View Full Version : MM penalty for held items and 2x / 1x thresholds

03-22-2016, 01:47 PM
There is an MM penalty of 30 for a held item, reduced to 22 if 1x in the "appropriate weapon skill", further reduced to 15 if 2x in the appropriate weapon skill.

To get the "2x" benefit, you have to be 2x trained in the weapon being held, correct? Do you also have to be 2x trained in brawling?

Also does anybody know if there is a gradual reduction in the MM penalty between 22 and 30 for those trained, say, 1.5x? I would expect not, although it would be a good mechanic to avoid "cliffs".

03-22-2016, 03:16 PM
don't use held weapons with UAC. Problem solved.

Unless you have a ridiculously good old brawling compatible weapon, nothing you do will ever be better than just not taking a massive penalty to MM.

03-22-2016, 03:52 PM
Uhh, not talking about held brawling weapons.

I have trained 1x in brawling to phase non-corporeals. It works really well for hunting non-corps with song of tonis. I am also trying to compare CMAN sweep to UAC kicks to the leg, and so trying to spec that out.

03-22-2016, 05:15 PM
There is an MM penalty of 30 for a held item, reduced to 22 if 1x in the "appropriate weapon skill", further reduced to 15 if 2x in the appropriate weapon skill.

To get the "2x" benefit, you have to be 2x trained in the weapon being held, correct? Do you also have to be 2x trained in brawling?

Correct. The reduction is based on ranks in the held weapon type (edged, blunt etc). Brawling ranks are only a factor when the held weapon is a non UAC brawling weapon.

Also does anybody know if there is a gradual reduction in the MM penalty between 22 and 30 for those trained, say, 1.5x? I would expect not, although it would be a good mechanic to avoid "cliffs".

Ranks are prorated. The MM penalty reduction formula with weapon held in right hand (this formula also applies to shield MM penalties).

.ceil((Ranks/2L) * 15)

Note: 2L is (level * 2) and 15 is the maximum MM reduction.


Level 50 with 70 ranks edged weapons holding a dagger in right hand.

.ceil((70/100) * 15) = 11 MM penalty reduction

Total MM penalty in this example would be (30 base penalty - 11 reduction) = 19


03-22-2016, 05:22 PM
Nailed it, thx Mark!