View Full Version : suicide, online communities, etc..

11-18-2004, 02:23 AM
This would be my first time posting on the PC, I don't really have much to say.. in general.. but do read alot to get gossip, read whats going on in GS when I am not around, etc. Please bear with the somewhat lengthy post.

The reason I am posting is regarding Warclaidhm, his threats of suicide, etc.

While I have not had any experiences dealing with him, mostly because i try to avoid the people who cause trouble in GS, I feel like I should relate an experience to the rest of the online community, as it has some relavence.

Early August, I had a friend that I thought I knew for 18 years kill himself. The suicide was planned, and naturally caused a great deal of trauma in the community, and the family.

He had a variety of problems, mostly centering around mental illness, which he was not being properly treated for.

All of us who were close to him, were trying to mentor him, help him get through his problems, all to no avail.

about 3 - 5 months before his decision to end his life, he spent a good deal of time online, writing free-style rap/poetry in an attempt to sort out his thoughts, and tell the world what he was feeling. Had some of us actually spent more time reading what he was doing, we would have really realized what personal demons he was going up against and might have been able to do something.

You can read his posts at
his 'screen name' was CCabsinthe02, and he posted in the 'temple of darts' forums. If you don't believe me.

Long story short: if this kid is threatening to off himself, and his parents don't wise up and pay the right kind of attention, then this is possibly where he will go.. if anyone cares..

11-18-2004, 02:27 AM
Nice link.

11-18-2004, 02:29 AM
well, in light of ODB's death, the site is temporarily down, but it should be back up soon.. I think..

anyway, I just think the poetry he wrote was a better insight into the problems that were plaguing him.. he was able to talk about them better through poetry then in person..

11-18-2004, 02:37 AM
The best you can do for someone who talks about or threatens to commit suicide is tell someone who can help them -- whether it's their parents, their spouse, a teacher, the police, or calling the suicide hotline.

I've unfortunately known several acquaintances during my lifetime, who killed themselves, for reasons not apparent to me but someone must have heard or seen something.

If you're unfamiliar with the "warning signs" or possible causes of that can lead to suicidal behavior, check out this web site:

If someone online threatens to kill themselves, try to find out their real name, where they live, a phone number and then either call the police or the local suicide hotline and let them take the next step -- most people are not qualified or capable of preventing or counseling people who need professional help and should not attempt to resolve the situation themselves.