View Full Version : Gold Ring Tracker

02-09-2016, 06:35 PM
With the new chronomage changes, has anyone considered creating a gold ring tracker that will track which gold rings go to where? Also would be useful if you could give a room# and it will tell you what gold ring to use to get closest to that location.

02-09-2016, 06:37 PM
It might work if all your rings have a different adjective. Once you log out and back in, the item IDs change.

02-09-2016, 06:41 PM
I thought that might be the case. Still would be useful, like you said, with different adjective rings.

02-09-2016, 06:53 PM
I wonder how well those 30 day unnavvable rings in the Simu coin store are going to do now.

02-09-2016, 07:27 PM
I wonder how well those 30 day unnavvable rings in the Simu coin store are going to do now.

The real reason for these changes. lol

02-09-2016, 07:36 PM
The MARK verb used for fusion should be updated to work on the gold rings.

Then you could easily MARK each differently for tracking. Aside from that the only thing I could think of to use that would persist would be a unique container for each location. Which to fully cover say, mainland elanthia you would need...

we'll skip solhaven because it's literally 10 seconds or so from there to WL

WL proper
zul proper (loloptional)

unset rings (main lootsack)

keep (at least) 1 permanently set for each of those places (take from container, wear, turn, remove, stow) whenever you use it. + optional 1 ring to get into whatever your hunting ground du jure is. If we assume your hunting area return ring is just left worn, that means you need

up to 9 containers in addition to your main lootsack assuming they which isn't THAT crazy (mainlootsack for empties, 2-3 pouches, hot, gloves, boots, etc.)

Or you could have 9 unique gold ring holders :D

02-09-2016, 07:37 PM
I wonder how well those 30 day unnavvable rings in the Simu coin store are going to do now.


02-09-2016, 08:37 PM
With the new chronomage changes, has anyone considered creating a gold ring tracker that will track which gold rings go to where? Also would be useful if you could give a room# and it will tell you what gold ring to use to get closest to that location.

I actually just started workin on one of these. When the repo is back up I cab upload and have you try. Also right now its based entirely on turn/pulse messaging so any custom rings will proly fuck it up.

02-14-2016, 12:19 AM
The MARK verb used for fusion should be updated to work on the gold rings.

Then you could easily MARK each differently for tracking. Aside from that the only thing I could think of to use that would persist would be a unique container for each location. Which to fully cover say, mainland elanthia you would need...

we'll skip solhaven because it's literally 10 seconds or so from there to WL

WL proper
zul proper (loloptional)

unset rings (main lootsack)

keep (at least) 1 permanently set for each of those places (take from container, wear, turn, remove, stow) whenever you use it. + optional 1 ring to get into whatever your hunting ground du jure is. If we assume your hunting area return ring is just left worn, that means you need

up to 9 containers in addition to your main lootsack assuming they which isn't THAT crazy (mainlootsack for empties, 2-3 pouches, hot, gloves, boots, etc.)

Or you could have 9 unique gold ring holders :D

You could cut the rings in half by assuming one goes to the other. You don't need a TI and a TV ring. Just a TI-TV ring. I'd probably do

Icemule --> WL
WL-> minecart west
minecart west - > minecart eaast