View Full Version : +5 SA bonus orb, +6 dex stat orb, beanbag toy, 5x DCP T1 doubles

04-08-2016, 01:10 PM
1. +5 Spell Aiming Bonus orb - MB: 500k

2. +6 Dex Stat Orb - MB: 300k

3. 5x DCP Doubles - a veniom-threaded black leather gambeson secured with alexandrite buckles - MB: 5m CB: 5m Eylanthriel SOLD

EDIT: MB and bid updated to reflect lack of ensorcell.

4. A sitting beanbag empath -

You analyze your beanbag empath and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get the distinct impression that this empath may not be altered by any merchants.

Given the nature of the empath, however, it might be possible to morph it around into other shapes. You can try to CLENCH, CUDDLE, EAT, HUG, KISS, LEAN, NUDGE, PET, PINCH, POKE, PULL, PUNCH, PUNISH, PUSH, ROLL, SPIN, THROW, TICKLE, TOUCH, TURN, WAVE, WEAR, and REMOVE the empath.

You get no sense of whether or not the empath may be further lightened

This thing can be turned into a metric shit ton of different things. A few of them include - Any class, any race, a pony, kobold, goblin, sea turtle, whale, amazon, etc... all by spinning and turning it.

The adjective changes on it depending on what you do to it. Hug it and it smiles, poke it and it sits (and you can wear it when it's sitting). It's a pretty damn cool toy.

MB: 2m

5. A 6x medium shield - 1m flat

04-08-2016, 06:59 PM
MB on 3

04-10-2016, 01:22 PM
Updated this morning.

04-11-2016, 01:02 PM
Damn, those leathers sold fast, wanted to bid - oh well.

04-11-2016, 03:09 PM
Three days from the original bid, that's pretty standard.

04-11-2016, 11:13 PM
Yeah, the bid threw me because it was 6M and waiting on confirmation after ensorcell info. Don't get me wrong, my fault, not yours, just was surprised to see them gone.

04-11-2016, 11:20 PM
Yeah, I didn't feel like it was right to make Eylanthriel wait extra time for my mistake. I agree, though, it was a bit confusing.