View Full Version : Subjective best F2P class question

04-20-2016, 11:17 AM
So I am about to have two kids in daycare which is going to effectively end my playing time at least for monthly payments.

I was wondering general consensus what the best class would be for free to play activities assuming I will spend 0 dollars on it. I love UAC so would probably lean towards a melee route but am not adverse to casting. My thoughts are warrior/rogue/monk or maybe if I went caster sorc or ranger (semi)

I know versatility makes all classes viable but in terms of hunting ease what could make the most sense or who would be easiest to deal with. Bare in mind I will use big shot at times but for some stupid reason enjoy hunting myself.

I do at some point plan to reactivate in a year so this account would convert...if that changes anything for my selection to some folks

04-20-2016, 11:26 AM
Also I know societies are blocked but I heard you could get to rank 2, is that correct? Because if so I am going GOS all the way

04-20-2016, 11:31 AM
Also I know societies are blocked but I heard you could get to rank 2, is that correct? Because if so I am going GOS all the way

you can get rank 1 plus do the work for 2, but cannot be promoted

04-20-2016, 11:32 AM
Good to know

04-20-2016, 11:32 AM
You and I are in the same boat, except that I am paying off credit cards. I remember when my two were in daycare/private school at the same time. It's insane. I gave up my two subscription characters a few months ago. I decided on a magic using class (cleric) because it gives me the option to do something other than hunt (rez people) and I don't really have to worry about getting spells from others. I also don't like the first 30 days of a new character because I feel I have to devote so much time to playing them during that first 30 in order to maximize the leveling. So I negotiated for another player to hunt him for that first 30 days in exchange for a certain amount of silvers. He got me to level 22. I then started a 2nd F2P character (rogue) just because I felt like having an alternative to play every once in awhile, but decided on not paying to level that one, which is why he's only level 10. :D

Because F2P limits how much silvers you can have in the bank (100k to start and can increase by 100k increments with Simucoins) and you don't have access to a locker, I also created two F2P mules, one to be my locker and one to hold my silvers. At one point I added a third F2P mule because I had so many items I kept bumping up against the 100 item limit for one character, so I needed an overflow.

04-20-2016, 11:40 AM
Very handy information and I like the idea of having flavor so I might go that route of having two guys to spread my playing love.

04-20-2016, 11:44 AM
I have a warrior, but I think a paladin would be top because of the lack of guild skill access. Going the UAC route, I'd probably choose a monk as rogues can only pick their own boxes (which might not be a big deal to you) and have no guild skills. Rangers and sorcerers should be pretty decent too.

you can get rank 1 plus do the work for 2, but cannot be promoted

If that's in COL do you eventually get kicked out for inactivity?

04-20-2016, 12:02 PM
Def paladin. All of the pally group buffs are not restricted. And theres no guild to be denied from. A F2P Paladin is probably the closest to the real thing of all the classes.

04-20-2016, 12:21 PM
Hmm so pally and monk seem to fit the bill

04-20-2016, 12:30 PM
If that's in COL do you eventually get kicked out for inactivity?

You do not. F2P circumvents that issue.

04-20-2016, 01:38 PM
Think I'm going to go monk, now will my having a monk cause an overpopulation of monks on GS?

04-20-2016, 01:52 PM
you can get rank 1 plus do the work for 2, but cannot be promoted

You get a 3 day society pass with the login rewards once a month so really eventually you should be able to master any of the three with out spending a dime. It just might take a while and in like volns case maybe forever with only 3 days a month. And then of course you could only use those abilities 3 days per month, but hey, it's free.

04-20-2016, 01:54 PM
Think I'm going to go monk, now will my having a monk cause an overpopulation of monks on GS?

There are only 5 logged in right now, so that's as 20% increase!

04-20-2016, 02:04 PM
You get a 3 day society pass with the login rewards once a month so really eventually you should be able to master any of the three with out spending a dime. It just might take a while and in like volns case maybe forever with only 3 days a month. And then of course you could only use those abilities 3 days per month, but hey, it's free.

lol there's one way of doing it

04-20-2016, 02:11 PM
Is so GOS just so I could camp stomp. And man 20% increase, I don't want to ruin monks and cause a mass nerfing for overpopulation, I mean look at wizards!!

04-20-2016, 02:13 PM
Def paladin. All of the pally group buffs are not restricted. And theres no guild to be denied from. A F2P Paladin is probably the closest to the real thing of all the classes.

Yeah but this is probably because it's the most underdeveloped class, with the possible exception of monks.

04-20-2016, 03:27 PM
I have a warrior, but I think a paladin would be top because of the lack of guild skill access. Going the UAC route, I'd probably choose a monk as rogues can only pick their own boxes (which might not be a big deal to you) and have no guild skills. Rangers and sorcerers should be pretty decent too.

If that's in COL do you eventually get kicked out for inactivity?

a F2P rogue is still considerably better than a normal monk. the lack of guild skills is kind of annoying but eh. It's a big loss for a warrior, a lot less so for a rogue. You can still go UAC on rogue, do the voln thing up to rank 13 or whatever it is for the being able to punch shit in the face (even though i still strongly advise getting a bless), but it's the only real society benefit you can get without paying so, might as well. And, UAC rogue is crazy good so go nuts.

My vote would be paladin as well, overall though.

forgot to mention: one thing to consider is if you ever decide to convert this character over to a normal account. If you go monk just because you feel like it's better f2p, you then stuck with a monk :D Don't get me wrong, you can obviously hunt a monk to cap and beyond (i'm pretty close!) but they're clearly still weaker by comparison, and have essentially 0 utility so....not a lot of mileage out of that in the event you decide to p2w.

04-20-2016, 05:19 PM
I had a rogue up to 28 and loved him, and was UAC but I prefer the out in the open monster MOC screen scroll UAC and that just seems more viable as a monk. I've made my choice haha!

Halfling monk even though I think monks never have TD issues. At least from all I have read they are the most TD strong class =)

04-20-2016, 05:34 PM
Monk TD too strong, that that is true.

If you like screen scroll go full combat rogue / warrior / bard TWC MoC :D

monks...there are nearly a dozen of us!

04-20-2016, 09:06 PM
If your going to F2P, you might as well MA. Society rank climbing (GOS and Voln) and safer hunting happens when you MA in general

I think you get free society passes in F2P if you log in and stay on long enough (you can buy society passes too).

I find F2P to be nice alternative if you dont care about the exp throttle and fast leveling in general.