View Full Version : Few Odds & Ends

02-25-2016, 05:42 PM
All items can be picked up in Landing, Ta'Illistim, or FWI.

Silvers preferred.

For Auction:


an iorake claidhmore
4x, Sancted, Expertly Weighted, Old-style, Greatsword based, ICE-Age
Minimum Bid: 28 Million Silvers
BuyOut: 33 Million Silvers

a ko'nag-shafted footman's pike with a razor-sharp mithril head
7x, Perfect, Max Light, Blessable, Altered Lance
Minimum Bid: 12 Million Silvers
BuyOut: 15 Million Silvers SOLD!

a sharpened kelyn hoolurge topped with an intricately etched spike
4x, Heavily Critically Weighted, Tier 1 Ensorcelled, Fully Unlock Scripted, Altered War hammer
Minium Bid: 8 Million Silvers
BuyOut: SOLD!


some brushed steel bracers trimmed with dark storm agate
+2 Strength BONUS, +3 Brawling BONUS (Moderate brawling skill required)
Minimum Bid: 1 million silvers
BuyOut: 1.25 million silvers
Current Bid: 1 Million Silvers to Kroderine_Claidhmore SOLD!


a long-furred brown aardvark pin
Altered Goat Pin
Minimum Bid: 3.5 Million Silvers
BuyOut: SOLD!

a shard of urnon
Scripted Urnon: rub/touch/turn/poke
Minimum Bid: 7.5 Million Silvers
Current Bid:

a massive golvern-banded keg
Show: Masterfully crafted from flawless golvern, the keg is colossus in size, apparently large enough to serve a small town. The barrel is smattered with tart jelly stains, with the barely visible words "Special/Halfling Reserve."
Unlimited Very Berry Beer, Lightened to 2 pounds.
Minimum Bid: 7.5 Million Silvers
Current Bid:

a twisted black music stand engraved with ravens
Animated Stand, Tier 2 (Fully Unlocked)

a pale crystal shard
Sand Elemental
BuyOut: SOLD

Wehnimer's Landing Player Shop
3-Room, Landing Player Shop
Minimum Bid: 35 Million Silvers
Buyout: SOLD

a polished mechanical bracer
Tier 1 Unlocked Gnomish Bracer
Minimum Bid: 750k Million Silvers
BuyOut: SOLD

10x Tier 5 Ensorcelled, Heavily Critical Padded Brig
8x Tier 5 Ensorcelled, Masterfully Critical Weighted, Old-style Katana (Falchion Base)
Fully Unlocked - Baby Pink Dragon Beard
SOLD (340M~)

For Trade:
10x T5 Golvern Medium Shield
8x perfect rolaren dagger
8x permabless urnon dagger
7x T2 admantine old-style katana (falchion base)
7x/6x T5 Acuity 2-Slot Fusion Runestaff
12-Slot Unlimited Corsaine Transporter
T3 Chaos Jewelry
Veniom Duskruin Glamour Pendant (Celestial Blue)
+40 logic dagger set
100k Bloodscrip
6/200 Fully Unlocked Climatewear cloak w/ Feature Concea

02-25-2016, 10:15 PM
7.5 on das keg.

02-26-2016, 11:21 PM

Additional Information:

The keg can be placed on the ground for a few hours without anyone other then the owner being able to pick it up. It serves Unlimited Beer by POURing the keg.

>drop keg
You place your golvern-banded keg on the floor and pull out a small locking pin on the tap.
>pour keg
You pour yourself a mug of foamy Very Berry beer.
>get keg
You pick up a massive golvern-banded keg, carefully setting a locking pin back in the tap.

Blanks just tried to pick up your keg. The nerve!

Misc Information:
When I originally got the keg, it was 5 pounds and then I had it lightened 3x to max light. However, when I had it altered, the GM adjusted the weight without consent. Making it 5lbs+ because it was "massive golvern" but after a referral the keg was re-adjusted to 2lbs. (It use to weigh less than 2 lbs, and could fit in my gloves, LOL)
Not entirely sure if it able to be lightened again, but if so, it should weigh less than 2 lbs.

>anal keg
You analyze your golvern-banded keg and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "There do not seem to be any specific limitations."

The creator has also provided the following information:

You get no sense of whether or not the keg may be further lightened.

04-06-2016, 02:27 PM

04-06-2016, 03:06 PM
I will take the BO on a polished mechanical bracer.

04-07-2016, 03:40 PM
mb on brushed steel bracers

04-08-2016, 02:48 AM

Last call on the Iorake claidhmore before possibility of being converted to eonake new-style.

04-08-2016, 07:46 AM

Last call on the Iorake claidhmore before possibility of being converted to eonake new-style.

Why would you do a thing like that?

04-09-2016, 03:56 PM
Why would you do a thing like that?

Recent information allow me to believe that it would convert it to new-style with new weighting.

04-12-2016, 06:22 PM
It wont convert weighting, been tested on the white shaalk.

04-13-2016, 02:09 PM
Yea, doesn't seem like they would just give away 10 points of weighting.

04-14-2016, 12:46 PM
It wont convert weighting, been tested on the white shaalk.

Unfortunately, this was correct. I should have never doubted you, Sir Ardwen!

04-14-2016, 04:11 PM
Did you ruin the claid? If so..who has a cone of shame for Blanks here.

04-14-2016, 04:15 PM
Not yet, fortunately, there is still time.

05-08-2016, 01:47 AM

Price dropped on a few things.