View Full Version : 116 Locate Person messages

11-20-2004, 12:17 AM
Hi, Has anyone ever seen a method to the messages you get when a 116 locate fails? Are these messages giving a general location or are they just random?

A maze of forest trails leading towards a tall, rusty gate.
A gigantic peak rising above the clouds as if reaching towards the gods themselves.
Shambling bodies struggling up from the dirt as they converge on a pair of warriors standing back to back, blades drawn in defense.

A small, filthy village filled with small, filthy creatures.
Light reflecting off a gem-like lake with a small island in the center. Along the shore of the lake is a settlement of some sort.
A ruddy glow rising from the cone of a volcanic crater, several clouds of deep red hover around the outside of the cone.


11-20-2004, 12:30 AM
At one point many many many moons ago, they would give a general location. Now they're all completely random.

11-20-2004, 12:49 AM
i was wondering about this lately too..

so i tried to locate the same person, multiple times. always got the same message.
did the same for a couple other people who also werent in the landing, and tho their message was different.. each time i located them, it was the same message.


11-20-2004, 06:43 AM
That message means they are in a place where you cant locate them.. for example when I am in the Landing and Akari is in the Shadowy Valley hunting mares and steeds I get those wierd messages when I try and locate him.