View Full Version : Michaelous donations continuation

11-21-2004, 07:07 PM
is this what happens when people get scammed or is this just the vip michaelous treatments. i just exchanged the same description armor with someone, with diffrent stats, when i told them i wanted to return it, they didnt bother to check for any stats so they got screwed. later i wake up in the consultation lounge.

SEND[Taiven] Ill be right with you.

* Aklarn is off to a rough start! He just bit the dust!
>chat to histon mstrike is the same as multioppenet combat right?
You focus on transmitting your thought.
* Rhokin just bit the dust!
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Taiven is standing in its place.
Taiven smiles.
You say, "Hello."
* Furoew just bit the dust!
Taiven says, "Hello."
Taiven says, "We have some things to talk about."
Taiven asks, "Can you tell me what is going on with the black plate armor you purchased then returned earlier today?"
>'think we can cut straight to the chase here, if your going to force me to give the armor back, then take it, other then that, ive been scammed several times, and all i ever get is the finger, i really dont have much else to say
You say, "Think we can cut straight to the chase here, if your going to force me to give the armor back, then take it, other then that, ive been scammed several times, and all i ever get is the finger, i really dont have much else to say."
Taiven asks, "Oh I see, so by you getting scammed that makes it ok for you to scam other people?"
Taiven says, "Hm, thats an odd philosophy."
>'why is it then when i do the complaiing i get screwed, yet, when i do something, i wake up in a consultation lounge?
You ask, "Why is it then when i do the complaiing i get screwed, yet, when i do something, i wake up in a consultation lounge?"
* Benifen just bit the dust!
Taiven says, "If you werent scamming people you wouldnt be here."
Taiven says, "It makes it a whole lot easier to take your side if you arent scamming people yourself."
>'well i didnt abuse any mechanis, it was his fault as i was told when i was scammed
You say, "Well i didnt abuse any mechanis, it was his fault as i was told when i was scammed."
Taiven asks, "That makes sense right?"
Taiven says, "Point is, you know its wrong, just as its wrong when you get scammed yourself."
Taiven says, "Im sure you dont like to be scammed, and neither does anyone else."
* Meushai just bit the dust!
>'i agree but it happens you know
You say, "I agree but it happens you know."
You shrug.
Taiven says, "Well you dont have to be part of the problem and perpetuate it."
>'i'll take that into consideration for future deals
You say, "I'll take that into consideration for future deals."
Taiven says, "I would hope so."
Taiven says, "Makes it a lot easier for a GM to take your side on things when you arent part of the problem."
Taiven says, "Keep that in mind."
Taiven asks, "Now, if you wouldnt mind going to your locker for me?"
* Grasser just bit the dust!
* Zelig just bit the dust!
The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...
[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a large wooden barrel.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west

You ponder.

>report are you forcing me to return the armor?
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

SEND[Taiven] Looks that way.

>report why?

REPORT {message}
Please rephrase your report to include a message, not just one word or a name. Thanks!

>report and all the times i have been scammed?
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

SEND[Taiven] Just go to your locker please.
>go hall
[Moot Hall, Great Lobby]
This is the great lobby of the Moot Hall. Hushed voices discussing urgent town matters echo off the high ceiling. The walls are draped in rich tapestries framing niches that hold marble busts of local dignitaries. Ahead of you is a double door, and to your left, a mahogany door bearing a silver plaque. You also see a small cobalt blue belt pouch, a huge wall map of the lands carved from solid maple and polished to a deep sheen, the Debt Collector's Office, a staircase with a sign on it, a small brass plaque with a map of town mounted on the wall and a blackboard.
Obvious exits: east, out
You can't go there.
[Moot Hall, Storage Facility]
You are in the anteroom of the public storage locker facility. This area is busy with clerks going over paperwork. A hallway leads east to the locker booths.
Obvious exits: east, west
[Moot Hall, Great Lobby]
This is the great lobby of the Moot Hall. Hushed voices discussing urgent town matters echo off the high ceiling. The walls are draped in rich tapestries framing niches that hold marble busts of local dignitaries. Ahead of you is a double door, and to your left, a mahogany door bearing a silver plaque. You also see a small cobalt blue belt pouch, a huge wall map of the lands carved from solid maple and polished to a deep sheen, the Debt Collector's Office, a staircase with a sign on it, a small brass plaque with a map of town mounted on the wall and a blackboard.
Obvious exits: east, out
Grogglin just arrived.
[Moot Hall, Storage Facility]
You are in the anteroom of the public storage locker facility. This area is busy with clerks going over paperwork. A hallway leads east to the locker booths.
Obvious exits: east, west
[Moot Hall, Storage Hall]
You are in a darkly lit hallway which travels east and west. On the north wall is a curtained opening.
Obvious exits: east, west
>go open
You step through the curtained opening.
[Public Lockers]
You are standing in a tiny room whose facing wall is an array of small, locked doors. One of the lockers has been removed for you and is sitting on a small counter. You also see a curtained opening.
Obvious exits: none
>open lock
You open the locker.
>get arm
You already have that.
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Taiven is standing in its place.
Taiven smiles.
>'this is really pathetic
You say, "This is really pathetic."
Taiven asks, "Now, care to hand over the one that was his?"
>express loss
You shake your head, totally at a loss.
>'i thought favoring certain players over others is against policy?
You ask, "i thought favoring certain players over others is against policy?"
* Oxelweed just bit the dust!
>'why do i have to return it?
You ask, "Why do i have to return it?"
Taiven says, "Youre right. Its sad that you chose to knowingly scam someone, when you know you hate it when you get scammed."
Taiven says, "Because it isnt yours."
>'right and i also know that you dont do anythign when i get scammed
You say, "Right and i also know that you dont do anythign when i get scammed."
Taiven says, "I personally have never been involved with anything with you, so Im sorry if you feel that way."
>'i reported and assisted and all they said was go screw yourself basically
You say, "I reported and assisted and all they said was go screw yourself basically."
Taiven asks, "Can I see the armor please?"
>get plate
Get what?
>look in my lock
I could not find what you were referring to.
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
>'i dont see it in there
You say, "I dont see it in there."
>get plate
You remove some black steel full plate from in your locker.
>inspect plate
You carefully inspect your steel full plate.

Your careful inspection of some black steel full plate allows you to conclude that it is plate armor that covers the torso, arms, legs, neck, and head.

You determine that you could wear the plate around your chest.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>close lock
You close the locker.
>examine plate
You see nothing unusual.
>'not this one
You say, "Not this one."
>give arm to tav
What is it you're trying to give?
>give plate to tav
To whom?
Taiven says, "Im sure you know which one is the right one."
>give plate to tavien
To whom?
>'well what ever happened to the buyer beware program
You say, "Well what ever happened to the buyer beware program."
Taiven says, "Open the locker back up."
>'there are several safety procaustions he could use
You say, "There are several safety procaustions he could use."
>'you know
You say, "You know."
Taiven says, "Locker. Open."
Taiven glances at you.
>'well i will if you can explain to me why ? when i am scammed and ripped off i get nothing yet, when it happens to someone else all hell breaks loose?
You ask, "Well i will if you can explain to me why ? when i am scammed and ripped off i get nothing yet, when it happens to someone else all hell breaks loose?"
Taiven asks, "Ive explained already. Would you like to open your locker or sit in the concultaton lounge all day?"
>'can you explain one more time?
You ask, "Can you explain one more time?"
>'becuase i dont like when it happens to me
You say, "Becuase i dont like when it happens to me."
Taiven says, "Open your locker."
* Imas just bit the dust!
>open lock
You open the locker.
* Liria just bit the dust!
>'well seems its happening again
You say, "Well seems its happening again."
Taiven says, "Exactly why you shouldnt be doing it to someone else."
>'and i want my 600k note back from hm then
You say, "And i want my 600k note back from hm then."
>'thats bull
You say, "Thats bull."
Taiven says, "Now, lets have the right armor."
>'you are involving yourself in player situation
You say, "You are involving yourself in player situation."
>'for no reason
You say, "For no reason."
>'i thought gms werent allowed to do that
You say, "I thought gms werent allowed to do that."
>get plate
You already have that.
>get plate from lock
You remove some black steel full plate from in your locker.
* Aklarn is off to a rough start! He just bit the dust!
>examine plate
Taiven says, "Lets just make this easy. Please hand over the correct armor."
You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's mark.
>give plate to tavien
To whom?
>'what if i dont?
You ask, "What if i dont?"
You swap some black steel full plate to your left hand and some black steel full plate to your right hand.
>'am i gonna get locked over this scam?
You ask, "Am i gonna get locked over this scam?"
Taiven says, "Then you get to sit int he consultation lounge until you decide to."
>'how would you like it if everytime you tried to abide by the rule syou got the finger, but when someone else complains about you , you get shackled like a dog
You say, "How would you like it if everytime you tried to abide by the rule syou got the finger, but when someone else complains about you , you get shackled like a dog."
* Aljian just bit the dust!
* The death cry of Nyrithorn echoes in your mind!
* Adner just bit the dust!
Taiven says, "Listen, Im trying to make it easy for you."
>'doesnt seem like much of a justice systym to me
You say, "Doesnt seem like much of a justice systym to me."
Taiven says, "If you would just like to agree to follow the rules then this wont be difficult."
>'right... thats really pathetic
You say, "Right... thats really pathetic."
>drop plate
You drop some black steel full plate.
You swap your steel full plate from your left to your right hand.
Taiven picks up some black steel full plate.
>examine my plate
You see nothing unusual.
>'you gonna gimem my note back?
You ask, "You gonna gimem my note back?"
>'or do i get screwed again?
You ask, "Or do i get screwed again?"
* Seyalah just bit the dust!
Taiven asks, "Do you think you deserve it?"
Taiven says, "Close your locker."
>put plate in my lock
I could not find what you were referring to.
>put plate in lock
You place the steel full plate in the locker, and it quickly disappears.
* Xandravale just bit the dust!
>close lock
You close the locker.
Taiven just went through a curtained opening.
>go open

You hear the voice of the clerk from behind one of the thin walls telling you he has recorded a storage fee of 205 silvers for you.

[Moot Hall, Storage Hall]
You are in a darkly lit hallway which travels east and west. On the north wall is a curtained opening.
Also here: Taiven
Obvious exits: east, west
Michaelous just appeared.
You feel yourself being pulled away...
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Obvious exits: none
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Taiven is standing in its place.
>'seems everytime i deal with a gm i get screwed in one way or another
You say, "Seems everytime i deal with a gm i get screwed in one way or another."
Taiven says, "Listen."

* Khaleid was just vaporized!

* Khaleid just bit the dust!
Taiven says, "I really dont think taking something back that you knowingly scammed someone for is screwing you."
Taiven says, "And if you think it is, then you should really reconsider."
>'if you wouldvbe done something when i got screwed maybe i wouldnt have
You say, "If you wouldvbe done something when i got screwed maybe i wouldnt have."
Taiven asks, "When someone scammed you... didnt you want the item back? And didnt you want a GM to do something about it?"

>'i wouldnt have tried if you guys would have done something when i got scammed
You say, "I wouldnt have tried if you guys would have done something when i got scammed."
Taiven says, "I cant be around 24/7 and I cant answer every referral."
>'yea i did, and the gm did nothing but say there is nothing she can do for me
You say, "Yea i did, and the gm did nothing but say there is nothing she can do for me."
Taiven says, "Im sorry that the GM chose to deal with you and your situation the way they did, but Im sure they had a reason."
>'oh gimme a break
You say, "Oh gimme a break."
Taiven says, "I just dont think they way to deal with being upset about it is by scamming other people."
>'reason was i should be more careful
You say, "Reason was i should be more careful."
Taiven says, "That makes no sense and is just rude."
* Taldorian just bit the dust!
>'why dont you tell him he should be more careful
You say, "Why dont you tell him he should be more careful."
>'i even told the other gm i would
You say, "I even told the other gm i would."
Taiven says, "The way to deal with something is not to scam someone back."
Taiven says, "Im sure you are aware of that."
>'i told her so its ok if i go around scamming people, she told me if thats what i chose to do , then i could do whatver i wanted,
You say, "I told her so its ok if i go around scamming people, she told me if thats what i chose to do , then i could do whatver i wanted,"
>'just really pathetic
You say, "Just really pathetic ."
>'that i get pulled the very second someone opens there mouth
You say, "That i get pulled the very second someone opens there mouth."
>'every single time
You say, "Every single time."
Taiven says, "You should be more careful about scamming people."
Taiven says, "I dont think it is going to win you any friends."
>'i should be more careful i should just quit
You say, "I should be more careful i should just quit."
>'the justice systym is against me
You say, "The justice systym is against me."
Taiven says, "If thats what you chose to do, but I dont think scamming people because you got scammed is a great idea."
>'there is nothing i can do
You say, "There is nothing i can do."
>'your helping them scam me for all i care
You say, "Your helping them scam me for all i care."
Taiven says, "Helping them get something back that you scammed from them isnt doing anything to you."
>'yea but telling me to screw off when i get scammed is what?
You ask, "Yea but telling me to screw off when i get scammed is what?"
Taiven says, "As stated, I didnt handle anything with you before."
* Saskeen just bit the dust!
Taiven says, "Im sorry you feel that way, but the way to get GMs to worry about your items isnt to scam other people."
Taiven says, "Now, if there isnt anything else I can help you with, Im going to send you back."
>'whatver you say man , can i get my other armor back?
You ask, "Whatver you say man , can i get my other armor back?"
>'or what?
You ask, "Or what?"
>'or my note
You say, "Or my note."
Taiven says, "We'll see."
>'we;ll see??
You ask, "We;ll see??"
The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...
[Moot Hall, Storage Hall]
You are in a darkly lit hallway which travels east and west. On the north wall is a curtained opening.
Obvious exits: east, west
You squint.

[Edited on 11-22-2004 by Michaelous]

11-21-2004, 07:10 PM
>get plate
You remove some black steel full plate from in your locker.


Some Rogue
11-21-2004, 07:14 PM

11-21-2004, 07:15 PM

11-21-2004, 07:17 PM
:lol2: :moon2:

11-21-2004, 07:21 PM
:rofl: :loser:

11-21-2004, 07:26 PM
Okay...somebody explain to me where I'm supposed to feel sorry for him? Only thing I feel like doin is laughin. The way you were talking to them, I'm surprised they didn't lock you out after you gave back the armor. Two things come to mind from reading this. How pathetic you are, and how funny it is you got caught.

Sean of the Thread
11-21-2004, 07:49 PM
I can't stand the lil whiner as it is.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-21-2004, 07:57 PM

11-21-2004, 07:59 PM
Score one for the good guys.

11-21-2004, 08:10 PM
I think all things considered, that GM handled that very well. Take his advice, you didn't like it when you got scammed so don't do it to others. You got caught end of story.

11-21-2004, 08:29 PM
Seems to me you got what you deserved.

11-21-2004, 08:33 PM
Your story arouses about as much sympathy as someone who beats his kids because he had a hard life. Taking out what happened to you on others doesn’t make you tough Mich, it actually makes you kind of a pussy.

11-21-2004, 08:38 PM
I don't crack on this all that often, but could you please learn where the shift key is located and possibly pull up MS word to check your drivel?

I'll give you a break down of how things work in game.

Player is a douche, constantly.

Player instigates BS, constantly.

Player gets his ass handed to him for BS that he instigated, reports. GMs look into it and shrug.

Player gets his ass handed to him again for more BS that he instigated, reports. GMs say go fuck yourself and look up Karma.

Player gets scammed, reports. GMs say ... WTF? Didn't you understand what we told you last time fucktard?

Player scams another player. GM spanks player.

Keep going guy. We'll laugh at the lock-out as well.

[Edited on 11-22-2004 by Tsa`ah]

11-21-2004, 08:44 PM
Michaelnuts called Taiven a dude.


Taiven R0X0RZ.

11-21-2004, 08:44 PM
What a whiny little bitch you are, Michaelous.


11-21-2004, 08:44 PM

11-21-2004, 08:45 PM
You sir, are a tool!


11-21-2004, 08:49 PM
Someone wanna get a pool going on when he'll get locked out?

11-21-2004, 08:50 PM
ya ya your all a bunch of bitches, make sure you wash your hands after you finish wiping your gm's ass

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-21-2004, 08:53 PM
Did you seriously expect sympathy?

Damn you are more stupid than I thought. :shit:

11-21-2004, 08:54 PM
I would be honored to wipe the ass that is Taiven's. Word on the street is that GM's gotta godonkadonk.

11-21-2004, 08:55 PM
I'm not too concerned about the GM's. I try to stay out of their way for the most part, and I despise GM ass kissers and quest/merchant whores. I am, however, concerned about jackassess in the community that try to pull shit like this. What did you expect to get out of it?

11-21-2004, 09:01 PM
Scammers sucks, but that was against their stated policy which is this buyer beware (News 2 1):

Dateline 11/12/2003: BUYER BEWARE

GemStone IV operates in a "buyer beware" economy. When visiting merchant shops, use the tools provided to get an idea of what you are purchasing, namely any posted signs and the INSPECT verb. Though keep in mind, many merchant shops intend to keep an air of mystery about their wares. All shops items are sold as-is and no refunds or changes will be made, unless there is an error in how the item is constructed.

When making a purchase from another player, there are several ways everyone can protect themselves from getting scammed, such as asking to see the note or contents of a container before buying, getting a bard to LORESING, having a warrior ASSESS, casting Elemental Detection, and using one of the magic crystals (such as the one in the Abandoned Inn). In order to avoid someone running off with your money before handing over an item, use the EXCHANGE verb. All buyers are responsible for protecting themselves from dishonest dealers, so it is a good idea to check into the reputation of a seller when making a large investment of silvers. Remember, if something seems too good to be true, it most likely is!


11-21-2004, 09:20 PM
You're an idiot.

11-21-2004, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
You're an idiot.

That must hurt, Michaelous. Stray is nice to everyone. Even more so then Harmnone. It's almost sickening.

He must really feel strongly about you.

11-21-2004, 09:35 PM
For those that don't want to read the log/whining(and who can blame them given the grammar and complete lack of sentence structure?) I'll, once again, translate his shit into something you can read:

I'm a little (insert word for the present tense of intercourse[vulgar]) muffin, that really needs an ass whooping from my (DNA tests pending, male parental type) so that I can actually be worth a damn in today's society. Please ignore anything I say because I'm always wrong but I still feel I'm right and I like to (female dog) about it like a (cheerleader with an eating disorder that gained a pound and feels fat).

In summary, I LOSE and need a (you could say hug or brick to the teeth here whichever fits your mood)

11-21-2004, 11:09 PM
Best part of the log:

>go open

You hear the voice of the clerk from behind one of the thin walls telling you he has recorded a storage fee of 205 silvers for you.

11-21-2004, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
You're an idiot.

I don't know who's dumber - Him for whining about the scam not working out or the person who trusted him, of all people.

11-21-2004, 11:42 PM
What a fucking loser.

11-22-2004, 01:29 AM
>I don't know who's dumber - Him for whining about the scam not working out or the person who trusted him, of all people.

Three things you've gotta realize

A) I spend about 90% of all my time in the nations, I'm not privy to things such as who all the current assholes in landing are.

B) I was/am selling damn near 100 items and I don't have the time to stop and pull out a bard to double check the stats of every single item someone wants a refund for.

C) What the blue fuck do you think I'm gonna do? Just go... oh well! Shuckns... Guess that michael sure got me.

I gave you a fair warning, I told you to return what was mine or I would send someone nasty after you. Unfortunately Taiven isn't a nasty person.

And some will say.... why not just kill him?
And prove what? That my character's dick is bigger than his character's dick? Bunch of bull shit, clubbing a moron over the head for being a fuckhead doesn't accomplish anything and all I wanted was my armor back.

And what really amuses me is this:
>You say, "And i want my 600k note back from hm then."

You do realize that they can look back and track EVERY transaction right? That they looked back and saw I exchanged a suit of plate for a 400k note (NOT 600k) and then exactly 8 minutes later I exchanged that same 400k note back for a DIFFERENT suit of plate?

How fucking numb in the brain do you have to be to think you can trick a GM into scamming for you?

God you amuse me.

So in summation, fuck off Michael. You got off way too easy.


11-22-2004, 01:37 AM

Welcome to the PC Lomoriond.

11-22-2004, 02:03 AM
Dear Michaelous,


Much hatred,


PS. That GM was MORE than patient with you. Its just very unfortunate for us all that you weren't locked out. :)

11-22-2004, 02:09 AM
Scamming folks is wrong Mich. Advertising that you do it makes you stupid. If there was a Gemstone’s Dumbest Criminals you’d be a featured act.

11-22-2004, 02:52 AM
Ah, another career criminal and member of the two-wrongs-make-a-right club. Grow up already.

11-22-2004, 02:55 AM
Isn't this the second time he came here posting a log and then bitched about the amount of shit he got for the log? Or am I mistaking his dumb ass for another dumbass? I'm confused...

11-22-2004, 05:07 AM
You would be correct
Dumbass is what he does best

11-22-2004, 07:48 AM
He tried to scam the GM too? That's hilarious. Too bad Taiven didn't say anything about that. Sounds like a missed opportunity.

11-22-2004, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by StrayRogue
You're an idiot.

That must hurt, Michaelous. Stray is nice to everyone. Even more so then Harmnone. It's almost sickening.

He must really feel strongly about you.


11-22-2004, 08:29 AM
People, I think you need to leave Michaelous alone. He's a fine upstanding citizen and he spends a great deal of time in Falgrin's park. He's one of the biggest contributors in the past 2 - 3 months and I for one would certainly miss him if he were to get locked out.

Please GMs.. do not ban Michaelous.


11-22-2004, 08:49 AM
I never read this thread til today.. I laughed out loud (provoking stares of "what the hell is so funny" from my son) at several of the posts. I was AMAZED at how patient the GM was with you Michaelous.. as a known troublemaker he should have just put the smack down on your retarded ass and left it at that. The fact that they didn't is just awe inspiring. For you to try and blame your fucked up actions on the GMs because YOU got scammed and they didn't do anything is just mind boggling. There is NO WAY you can justify doing shit like that. I agree with 99% of these posts.. you are an idiot.

[Edited on 11-22-2004 by Kainen]

12-23-2004, 09:59 PM
I know this is a little late, but I figured I would post anyway....

Originally posted by Michaelous
ya ya your all a bunch of bitches, make sure you wash your hands after you finish wiping your gm's ass

Well, it is well established that I hate you with all my heart, so let me put this in terms you can understand and not confused with me liking a GM.

You are a dumbfuck piece of shit. Anything bad that happens to you gives me a sense of contentment with the world that I cannot explain. It helps me sleep at night to know you got screwed over, and then when you tried to screw someone over, you got the bitch's end of the stick. You deserved to be banned, and eventually you will be.

Tell your mommy what happened, because I am gonna take a guess that no one that reads these boards is going to take your side. You know why? Because you are a piece of shit.


12-24-2004, 02:45 AM
Originally posted by Lomoriond

Blah Blah blah ...

And some will say.... why not just kill him?
And prove what? That my character's dick is bigger than his character's dick?

Alfador could kick my ass, and his penis is fucking tiny. Bad analogy.

12-24-2004, 04:27 AM
Bad history or not, GMs should really work by some standard in situations like those. If someone get scammed and they act in one way, then the GMs should conform to that action no matter who the parties involved are.

The whole "I'm sorry the previous GM acted in the total opposite manner than I am when the situation is the same." doesn't sit well with me. (If that's what happened, goin by his log)

12-24-2004, 04:43 AM
Originally posted by Drektor
Bad history or not, GMs should really work by some standard in situations like those. If someone get scammed and they act in one way, then the GMs should conform to that action no matter who the parties involved are.

The whole "I'm sorry the previous GM acted in the total opposite manner than I am when the situation is the same." doesn't sit well with me. (If that's what happened, goin by his log)

But that's GS. Selective and inconsistent enforcement.

There shouldn't be much room at all for reserved judgment, yet everything is left up to the GM at hand, what mood they are in at the time, and who you are.

In this scenario it was more of a "who he was" deal. He's a scammer, who gives a shit how he was treated.

Most of the problems stem from "volunteerism, with benefits" being your back-bone.

There are some damned good GMs out there, and there are also some pretty pathetic GMs out there. There really isn't a requirement, other than a clean record and time spent in game, to becoming a GM. Attending the con and adding faithfully to the Simu coffers could be one, but they really don't give a shit how well you know or interpret policy. They don't care how well you interact with people.

Which leads me to the question of "What do they care about in a GM?"

This isn't one of the eyebrow raising encounters though.

He got busted, he tried some smoke screen BS, he whined, he cried, and he kicked his heals in the dirt. This isn't much of a story at all.

Now if you want a story, show where he got busted, while someone else got away ... many times.

That's a story.

12-24-2004, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
But that's GS. Selective and inconsistent enforcement.

There shouldn't be much room at all for reserved judgment, yet everything is left up to the GM at hand, what mood they are in at the time, and who you are.

In this scenario it was more of a "who he was" deal. He's a scammer, who gives a shit how he was treated.

This sums up why GS is going down the tubes. I have never heard it put better.

A game like WoW is great, because the "law" is blind for the most part, there are too many people to become personal with more than a few. With over 500,000 accounts, you have strict guidelines you pretty much just follow to the word, to save yourself trouble.

Also, with that many accounts, it is not a big deal to the game as a whole if the same 40 people get all the hot equipment, because there are 499, 960 other people who either don't know or don't care. But with a population of 500-800 treating the same 40 like royalty over and over is going to be noticed.

It would fix so many things if punishment was SWIFT and CONSISTENT. People like Michlosernuts would be banned from the game the instant they make actual decent players quit. Those little OOC 14yr. old bastards with a god complex have started to go too far in the last 2 years, and it is getting old. Simu needs to bite the bullet and be an asshole for 5-6 months, so these bastards either shape up or ship out.

12-24-2004, 11:05 AM
If you quit because of someone like Michaelous, then you're a fucking moron and shouldn't be playing gemstone anyway.

12-24-2004, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by MrFeature
If you quit because of someone like Michaelous, then you're a fucking moron and shouldn't be playing gemstone anyway.

I don't think most people quit because of "someone like Michaelous". I think most people quit because there are too damned many someones like Michaelous, and they go on and on with their nonsense with no end in sight.

12-24-2004, 02:01 PM
If you don't want to get scammed, don't be an idiot buyer.

If Michael's a scam artist and not abusing mechanics then he should be dealt with, in-character, by the constable and not out of character by baby-sitter GMs.

[Edited on 24-12-2004 by Iriscience]

12-24-2004, 04:44 PM
Scamming another players is never in character when it comes to a sale. Scamming is not allowed ... period.

Fuck in character punishment for scammers.

12-25-2004, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone

I don't think most people quit because of "someone like Michaelous". I think most people quit because there are too damned many someones like Michaelous, and they go on and on with their nonsense with no end in sight.

That is exactly right. My account is still open, as it has been for the last 11+ years, but I log less than 2 hours of playtime a month.

Why, you may ask? Because I used to walk into a town central and respect AT LEAST 65% of the people there, and AT LEAST be able to stand 30%. There was always a steady population of OOC dumbfucks, but about 2 years ago it was like GS started advertising in "Bully's Beat Me Up weekly", and every retarded 13yr old bastard with issues decided to give GS a try.

People like Warclaidhm, Michlosernuts, Bob(when in Shay, is too scared to fight anyone otherwise), Coinner, Sillvento, etc etc etc, are what make this game a piece of shit. You can release AD, you can release Paladins, you can make creatures drop a shitload more treasure, but it won't do any good with these asshats and people who emulate them running around. The game is only as good as the people who play it, and as of late most of the people in GS are crap.

And if you are saying it is someone elses fault when/if you get scammed, you're opinion is shit. That's like saying it's someone else's fault if they were raped, murdered, or anything . IC punishment doesn't work on the OOC little bastrard who cries in RL when he gets killed. The only thing they understand is being blocked from the game.

If you think I am wrong, look at how Klaive acted BEFORE his banning, and AFTER his banning. To be honest, I can stand his ass now, and before he was KOS.

12-25-2004, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Scamming another players is never in character when it comes to a sale. Scamming is not allowed ... period.

Fuck in character punishment for scammers.

If I'm selling some armor and I say it's heavily padded when it's really somewhat padded and someone buys it without making me prove it's heavily padded it's their own damn fault.

That's all in character, maybe my character is a liar and lowlife. What the fuck should GMs have to do with that?

When buying something, don't trust the seller. It's as simple as that.

12-25-2004, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Scamming another players is never in character when it comes to a sale. Scamming is not allowed ... period.

Fuck in character punishment for scammers.

I've heard smarter statements come from Warclaidhm. If there was nothing OOC about the transaction, then the GM's have no right to get involved, unless the GM's are giving roleplaying lessons, they need to stay out of it.

12-26-2004, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by Iriscience
If I'm selling some armor and I say it's heavily padded when it's really somewhat padded and someone buys it without making me prove it's heavily padded it's their own damn fault.

That's all in character, maybe my character is a liar and lowlife. What the fuck should GMs have to do with that?

When buying something, don't trust the seller. It's as simple as that.

Because it's against policy? Because you agreed to follow policy perhaps?

Coming from a guy that bought his character and gear, you of all people should respect proper representation.

Of course you lack certain decency, as is apparent by your reply.

So, disregarding morals, scruples, and ethics, we get down to policy. You break policy ... GMs intervene ... and then come to an unofficial message board and cry about it.

Originally posted by MrFeature
I've heard smarter statements come from Warclaidhm. If there was nothing OOC about the transaction, then the GM's have no right to get involved, unless the GM's are giving roleplaying lessons, they need to stay out of it.

You should be used to hearing smarter statements by now. Scooter Boy, without the VC, is probably smarter than you.

The problem is that you would be forcing your brand of RP onto another person. No one wants to be scammed, and no one will be willing to fork over a few million silver for staged role play.

Again policy.

Read the above and .... "Cram it".

12-26-2004, 08:18 AM
When the players took the buying and selling of items and characters out of Elanthia and into the real world, it ceased to be in-character. If people scam in-game, because of the real-dollar exchanges going on, it is no longer just an issue of roleplay, and cannot be treated as such. It has become a non-game issue and should be dealt with as such, in my opinion.

12-26-2004, 09:21 AM
The closest I've come to scamming someone was selling Orslyk a weapon that I knew had very heavy critical weighting.

Then a year later he came up to me, rightfully angered it would seem, asking for his money back.

After assessing the weapon, it turned out that it had less weighting than I thought, so I gave him back some silver.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Always have someone assess/sing to the weapon and there shouldn't be any problems.

12-26-2004, 10:27 AM
It works both ways. Follow policy and you won't have a need to scam someone. If it's a mistake be man/woman enough to own up to it. If that is the type of role your character plays in game, regularly scamming people, your reputation will surely precede you even out of game. An example has just recently been banned.

12-26-2004, 10:32 AM
I'm in the camp of GMs not interefering with sales. I strongly believe that one should be able to play a scammer or a low life, BUT I also believe that GMs should stay out of reprocussions that said scammer might face.

I do not see why someone would not make a seller prove that what they are selling is really what it is. It is ridiculous. What's next? Forcing characters to tell the truth.

- Arkans

I am SO for limited GM intervenion in all matters.

12-26-2004, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I'm in the camp of GMs not interefering with sales. I strongly believe that one should be able to play a scammer or a low life, BUT I also believe that GMs should stay out of reprocussions that said scammer might face.

I do not see why someone would not make a seller prove that what they are selling is really what it is. It is ridiculous. What's next? Forcing characters to tell the truth.

- Arkans

I am SO for limited GM intervenion in all matters.

I would agree with you if this were something like selling blue 40 rub blue crystals for 25 each, when in fact the crystals only have 30 rubs.

It becomes a different story when you're talking about enchants, flares, padding, and weighting.

Also consider the aspect of the scammer, who doesn't want GM intervention, hiding behind GM skirts every time justice is taken out on them.

How many deaths do you think would justify a 3 mill scam?

12-26-2004, 11:54 AM
A whole lot, I would venture. The thing is, if there was very little GM intervention, scams like these would be close to impossible to pull off. One would expect people to smarten up when making large exchanges or deal with reputable people.

It's like in real life, when shopping for a car, do you go to the run down garage in the bad part of town or the reputable (hah!) car salesman?

If we have less GM intervention, I have a feeling that a lot of the jackasses will disappear. Contrary to popular belief, there are pleanty of people out there that would put down an ass anytime they see them act up.

All it takes is half a brain not to be scammed. If we can encourage people to use that brain that they have, I say let's go for it.

- Arkans

12-26-2004, 12:08 PM
Actually, scams are easy.

It is called switching.

Person A is selling some masterfully crit padded 5x plain hauberk.
Person A has a set of non-padded 5x hauberk that looks identical.

Person B has the original assessed and agrees to exchange.

Person A shoves the original into a container that also holds the second set.

Person A babbles, stares, or what have you, and pulls out set number two for exchange.

Person B is screwed over.

People can do the smart thing and still get scammed.

12-26-2004, 01:52 PM
<<MORAL OF THE STORY: Always have someone assess/sing to the weapon and there shouldn't be any problems>>

I always thought it was stupid to have to have an item sung to or assessed to find out its stats, just because of situations like this.

It's a lot easier to scam/get scammed in GS than any other game I've played, because you're not capable of seeing the item's stats yourself and are forced to take someone else's word on it.

12-28-2004, 03:03 AM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah

Originally posted by Iriscience
If I'm selling some armor and I say it's heavily padded when it's really somewhat padded and someone buys it without making me prove it's heavily padded it's their own damn fault.

That's all in character, maybe my character is a liar and lowlife. What the fuck should GMs have to do with that?

When buying something, don't trust the seller. It's as simple as that.

Because it's against policy? Because you agreed to follow policy perhaps?

Coming from a guy that bought his character and gear, you of all people should respect proper representation.

Of course you lack certain decency, as is apparent by your reply.

So, disregarding morals, scruples, and ethics, we get down to policy. You break policy ... GMs intervene ... and then come to an unofficial message board and cry about it.

I play Naseer and I did not buy him or his gear. You are retarded.

Go to hell you dumbass.

12-28-2004, 03:24 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
I don't think most people quit because of "someone like Michaelous". I think most people quit because there are too damned many someones like Michaelous, and they go on and on with their nonsense with no end in sight. No shit. Lots of fucking pukes on their ego trips 'cause they can't get laid IRL. Some on this board too. Lots of good folks play games like GS for escapism, and they don't want to deal with those fucked up pukes like they have to IRL, so they say fuckit and take off. Some on this board too.

Best thing the GM coulda done there was take 5 levels away from Michaelina for scamming.

12-28-2004, 04:15 AM
Originally posted by Iriscience
I play Naseer and I did not buy him or his gear. You are retarded.

Go to hell you dumbass.

Mr Pissed off because I'm white ....


Fuck off now.

12-28-2004, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah

Originally posted by Iriscience
I play Naseer and I did not buy him or his gear. You are retarded.

Go to hell you dumbass.

Mr Pissed off because I'm white ....


If you're talking about Niqk, I'm not the owner of him anymore and haven't been for a while. Like I said only play Naseer and I didn't buy him.

Fuck off now.

Don't tell me what to do. Do I come in your bedroom and tell you how to blow your boyfriend?

12-28-2004, 04:39 PM
Ah, so since you no longer own a character that makes you exempt?

Sorry, doesn't work that way.

12-28-2004, 06:21 PM
<<If you're talking about Niqk, I'm not the owner of him anymore and haven't been for a while. Like I said only play Naseer and I didn't buy him. >>

This is true.

<<Don't tell me what to do. Do I come in your bedroom and tell you how to blow your boyfriend? >>

R O F L. This is also true.


12-28-2004, 06:24 PM
I'm probably in the minority here... but I think the GM's shoulda stayed outta it. That's of course because I have no idea who this Michaelous guy is.. never met him... haven't even heard of him. :)

12-28-2004, 06:30 PM
But he did own Niqk. That he no longer does negates nothing.

As a person who has purchased a character and (or) gear, he should respect proper representation of the product.

False representation with the intent to scam another out of legal tender (in game) is a violation of the rules one agrees to upon activating an account.

GMs should step in and take action where necessary.

That he, and apparently you (Makkah), believe that scamming should not be a GMs concern tells me that you lack a certain moral fiber.

This doesn't surprise me at all.

<<Don't tell me what to do. Do I come in your bedroom and tell you how to blow your boyfriend? >>

R O F L. This is also true.


This is about as funny as school kids calling each other gay. Again, with your combined mentalities ... it doesn't surprise me that you find it funny.

So as you pull up more free internet porn, remember that I only spank it when I fell like spanking it .... you have no choice.

12-28-2004, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Ah, so since you no longer own a character that makes you exempt?

Sorry, doesn't work that way.

Exempt from what? If you mean

Coming from a guy that bought his character and gear

Then, yes I am exempt from that. Yes, I've bought several characters just to resell them for profit, so they were never really my characters and I haven't ever bought any gear. My own character is and always been Naseer.

Go to hell Tsa'ah, you dumbass.

On topic, in-character scamming is okay if you roleplay it right and don't abuse any mechanics.

12-28-2004, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Iriscience
Exempt from what? If you mean

Coming from a guy that bought his character and gear

Then, yes I am exempt from that. Yes, I've bought several characters just to resell them for profit, so they were never really my characters and I haven't ever bought any gear. My own character is and always been Naseer.

Go to hell Tsa'ah, you dumbass.

It is apparent you lack to capacity to understand the debate.

Misrepresentation of a product is in violation of the rules you agreed to. It would be no different than you buying what you thought was a level 50 rogue and upon receipt you get a level 10 empath.

You bought, played, and sold Niqk. That you are no longer in possession of Niqk does not make you exempt from statement I previously outlined.

On topic, in-character scamming is okay if you roleplay it right and don't abuse any mechanics.

Once again, you ignore policy. You are forcing someone to role-play. It is no different than attacking another character without prior consent. A method, outside of GM intervention, of recovery or justice does not exist.

That, and claims of RP from you is rather laughable.

12-29-2004, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
It is apparent you lack to capacity to understand the debate.

You're right, I do lack to capacity to understand your dumbass opinions.

You bought, played, and sold Niqk. That you are no longer in possession of Niqk does not make you exempt from statement I previously outlined.

Although I had the actual quote from you in my previous post it seems you've forgotten what you "outlined" in your post.

Coming from a guy that bought his character and gear

I did not buy my character and I did not buy my gear.

That, and claims of RP from you is rather laughable.
You are a fucking retard. I have not made any claims about my roleplaying abilities. Have you ever even interacted with my character Naseer?

12-29-2004, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by IriscienceYou are a fucking retard. I have not made any claims about my roleplaying abilities. Have you ever even interacted with my character Naseer?

Isn't Naseer the one that had Niqk surgically attached at the groin at all times? The same one that blatantly MA'd because he didn't give a shit what other people think?

The Korean
12-29-2004, 12:40 PM
Last time I checked, if you buy something, it belongs to you, since it is in your possession.

12-29-2004, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by The Korean
Last time I checked, if you buy something, it belongs to you, since it is in your possession.

In the game of Gemstone, there is no real way for the buyer to know what the item is unless the seller agrees to 'lend' the item to the buyer for testing. This mechanic "feature" leads to some people using it to their benefit in order to proclaim their item is something it isn't.. and getting more for their item than what the true value is.

I'm all for "Buyer Beware" and "Buyer Responsibility" when the mechanics effectively support it. Gemstone simply does not.

The Korean
12-29-2004, 12:59 PM
I meant that to refer to Iriescence's last post, but I didn't have the time to quote him properly. I is at work and the boss is roaming around.

12-29-2004, 01:19 PM
That they do. While all for RP, while thinking that cash sales/character sales are corny...I'm all for RP...

The notion that you could play a thief but get slammed on by GMs for scamming is silly. If GS had droppage it wouldn't be an issue.

12-29-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Iriscience

Coming from a guy that bought his character and gear

I did not buy my character and I did not buy my gear.

Yet at one point you did. Arguing that you currently do not does not negate the relevance that you in fact did at one time.

That, and claims of RP from you is rather laughable.

You are a fucking retard. I have not made any claims about my roleplaying abilities. Have you ever even interacted with my character Naseer? [/quote]

Should I did up your own posts and posts made in reference to you?

12-30-2004, 05:42 PM
Tsa'ah, I'm a little confused. The only policy I recall seeing posted stated that GMs will NOT get involved, so what policy is being violated by scamming?

On the one hand, I think this is deserved karma biting Mich in the ass, from the few times I've interacted with him in game and what I've seen and heard of him.

On the other, I've always been told that GMs will NOT do specifically what Taiven did, since there really isn't any mechanics abuse going on.

Honestly, if you're that worried, get bard or a warrior to assist with the transaction. I've loresung items for total strangers countless times just to confirm that a merchant was honest.

12-30-2004, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Lumi
Tsa'ah, I'm a little confused. The only policy I recall seeing posted stated that GMs will NOT get involved, so what policy is being violated by scamming?


GemStone IV is designed for the enjoyment of everyone, and as a general rule, any behavior which is specifically targeted to lessen that enjoyment for another player, may be in violation of GemStone IV policy.

While one may choose to "role-play" a scammer, one would be ignoring the prime reason for anti-PvP rules ... forced role-play.

If you can set up a scenario between willing participants ... scam away. I doubt you will find very many people who are willing to lose a few million silver, to your benefit, just to role-play a scam.

On the other, I've always been told that GMs will NOT do specifically what Taiven did, since there really isn't any mechanics abuse going on.

Being Simu ... that depends on the GM you are petitioning. I have seen scammers pulled. We're not talking mystery items, we're talking blatant misrepresentation.

One of my first experiences on the wrong end of a scam came when GS hit the web. There was a 40-50ish character advertising enchanting services to 6x for a decent price. The problem was that he could not enchant and it got the GM's attention within an hour. The guy had fleeced several million silver and just as much in armor and weapons.

Folks receiving their money and items back isn't a given. Scamming will get you nailed. It is a policy violation.

Honestly, if you're that worried, get bard or a warrior to assist with the transaction. I've loresung items for total strangers countless times just to confirm that a merchant was honest.

As already pointed out, this isn't a luxury for many people. About the only thing we can accurately check is the enchant up to 7x and the presence of various enhancements.

Not everyone knows and trusts bards and warriors of a high level. The certainty of an honest stranger does not exist.

02-20-2005, 11:23 PM

02-20-2005, 11:25 PM
Also the thread is two months old..

02-21-2005, 01:49 AM
