View Full Version : Trollbane falchion/handaxe

03-15-2016, 07:16 PM
Wondering if there are any Trollbane falchions/handaxe out there for sale? Not looking for something super fancy, like the 10x fire flaring, trollbane falchion floating around right now. Not even sure if any lower end Trollbanes exist. Shoot me a PM if you have something to part with. Have coins/cash/trades.

03-15-2016, 07:50 PM
I think Everan has a trollbane bastardsword. That could be used 1 handed

03-15-2016, 08:33 PM
Actually, it's a broadsword. Here's the basics:

Comes with this scabbard:
an eahnor and aureate golvern scabbard - under 1 pound

an ember-hued thin golvern machera (broadsword base) - 3 pounds, +25, 2 slot fusion, double flares against trolls, single flares against everything else

This thin golvern machera seems to be the bane of trolls.

Infused with the power of fire elemental

You sense a faint aura of magic around the thin golvern machera. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the machera is as some type of weapon. Also, it seems to have some sort of enhancive properties. A sense of deep seated hatred clings to the thin golvern machera, as if it had been crafted with a specific purpose.

03-15-2016, 10:08 PM
Oh, I like. Sent you a PM everan.

05-31-2016, 07:21 AM
i have a 5x falchion and 5x gladius(short sword) both fire and trollbane flaring and altered and both T4 ensorcelled . wanna sell them to buy the 10x one lol

05-31-2016, 02:02 PM
i would be interested in the short sword