View Full Version : Tillmen; any way to gain access to my scripts?

03-12-2016, 03:37 AM
So apparently I'm a noob and didn't set a password for my scripts before I got my new computer and now I can't update any of my scripts. Is there any way I can gain access to these scripts again?

This is the list of them all:


I use the author name of Tgo01 in my scripts but I upload them from my character Dreaven. This setup worked fine on my old computer.

But now when I try to update one of my scripts it says:

[repository: error: no password is saved for author Tgo01]
[repository: If that's not the author name you want for this script, specify a different name by adding "author: NAME" to the comments at the top of your script, or add "--author=NAME" to the upload command.]
[repository: Otherwise, specify a password by adding "--password=NEWPASSWORD" to the upload command.]

So I try what it suggests about adding a password and I get:

[repository: error: server says: not authorized]

03-12-2016, 04:37 AM
if you didnt set a password you can just set the password now

03-12-2016, 04:39 AM
[LNet]-You: "you should be able to set the password for the scripts"
[LNet]-You: "set your apssword"
[LNet]-You: "then try ;repo upload file.lic --password=password"

pretty sure at least

03-12-2016, 09:19 AM
Just checked and was able to successfully password protect all of Dreaven's scripts.

Except... not really.

03-12-2016, 12:04 PM
Scripts aren't directly password protected. Scripts have an author (username), and the author name is password protected.

If you want to change the author for a script, you have to delete it using the old author name and password and then upload it with the new author name and password. Check ";repo list" to see what the author name is for each script. If any of them have "nobody" as the author, then anyone can delete it. Nobody is a special author name that accepts any password and was used for all the scripts that were transferred from the old repository.

You'll have to specify ";repo --author=whatever" unless the script has the author name you want in its comments in the proper format, or if the author name is the same as your character name and the comments don't specify otherwise.

If you don't remember your password, then you're bad at computers and you should feel bad, and you'll have to wait until I get home to fix it.

03-12-2016, 03:00 PM
I always upload scripts from my character Dreaven but the author on all of them is Tgo01. I honestly don't remember even setting a password, I always just assumed the scripts were somehow tied to the character that originally uploaded them.

If I upload all of the scripts with the author name of Dreaven can I avoid this issue in the future and avoid needing a password? Or is a password always required even if the author name matches the name of the character uploading the script?

03-12-2016, 04:41 PM
A password is always required. If it just went on what character you were logged into, it would take virtually no effort to edit the repository script so it thinks you're a different character and then go mess around with everyone's scripts.

If you had uploaded all the scripts with Dreaven as the author name, you'd be in the exact same position right now except it would be the repo password for Dreaven that you forgot instead of the repo password for Tgo01.