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02-14-2016, 12:09 PM
Some average items for sale:

1. a staff-marked cardinal red orb, +15 Influence (lvl 48)

MB: 100k BO: 100k JNewHall ONCE
BO: 2m

2. an olive green vultite lance, 5x/2x (+8) defender

When my character holds this, versus my other lance I get a +8 in DS for stance offense so assuming this is +8. Loresong doesn’t say exact “+” for the DS part

MB: 100k BO: 700K to Evasive1
BO: 700k

3. a chain hauberk, 5x

MB: 200k CB: 200k to Pyro ONCE
BO: 500k

4. a warped gigantic staff crudely crafted from waterlogged driftwood, 4x, fire flares, nice altered runestaff

MB: 100k BO: 100k to JNewHall ONCE
BO: 300k

5. a speckled white and red drakar short sword with a flame-shaped crossguard, 6x, fire flares, TWC scripts

Sold an exact one for over 1m+ in my last auction. Here’s my last one, Script info below:

MB: 500k CB: 1.3m BO Evasive1
BO: 1.3m

6. an etched golvern greathelm, 5x, ice flares, resistant to shocking and disrupting attacks

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the golvern greathelm in your hand...

The harmonics generated tell you that the greathelm has been infused with the power of an ice elemental. The magical harmonics reveal that the head and neck are better protected when wearing the golvern greathelm.

The greathelm resonates with your voice, revealing some details of its temporary enhancement:
The greathelm's enhancement will degrade when the wearer is struck in combat.
It should be able to withstand an incredible amount of uses before its enhancement has completely degraded away.
When its enhancement has degraded away, the item will simply return to normal.

As your song penetrates the golvern greathelm, you determine that it is moderately resistant to shocking attacks and moderately resistant to disrupting attacks.

MB: 100k

7. a black velvet tricorn pinned with a crimson blazestar-buttoned cockcade, fully unlocked Veola hat (can change hairstyles, put gem, etc.)


MB: 100k

8. a rune-covered dark grey robe, armor concealer, max light (2 pounds)

MB: 100k: CB: BO to Luntz
BO: 700k

9. an enruned ora spear, +10, +13 stamina recovery bonus (55), +1 MOC rank (4), +2 polearm ranks (6), persists

MB: 100k
BO: 200k

10. an eahnor shield, +18
a thick eahnor helm

In case any demand for eahnor stuff

100k flat

11. a sphinx-marked mithglin target shield, +20, 2 slot fusion, medium shield

MB: 100k
BO: 200k

12. a gleaming spiked vaalorn greathelm, spiked, temp. DCP

MB: 100k

13. a weapon harness, weapon displayer, lots of scripts when wearing the harness, can’t hold big items though (like a claid / polearm)

Nice weapon displayer for those that prefer something more simple

>put sword in harn
You carefully hang your sword from your harness.

i.e. weapon harness with a white and red drakar short sword hanging from it

>get sword
You deftly remove the drakar short sword from your harness.

100k flat

14. a hip-slung ashen leather kit, auto herb bundling, FLA, beltworn

same ones you see selling for 1m. I am selling for less

MB: 300k
BO: 1m

15. a faded two-toned brown leather survival kit, auto herb bundling, MA

MB: 300k
BO: 1m

16. a front-laced jet cotton tunic, armor concealer

MB: 200k
BO: 700k

02-14-2016, 12:13 PM
Mb on 5

02-14-2016, 12:23 PM
MB on #8

02-14-2016, 12:42 PM
MB 1
MB 4

02-14-2016, 12:53 PM
MB on 3.

02-14-2016, 12:54 PM
What does the robe cover?

edit: MB if it has head coverage

02-14-2016, 12:58 PM
BO on 2 and 5

02-14-2016, 01:22 PM
BO on 8

02-14-2016, 08:38 PM
Apologies, did not have a chance to log in game until now to check.

I am also moving this thread to the Auctions Folders (where it should be and adding more stuff soon)

Here is the info from you analyze the robe. It is sold to Luntz but just as reference information

You remove a rune-covered dark grey robe from in your velvet pack.
>analyze my robe
You analyze your dark grey robe and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
The dark grey robe is designed to hide soft leather, rigid leather, chain mail and plate mail armor which covers torso, arms and legs.

This garment should be designed in such a manner to convey that ALL these areas are completely covered.

You carefully analyze your dark grey robe and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. The robe can have either a long or a show description.

Any outer garment noun may be used for armor concealers as long as they are loose fitting and fully cover the appropriate areas of protection (tunics do not cover legs, so they may not cover leg worn armor, a shawl would not be appropriate at all, etc.).

Armor concealers that cover the head MUST have a hood/cowl in the base (15/15/15) and in any long descriptions.

Armor concealers can be made out of any material that is not see-through.

Racial clothing nouns are approved as follows:
Ruhan ~ This garment is knee-length or shorter and should not have a hood, so it cannot cover armor with leg or head protection. This concealer cannot be pocketed.
Toque ~ This noun is approved for any armor and may have a hood.
Cotehardie ~ This noun may be used but must clearly be an outer garment that falls to the knees (so it cannot cover armor with leg protection) and is not-tight fitting. It should be used as an elven outer garment, not a gown.
Apotl/Apotla ~ These are fine for concealers, but since it is a waist-length cloak, it only covers torso and arms.
Atanika/Ataniki ~ These nouns are approved for concealers but should not have a hood.

02-15-2016, 09:13 AM
Moving this thread to the correct place.


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