View Full Version : Sorta amusing.

11-17-2004, 01:56 AM
Background info. Linsha has been having a problem with Waedon for the last couple of weeks. I think I read here, and someone told me he's played by Sean (and if it's THAT Sean I'm thinking about everything makes sense.) If it's not him, still funny.

Brief log. Standing in the park reading boards and being semi elsewhere mentally. Lo and behold this happens.

I didn't cut back long enough but I have a feeling someone else he's with/controls like to keep an eye out as well.

Waedon looks determined and focused.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Waedon engages you in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
Waedon swings a naginata at you!
AS: +266 vs DS: +277 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +32 = +50
A clean miss.
Waedon swings a naginata at you!
You parry the attack with your runestaff!
A white owl appears overhead, circling.
(edited out a few people coming/going)
Waedon just left.
* Waedon returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Since you can't get in a hit best to slam like a bitch to avoid being slaughtered. Now he's hiding at a table... Fucking retard.

11-17-2004, 01:59 AM
He's a douchebag on Psinet too

11-17-2004, 02:04 AM
The "slam when you're gonna get your ass kicked" is Seany's trademark.

11-17-2004, 02:08 AM
That's really pathetic. Can't take shit but can dish it out by the handful.

11-17-2004, 02:21 AM
That's our Seany! Perfectly in character! :down:

11-17-2004, 07:56 AM
Someone tried that with me once when I was helping someone hunt thraks, and he was doing the same. He swung, missed, and slammed. So I set a ring to the room and highlighted his name. He logged in I prepped 415, .ring, and bam he died. I laughed really hard.

11-17-2004, 07:59 AM
Well at least he's a consistant fucktard

11-17-2004, 08:31 AM
But, he drives an RX-7 that does the 1/4 mile in 3 seconds. He also is best friends with Snoop, he dates strippers who are not skanky whores and who are free of all STDs, he has a tremendous acting career going and he is considering a pro football career.

He's :beer:

11-17-2004, 08:32 AM
Slammers are awesome. If I have nothing better to do, I'll just get a PWN PERSON script running, go get a cup of coffee, play some video games and next thing I know? FUCKING PWNED!!!111

- Arkans

11-17-2004, 09:00 AM
It is Sean, and he is an idiot. Lol, and I thought his half-krol was meant to be old.

11-17-2004, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
But, he drives an RX-7 that does the 1/4 mile in 3 seconds. He also is best friends with Snoop, he dates strippers who are not skanky whores and who are free of all STDs, he has a tremendous acting career going and he is considering a pro football career.

He's :beer:


11-17-2004, 09:02 AM
He's the "oldest" Half-Krolvin, by his word at least.

- Arkans

11-17-2004, 09:04 AM
Well unless he's poorly trained, he isn't. Looks like he's in his 20's, early 30's. Theres a few older krol.

11-17-2004, 09:08 AM
I wonder why Rasko/Dwai don't help him. He sell them off?

- Arkans

11-17-2004, 09:09 AM
Sean is perma-banned. I am assuming they went the way of Pudgee, Ganryu etc.

11-17-2004, 12:04 PM
Last time he said his half-krol was 26, I know that I have an older one even, but it is pretty old for a half-krol, I'll give him that.

11-17-2004, 01:20 PM
Where does he find the time with such a busy schedual?

Sean isn't that bright of a guy. He slams because he lacks imagination.

11-17-2004, 01:25 PM
LOL. The antics of SeanyDigital never fail to amuse.
