View Full Version : Republican Obamacare Replacement Is Imminent

04-19-2016, 02:16 PM
The political timing couldn't be better, if the replacement is good, and couldn't be worse, if the replacement bad. Since they know it will be very popular, they won't hesitate to release it.

A group of senior House Republicans is promising to deliver proof that the party is making headway in its six-year struggle to replace ObamaCare.

"Give us a little time, another month or so," House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) told reporters this week. "I think we’ll be pretty close to a Republican alternative."

Upton is one member of a four-person task force that is supposed to come up with a replacement plan for the healthcare law, at the behest of Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.). For now, the group is still in "listening mode," Upton said. When asked who they are listening to, Upton said: "You name it – the world."

Coming up with a plan to replace ObamaCare has been an aim for the Republican Party for so long that it’s become a laugh line even in conservative circles. Despite voting more than 50 times in the House to repeal the law, the GOP has not once voted on legislation to take its place.

More... (http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/276547-gop-group-promises-obamacare-replacement-plan-soon)

Imminent and eminent.

04-19-2016, 06:49 PM
Senator Alan Grayson already leaked out the Republican Healthcare Replacement years ago:


Republicans don't like it because it's the truth. They are the party of NO.

We should abolish that racist party and just say NO at the polls to electing any of them!