View Full Version : Lycain
11-17-2004, 09:04 PM
Now, I do apologize to Maimara for giving her a bad time, I kept calling her sugar plum and stuff.
So she had the right to bind me, Lycain, on the other hand, didn't.
This is what happened, lycain comes to the park for no reason with Maimara, and casts at me as follows:
Endorian joins Kallemor's group.
Magic flows towards you, but does not reach you.
Poetree just arrived.
Maimara chants a reverent litany and clasps her hands while tightly focusing her thoughts...
Maimara gestures at you.
CS: +301 - TD: +150 + CvA: -21 + d100: +57 - +5 == +182
Warding failed!
Misty crimson tendrils slowly surround you.
You sense a growing numbness as you feel your mana fading steadily away!
Lycain gestures at you.
Lycain hurls a roaring ball of fire at you!
AS: +412 vs DS: +146 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +38 = +326
... and hits for 42 points of damage!
Nasty burns to chest make you wish you never heard of heartburn.
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
The guiding force leaves Lycain.
The roaring ball of fire strikes you, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 1 point of damage!
Flames tickle right leg. Feels warm.
A burst of flame from Lycain's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits Amberleia!
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right arm toasts skin to elbows.
She is stunned!
cman berserk
Everything around you turns red as you work yourself into a berserker's rage!
Maimara exclaims, "Ha!"
The voice of Falgrin says, "Take it outta my park."
>cman sblow lyc
You swing a wooden runestaff at Lycain!
AS: +329 vs DS: +164 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +59 = +236
... and hit for 32 points of damage!
Finger ripped away from left hand.
Lycain is knocked slightly off balance by the force of your blow!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You swing a wooden runestaff at Lycain!
AS: +329 vs DS: +164 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +2 = +179
... and hit for 26 points of damage!
Hearty smack to the head.
He is stunned!
Lycain is picked up by the force of your blow and hurled north!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Maimara snorts.
Bobmuhthol swings a claidhmore at you!
You evade the attack!
>Maimara traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Maimara gestures at you.
CS: +277 - TD: +150 + CvA: -21 + d100: +16 - +5 == +117
Warding failed!
An unseen force envelopes you, restricting all movement.
Falgrin turns over his vaalin wire.
Falgrin glances at you.
Lycain comes out of hiding.
Lycain gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Lycain gestures.
Your surroundings blur for a moment . . .
(he was then proceeding to kill me, but I went southwest and south before he could)
Lycain whispers, "You are ugly man."
Lame. Besides me acting shitty to Maimara, what do you people think?
Yes, I AM taking responsibility for something, Wow! I'm growin' up here, and I DO post on that other forum, I just want to know what you guys honestly think, because I KNOW there are people out there that if they see a change in me WILL care, even here!
11-17-2004, 09:06 PM
11-17-2004, 09:07 PM
How many times does Maimara have to tell you she wants nothing to do with you... and not really you, Maimara, the character HATES people, all people!
Stop trying to force yourself on those that honestly don't want attention from anyone.
11-17-2004, 09:41 PM
Once again, this isn't about Maimara, this is about LYCAIN. You should stay on topic...
11-17-2004, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by Eiderfleur
How many times does Maimara have to tell you she wants nothing to do with you... and not really you, Maimara, the character HATES people, all people!
Stop trying to force yourself on those that honestly don't want attention from anyone.
If you didn't want attention from me, you would not have responded. Also, I said specfically to make this on topic. It wasn't about Maimara, in fact I compliemented her.
Explain your thoughts about Lycain, you KNOW hes an idiot.
So you PURPOSELY ignore the the topic of the thread and go on to bashing me since you know you'll get a result from me. Way to go.
You always have a way..
[Edited on 11-18-2004 by Warclaidhm]
11-17-2004, 09:45 PM
You asked what people thought, and that's what people think. Don't ask for opinions on logs if you don't want shit here. Congrats you admitted you screwed up, that's step one. Now step two is stop asking how you're doing every 5 seconds and FIXING the situation.
11-17-2004, 09:45 PM
I say, let it be. I'd rather let the idiots (Lycain and Warbootcamphm) fight each other than us innocent bystanders. Lycain, engage him often and without mercy.
11-17-2004, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Warclaidhm
Originally posted by Eiderfleur
How many times does Maimara have to tell you she wants nothing to do with you... and not really you, Maimara, the character HATES people, all people!
Stop trying to force yourself on those that honestly don't want attention from anyone.
If you didn't want attention from me, you would not have responded. Also, I said specfically to make this on topic. It wasn't about Maimara, in fact I compliemented her.
Explain your thoughts about Lycain, you KNOW hes an idiot.
So you PURPOSELY ignore the the topic of the thread and go on to bashing me since you know you'll get a result from me. Way to go.
You always have a way..
[Edited on 11-18-2004 by Warclaidhm]
Where do I begin..............
Right. Maimara was in the post... AND..... I wasn't saying about attention on these boards you imbecile I was saying about trying to get Maimara's attention constantly in game, was it, or was it not you who kept posting on psinet the stupid shit you were doing to taunt Maimara?
As for my allegedly KNOWING Lycain is an idiot..... I know no such thing, I have NEVER once interacted with him in an RP situation, thank you very much.
Originally posted by Warclaidhm
Lame. Besides me acting shitty to Maimara, what do you people think?
My post was ON TOPIC as Maimara was mentioned.
As for Lycain, I have no opinion of him whatsoever.
11-17-2004, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I say, let it be. I'd rather let the idiots (Lycain and Warbootcamphm) fight each other than us innocent bystanders. Lycain, engage him often and without mercy.
LOL Warbootcamphm :rofl:
Warclaidhm, you are really a glutton for punishment. There are people in life who will always decry the unfairness of certain situations because they put themselves in the wrong place. Now really, should Lycain have attacked you? From what you posted, it doesn't seem that way. On the other hand, if you hadn't been harrassing Maimara the whole situation would never have arisen. It's like going to the strip club for the food and then getting mad that you get an erection. Some things just go hand in hand. Just stop going to the strip club Warclaidhm.
Don't harrass anyone, and your chances of being harrassed will drop.
11-17-2004, 10:02 PM
:rofl: Nice analogy Drew! Also painfully disturbing! :weird:
[Edited on 11-18-2004 by Snapp]
11-17-2004, 10:04 PM
11-17-2004, 10:09 PM
Strip club... food... erection...
Funniest thing I have read all day.
11-17-2004, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I say, let it be. I'd rather let the idiots (Lycain and Warbootcamphm) fight each other than us innocent bystanders.
OMG OMG OMG. its Warbunnyhm!! get it right.
PS. It seems like most of your log is missing anyways. Post the whole thing plz and opinions will matter more because they will be complete. Like the log, get it?
PPS. Falgrin makes me want to make a crazy character who's, like, obsessed with that park and thinks its his home like one of the dirty homeless men in downtown Houston. oooooh! character idea!! YES
11-17-2004, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Drew
It's like going to the strip club for the food and then getting mad that you get an erection. Some things just go hand in hand.
OMG I AM SOOOO Stealing this! I wish I had a penis of my own just so I, too, could go to a strip club for food and get an erection in the process!
11-17-2004, 10:34 PM
I'll never understand strip clubs + food. To me, that's like whipping up some nachos and putting in a porno. Sex first, then food.
11-17-2004, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by Drew
Warclaidhm, you are really a glutton for punishment. There are people in life who will always decry the unfairness of certain situations because they put themselves in the wrong place. Now really, should Lycain have attacked you? From what you posted, it doesn't seem that way. On the other hand, if you hadn't been harrassing Maimara the whole situation would never have arisen. It's like going to the strip club for the food and then getting mad that you get an erection. Some things just go hand in hand. Just stop going to the strip club Warclaidhm.
Don't harrass anyone, and your chances of being harrassed will drop.
Thanks for the advice, but what I'm going to say next is directed towards you and everyone else who doesn't believe me Lycain is an idiot:
Lycain will attack ANYONE, without reason. Just to do so. He is like that. Go look up "Lycain" here. You're right, there is a chance it could've been from Maimara. But this is the only instance its been that way. He normally kills me and other people for fun.
I remember when I came back to GS finally after 7 months, he found me and said "Remember me slut? Youre' gonna die."
I don't remember him, he was just trying to cause trouble. I find interesting how 90% of you people consider him OK and a fine person except when I bring him up.
Now, I know the reason. Because you (a general "you" that is, not directed towards anyone in paticular) think anyone I post must have wrong or have a reason that I didn't put in it!
11-17-2004, 10:37 PM
Ok, will do. It's not much longer thou
11-17-2004, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Warclaidhm
Thanks for the advice, but what I'm going to say next is directed towards you and everyone else who doesn't believe me Lycain is an idiot:
Lycain will attack ANYONE, without reason. Just to do so. He is like that. Go look up "Lycain" here.... bla bla bla
I, for one, do not care. If Lycain attacked someone who behaves semi-normally on a regular basis without provocation, I might say "boo, down with Lycain." But we already know he's an idiot. This is a pathetic attempt on your part to get sympathy. I'm not biting. He can attack you in-game all he wants, for all I care. :yawn:
11-17-2004, 10:40 PM
I have NEVER Participated in any OMG LYCAIN SUCKS threads, nor have I said he is a decent bloke merely because you have had a run-in with him.
As mentioned above I have NEVER interacted with him in game. Probably because I am never in the Landing thus I don't need to see imbeciles in the park and get frustrated with dealing with them
YAY :)
Lycain IG is a funny d00d with the mad l33t penis insecurities.
11-17-2004, 11:01 PM
>Lycain says, "Warclaidh,"
>Falgrin stares at you.
>Maimara grins at Lycain.
You exclaim, "Hi Lycain!"
>Lycain casts Wariquan a stern warning glance.
>Lycain exclaims, "Hey tool!"
>Maimara snickers.
>Lycain exclaims, "You haven't expired yet!"
>Lycain clasps Maimara's hand tenderly.
You ask, "How are you friend?"
>Lycain snuggles up to Maimara, resting his head on her shoulder.
Maimara snuggles Lycain, who responds by cradling an arm around her.
>Lycain smooches Maimara on the cheek.
>Maimara whines.
You say, "Death? I've died a few times hunting, if that's what you mean."
You smile at Lycain.
>Lycain says, "Maimara, I'll give you 100k if you silence Warclaidhm."
>Maimara says, "I'll do it for free."
>Maimara traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
>Maimara gestures at Lycain.
CS: +277 - TD: +189 + CvA: +17 + d100: +57 - -5 == +167
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over Lycain.
>Maimara says, "Err."
>Maimara says, "Crap."
>Maimara stares off into space.
Maimara traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
>Maimara gestures at you.
CS: +277 - TD: +150 + CvA: -21 + d100: +46 - +5 == +147
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over you.
>Lord Lycain's group just went north.
>Falgrin starts chortling.
Lord Lycain's group just arrived.
>Maimara faces Lycain, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!
Maimara opens her eyes, looking slightly drained.
>Lycain tried to hold your hand, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to let him hold your hand.
Lycain tried to hold your hand, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to let him hold your hand.
>Lycain tried to hold your hand, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to let him hold your hand.
>Maimara says, "Sorry."
>Lycain tried to hold your hand, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to let him hold your hand.
>Mikare smiles at Garredd.
>Lycain tried to hold your hand, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to let him hold your hand.
>Jurporia gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Jurporia.
>Lycain tried to hold your hand, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to let him hold your hand.
>Reynor traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
>Maimara rubs Lycain tenderly.
>Maimara rubs Lycain tenderly.
>Lycain tried to hold your hand, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to let him hold your hand.
>Lycain tried to hold your hand, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to let him hold your hand.
Maimara says, "Err."
>Lycain says, "Park is mad busy."
>Falgrin nods to Lycain.
(lots of screen scroll, nothing happens)
>Lycain gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
(lycain spells up apparently)
Lycain says, "Warclaidhm."
>Lycain says, "Go fall in a pit."
>Lycain casts you a stern warning glance.
>Lycain says, "Falgrin."
>Lycain asks, "Sanct drop?"
>The voice of Falgrin asks, "Aye?"
>The voice of Falgrin says, "I wouldn't know."
>Lycain utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
>Lycain gestures at you.
Your SIGN OF DISSIPATION is no longer effective.
You feel drained!
You are coated in a hazy film.
You lift your face as a wild cry bursts from your lips!
Lycain looks startled, but quickly regains composure.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>You glare at Lycain and let out a nerve-shattering bellow!
Lycain is startled enough to lose initiative!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You say, "Stop, now. Please."
>Lycain says, "Nice greatsword."
Lycain says, "Tool."
>You nod to Lycain.
>You hear someone chortling.
>Lycain nods to you.
>Lycain traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
>Lycain gestures.
A brilliant aura surrounds Lycain.
>Lycain gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Lord Lycain just went north.
>Lord Lycain just arrived.
>Maimara gives Lycain a playful little punch to the shoulder.
Lycain utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
>Maimara chants a reverent litany and clasps her hands while tightly focusing her thoughts...
>Maimara gestures at you.
CS: +301 - TD: +150 + CvA: -21 + d100: +57 - +5 == +182
Warding failed!
Misty crimson tendrils slowly surround you.
You sense a growing numbness as you feel your mana fading steadily away!
>Lycain gestures at you.
Lycain hurls a roaring ball of fire at you!
AS: +412 vs DS: +146 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +38 = +326
... and hits for 42 points of damage!
Nasty burns to chest make you wish you never heard of heartburn.
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
The guiding force leaves Lycain.
The roaring ball of fire strikes you, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 1 point of damage!
Flames tickle right leg. Feels warm.
A burst of flame from Lycain's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits Amberleia!
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right arm toasts skin to elbows.
She is stunned!
Everything around you turns red as you work yourself into a berserker's rage!
>You struggle against the dull feeling of the stun but cannot shake it!
>Maimara exclaims, "Ha!"
The voice of Falgrin says, "Take it outta my park."
>Focusing on your bloodlust, you shake yourself out of the stun!
The redness fades from the world and you begin to breathe harder.
>Lycain says, "Agreed."
>Baundage hugs Maimara.
>Lycain suddenly looks drained!
You remove an ash vultite-capped runestaff from in your ancient robe.
>You hear someone cackle.
>Lycain joins Maimara's group.
>cman sblow lycYou swing a wooden runestaff at Lycain!
AS: +329 vs DS: +164 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +59 = +236
... and hit for 32 points of damage!
Finger ripped away from left hand.
Lycain is knocked slightly off balance by the force of your blow!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>Pez blinks.
>Bobmuhthol swings a claidhmore at you!
You evade the attack!
>Mikare gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
>Baundage says, "Ouch."
>The voice of Falgrin asks, "Did you 'ear me?"
>Poetree gestures at you.
An invisible force guides you.
>Maimara traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
>Maimara gestures at you.
CS: +277 - TD: +150 + CvA: -21 + d100: +16 - +5 == +117
Warding failed!
An unseen force envelopes you, restricting all movement.
>Falgrin says, "I asked ya take it elsewhere."
>Falgrin says, "Both o ya." (Thanks for mentioning BOTH of us Falgrin, and not just zeroing it all on me. I should've, but this guy was aprick I couldn't resist :) )
(Lycain finally comes back after 3 minutes of screen scroll..must've been that long RT ;) )
>Lord Lycain just arrived.
>Falgrin says, "Ou' da gates.."
>Lycain says, "Warclaidhm."
>Lycain says, "You're a tool man."
>Lycain says, "Imma initiate my foot up yer arse."
>Lycain nods to Wariquan.
>Lycain nods to you.
>Lycain takes a bite of his manna bread.
>Lycain takes a bite of his manna bread.
(lycain spells up more)
>Lycain tried to hold your hand, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to let him hold your hand.
(After this, he tries to fog me out of town hoping he'd kill me. Unfortunately, he lands in TSC!)
>Lycain comes out of hiding.
Lycain gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Lycain gestures.
Your surroundings blur for a moment . . .
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the earth brown Blackeyes disk, a crag wolf, a corroded fork, some manna bread and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Lord Lycain, Twinkerbel, Straiter, Tanner, Lionos, Zonzo, Episte, Blackeyes, Hynirsam who is lying down, Great Lord Jaehood, Miul who is sitting, Kyritiae who is sitting, Curthieus who is sitting, Alishala, Rogane who is sitting, Toriavel, Jaspre who is sitting, Tenzim who is kneeling, Traelin who is lying down
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest
>Lycain doubles over and turns a purplish color as he clasps both hands over his mouth, gripping tightly!
AND...thats it folks! Sorry it took me so long to edit it, I had to go through the entire long and copy paste :)
11-17-2004, 11:03 PM
Again... Not able to do the work alone, he brings a pseudo-hater of the world with him.
Warclaidhmo is the winner.
Maimara traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
>Maimara gestures at Lycain.
CS: +277 - TD: +189 + CvA: +17 + d100: +57 - -5 == +167
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over Lycain.
>Maimara says, "Err."
>Lycain suddenly looks drained!
[Edited on 18-11-04 by Xcalibur]
Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-17-2004, 11:09 PM
I saw three asses in that log.
11-17-2004, 11:18 PM
Falgrin = voice of reason.
The voice of Falgrin says, "Take it outta my park."
11-17-2004, 11:19 PM
>Lycain says, "Maimara, I'll give you 100k if you silence Warclaidhm."
>Maimara says, "I'll do it for free."
>Maimara traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
>Maimara gestures at Lycain.
CS: +277 - TD: +189 + CvA: +17 + d100: +57 - -5 == +167
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over Lycain.
>Maimara says, "Err."
>Maimara says, "Crap."
>Maimara stares off into space.
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
fucking classic
him saying tooltooltooltooltool is dumb. other than that, i see nothing except too much boredom??
[Edited on 11-18-2004 by JihnasSpirit]
Thanks for the advice, but what I'm going to say next is directed towards you and everyone else who doesn't believe me Lycain is an idiot:
I'm well aware Lycain is an idiot. But what does that have to do with you?
11-17-2004, 11:29 PM
Why is Maimara snuggling with Lycain in that log? :?:
11-17-2004, 11:29 PM
psycho people need hugs too :yes:
Sean of the Thread
11-17-2004, 11:31 PM
I'm convinced you are all smaktards...
11-18-2004, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
>Lycain says, "Maimara, I'll give you 100k if you silence Warclaidhm."
>Maimara says, "I'll do it for free."
>Maimara traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
>Maimara gestures at Lycain.
CS: +277 - TD: +189 + CvA: +17 + d100: +57 - -5 == +167
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over Lycain.
>Maimara says, "Err."
>Maimara says, "Crap."
>Maimara stares off into space.
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
fucking classic
him saying tooltooltooltooltool is dumb. other than that, i see nothing except too much boredom??
[Edited on 11-18-2004 by JihnasSpirit]
I snort laughed at that and scared my dog. I would use it as a sig if it wasn't so long.
Yes a classic.
11-18-2004, 12:49 AM
I've killed him a few times but he's not that bad, he at least doesn't SAY anything particularly stupid, just steals.
11-18-2004, 01:42 AM
Yeah, why the FUCK, is Maimara snuggling and associating herself with that nasty little cunthair?
11-18-2004, 02:45 AM
Originally posted by Warclaidhm
Thanks for the advice, but what I'm going to say next is directed towards you and everyone else who doesn't believe me Lycain is an idiot:
Lycain will attack ANYONE, without reason. Just to do so. He is like that. Go look up "Lycain" here. You're right, there is a chance it could've been from Maimara. But this is the only instance its been that way. He normally kills me and other people for fun.
I remember when I came back to GS finally after 7 months, he found me and said "Remember me slut? Youre' gonna die."
I don't remember him, he was just trying to cause trouble. I find interesting how 90% of you people consider him OK and a fine person except when I bring him up.
Now, I know the reason. Because you (a general "you" that is, not directed towards anyone in paticular) think anyone I post must have wrong or have a reason that I didn't put in it!
Do you EVER learn? Don't keep posting pathetic logs here of people attacking you, that you're whining about. NO ONE HERE CARES. What makes you even think anyone here cares or has an opinion?
You invite comments, you invite attacks, you invite ridicule, you invite insults each and every time you do so!
Do you really think that in less than a month you've changed? Is this how you demonstrate it?
Just leave people alone that have told you to leave them alone. Just leave people alone that don't seem to like you... you aren't going to make them like you if you keep bothering them. Find someone who WANTS to play with you and ignore the others!
Then report and assist about idiots like Lycain and let the GMs deal with him, instead of giving him more fuel on these boards.
It's a pity they can't teach people common sense.
11-18-2004, 04:47 AM
Well, to Scooter Boy's credit ... he can still post here. Just for some unknown reason he creates new names every 10 days.
Where as Lycain got bannificated and just continued to create names to post ... extending his ban.
Tell me, who is the real idiot?
11-18-2004, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
PPS. Falgrin makes me want to make a crazy character who's, like, obsessed with that park and thinks its his home like one of the dirty homeless men in downtown Houston. oooooh! character idea!! YES
He is looking to hire a caretaker of sorts..
11-18-2004, 10:27 AM
Now seeing Maimara snuggle with Lycain in that log kind of makes me think something.
Is that the reason of the recent flip out? I mean, did Lycain and Maimara make up? I remember Psykos posted something about being a depressed person a while back.
Someone apparently U2U Maimara's depressed "friend" to go kill himself. Thus, causing her to be upset. Is this what all this is about? Lycain? I HOPE I am wrong.
11-18-2004, 10:28 AM
If that is the case, lets hope it was Lycain.
11-18-2004, 10:30 AM
You are wrong. It was another friend.
Lycain (aka Psykos, newestuser, etc..........) and Maimara were friends until Lykain lied about being Psykos on this message board. Maimara has obviously forgiven Lycain for consistantly lying here.
11-18-2004, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Warclaidhm
The voice of Falgrin says, "Take it outta my park."
>The voice of Falgrin asks, "Did you 'ear me?"
>Falgrin says, "I asked ya take it elsewhere."
>Falgrin says, "Both o ya." (Thanks for mentioning BOTH of us Falgrin, and not just zeroing it all on me. I should've, but this guy was aprick I couldn't resist :) )
I'm glad you took my warning seriously... had you not, it would have cost me a fine I am sure.
11-18-2004, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
You are wrong. It was another friend.
Lycain (aka Psykos, newestuser, etc..........) and Maimara were friends until Lykain lied about being Psykos on this message board. Maimara has obviously forgiven Lycain for consistantly lying here.
This is one time I am actually glad I am wrong. Cuz I love Maimara's wit and abrasive, tough attitude.
11-18-2004, 10:36 AM
Lycain died 8 times while I was leveling up my new dhenar baby last night. Sometimes I almost feel sorry for him.
11-18-2004, 10:36 AM
Shame she is back to being friends with a total lying retard. I guess some people just need others to latch onto.:nutty:
Its also depressing how both of them couldn't kill him. If she is Lycain's friend now, she should atleast let the stupid bastard do his own dirty work.
[Edited on 18-11-04 by StrayRogue]
11-22-2004, 11:33 AM
"LOL Warbootcamphm :rofl:" (posted by SpunGirl)
Adding stuff to the middle of someone's that reminds me of someone. But who could it be? Oh yes that's right, Coinner. (IE Fruiterwolf as well as many similar names) If you hate someone so much, why act like them?
[Edited on 11-22-2004 by carolienaine]
Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-22-2004, 11:41 AM
11-22-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by carolienaine
"LOL Warbootcamphm :rofl:" (posted by SpunGirl)
Adding stuff to the middle of someone's that reminds me of someone. But who could it be? Oh yes that's right, Coinner. (IE Fruiterwolf as well as many similar names) If you hate someone so much, why act like them?
[Edited on 11-22-2004 by carolienaine]
Congratulations on bumping a thread to make a completely useless post. Oh yeah, I forgot, useless posts are your trademark.
Please don't breed, let alone with Wardepressedhm, kthx.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-22-2004, 12:11 PM
11-22-2004, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
You wish, pervert.
11-23-2004, 08:47 PM
he's banned
[Edited on 11-24-2004 by Tsa`ah]
11-23-2004, 09:13 PM
Are you suggesting that because Lycain's player did something I don't like, my character should no longer be friends with him?
Seems a little... um. Well, I guess, read the thread about Wezas's Sovyn experience.
11-23-2004, 10:15 PM
Actually I must confess to this as well. My character has been nice to Lycain and Warclaidhm. Well, because she doesn't have the information that *I* have.
11-23-2004, 10:25 PM
My point exactly.
Don't jump on me for shit I'm doing that isn't wrong. I do enough things wrong, at least jump on me because of one of those things. Thanks.
11-23-2004, 10:30 PM
I'm confused as to why anyone would use 314 to drain Warclaidhm's mana...he's a warrior right? Did he gimp his redux to train up to 410 or something?
11-23-2004, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by Dhuul
I'm confused as to why anyone would use 314 to drain Warclaidhm's mana...he's a warrior right? Did he gimp his redux to train up to 410 or something?
he uses scrolls though.
11-23-2004, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
You are wrong. It was another friend.
Lycain (aka Psykos, newestuser, etc..........) and Maimara were friends until Lykain lied about being Psykos on this message board. Maimara has obviously forgiven Lycain for consistantly lying here.
And... no, I haven't, but I'm not going to let my personal feelings interfere with a roleplay relationship that has nothing to do with these boards.
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