View Full Version : Uphunting OTF Ducts

03-04-2016, 08:50 PM
I've been spoiled hunting the EN for the last 30 levels or so. Had no trouble getting OHKOs 90+% of the time first in the Black Forest, then Wyneb, then Maghaara. I've always taken bounties at +10, and never had any trouble completing them.

My THW warrior hit 78, I've been trying the ducts and my advanced combat technique of feint, ambush head, repeat isn't quite working. There's a lot more DS to punch through, and all the posts about lost weapons have gotten me to swap from my bonded maul to a plain 4x maul, which lowers the AS even more.

With the breaks I've taken in the past, I realize I've kinda lost track of other ways to hunt.

He's an elf, Voln, has CMAN points to burn, full 2x in THW and Brawling, 30 ranks ambush, just under 1x MOC, and can wear around 20 mana in spellburst. Master-at-Arms of the guild. I don't have any active CMAN skills, just passives/stances/surge.

It's not that I'm in serious danger; I've only died there when I'm not paying attention. It's just that hunts are so much slower than what I'm used to; I feel like I'm playing an OHE warrior.


03-04-2016, 08:54 PM
You shouldn't lose anything in the ducts in OTF, its when youre outside. Gremlocks will loot you of gems and coins but that's about all I've seen. They also garrote you from time to time. Otherwise, should be fairly easy for you I'd imagine.

03-04-2016, 09:01 PM
I've been spoiled hunting the EN for the last 30 levels or so. Had no trouble getting OHKOs 90+% of the time first in the Black Forest, then Wyneb, then Maghaara. I've always taken bounties at +10, and never had any trouble completing them.

My THW warrior hit 78, I've been trying the ducts and my advanced combat technique of feint, ambush head, repeat isn't quite working. There's a lot more DS to punch through, and all the posts about lost weapons have gotten me to swap from my bonded maul to a plain 4x maul, which lowers the AS even more.

With the breaks I've taken in the past, I realize I've kinda lost track of other ways to hunt.

He's an elf, Voln, has CMAN points to burn, full 2x in THW and Brawling, 30 ranks ambush, just under 1x MOC, and can wear around 20 mana in spellburst. Master-at-Arms of the guild. I don't have any active CMAN skills, just passives/stances/surge.

It's not that I'm in serious danger; I've only died there when I'm not paying attention. It's just that hunts are so much slower than what I'm used to; I feel like I'm playing an OHE warrior.


Hunt with a bard... and a mage.... Not that I, erm, know anyone that fits that description or anything. :shrug:

03-04-2016, 10:00 PM
If AS/DS resolutions being less favorable to you is the main issue you are seeing, beyond feinting them into an offensive stance, try a good knockdown CMAN. Tackle is the free one for guild training, but 7 sec RT make it a relic of the past when it was the ONLY knockdown available. Can always try to add an Ambush Leg into your pattern before the ambush head.

Options of knockdowns for THW are a little more limited. Can try bullrush or headbutt (if the creature size vs your size allow)

Focused MoC you should be seeing, what, 3 focused strikes at this point, thereabouts, at about 1x. Might be another option to attrition kill in one attack input after the feint or feint/leg-knockdown setup. Focused Mstrike as you get up there can really be devastating in terms of damage generated, so keep training there too.

Warcries can also help, especially if you are training in and using CMAN Griffin's Voice, and those are 3sec RT for successful cries. Carn's Cry can get you a good drop in DS with the immobilize effect.

Symbol of Sleep is a rather favor intensive option to make them prone and disabled all in one go, if you are able to use it effectively that far uphunting. You'd need favor to burn to use it often, though, which is probably prohibitive.

Those are some thoughts. Once you start getting to the endgame hunting grounds as a warrior, certain critters start to generate obnoxious DS and additionally, some will have inherent crit padding making the one shot kills less reliable. Picking and choosing your opponents is kind of mandatory at endgame. For example, in the Rift, I outright ignore the fetish masters in the Scatter because their DS is just unmatchable to a warrior's AS, self trained, except for uber gear solutions or silly stuff like massively post-cap warrior spell training.

The bottom line is as you approach endgame, as a warrior, you are going to have to be spending more time and RT on setup maneuvers or techniques, but it can be done.

03-05-2016, 10:05 PM
Aiming for legs on gremlocks: good call; i'm dumb for not trying that

Hunting with a bard: good call until you get cocky, berserk into 6 guys at once, get itchy cursed, drop your favorite maul, and die

so i'll have to work on that

03-15-2016, 05:55 PM
it's been a while, but i hunted the ducts/west woods as a THW warrior. i do recall that it was one of the less expedient areas to hunt on the way up, but you should do OK there. as soon as you can uphunt to nelemar, i'd recommend getting out of there-- better hunting elsewhere

if you have 1x MoC, try focused mstrikes as well. if i remember correctly, it was fairly easy to ambush the heads on beings and taints, and focus mstrike the constructs. i believe gremlocks were the ones that had an annoyingly high DS for their level. experiment with legging them first before ambushing or catching them in offsensive and open mstriking

03-15-2016, 09:55 PM
Yeah, legging the gremlocks solved most of my problems. I'll usually leg constructs then focus mstrike them too if I need to kill them. Everything else is easy enough. Not sure what was messing me up so much.

03-15-2016, 10:03 PM
Hunting with a bard: good call until you get cocky, berserk into 6 guys at once, get itchy cursed, drop your favorite maul, and die

Don't get cocky then!