View Full Version : AOL chat room idiots.

05-20-2003, 09:22 AM
Just asking for some opinions.

I spend a fair amount of time hanging out in a particular AOL chat room. We discuss GS some, though mostly non GS stuff. A while back, due to an accidental "Invite all" by one of the folks that chats there regularly, we had someone enter the chat. She spent like 20 minutes insulting us all, calling us gay, making stupid racist comments, and just insulting the poor bastard who invited her (she got her insults mixed up too, she insulted him about a person who he hadn't had issues with, though he had similar issues with a different person). Then she invited in a bunch of people, and they spammed us with idiocy for like the rest of the evening. She then left.

A few weeks later, she invites herself in and starts kissing butt. Spends most of the day babbling about herself and trying to ingratiate herself with people. No one is saying much, because she's there.

I flat out lay into her, because I can't tolerate her brand of idiocy, and I don't like someone kissing butt who was a jerk to folks before just waltzing in there like everything is all fine.

I told her off for about five minutes, then got pissed at her responses and left. My wife says what I did looked pretty childish. It did however result in her and one of her friends leaving our chat about 20 minutes later, however.

Opinions? What would you have done? No one was saying anything. I just wanted to be honest.

05-21-2003, 08:09 AM
Childish or not, if she feels that she can do and say whatever she wants, wherever she wants simply because it's only words, then she should have no problem dealing with the fact that it's rude and inconsiderate in the online world as well and that another anonymous internet persona is going to tell her so without hesitation.

These people who act like that because they have a monitor to hide behind make me nuts.

Red Devil
05-29-2003, 06:13 AM
.... your never childish d00d!

childish is

omg u f4g eye will h4axx0rz UR MOM

05-29-2003, 08:59 AM
Is it me.. or does Red Devil seem to be very comfortable and familiar with that type of chat?

Red Devil
05-29-2003, 02:52 PM
DAoC mordred, thnx

05-29-2003, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Red Devil
DAoC mordred, thnx

Um.. it wasn't supposed to be a compliment.. it was more like an observation.

Maybe it's my old age.. but when I see people posting like that.. I have very little expectation that what they have to say holds any sort of merit or intelligence. They could be the smartest people in the world.. but I'll see them as mentally inferior in every way to a normal human.

Again.. maybe it's just me.

Red Devil
05-29-2003, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Red Devil
DAoC mordred, thnx

Um.. it wasn't supposed to be a compliment.. it was more like an observation.

Maybe it's my old age.. but when I see people posting like that.. I have very little expectation that what they have to say holds any sort of merit or intelligence. They could be the smartest people in the world.. but I'll see them as mentally inferior in every way to a normal human.

Again.. maybe it's just me.

sigh mr old man ur too old for me u roxor my boxor, let me break this down for j00 kk?

Dark age of Camelot,= massively multiplayer online role playing game, mordred= pvp server of daoc=lots of snerts=you need teh know teh l33t and walk teh d00d walk, thnx= short for shut your mouth (to put in kindly :rolleyes:)

I also dont care if you think im mentally inferior, why do I need to prove myself over the internet?

[Edited on 5-29-2003 by Red Devil]

05-29-2003, 04:03 PM
Actually I don't get your point. I'll simply ignore your posts as I've yet to see you contribute anything worthwhile.

Red Devil
05-29-2003, 04:04 PM
sigh when will you old people learn, we'er the youth of the nation, we're gonna be PRESIDENT OF TEH USA you must respekt us

draconis nematoda
05-29-2003, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by ParkbanditMaybe it's my old age.. but when I see people posting like that.. I have very little expectation that what they have to say holds any sort of merit or intelligence. They could be the smartest people in the world.. but I'll see them as mentally inferior in every way to a normal human.

Again.. maybe it's just me.

Nope, it's not you.

Des, another old git

Red Devil, IF you ever reach our age there is no chance in hell you'll ever get elected President. Because by that time the earth will have been taken over by a more intellegent spieces, probably mold or mildew.

Red Devil
05-29-2003, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by draconis nematoda

Originally posted by ParkbanditMaybe it's my old age.. but when I see people posting like that.. I have very little expectation that what they have to say holds any sort of merit or intelligence. They could be the smartest people in the world.. but I'll see them as mentally inferior in every way to a normal human.

Again.. maybe it's just me.

Nope, it's not you.

Des, another old git

Red Devil, IF you ever reach our age there is no chance in hell you'll ever get elected President. Because by that time the earth will have been taken over by a more intellegent spieces, probably mold or mildew.

someones been playing too much super mario brothers, YOU OLD GIT QUIT PLAYIN THAT OLD CRAP GET WIT TEH NEW

also, if your both like 87 years old you old farts then how is it not you being old us youths dont have a problem with l33t

[Edited on 5-29-2003 by Red Devil]

Red Devil
05-29-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Actually I don't get your point. I'll simply ignore your posts as I've yet to see you contribute anything worthwhile.


draconis nematoda
05-29-2003, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Red Devil
someones been playing too much super mario brothers, YOU OLD GIT QUIT PLAYIN THAT OLD CRAP GET WIT TEH NEW

also, if your both like 87 years old you old farts then how is it not you being old us youths dont have a problem with l33t

[Edited on 5-29-2003 by Red Devil]


Look that up in a dictonary.
I'm taking a big risk here in assuming you know what kind of book that is.


Red Devil
05-30-2003, 05:43 AM
Originally posted by draconis nematoda

Originally posted by Red Devil
someones been playing too much super mario brothers, YOU OLD GIT QUIT PLAYIN THAT OLD CRAP GET WIT TEH NEW

also, if your both like 87 years old you old farts then how is it not you being old us youths dont have a problem with l33t

[Edited on 5-29-2003 by Red Devil]


Look that up in a dictonary.
I'm taking a big risk here in assuming you know what kind of book that is.


rofllolololol dont flame me or ill pwnz u ^^

05-30-2003, 03:39 PM
Entertaining. You sound like an Infantry player, Red.

gg n00b.

05-30-2003, 05:42 PM
For the record, not everyone in DAOC talks like that. I've never played Mordred or any other PvP server, but on the regular and RP servers most people talk where you can understand what they are saying.

05-30-2003, 05:51 PM
Looks like someone needs to stop harrassing our readers and visit www.getaclueforums.com instead. :D

Red Devil
05-30-2003, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Gokkem
For the record, not everyone in DAOC talks like that. I've never played Mordred or any other PvP server, but on the regular and RP servers most people talk where you can understand what they are saying.

derr derr derrr ..... notice how I said DAoC MORDRED

05-30-2003, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Red Devil

Originally posted by Gokkem
For the record, not everyone in DAOC talks like that. I've never played Mordred or any other PvP server, but on the regular and RP servers most people talk where you can understand what they are saying.

derr derr derrr ..... notice how I said DAoC MORDRED

OK now read it again carefully.

I'll explain it more slowly for you.........I was merely saying not everyone in DAOC talks like that, BUT I'VE NEVER PLAYED MORDRED OR ANY PVP SERVERS. I didn't want all our readers to think that language or behavior was common in all of DAoC, because its not.

Red Devil
05-31-2003, 01:51 AM
Originally posted by Gokkem

Originally posted by Red Devil

Originally posted by Gokkem
For the record, not everyone in DAOC talks like that. I've never played Mordred or any other PvP server, but on the regular and RP servers most people talk where you can understand what they are saying.

derr derr derrr ..... notice how I said DAoC MORDRED

OK now read it again carefully.

I'll explain it more slowly for you.........I was merely saying not everyone in DAOC talks like that, BUT I'VE NEVER PLAYED MORDRED OR ANY PVP SERVERS. I didn't want all our readers to think that language or behavior was common in all of DAoC, because its not.

Your hopeless

05-31-2003, 02:25 AM
Heh, I think the Mario Brothers are good, and I think you do think you need to prove yourself over the internet, because "you need teh know teh l33t and walk teh d00d walk on mordred."

Anyway, Warriorbird.. If she came back the same night and was trying to be nice.. perhaps not, it would depend on my mood. But if it was a different day (which means there will probably be different people) I would've gave her another chance.

draconis nematoda
05-31-2003, 04:28 AM
Originally posted by Red Devil

derr derr derrr ..... notice how I said DAoC MORDRED

The racket from all those bleating sheep there must be an ungodly din.

Red Devil
05-31-2003, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by draconis nematoda

Originally posted by Red Devil

derr derr derrr ..... notice how I said DAoC MORDRED

The racket from all those bleating sheep there must be an ungodly din.

Quit it, im tired of using the dikshunarie

05-31-2003, 11:40 AM
Damn that rational discourse! We're forcing him to increase dictionary.com's hits!


06-04-2003, 05:48 PM
People who use "Leet Speak" should die. I hate them and want to slit their throats with a rusty scythe blade found in an abandoned corn field.

I want to assault their head with a numatic impact drill with a wooden bit that will splinter in their brain.

It is my desire to hire them as a mechanic at my local Auto Zone so that I can rig the car lift to drop an armored truck on them, turning them to blood jelly.

I want to buy them a glass of milk tainted with a myriad of fatal illnesses, which will rot them from the inside out.

In short, I lothe them.

- --[ Kage ]-- -

[Edited on 6-4-2003 by Demon Lord Kage]

Red Devil
06-13-2003, 01:39 AM
why you so mad? forget to eat breakfast?


Captain Amby
07-12-2003, 06:18 PM
I think Red Devil is one of the chat room idiots this topic began about. I can rarely read what he says. Not that he ever says anything meaningful or intelligent

07-12-2003, 07:19 PM
He's not.

I was upset to see you kids changed rooms on us. :(

07-13-2003, 11:35 AM
You're halfway civilized. The racist trailer trash crew is not.

07-15-2003, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
numatic impact drill with a wooden bit

In short, I lothe them.

- --[ Kage ]-- -

pneumatic and loathe.


p.s- www.dictionary.com is your best friend.

07-15-2003, 02:56 PM
Don't correct the genius! He knows everything! :P

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 06:33 PM
LOL Tayre! He cant be expected to spell perfectly when he only uses one hand! he's gotta cut corners somewhere ;)

07-15-2003, 06:35 PM
I wonder what the other hand is doing.

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 07:04 PM
well from his mention of 'sucking his woman's toes' in GS.. I can guess.

01-01-2011, 11:39 AM
we should revive the old AOL chat

I was NeJaeden