View Full Version : Spire fodder

03-30-2016, 05:02 PM
Will sell the following items that are good candidates to turn into something cool at Sylinar's Spire. Prefer trades that might include Spire slots for me, as I could use 2 slots. Auction ends Friday night. I'll add things if I have time to dig for a few more.

a drakar short sword
+9 intuition
+15 influence
+2 MIU

Turn that one into a +24 logic stat sword

MB: 2m, BO: 4m


an onyx-inlaid pewter armband:
+4 to Strength (lvl 14)
+3 to Shield Use Ranks (lvl 20)
+6 to Discipline (lvl 21)
The armband looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
Crumbly enhancive/persist spell

MB: 2m, BO: 5m

More fodder added:

lapis lazuli inset ora bracer:
mage rechargeable 112, tap activated;
+4 bonus to constitution bonus (level 37),
giantman charges
crumbly enhancive/persist magic

MB: 300k, BO 1m

a glittering gold armband:
+5 to spirit mana control bonus (level 15)
+2 to blunt weapons bonus (level 3)
+2 to strength bonus (level 14)
a lot of charges
persists on both


radiant-cut blue sapphire tiara:
blank mage rechargeable
+4 to logic bonus (level 24)
+3 to blunt weapons bonus (level 6)
a lot of charges
crumbly on both

MB: 300k, BO 1m

a delicate mithril alloy pin:
+6 to discipline (level 21)
+3 to armor use bonus (level 10)
a lot of charges, persists.


a rowan runestaff: +5, 4 lbs

+7 to Intuition Bonus, (lvl 39)
+5 to Influence Bonus, (lvl 21)
+5 to Dexterity Bonus, (lvl 33)
+5 to Physical Fitness Bonus, (lvl 6)
The runestaff looks to have a lot of charges remaining.

MB: 2m, BO: 4m

Hey, you could have a +12 logic bonus item. Combine that with the aforementioned +24 stat item, manage to orb them both, and you've got one hell of a logic dagger.

an exquisite faewood runestaff:
+10 to Influence Bonus, (lvl 77)
The runestaff looks to have more than your average giantman could count charges remaining.

Convert to logic, boom, forget monkeying with daggers... or make a super dagger with fewer steps.

MB 2m, BO 3m

03-30-2016, 06:14 PM
Added a bunch more, still looking through piles, and piles of stuff. If you have anything you're looking for, please let me know and I'll look for it.

Also, I'll pay 2m apiece for 2 slots at the upcoming spire.

03-30-2016, 06:22 PM
Hey, you could have a +12 logic bonus item. Combine that with the aforementioned +24 stat item, manage to orb them both, and you've got one hell of a logic dagger.

As of right now.. Wyrom has said no more orbs.


Of course that may change with the changes to fusion.

03-30-2016, 06:25 PM
As of right now.. Wyrom has said no more orbs.


Of course that may change with the changes to fusion.

Whatever the future holds, the above are all for sale, and function nicely for logic bonus without orbing them. As well as most logic orb daggers on the market today.

03-30-2016, 06:35 PM
MB on gold armband, also 300k on both mithril alloy pins (if they are the same they ought to have the same mbs)

03-30-2016, 06:50 PM
MB on gold armband, also 300k on both mithril alloy pins (if they are the same they ought to have the same mbs)

My mistake, there's only one pin. Since I messed up, I'll put you down for the lower of the two minimum bids on the one pin. 300k to you sir, going once.

04-01-2016, 12:28 PM
Unless bid on 30 minutes or closer to midnight eastern time, everything with a bid will be sold tonight at that time. Any bid closer than 30 minutes before midnight will result in a 30 minute time extension to give the previous bidder a chance to respond.

04-01-2016, 04:22 PM
As of right now.. Wyrom has said no more orbs.


Of course that may change with the changes to fusion.

Really? I thought it was more of "no more v1 fusion orbs."

We don't know what v2 will be.

04-01-2016, 11:09 PM

04-02-2016, 12:40 PM

04-05-2016, 01:19 PM
Prior to the upcoming Spire on Thursday, I'll sell any remaining items at the MB as a flat price.

04-07-2016, 12:38 AM