View Full Version : Automated gem purifying script by Shaelun, v1.61 (command line script designed for Wiz FE)
11-17-2004, 08:37 AM
Fully automated (requires no command line variables or input to purify an entire backpack full of assorted gems of all values and many types from across Elanthia, just ".pure" and watch it go - also supports several optional input commands, mostly to modify the script's defaults) gem purification script for bards. Update list/features in v1.61:
- Thanks to a bug report by Clair, apparently the information I had for what message is seen when a non-CoL member attempts to use signs was incorrect, causing the script to act unpredictably and/or hang. Fixed for non-CoL members in v1.61
- Noticed an oversight of mine which may have caused the script to hang if a CoL member were currently punished; fixed in v1.61
- Noticed a silly mistake of mine that caused the script to think you had 1 maximum spirit instead of 10, causing it to never wrack... fixed in v1.6
Original list of features:
- A mana check to ensure healthy nerves
- Wracking if mana is exhausted
- Hiding before performing a wrack if some non-CoL members are in room
- Mana checks every half minute for those who can't wrack and must wait for a pulse
- Loresong checking of any gem that cannot be further purified with 1004 (including orb and rechargable identification thereof, of course)
- 10 different loresong verses that cycle to avoid singing the same song over and over during longer purification sessions
- Supports a wide variety of gem types
This is now virtually 100% bug free (the bloody thing had better be, anyway). The only issue is that it will, on occasion, wrack in front of a non-member and result in punishment. It will not cause spirit death, it will not skip over a mage rechargable, or do really anything else that's more than a very minor irritation which at worst requires the script to be restarted.
[Edited on 11-20-2004 by Shaelun]
Urinal Poops
12-31-2005, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Shaelun
Fully automated (requires no command line variables or input to purify an entire backpack full of assorted gems of all values and many types from across Elanthia, just ".pure" and watch it go - also supports several optional input commands, mostly to modify the script's defaults) gem purification script for bards. Update list/features in v1.61:
- Thanks to a bug report by Clair, apparently the information I had for what message is seen when a non-CoL member attempts to use signs was incorrect, causing the script to act unpredictably and/or hang. Fixed for non-CoL members in v1.61
- Noticed an oversight of mine which may have caused the script to hang if a CoL member were currently punished; fixed in v1.61
- Noticed a silly mistake of mine that caused the script to think you had 1 maximum spirit instead of 10, causing it to never wrack... fixed in v1.6
Original list of features:
- A mana check to ensure healthy nerves
- Wracking if mana is exhausted
- Hiding before performing a wrack if some non-CoL members are in room
- Mana checks every half minute for those who can't wrack and must wait for a pulse
- Loresong checking of any gem that cannot be further purified with 1004 (including orb and rechargable identification thereof, of course)
- 10 different loresong verses that cycle to avoid singing the same song over and over during longer purification sessions
- Supports a wide variety of gem types
This is now virtually 100% bug free (the bloody thing had better be, anyway). The only issue is that it will, on occasion, wrack in front of a non-member and result in punishment. It will not cause spirit death, it will not skip over a mage rechargable, or do really anything else that's more than a very minor irritation which at worst requires the script to be restarted.
[Edited on 11-20-2004 by Shaelun]
Can someone please repost this?
12-31-2005, 05:52 PM
What's fucked up... I was just looking earlier for this file. LOL
12-31-2005, 06:55 PM
Download Lich. A better version comes packaged with it.
01-04-2006, 09:48 PM
Tayre's right, but if you're quite content with Wizard as it is, here ya go (sorta works in SF, dunno; haven't tried for years).
01-05-2006, 01:05 AM
Good lookin out, Shaelun.
11-07-2008, 03:16 PM
can anybody update this script to work in SF when it tries to loresing to the gem it looks like this on my screen
"%s, I desire to learn something from you
Namely your purpose - so what do you do?"
the %s is not replaced with the pearl that it pulled from my bag. not sure whats up with that
11-07-2008, 03:21 PM
probably something with "checkright"
11-11-2008, 12:21 AM
Is there any way to add gems to be recognized by the script?
Or rather, can someone smarter at scripting tell me how?
11-13-2008, 05:00 AM
Get what?
************************************************** *******
** The expected gem was not found in your container. **
** This is almost exclusively due to random items with **
** recognized gem types in their names. You may need **
** to eliminate any "an opal-studded circlet," or **
** similar items by manually removing them from your **
** container, and then restarting the script. **
** Pausing for 5 secs, then checking again just incase **
************************************************** *******
look in my satchel
In the crimson linen satchel you see the following:
take gem from my satchel
1 Gems: some polished red coral
So I looked at the script and corals are supposed to be recognized, but some how it's not working?
11-13-2008, 11:09 AM
turn the psinet shit off
look in my satchel
In the crimson linen satchel you see the following:
take gem from my satchel
1 Gems: some polished red coral
It's trying to match "gem" because it sees "1 Gems:". Like BigWorm said, psinet is breaking yo' shit. You can turn off the grouping function of containers in the options.
11-13-2008, 02:02 PM
Oh. Damn. I didn't even consider that. :(
11-13-2008, 02:25 PM
What would be useful is adding in Sigil of Concentration and Sigil of Power usage for sunfist bards.
11-13-2008, 04:30 PM
Ok, I can't get this work, any ideas?
Pack has my gems, satchel is empty, I use @ cause I had to for awhile, so used to it.
@pure pack satchel
[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
************************************************** *************************************************
** Unrecognized Destination Within Script (Label Error Reached). Assuming Command Line Variables **
** Are User's Preferred Containers and Continuing (".pure help" to see usage info) **
************************************************** *************************************************
stop singing
look in my satchel
But you are not singing any spellsongs.
[Script]>In the leather satchel you see a stout faenor zinnor.
You seem to be in one piece.
Maximum Health Points: 143
Remaining Health Points: 143
Maximum Spirit Points: 10
Remaining Spirit Points: 10
Maximum Stamina Points: 43
look in my satchel
Remaining Stamina Points: 43
[Script]>In the leather satchel you see a stout faenor zinnor.
You seem to be in one piece.
Maximum Health Points: 143
Remaining Health Points: 143
Maximum Spirit Points: 10
Remaining Spirit Points: 10
Maximum Stamina Points: 43
Remaining Stamina Points: 43
** Purifying Finished **
[Script finished!]
11-13-2008, 05:54 PM
Well your satchel has no gems in it, not sure why it is looking in your satchel first though.
What version of the script do you have? The DL-able one a few posts above?
I just tried using a container I don't have on me. It gave the same error message you had. So make sure you are actually wearing a pack.
11-14-2008, 04:59 PM
Ok, I stumped Aesteticdeath, any other suggestions here on my issue.
We checked under config/variables, I set mantle to container, cloak to %user7 for orb gems, and satchel to %user9 for put stored gems in.
This is what I'm getting for an error...
.pure satchel mantle
[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
************************************************** *************************************************
** Unrecognized Destination Within Script (Label Error Reached). Assuming Command Line Variables **
** Are User's Preferred Containers and Continuing (".pure help" to see usage info) **
************************************************** *************************************************
stop singing
look in my mantle
But you are not singing any spellsongs.
[Script]>take my emerald from my mantle
In the leather ducal mantle you see an uncut emerald, a star sapphire. tons more...
You seem to be in one piece.
Maximum Health Points: 143
Remaining Health Points: 143
Maximum Spirit Points: 10
Remaining Spirit Points: 10
Maximum Stamina Points: 43
Remaining Stamina Points: 43
You remove an uncut emerald from in your leather ducal mantle.
Level: 21 Deeds: 0
Experience: 525924 Death's Sting: Light
Exp. until next: 40076 Recent Deaths: 5
Mental TPs: 0 Fame: 908597
Physical TPs: 28 Mana: 62/74 max
(4 Phy converted to Mnt)
Your mind is as clear as a bell.
You feel a strange sense of serenity and find that you are able to reflect on recent events with uncommon clarity and understanding.
[Script]>prep 1004
You begin your musical chant for Purification Song...
Your spellsong is ready.
[Script]>sing at my emerald
You sing a melody, directing the sound of your voice at an uncut emerald.
As you focus your voice on the uncut emerald, the crystalline structure of the gem improves somewhat.
When the song ends, you notice the uncut emerald sparkles a little more and is void of some natural imperfections.
Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]>put my emerald in my <---- error!
I could not find what you were referring to.
[Script]>look in my mantle
take my ruby from my mantle
In the leather ducal mantle you see a lot of gems...
[Script]>You seem to be in one piece.
Maximum Health Points: 143
Remaining Health Points: 143
Maximum Spirit Points: 10
Remaining Spirit Points: 10
Maximum Stamina Points: 43
Remaining Stamina Points: 43
You feel at full magical power again.
You remove a star ruby from in your leather ducal mantle.
Level: 21 Deeds: 0
Experience: 525924 Death's Sting: Light
Exp. until next: 40076 Recent Deaths: 5
Mental TPs: 0 Fame: 908597
Physical TPs: 28 Mana: 74/74 max
(4 Phy converted to Mnt)
Your mind is as clear as a bell.
You feel a strange sense of serenity and find that you are able to reflect on recent events with uncommon clarity and understanding.
[Script]>prep 1004
You begin your musical chant for Purification Song...
Your spellsong is ready.
[Script]>sing at my ruby
You sing a melody, directing the sound of your voice at a star ruby.
As you focus your voice on the star ruby, the crystalline structure of the gem improves somewhat.
When the song ends, you notice the star ruby sparkles a little more and is void of some natural imperfections.
Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]>put my ruby in my <----error
I could not find what you were referring to.
[Script]>look in my mantle
take my ruby from my mantle
In the leather ducal mantle you see a lot of gems.
[Script]>You seem to be in one piece.
Maximum Health Points: 143
Remaining Health Points: 143
Maximum Spirit Points: 10
Remaining Spirit Points: 10
Maximum Stamina Points: 43
Remaining Stamina Points: 43
You need a free hand to pick that up.
So it hangs with 2 gems in my hand.
If I try it on the inverse, .pure mantle satchel, the way it should work from what i see, still defaults to the main container.
11-15-2008, 07:49 PM
i have to do the same thing but to get it to work i end up doing .pure back satch satch and it ends up working for me.
02-03-2010, 09:26 PM
Old post but....if you change the settings in variables to the sacks you want you just hit .pure. You don't have to put in the command lines afterwards.
02-03-2010, 09:49 PM
turn off autosort?
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