View Full Version : GSIV Reddit ads

03-13-2016, 03:23 AM
I've noticed that Simu have been running Dragonrealms ads on Reddit recently but not GSIV, is there anyone in the know that can spread any light on this? The DR subreddit is much more active the the GS one maybe if more people posted there this game might also get promoted?

03-13-2016, 03:29 AM
Because Simu is like a parent and their games are their children.

DR is the oldest child and therefore Simu has grand plans for its future, they want to see it grow and succeed.

All of their other products (except GS) is like their youngest child, spoiled rotten and gets the vast majority of the attention.

GS is the middle child, often overlooked and ignored, can often be found holed up in their room sobbing because no one pays attention to it, desperately yearning for just a shred of its parent's approval. Yet nothing is ever good enough for Simu. Oh sure, GS even once paid for it's own advertising but did Simu care? Not in the slightest!

GS joined all of the extra curricular activities in school but did Simu care? Nope!

GS has like 99% volunteers running this game, milking the player base for every dime they have but is that good enough for Simu? Is that enough for Simu to finally look GS in the eyes and say "I love you"?

Fuck. No.

When you find a cure for cancer GS then maybe, MAYBE, that will be good enough for your parents. But it has to be a cancer someone has heard of, like breast cancer.

03-13-2016, 03:40 AM
Because Simu is like a parent and their games are their children.

DR is the oldest child and therefore Simu has grand plans for its future, they want to see it grow and succeed.

GS is older than DR.

03-13-2016, 03:41 AM
GS is older than DR.

Facts have no place in analogies.

03-13-2016, 05:15 AM
Facts have no place in analogies.

By like...a decade.

03-13-2016, 05:22 AM
By like...a decade.

True.. but DR has a larger player base... AND better coding. Face it.. GS is the Commodore 64... DR is the SNES.

And yet they are still the best option for roleplaying really. Seriously fucking sad.

03-13-2016, 05:25 AM
True.. but DR has a larger player base... AND better coding. Face it.. GS is the Commodore 64... DR is the SNES.

And yet they are still the best option for roleplaying really. Seriously fucking sad.

It is apparently even in numbers now.

03-13-2016, 07:09 AM
It is apparently even in numbers now.

Maybe, altho I am not so sure. Active players may be close to the same now, but there are far far far fewer multi accounts in DR. People may have two, but rarely more then that. At least from my experience there.