11-18-2004, 01:36 AM
Akiromora just arrived.
Surgla traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Surgla gestures.
Multicolored rays shoot out of Surgla's body and flow into the shimmering sphere around him.
Surgla traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Surgla gestures.
Multicolored rays shoot out of Surgla's body and flow into the shimmering sphere around him.
Akiromora says, "There's a scarab in the Sanctum..."
The voice of Jaefer quietly says, "I get ems."
Akiromora says, "It just jumped out of Encara..."
Akiromora murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Akiromora concentrates.
Akiromora looks a little better.
You swap your thanot chest from your right to your left hand.
Akiromora exclaims, "But you can't attack it in there...!"
Akiromora flails her arms about.
>'can we attack there?
You ask, "Can we attack there?"
Akiromora just went south.
You wildly flail your arms about shooting ash and soot in every direction.
You swap your thanot chest from your left to your right hand.
>get lock from my cl
You remove a ruby golvern chain-threaded lockpick from in your wolf-hide cloak.
>put lock in my cl
You put a ruby golvern chain-threaded lockpick in your wolf-hide cloak.
>look in my cl
In the wolf-hide cloak you see a ruby golvern chain-threaded lockpick, a dark mein lockpick, a matte black kelyn lockpick case, a slender grandmaster's lockpick, a cerulean-hued wavy glaes lockpick, a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick, a reinforced dark alum lockpick and an ivory-tipped dark vaalin lockpick.
>get lockpick
You remove an ivory-tipped dark vaalin lockpick from in your wolf-hide cloak.
>pick my che
You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
You make a passable attempt (d100=42).
You are not able to pick the lock, and learn little about it.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
Akiromora just arrived.
Akiromora says, "Left hand."
Akiromora exclaims, "Ugh...Jae!"
The focused look leaves you.
Akiromora points south.
Akiromora just went south.
...wait 3 seconds.
...wait 2 seconds.
...wait 2 seconds.
Akiromora just arrived.
...wait 1 seconds.
Lady Celesh just arrived.
[Dragonspine and Mithril]
The flow of the crowd parts around a large hole in the middle of the road. A dwarven work crew stands around the hole, doing very little work. From the many shops and vendors' stalls along the street, you hear the cries of hawkers, the lamentations of hagglers and the occasional clink of a coin. You also see a small stone building with a large wooden sign on it and a wrought iron sign.
Obvious paths: north, east, south
[Dragonspine and Krodera]
The street widens into a circular plaza several hundred feet across. Dwarves and giantmen lounge on stone benches by a massive granite fountain in the center. The burbling of the waters, the low mumblings of the dwarves and the booming laughter of the giants somehow blend together into a vibrant harmony. You also see a forest wolf, the Keyren disk, a rose-marrow potion, some fur-lined brigandine, some wolifrew lichen, some torban leaf, some calamia fruit, some sovyn clove, some aloeas stem, some sovyn clove, some basal moss, some woth flower, some basal moss, some haphip root, some woth flower, some aloeas stem, some woth flower, some haphip root, some haphip root, some haphip root, some aloeas stem, some wolifrew lichen, some haphip root, a wooden table with some stuff on it, a red granite statue, a wrought iron sign and a lava tube.
Also here: Lady Celesh, Akiromora, Kyleana, Surgla
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
>stow ri
You put a scratched thanot chest in your black leather backsack.
Akiromora asks, "Where is he?"
You remove a battle-worn faenor-edged hatchet from in your black leather backsack.
You need a free hand for that.
Akiromora flails her arms about.
>hold aki
You gently take hold of Akiromora's hand.
[Dragonspine and Mithril]
The flow of the crowd parts around a large hole in the middle of the road. A dwarven work crew stands around the hole, doing very little work. From the many shops and vendors' stalls along the street, you hear the cries of hawkers, the lamentations of hagglers and the occasional clink of a coin. You also see a small stone building with a large wooden sign on it and a wrought iron sign.
Obvious paths: north, east, south
Akiromora followed.
* Jaefer just bit the dust!
You grip your faenor-edged hatchet with renewed vigor!
You grip your faenor-edged hatchet with renewed vigor!
You grip your faenor-edged hatchet with renewed vigor!
You are now in an offensive stance.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
HR>look aki
You see Akiromora the Woundtender.
She appears to be a Dark Elf.
She is taller than average. She has almond-shaped amber eyes and dusky skin. She has chin length, thick deep red hair with a white streak running through it. She has tall upswept pointed ears. Her face is shadowed by the deep hood of her robes.
Her face is concealed by a golden orchid painted silk mask.
She has a golden scroll tattoo on her wrist, a series of tiny golden rings set along the slender tips of her pointed ears, a lustrous golden ring in her lip, a thin gold bar in her left eyebrow, a thin gold bar in her right eyebrow, and a tattooed symbol of Lumnis on her wrist.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a grey soft silk robe, some wispy grey chiffon robes, some ora-tipped dove grey silk wings, a dark grey weapon sling, a silver linked-hearts locket, a silver-edged ora unity armband, a butterfly clasped silk satchel, some dark gold claw-tipped finger-armor, some fine light grey gloves, some black and grey linen leg-wraps, a grey sickle-etched flask, a gold-bound sleek onyx choker, a golden Lumnis symbol, and an iron and mithril band.
HR>amb akir left arm
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a battle-worn faenor-edged hatchet at Akiromora!
AS: +353 vs DS: +36 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +99 = +446
... and hit for 160 points of damage!
Shield arm mangled horribly.
* Akiromora drops dead at your feet!
Someone mutters, "Murder by Rivalyn! Call the Dwarven deputy!"
Roundtime: 8 sec.
* Akiromora just bit the dust!
You say, "Feh."
R>'that wasnt supposed to happen
You say, "That wasnt supposed to happen."
* Lawtell just bit the dust!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
The ghostly voice of Akiromora says, "Oh, thank you so much."
Akiromora gives a ghostly chuckle.
H>'I thought you said it was in your left hand?
You ask, "I thought you said it was in your left hand?"
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
The ghostly voice of Akiromora exclaims, "Not mine, goof, I said Jaefer!"
Lady Celesh just arrived.
Lady Celesh just went south.
Admiration's group just arrived.
Lady Celesh just arrived.
Admiration's group just went north.
Admiration's group just arrived.
* Mafithian just bit the dust!
Celesh whines.
Admiration ponders.
Admiration grabs Akiromora's body and drags it north.
* Yargon just bit the dust!
Celesh softly says, "Yikes."
Lady Celesh just went south.
Jaqen just arrived.
You notice Keyren try to tiptoe silently away.
Jaqen just went north.
H>sneak s
[Dragonspine and Ora]
Preoccupied folk make their way along this wide and busy avenue. A crew of broom-wielding dwarves sweeps the street clean of rubbish, working quickly under their supervisor's glare. To the west is the Company Store, which draws a steady flow of traffic to and fro. You also see a wrought iron sign.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 3 sec.
HR>sneak s
...wait 2 seconds.
HR>sneak s
...wait 1 seconds.
HR>sneak s
...wait 1 seconds.
HR>sneak s
[Dragonspine and Rolaren]
Dragonspine Avenue is the main street of Kharam-Dzu. Most of the people you see are well-to-do dwarves, nattily dressed and apparently in a rush. The buildings all look new. Even the cobblestone streets are immaculately clean. A sturdy set of glaes-banded mithril doors leads into a low stone structure. The two guards outside clench their pikes tightly, peering closely at all who approach. You also see a bright brass sign.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 3 sec.
HR>sneak s
...wait 1 seconds.
HR>sneak s
[Dragonspine and Vaalin]
The broad cobblestone avenue heads north and south, and there is little traffic upon it. Stone dwellings line the street. Though small, they are sturdy and well-kept. A flagstone street heads off to the east. Several of the dwarves headed that way are dressed in clerical robes. You also see a spiked onyx scarab.
Also here: the body of Great Lord Yargon who is lying down, the body of Lord Jaefer who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, south
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Lady Celesh just arrived.
HR>amb sca
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a battle-worn faenor-edged hatchet at a spiked onyx scarab!
AS: +353 vs DS: +171 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +71 = +291
... and hit for 87 points of damage!
Wild upward slash removes the onyx scarab's face from its skull!
Interesting way to die.
The onyx scarab collapses to one side, then flips completely over, legs flailing weakly at the air before it expires.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Celesh whines.
R>'got it
You say, "Got it."
The ghostly voice of Jaefer quietly says, "Der ya go."
The Dwarven deputy rushes in, followed closely by his posse!
With great ease, the Dwarven deputy grabs you and shackles your wrists.
"There you are! We don't tolerate your crimes in Kharam-Dzu, no we don't! Come along now!" says the Dwarven deputy.
With a keen eye, the Dwarven deputy glances over you quickly. He says, "We'll not have you dying before sentence is carried out. Let's get you healed up, though there will of course be a slight charge for it." With that, a demure looking city official, evidently an empath, comes forward and heals all your maladies.
The Dwarven deputy then drags you off.
Arriving at the Deputy Commander's Office, the Dwarven deputy gestures to a nearby dwarven aide who strips you of your possessions. The Dwarven deputy then drags you downstairs where he quickly unlocks a steel door and throws you through it. "Enjoy your stay until the Commander is ready to talk to you!" he laughs gleefully.
With a dull thud and rattle of keys in a lock, the door closes and locks, leaving you trapped in the cell.
Heh. My bad. thought it was funny though.
Akiromora just arrived.
Surgla traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Surgla gestures.
Multicolored rays shoot out of Surgla's body and flow into the shimmering sphere around him.
Surgla traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Surgla gestures.
Multicolored rays shoot out of Surgla's body and flow into the shimmering sphere around him.
Akiromora says, "There's a scarab in the Sanctum..."
The voice of Jaefer quietly says, "I get ems."
Akiromora says, "It just jumped out of Encara..."
Akiromora murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Akiromora concentrates.
Akiromora looks a little better.
You swap your thanot chest from your right to your left hand.
Akiromora exclaims, "But you can't attack it in there...!"
Akiromora flails her arms about.
>'can we attack there?
You ask, "Can we attack there?"
Akiromora just went south.
You wildly flail your arms about shooting ash and soot in every direction.
You swap your thanot chest from your left to your right hand.
>get lock from my cl
You remove a ruby golvern chain-threaded lockpick from in your wolf-hide cloak.
>put lock in my cl
You put a ruby golvern chain-threaded lockpick in your wolf-hide cloak.
>look in my cl
In the wolf-hide cloak you see a ruby golvern chain-threaded lockpick, a dark mein lockpick, a matte black kelyn lockpick case, a slender grandmaster's lockpick, a cerulean-hued wavy glaes lockpick, a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick, a reinforced dark alum lockpick and an ivory-tipped dark vaalin lockpick.
>get lockpick
You remove an ivory-tipped dark vaalin lockpick from in your wolf-hide cloak.
>pick my che
You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
You make a passable attempt (d100=42).
You are not able to pick the lock, and learn little about it.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
Akiromora just arrived.
Akiromora says, "Left hand."
Akiromora exclaims, "Ugh...Jae!"
The focused look leaves you.
Akiromora points south.
Akiromora just went south.
...wait 3 seconds.
...wait 2 seconds.
...wait 2 seconds.
Akiromora just arrived.
...wait 1 seconds.
Lady Celesh just arrived.
[Dragonspine and Mithril]
The flow of the crowd parts around a large hole in the middle of the road. A dwarven work crew stands around the hole, doing very little work. From the many shops and vendors' stalls along the street, you hear the cries of hawkers, the lamentations of hagglers and the occasional clink of a coin. You also see a small stone building with a large wooden sign on it and a wrought iron sign.
Obvious paths: north, east, south
[Dragonspine and Krodera]
The street widens into a circular plaza several hundred feet across. Dwarves and giantmen lounge on stone benches by a massive granite fountain in the center. The burbling of the waters, the low mumblings of the dwarves and the booming laughter of the giants somehow blend together into a vibrant harmony. You also see a forest wolf, the Keyren disk, a rose-marrow potion, some fur-lined brigandine, some wolifrew lichen, some torban leaf, some calamia fruit, some sovyn clove, some aloeas stem, some sovyn clove, some basal moss, some woth flower, some basal moss, some haphip root, some woth flower, some aloeas stem, some woth flower, some haphip root, some haphip root, some haphip root, some aloeas stem, some wolifrew lichen, some haphip root, a wooden table with some stuff on it, a red granite statue, a wrought iron sign and a lava tube.
Also here: Lady Celesh, Akiromora, Kyleana, Surgla
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
>stow ri
You put a scratched thanot chest in your black leather backsack.
Akiromora asks, "Where is he?"
You remove a battle-worn faenor-edged hatchet from in your black leather backsack.
You need a free hand for that.
Akiromora flails her arms about.
>hold aki
You gently take hold of Akiromora's hand.
[Dragonspine and Mithril]
The flow of the crowd parts around a large hole in the middle of the road. A dwarven work crew stands around the hole, doing very little work. From the many shops and vendors' stalls along the street, you hear the cries of hawkers, the lamentations of hagglers and the occasional clink of a coin. You also see a small stone building with a large wooden sign on it and a wrought iron sign.
Obvious paths: north, east, south
Akiromora followed.
* Jaefer just bit the dust!
You grip your faenor-edged hatchet with renewed vigor!
You grip your faenor-edged hatchet with renewed vigor!
You grip your faenor-edged hatchet with renewed vigor!
You are now in an offensive stance.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
HR>look aki
You see Akiromora the Woundtender.
She appears to be a Dark Elf.
She is taller than average. She has almond-shaped amber eyes and dusky skin. She has chin length, thick deep red hair with a white streak running through it. She has tall upswept pointed ears. Her face is shadowed by the deep hood of her robes.
Her face is concealed by a golden orchid painted silk mask.
She has a golden scroll tattoo on her wrist, a series of tiny golden rings set along the slender tips of her pointed ears, a lustrous golden ring in her lip, a thin gold bar in her left eyebrow, a thin gold bar in her right eyebrow, and a tattooed symbol of Lumnis on her wrist.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a grey soft silk robe, some wispy grey chiffon robes, some ora-tipped dove grey silk wings, a dark grey weapon sling, a silver linked-hearts locket, a silver-edged ora unity armband, a butterfly clasped silk satchel, some dark gold claw-tipped finger-armor, some fine light grey gloves, some black and grey linen leg-wraps, a grey sickle-etched flask, a gold-bound sleek onyx choker, a golden Lumnis symbol, and an iron and mithril band.
HR>amb akir left arm
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a battle-worn faenor-edged hatchet at Akiromora!
AS: +353 vs DS: +36 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +99 = +446
... and hit for 160 points of damage!
Shield arm mangled horribly.
* Akiromora drops dead at your feet!
Someone mutters, "Murder by Rivalyn! Call the Dwarven deputy!"
Roundtime: 8 sec.
* Akiromora just bit the dust!
You say, "Feh."
R>'that wasnt supposed to happen
You say, "That wasnt supposed to happen."
* Lawtell just bit the dust!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
The ghostly voice of Akiromora says, "Oh, thank you so much."
Akiromora gives a ghostly chuckle.
H>'I thought you said it was in your left hand?
You ask, "I thought you said it was in your left hand?"
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
The ghostly voice of Akiromora exclaims, "Not mine, goof, I said Jaefer!"
Lady Celesh just arrived.
Lady Celesh just went south.
Admiration's group just arrived.
Lady Celesh just arrived.
Admiration's group just went north.
Admiration's group just arrived.
* Mafithian just bit the dust!
Celesh whines.
Admiration ponders.
Admiration grabs Akiromora's body and drags it north.
* Yargon just bit the dust!
Celesh softly says, "Yikes."
Lady Celesh just went south.
Jaqen just arrived.
You notice Keyren try to tiptoe silently away.
Jaqen just went north.
H>sneak s
[Dragonspine and Ora]
Preoccupied folk make their way along this wide and busy avenue. A crew of broom-wielding dwarves sweeps the street clean of rubbish, working quickly under their supervisor's glare. To the west is the Company Store, which draws a steady flow of traffic to and fro. You also see a wrought iron sign.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 3 sec.
HR>sneak s
...wait 2 seconds.
HR>sneak s
...wait 1 seconds.
HR>sneak s
...wait 1 seconds.
HR>sneak s
[Dragonspine and Rolaren]
Dragonspine Avenue is the main street of Kharam-Dzu. Most of the people you see are well-to-do dwarves, nattily dressed and apparently in a rush. The buildings all look new. Even the cobblestone streets are immaculately clean. A sturdy set of glaes-banded mithril doors leads into a low stone structure. The two guards outside clench their pikes tightly, peering closely at all who approach. You also see a bright brass sign.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 3 sec.
HR>sneak s
...wait 1 seconds.
HR>sneak s
[Dragonspine and Vaalin]
The broad cobblestone avenue heads north and south, and there is little traffic upon it. Stone dwellings line the street. Though small, they are sturdy and well-kept. A flagstone street heads off to the east. Several of the dwarves headed that way are dressed in clerical robes. You also see a spiked onyx scarab.
Also here: the body of Great Lord Yargon who is lying down, the body of Lord Jaefer who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, south
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Lady Celesh just arrived.
HR>amb sca
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a battle-worn faenor-edged hatchet at a spiked onyx scarab!
AS: +353 vs DS: +171 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +71 = +291
... and hit for 87 points of damage!
Wild upward slash removes the onyx scarab's face from its skull!
Interesting way to die.
The onyx scarab collapses to one side, then flips completely over, legs flailing weakly at the air before it expires.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Celesh whines.
R>'got it
You say, "Got it."
The ghostly voice of Jaefer quietly says, "Der ya go."
The Dwarven deputy rushes in, followed closely by his posse!
With great ease, the Dwarven deputy grabs you and shackles your wrists.
"There you are! We don't tolerate your crimes in Kharam-Dzu, no we don't! Come along now!" says the Dwarven deputy.
With a keen eye, the Dwarven deputy glances over you quickly. He says, "We'll not have you dying before sentence is carried out. Let's get you healed up, though there will of course be a slight charge for it." With that, a demure looking city official, evidently an empath, comes forward and heals all your maladies.
The Dwarven deputy then drags you off.
Arriving at the Deputy Commander's Office, the Dwarven deputy gestures to a nearby dwarven aide who strips you of your possessions. The Dwarven deputy then drags you downstairs where he quickly unlocks a steel door and throws you through it. "Enjoy your stay until the Commander is ready to talk to you!" he laughs gleefully.
With a dull thud and rattle of keys in a lock, the door closes and locks, leaving you trapped in the cell.
Heh. My bad. thought it was funny though.