View Full Version : Briarmoon Cove Orbs for Silvers

02-03-2016, 09:09 AM
I've got 8 orbs already claimed at 3m each. I'm not really in the market for more silvers, but if there is still a demand I'll sell more at 4m each.

02-03-2016, 09:30 AM
I've got 8 orbs already claimed at 3m each. I'm not really in the market for more silvers, but if there is still a demand I'll sell more at 4m each.

People are paying 3m for 1-2 rank bonus? I thought enhansive prices were down..

02-03-2016, 10:42 AM
Not the kind of orbs you're thinking of Drauz :)

02-03-2016, 10:44 AM
Not the kind of orbs you're thinking of Drauz :)

I just realized these are the entrance orbs, I thought they he was talking about the enhansives from the piles. Nevermind me.

02-03-2016, 10:59 AM
Not the kind of orbs you're thinking of Drauz :)

These are not the orbs you're looking for...

02-03-2016, 12:31 PM
Ehh, I feel like I'm getting ripped off cause everybody else is getting them for 3m, but I guess I'll take one.

02-03-2016, 12:56 PM
Ehh, I feel like I'm getting ripped off cause everybody else is getting them for 3m, but I guess I'll take one.

Don't be. It's basically just a way to convert cash to silvers going through Simu instead of 3rd partys.

02-03-2016, 01:08 PM
It's not really that you're getting ripped off. Effectively, by selling orbs, I'm just buying silvers, with Simucoins and orbs as middle men.

They way the math works out, buying in "bulk" with a premium account, I'm paying right at $24/orb. By selling them for 3m, it's right at the going rate of $8/m. For 4m, it's $6/m.

After the 8 orbs ear-marked so far, I don't really care to buy any more silvers. However, if someone needs an orb and doesn't wish to pay cash, I'm trying to help people out. In order to get $24/orb, I have to buy $100 worth of simucoins.

The price is higher because the burden is being placed on me to sell the other 3 orbs from that set, or else just sit around with a $75 stack of simucoins. I also don't WANT to buy any more silvers.


A better solution might be: I can figure out the price of a non-bulk orb and sell that to you at the $8/m rate (I imagine the conversion isn't too far off 3m); but that's still me spending money for silvers I don't necessarily want/need in order to help a brother out :-)

02-03-2016, 02:13 PM
I was more making my comment in jest, which only worked because you mentioned the ones you were selling for 3m. I understand the risk to you and the benefit to me of using in game silver to buy the orb instead of having to hide another credit card charge from my wife. Haha

02-03-2016, 10:02 PM
I'm interested in going to the event, so if there are still 3m orbs, that seems like a more affordable way of getting in, since I wouldn't be buying bulk Simu coins. Message me.

02-04-2016, 08:03 AM
A better solution might be: I can figure out the price of a non-bulk orb and sell that to you at the $8/m rate (I imagine the conversion isn't too far off 3m); but that's still me spending money for silvers I don't necessarily want/need in order to help a brother out :-)

This comes out to $27.5, or 3.5m @ $8/m exchange rate.

02-04-2016, 09:59 PM
Thanks for the orbs!

02-05-2016, 11:03 AM
Anymore orbs for sale? Or are they all gone?

02-05-2016, 01:08 PM
Mine are all gone. I'm tapped out of cash unless you're willing to pay like 8m for an orb :-)

02-05-2016, 02:25 PM
I'm gonna hijack this thread then instead of starting my own, since I only need a tiny amount of silver. I have *one* orb I'll sell at 3.5 million. Let me know if you want it.