View Full Version : GH Aristani ROCKS!!!!111!!

12-17-2004, 05:05 PM
Just figured Id show interaction I had with this particular GH and how much fun she was!! :thumbsup: to you Aristani, you really made me chuckle.

I haven't really edited the log so sorry if it's a little long.

*** Host Aristani is here to answer your assist. ***

Aristani exclaims, "Hello, Eiderfleur!"

[Leaving rest mode.]

Your jaw drops.
>Aristani smiles.
>snif aris
She smells just like Aristani.
>l aris
You see GameHost Aristani.
She appears to be an Erithian.
She appears to be youthful and taller than average. She has slit-pupilled icy green eyes and pale golden skin. She has waist length, shiny silver hair worn in thin braids at the temples. She has a delicate face and slightly upswept pointed ears.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing an intricately wrought silver hair-ornament, a delicately carved pendant of pale green jade, a deeply-folded shimmering silver silk robe embroidered with lotus flowers, a knotted pale grey silk sash, some fine pale silk stockings, and a pair of braided rush sandals.
Aristani chuckles.
You beam!
[Obsidian Spider Table]
The circular black oak table is polished to a high sheen, its surface glimmering with reflected light. A set of high-backed chairs surrounds the table, each padded with deep red velvet upholstery. The rounded edge of the table is bordered with inlaid obsidian, forming a pattern of spiders. You also see the sparkling Eiderfleur disk and an enruned wooden coffer.
Also here: GameHost Aristani
Obvious exits: out
>'ok, now for ooc.
You say, "Ok, now for ooc."
>grin ear
You grin ear-to-ear.
* Zelyria just bit the dust!
Aristani says, "I thought that was in character."
Aristani says, "Was waiting for the bark."
You blink.
Aristani grins.
>'I see we've met before
You say, "I see we've met before."
You snicker.
* Certsales just bit the dust!
Aristani says, "Briefly, and I've read your posts over on the PC boards."
>'Okay, just recently I've been having problems with my demeanor.
You say, "Okay, just recently I've been having problems with my demeanor."
Aristani asks, "What's up?"
>'Oh god you guys read that stuff?
You ask, "Oh god you guys read that stuff?"
You fret.
Aristani laughs!
Aristani says, "I do. On my own time, though."
* Eldaria joins the adventure.
>'Okay, well for some reason my demeanor changes on its own every time I log out.
You say, "Okay, well for some reason my demeanor changes on its own every time I log out."
* Kranar just bit the dust!
>'it is meant to be warm but when I log out and back in again its changed to friendly
You say, "It is meant to be warm but when I log out and back in again its changed to friendly."
>'i don't know if this is a bug or what...... But figured Id ask
You say, "I don't know if this is a bug or what...... But figured Id ask."
Aristani rubs her chin thoughtfully.
>"i've never had problems with it before
You say, "I've never had problems with it before."
Aristani says, "I have had someone else assist with the same problem. Even said he was being set to friendly, too."
>'but wouldn't even have noticed until someone who wasnt on my befriend list was all like OMG You changed your demeanor to me
You say, "But wouldn't even have noticed until someone who wasnt on my befriend list was all like OMG You changed your demeanor to me."
You nod.
Aristani says, "He didn't say it happened every time he logged out, though. Just said he'd notice."
>'well I've been noticing the last few days now
You say, "Well I've been noticing the last few days now."
Aristani nods.
>'and today Ive had to change it twice.
You say, "And today Ive had to change it twice."
Your SIGN OF DEFENDING is no longer effective.
>'First when I logged in today, this morning
You say, "First when I logged in today, this morning."
Your SIGN OF WARDING is no longer effective.
Your SIGN OF STRIKING is no longer effective.
>'then I got kicked earlier, while in town and returned with it changed.... again.
You say, "Then I got kicked earlier, while in town and returned with it changed.... again."
Aristani rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Your SIGN OF SMITING is no longer effective.
Your SIGN OF SHIELDS is no longer effective.
You feel drained!
>'I'm glad its not just me, I thought I was losing it
You say, "I'm glad its not just me, I thought I was losing it."
Aristani smiles.
Your SIGN OF SWORDS is no longer effective.
You feel drained!
Aristani says, "No, not just you."
You feel less drained.
>grin ear
You grin ear-to-ear.
Aristani says, "Could be Eider's getting to you, though."
Aristani examines her fingernails.
* Eldaria returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
You chuckle.
Aristani grins.
* Hige just bit the dust!
>"i think Eider is based on me irl mostly
You say, "I think Eider is based on me irl mostly."
Aristani asks, "Have you ever had your demeanor set to friendly, and it's just not sticking at warm?"
* Certsales just bit the dust!
>'I don't bark at people irl but I am pretty close to it.
You say, "I don't bark at people irl but I am pretty close to it."
Aristani laughs!
Aristani says, "I'd love to see someone like that. Entertaining and fun."
>'no. Eider was neutral when she was made but very soon became warm.
You say, "No. Eider was neutral when she was made but very soon became warm."
You chuckle.
Aristani nods.
>'And I don't even drink
You say, "And I don't even drink."
Aristani says, "So you never intentionally set it at friendly."
Aristani chuckles.
Aristani says, "Nor I."
* Sermoths just bit the dust!
* Qith just bit the dust!
>'Ive sometimes quickly changed it to cold to kick people then back to warm but other than that I've never set it to friendly.
You say, "Ive sometimes quickly changed it to cold to kick people then back to warm but other than that I've never set it to friendly."
You say, "Ever."
Aristani nods.
Aristani says, "Does sound like a bug, then."
>'so I ought to bug it?
You ask, "So I ought to bug it?"
* Kiligen returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
You feel at full magical power again.
You do not feel drained anymore.
Aristani says, "If I don't get to bug you about it."
Aristani coughs.
Aristani says, "Alright, that one was pretty bad."
* Morelean returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
You snicker.
>'yes, yes it was
You say, "Yes, yes it was."
You snicker.
Aristani says, "But yeah, a BUG would be good."
Aristani says, "Maybe a post over on the boards as a little reminder to the GMs, too."
* Leash just bit the dust!
>"sure, never done a post on the boards about bugs, know where abouts would be best to do it?
You ask, "Sure, never done a post on the boards about bugs, know where abouts would be best to do it?"
You duck your head.
Aristani says, "I believe there is a demeanor folder in the RP category. If not, you can use the RP verb folder. Both places would fit pretty well."
An elven serving maid hurries past, carrying a tray full of tankards and glasses to another table of patrons.
Aristani chuckles.
>'ahh ok
You say, "Ahh ok."
Aristani says, "Stop thinking like me."
You chuckle.
You've gained 1 mental training point.
(To use these new points, type GOALS and adjust your skills.)
Unconverting 1 Mnt points to return 2 Phy points. (See HELP TPS)

Training Points: 35 Phy 0 Mnt (2800 Phy converted to Mnt)
Aristani asks, "Anyway, the BUG system can be a bit confusing. Are you alright on using it?"
* Jube returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>'Lemme check. Not sure which category it would go under.
You say, "Lemme check. Not sure which category it would go under."
BUG {category};{title};{text}

{title} can be no more than 128 characters in length
{category} must be one of the following:

GemStone IV specific categories
CHARACTER - problems related to your character
CREATURE - creatures and NPC problems
MAGIC - problems with a spell, sign or symbol
COMBAT - combat errors
ROOM - problems with a room or area
TYPO - misspellings and grammar errors
OTHER - problems with things not easily categorized
Client specific categories
PnC - point and click problems / menu problems
STORMFRONT - problems with the StormFront Front End
ESCAPE - problems with the eScape Front End
WIZARD - problems with the Wizard Front End
WARLOCK - problems with the Warlock Front End

{text} can be no more than 875 characters

This will issue an email to play.net's bug tracking database. Be as detailed as possible, describing what you were doing, the behavior you expected, and the behavior you experienced. Preferably you should be in the same room you were in when the bug occurred, holding the same equipment, and wearing the same gear, as this information will be included in the bug report. DO NOT ISSUE BUG REPORTS FOR GAME CRASHES OR LAG PROBLEMS. Do not use this mechanism to make suggestions or feature requests. Those should be posted to the forums.

Example bug report: BUG TYPO;Typo in Room Description;In the third sentence in this room's daytime description, the word cobblestone is misspelled.
>'character? or other?
You ask, "Character? or other?"
Aristani says, "Well, there's a "character" category. Sounds like that might work."
>nod aris
You nod to Aristani.
Aristani exclaims, "I said stop it!"
Aristani sticks her tongue out at you, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from her lips!
You snicker.
>'bah! It's not my fault!
You exclaim, "Bah! It's not my fault!"
* Arainian just bit the dust!
Aristani says, "Uh huh."
Aristani stands there stubbornly, folding her arms over her chest.
.... Hmmph!
>bark aris
You bark wildly at Aristani!
>bark aris
You bark wildly at Aristani!
>bark aris
You bark wildly at Aristani!
Aristani laughs!
You grumble.
>'Had to slip in a couple barks, didn't want you to feel left out.
You say, "Had to slip in a couple barks, didn't want you to feel left out."
* Dreamlock just bit the dust!
You snicker.
Aristani flashes a wide grin.
Aristani says, "I feel so loved now."
You snicker.
Aristani asks, "Alright, anything else I could help you with?"
>'right, back to the bug! Think it will be fixed eventually if i just bug it and report on the boards
You say, "Right, back to the bug! Think it will be fixed eventually if i just bug it and report on the boards."
You exclaim, "Feh!"
>poke aris
You poke Aristani in the ribs.
Aristani says, "Careful, that's a trademark."
You chuckle.
Aristani grins.
>'I've been Feh-ing for years!
You exclaim, "I've been Feh-ing for years!"
You scoff.
* Drenalor just bit the dust!
Aristani says, "Yeah, so have I. I've also been hit by a Godzilla weilding a school bus."
Aristani asks, "What's your point?"
* Insisiv just bit the dust!
.... Hmmph!
Aristani chuckles.
Aristani says, "Undead Godzilla at that."
>'I am godzilla, You are Japan, your reputation far exeeds your abilities mammyramma!
You exclaim, "I am godzilla, You are Japan, your reputation far exeeds your abilities mammyramma!"
>'ok enough movie quotes
You say, "Ok enough movie quotes."
Aristani cackles!
>'I think I'm good
You say, "I think I'm good."
You chuckle.
Aristani says, "Alright."
>'thanks for the giggle
You say, "Thanks for the giggle."
Aristani grins.
Aristani says, "I aim to please."
>'And Ill bug the demeanor thing asap
You say, "And Ill bug the demeanor thing asap."
Aristani exclaims, "Good!"
>grin ear
You grin ear-to-ear.
Aristani says, "Good to know that the other guy wasn't alone."
The shrill cry of laughter erupts from a nearby table, and then slowly diminishes to the low sounds of close conversation.
You chuckle.
Aristani says, "I had him twice on assists."
>nod aris
You nod to Aristani.
You snicker.
Aristani says, "Anywho, I'll get out of your way."
Aristani says, "Back to sniffing and barking."
* Alishala returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
You chortle.
>wave aris
You wave to Aristani.
Aristani sniffs at you.
.... Hmmph!
>squint aris
You squint at Aristani.
Aristani snickers.
>sneak aris
You sneak up to Aristani.
Aristani says, "Just once."
>sneak behind aris
You tiptoe up behind Aristani.
>bark aris
You bark wildly at Aristani!
>bark aris
You bark wildly at Aristani!
Aristani lets out a yelp!
Aristani vanishes in a puff of smoke!
You snicker.
[Obsidian Spider Table]
The circular black oak table is polished to a high sheen, its surface glimmering with reflected light. A set of high-backed chairs surrounds the table, each padded with deep red velvet upholstery. The rounded edge of the table is bordered with inlaid obsidian, forming a pattern of spiders. You also see the sparkling Eiderfleur disk and an enruned wooden coffer.
Obvious exits: out
* Moonwolf just bit the dust!

SEND[Host Aristani] Don't scare me like that!

You chortle.


12-17-2004, 05:13 PM
You killed Kranar!

* Kranar just bit the dust!
>'it is meant to be warm but when I log out and back in again its changed to friendly
You say, "It is meant to be warm but when I log out and back in again its changed to friendly."

12-17-2004, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
You killed Kranar!

* Kranar just bit the dust!
>'it is meant to be warm but when I log out and back in again its changed to friendly
You say, "It is meant to be warm but when I log out and back in again its changed to friendly."

OMG I didn't do it KRANAR!!!!! Don't Kill me!!!!!111111!!!


12-17-2004, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by Eiderfleur

Aristani says, "I have had someone else assist with the same problem. Even said he was being set to friendly, too."

Yeah, that was me. Nothing worse than having your Dhe'nar walking around being friendly to everyone <Shudder>

Never got it fixed either. It switches itself automatically every couple of weeks. I just keep an eye on it now.

Eiderfleur < :blndwhip:

12-17-2004, 07:45 PM
omg stfu

12-17-2004, 07:58 PM
Well I asked on the official boards and apparently if you use the AGREE verb without specifying parameters it will set your demeanor to friendly.

So I will test it out and check how things go. Will soon find out if that was what was causing the problem or if it might be something else.

12-17-2004, 08:03 PM
Your demeanor is neutral.

Use DEMEANOR HELP for more information.
You adopt an agreeable expression.

Your demeanor is friendly.

12-17-2004, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Your demeanor is neutral.

Use DEMEANOR HELP for more information.
You adopt an agreeable expression.

Your demeanor is friendly.

Strange "feature" indeed.


12-17-2004, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Eiderfleur

Originally posted by Nieninque
Your demeanor is neutral.

Use DEMEANOR HELP for more information.
You adopt an agreeable expression.

Your demeanor is friendly.

Strange "feature" indeed.


I am glad you found it out, because I wouldnt have known otherwise and would have been horrified if someone hugged Snowy and she automatically hugged them back or whatever....ewww.

12-17-2004, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque

Originally posted by Eiderfleur

Originally posted by Nieninque
Your demeanor is neutral.

Use DEMEANOR HELP for more information.
You adopt an agreeable expression.

Your demeanor is friendly.

Strange "feature" indeed.


I am glad you found it out, because I wouldnt have known otherwise and would have been horrified if someone hugged Snowy and she automatically hugged them back or whatever....ewww.

*Makes note to self....... Hug Snowy as soon as she agrees on something*


Miss X
12-18-2004, 05:22 AM
Awww that was great Eider! Don't think I ever met Aristani myself but I did notice her outfit the other day when she answered an assist for someone at the IFW fair, I kinda stole her theme for my cleric! ;)