View Full Version : Moving really sucks

Killer Kitten
11-21-2004, 11:13 PM
Just when I think I've finally got it all packed, I open a closet or look under a sink or unearth something in the garage and realize that the pile of boxes is about to multiply yet again!!!

On top of all that, the kitten is sick and I have to take her to the vet in the morning. In Queens. With a U-Haul trailer attached to my car that I'm so not expert in maneuvering yet. Then get back in time to return my library books, finish the packing, return the cable boxes and make sure all is ready for the movers Tuesday morning.

And this effing waterbed is refusing to drain!!! All Mike had to do was start his new job and arrange to buy the new house in Ohio. I had to sell the old one (a nightmare in itself) and arrange to get our pets and everything we own out of here and into there. And of course Murphy's Law prevailed throughout this whole process. He so owes me. Big time.


11-22-2004, 12:33 AM
Demand a full - day spa package. Nothing less.

-K, hopes it goes well