmastery 1
Rolling Krynch Stance krynch 3

Available Combat Maneuver Training Points: 9

One thing to note, I am not taking advantage of amazing MOC because I duo with a wizard. I am backing it down to put points elsewhere. Once I cap and have a better PTP MTP balance, will put points back into MOC.

can you get the "martial arts master" title with the rank rank 3 + rank 1 + rank 1 of the UCS masteries? I mean, "grandmaster of the ancient way" is pretty badass but i need people to know I am, in fact, a master of martial arts.

05-04-2016, 07:10 PM
well i went to take a break from work and overwatch servers went down so, uploaded my hacked combo. cleaned up what i could, likely still needs a lot of tweaking (and definitely needs to be cleaned up more)

disclaimer: ruby is the devil, and most scripts i do when i can't sleep at 3am

05-04-2016, 07:16 PM

Seriously. Thread was over in the first sentence of the first reply.