03-30-2016, 05:02 PM
Will sell the following items that are good candidates to turn into something cool at Sylinar's Spire. Prefer trades that might include Spire slots for me, as I could use 2 slots. Auction ends Friday night. I'll add things if I have time to dig for a few more.
a drakar short sword
+9 intuition
+15 influence
+2 MIU
Turn that one into a +24 logic stat sword
MB: 2m, BO: 4m
an onyx-inlaid pewter armband:
+4 to Strength (lvl 14)
+3 to Shield Use Ranks (lvl 20)
+6 to Discipline (lvl 21)
The armband looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
Crumbly enhancive/persist spell
MB: 2m, BO: 5m
More fodder added:
lapis lazuli inset ora bracer:
mage rechargeable 112, tap activated;
+4 bonus to constitution bonus (level 37),
giantman charges
crumbly enhancive/persist magic
MB: 300k, BO 1m
a glittering gold armband:
+5 to spirit mana control bonus (level 15)
+2 to blunt weapons bonus (level 3)
+2 to strength bonus (level 14)
a lot of charges
persists on both
radiant-cut blue sapphire tiara:
blank mage rechargeable
+4 to logic bonus (level 24)
+3 to blunt weapons bonus (level 6)
a lot of charges
crumbly on both
MB: 300k, BO 1m
a delicate mithril alloy pin:
+6 to discipline (level 21)
+3 to armor use bonus (level 10)
a lot of charges, persists.
a rowan runestaff: +5, 4 lbs
+7 to Intuition Bonus, (lvl 39)
+5 to Influence Bonus, (lvl 21)
+5 to Dexterity Bonus, (lvl 33)
+5 to Physical Fitness Bonus, (lvl 6)
The runestaff looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
MB: 2m, BO: 4m
Hey, you could have a +12 logic bonus item. Combine that with the aforementioned +24 stat item, manage to orb them both, and you've got one hell of a logic dagger.
an exquisite faewood runestaff:
+10 to Influence Bonus, (lvl 77)
The runestaff looks to have more than your average giantman could count charges remaining.
Convert to logic, boom, forget monkeying with daggers... or make a super dagger with fewer steps.
MB 2m, BO 3m
a drakar short sword
+9 intuition
+15 influence
+2 MIU
Turn that one into a +24 logic stat sword
MB: 2m, BO: 4m
an onyx-inlaid pewter armband:
+4 to Strength (lvl 14)
+3 to Shield Use Ranks (lvl 20)
+6 to Discipline (lvl 21)
The armband looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
Crumbly enhancive/persist spell
MB: 2m, BO: 5m
More fodder added:
lapis lazuli inset ora bracer:
mage rechargeable 112, tap activated;
+4 bonus to constitution bonus (level 37),
giantman charges
crumbly enhancive/persist magic
MB: 300k, BO 1m
a glittering gold armband:
+5 to spirit mana control bonus (level 15)
+2 to blunt weapons bonus (level 3)
+2 to strength bonus (level 14)
a lot of charges
persists on both
radiant-cut blue sapphire tiara:
blank mage rechargeable
+4 to logic bonus (level 24)
+3 to blunt weapons bonus (level 6)
a lot of charges
crumbly on both
MB: 300k, BO 1m
a delicate mithril alloy pin:
+6 to discipline (level 21)
+3 to armor use bonus (level 10)
a lot of charges, persists.
a rowan runestaff: +5, 4 lbs
+7 to Intuition Bonus, (lvl 39)
+5 to Influence Bonus, (lvl 21)
+5 to Dexterity Bonus, (lvl 33)
+5 to Physical Fitness Bonus, (lvl 6)
The runestaff looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
MB: 2m, BO: 4m
Hey, you could have a +12 logic bonus item. Combine that with the aforementioned +24 stat item, manage to orb them both, and you've got one hell of a logic dagger.
an exquisite faewood runestaff:
+10 to Influence Bonus, (lvl 77)
The runestaff looks to have more than your average giantman could count charges remaining.
Convert to logic, boom, forget monkeying with daggers... or make a super dagger with fewer steps.
MB 2m, BO 3m