View Full Version : enchantguide
01-29-2016, 01:17 PM
Lots of updates to the script. It can now detect status, but also further along your enchant projects and keep track of pending tempers...
The one known issue is that it saves tempers best on item description, so if you are enchanting two "double leathers" on the same char the listing will only track one.
Here is the help screen...
--- Lich: chanterguide active.
;chanterguide help -- shows this help screen
;chanterguide list -- shows projects on this character
;chanterguide detect {item} -- casts Detection on the item and lets you know what to do
;chanterguide next {item} -- Executes the next step in the process, whatever that is
;chanterguide force {item} -- Executes the next step in the process, and ignores penalties
--- Lich: chanterguide has exited.
Here it is in action...
>;chanterguide force leather
--- Lich: chanterguide active.
[chanterguide]>prep 405
A thick, shadowy mist pours out of your mouth as you prepare Elemental Detection...
Your spell is ready.
[chanterguide]>cast leather
You gesture at some black double leather.
The layers of essence permeating the double leather unfold before you to reveal the familiar patterns of an enchanting project in progress, which you recognize as one of your own.
You recognize the vibrant yellow aura surrounding it as indicating a moderate level of enchantment.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Item is currently +15
Ready to be tempered, use a Duqnuru potion (approx 2k per pour)
You study your surroundings and use your keen knowledge of the arcane. It quickly becomes evident that this room is a strong magical workshop.
You sense a convergence in the flows of essence and gather that this place must be a natural earthnode.
You sense the distinct harmonies of a mana pool and detect an exceptional accumulation of mana.
You are in a workshop, so you're good there.
Your spirit is at full, so you're good there.
HOLD UP! You are encumbered, you should lighten up before continuing.
You have your familiar summoned, make sure its with you.
[chanterguide]>get duqnuru potion
You already have that.
[chanterguide]>pour my duqnuru potion on leather
You pour your potion on the leather.
1d100: 58 + Modifiers: 262 == 320
As the liquid coats the surface of the double leather, a misty aura fills the air surrounding it, dancing around your fingers as you gesture over it with a soft incantation spilling from your lips. Small runic symbols flare to life at various points along the surface of the leather, their blurry edges wavering in response to the cadence of your voice and the liquid in these areas absorbing quickly beneath the surface. When the last of the liquid has vanished, the symbols dissipate and the leather appears faded. You scrutinize the double leather, notice nothing amiss, and conclude that the tempering seems to have been successful. You estimate that the double leather should be ready to enchant in about 2 to 3 days.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
You have 3 doses left.
Success! Recording it.
--- Lich: chanterguide has exited.
And here is the report after you have some tempers saved...
>;chanterguide list
--- Lich: chanterguide active.
------------------------------------- Projects -----------------------------------------
Item Desc | Enchant | Step | Status |
double leather | 15 | 2 | Not ready for at least 2 days |
lor runestaff | 25 | 1 | Not ready for at least 4 days |
full leather | 15 | 2 | Ready! |
--- Lich: chanterguide has exited.
01-29-2016, 01:29 PM
Thanks for this. I'm going to try it out.
Does it save the information for later? I have ;enchantnotes as well so it doesn't really matter.
01-29-2016, 01:57 PM
Not currently but I'm working on that now because theres a lot of things enchantnotes doesnt do, that I wish it did.
I'm also adding just a dummy button... like ;enchantguide next my leather... which would detect the next step and either cast 925 or get out the right potion and pour it.
01-29-2016, 01:59 PM
That looks pretty darn nifty.
01-29-2016, 02:32 PM
Not currently but I'm working on that now because theres a lot of things enchantnotes doesnt do, that I wish it did.
I'm also adding just a dummy button... like ;enchantguide next my leather... which would detect the next step and either cast 925 or get out the right potion and pour it.
Yea, enchantnotes is nice but it's pretty basic. I like the ideas though. Happy to try them out when you come up with more stuff. Thanks!
01-30-2016, 08:38 PM
Just uploaded another version that will also warn about some common mistakes...
Item is currently +5
Ready to be enchanted, good luck!
Your spirit is at full, so you're good there.
HOLD UP! You are encumbered, you should lighten up before continuing.
HOLD UP! You should cast 920 and summon your familiar!
02-01-2016, 03:33 PM
For some reason when I run this script, nothing happens, I can't get help to show up, anything.. I deleted it and redownloaded the repo.. any ideas?
02-01-2016, 06:25 PM
For some reason when I run this script, nothing happens, I can't get help to show up, anything.. I deleted it and redownloaded the repo.. any ideas?
I had the same result as well, just forgot to post about it.
Geijon Khyree
02-01-2016, 09:12 PM
Thirded on the deal. It does work on my warrior but nothing else ala the wizard.
02-01-2016, 10:11 PM
Do you see the help screen? For reference this is the help screen. You must put the item descrip after it, like ;enchantguide my black leathers
--- Lich: enchantguide active.
;enchantguide {item} -- casts Detection on the item and lets you know what to do
;enchantguide help -- shows this help screen
--- Lich: enchantguide has exited.
02-01-2016, 11:16 PM
Do you see the help screen? For reference this is the help screen. You must put the item descrip after it, like ;enchantguide my black leathers
--- Lich: enchantguide active.
;enchantguide {item} -- casts Detection on the item and lets you know what to do
;enchantguide help -- shows this help screen
--- Lich: enchantguide has exited.
There is similar script "925" that will tell you if anything is wrong with a cast of enchant, like missing familiar, spirit, encumbered, etc.
Geijon Khyree
02-02-2016, 12:14 AM
That's the problem. We never see the help screen. I've tested it on trust, login/out, reboots. It only works on the warrior and that's why I know I'm inputting the right commands since I can enact them all from the warrior. When I log in anybody else, ;enchantguide runs nada.
Geijon Khyree
02-02-2016, 12:15 AM
;925 works great. I viewed enchantguide as a combo of 925potions and enchanternotes just giving you an easy to read update on login vibe, but it doesn't seem to work right somewhere.
02-02-2016, 09:12 AM
I use ;925 right now as well. Also kind of basic but it works. I was hoping to see more on this though, looks more better than ;925 and enchantnotes. A better combo of the two.
I didnt see the help/setup menu. I didn't know about having to put the item either. It would just hang there, plus, if I tried to kill the script it would tell me it wasn't even running.
02-02-2016, 12:51 PM
I was using the command correctly, with my leathers and other objects. Nothing happens. Same deal, trusted and not, tons of different items, same problem.
02-02-2016, 02:59 PM
;925 works great. I viewed enchantguide as a combo of 925potions and enchanternotes just giving you an easy to read update on login vibe, but it doesn't seem to work right somewhere.
Well rest assured I'm going to keep working on it. The one I uploaded was just a start point.
02-02-2016, 03:02 PM
I was using the command correctly, with my leathers and other objects. Nothing happens. Same deal, trusted and not, tons of different items, same problem.
Edit: yup that was it. enchantnotes hooks into everything with "enchant" in the command. pretty lame. see below for renamed script.
02-02-2016, 03:10 PM
Yea so I just started enchantnotes first and mine does the same thing. Its kinda lame that script writer wrote his with hooks the way he did.
Oh well, I uploaded one called "chanterguide" until such time as mine can take over his functionality completely.
I'll also update the posts above to reflect the new name.
02-02-2016, 03:27 PM
Edit: yup that was it. enchantnotes hooks into everything with "enchant" in the command. pretty lame. see below for renamed script.
Ah, that explains it then and why it worked okay in the warrior who probably wouldn't have been running ;enchantnotes. Didn't realize it hooked them either. Good find and thanks for working on it.
Geijon Khyree
02-02-2016, 03:54 PM
Glad you found the problem.
02-13-2016, 07:51 PM
Any chance you can make this available in the new Repo or possibly offline? This doesnt seem to be in the makeshift repo that's up at the moment.
02-13-2016, 08:22 PM
Not sure if you saw it but it was changed to ;chantersguide or something like that...
02-13-2016, 09:20 PM
Not sure if you saw it but it was changed to ;chantersguide or something like that...
Tried a few variations of that and nothing unfortunately.
02-13-2016, 09:59 PM
I uploaded one called "chanterguide" until such time as mine can take over his functionality completely.
Not on there? I'll take a look IG when I get a chance.
Done and thanks for another update. Going to try it out.
02-16-2016, 09:07 PM
Tons of updates to the repo version. It can now do the next step (whatever is needed) and record the results in a nice tabular format.
See OP for updated guide.
Soullance if you wouldn't mind taking down the code you have there, since its old now.
02-18-2016, 12:38 PM
Pretty cool. Checked the status of the project, grabbed the potion, and did the pour. Cool.
>;chanter next longsword--- Lich: chanterguide active.
[chanterguide]>prep 405
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Detection spell...
Your spell is ready.
[chanterguide]>cast longsword
You gesture at a perfect maoral-hilted mithril longsword.
The layers of essence permeating the mithril longsword unfold before you to reveal the familiar patterns of an enchanting project in progress, which you recognize as one of your own.
You recognize the vibrant orange aura surrounding it as indicating a weak level of enchantment.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Item is currently +10
Ready to be tempered, use a Duqnuru potion (approx 2k per pour)
[chanterguide]>get duqnuru potion
You remove a duqnuru potion from in your spidersilk pouch.
[chanterguide]>pour my duqnuru potion on longsword
You pour your potion on the longsword.
1d100: 1 + Modifiers: 324 == 325
As the liquid coats the surface of the mithril longsword, a misty aura fills the air surrounding it, dancing around your fingers as you gesture over it with a soft incantation spilling from your lips. Small runic symbols flare to life at various points along the surface of the longsword, their blurry edges wavering in response to the cadence of your voice and the liquid in these areas absorbing quickly beneath the surface. When the last of the liquid has vanished, the symbols dissipate and the longsword appears faded. You scrutinize the mithril longsword, notice nothing amiss, and conclude that the tempering seems to have been successful. You estimate that the mithril longsword should be ready to enchant in about 2 to 3 days.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
You have 2 doses left.
Success! Recording it.
--- Lich: chanterguide has exited.
02-18-2016, 12:42 PM
One thing, I picked up a few items from Ebon Gate (I think it was there) [a small barrel of dirtokh (2), a small barrel of mirtokh]. Will those work with this script as well? I'll try it as soon as I get a chance, just didn't think of it right away.
02-18-2016, 02:19 PM
This is a cool script. Props.
02-21-2016, 01:58 PM
I'd also recommend adding "sisfu" to use at different levels as it's cheaper (around 17k) or maybe search around your inventory for potions that do the job as well - could ask to "unpause script" if you awnt to proceed with a higher potion, or 'kill script" to cancel? Just ideas. I'm enjoying it as is and really like the enchant notes layout.
02-21-2016, 06:06 PM
Was taking some armor from 2x to 4x, and I had an issue when I finished the 2x->3x cast. It enchanted fine, ;chanter next poured the potion for the first 3x->4x cast fine, but it's still showing up under ;chanter list as waiting on the final 2x cast.
02-24-2016, 11:25 AM
Got a log? I could debug it
02-24-2016, 01:22 PM
Had this just happen:
>;chant next longsword--- Lich: chanterguide active.
[chanterguide]>prep 405
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Detection spell...
Your spell is ready.
[chanterguide]>cast longsword
You gesture at a perfect maoral-hilted mithril longsword.
The underlying patterns of essence within the mithril longsword indicate that it has been enchanted, and you notice your own enchanter's mark on it. You recognize the vibrant yellow aura surrounding it as indicating a moderate level of enchantment.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Item is currently +15
This does not seem to be an active project. You may temper it if you wish to get started, use a Duqnuru potion (approx 2k per pour)
--- Lich: chanterguide has exited.
Does it not grab the right potion and begin the project? Because, if I do the pour myself, the project doesn't get saved - right?
02-24-2016, 05:41 PM
Yea thats a similar bug to Gnomad. When the 405 messaging doesnt list a current step, a couple things get messed up. I'm going to fix these bugs tonight and I'll upload a new one.
02-24-2016, 07:17 PM
Cool, thanks for looking into it.
02-24-2016, 11:21 PM
Yup, it fixed itself once I got the first 925 cast off, so it's definitely just not picking up on stuff you've enchanted yourself but doesn't have a potion pour on it.
02-28-2016, 02:15 PM
Yup, it fixed itself once I got the first 925 cast off, so it's definitely just not picking up on stuff you've enchanted yourself but doesn't have a potion pour on it.
Scratch that, it's now stopped tracking any progress between sessions.
03-09-2016, 07:37 PM
I was curious if the script would check your mana for you, and rather than check the code like a normal-thinking person, I figured I'd blow my last Rohnuru pour.
--- Lich: chanterguide active.
[chanterguide]>prep 405
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Detection spell...
Your spell is ready.
[chanterguide]>cast my jerk
You gesture at a tailored thick leather jerkin.
The layers of essence permeating the thick leather jerkin unfold before you to reveal the familiar patterns of a tempering enchanting project, which you recognize as one of your own. It is currently tempered and ready to be enchanted. It is on the final step of the enchanting process. You notice no aura indicating enchantment.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Item is currently +0
Ready to be enchanted, good luck!
You study your surroundings and use your keen knowledge of the arcane. It quickly becomes evident that this room is a strong magical workshop.
You sense a convergence in the flows of essence and gather that this place must be a natural earthnode.
You are not skilled enough to sense the presence of a mana pool.
You are in a workshop, so you're good there.
Your spirit is at full, so you're good there.
You are not encumbered, so you're good there.
You have your familiar summoned, make sure its with you.
[chanterguide]>prep 925
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Enchant Item...
Your spell is ready.
[chanterguide]>cast my jerk
You gesture at a tailored thick leather jerkin.
Lacking sufficient mana, you struggle to control the magical energy of your spell.
Visible wisps of essence dance across the surface of the thick leather jerkin as you chant quietly, your sure gestures guiding them to slowly coalesce into small softly glowing runic symbols. Glancing over the formation of the runes, your chant falters as you notice their forms contorting oddly. You gather something has gone terribly wrong.
Suddenly, the thick leather jerkin blossoms into a growing ball of intense white flame, the ensuing explosion sending debris through the air. The thick leather jerkin being in your hand, you take the brunt of the blast!
... 30 points of damage!
Hard strike to your right leg breaking tendons and bone!
You are knocked to the ground!
You are stunned for 6 rounds!
... 35 points of damage!
An icy slash across the lower back slices deep into your muscle!
You have overextended yourself!
You feel yourself going into shock!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
It does not check your mana.
03-10-2016, 12:12 AM
I was curious if the script would check your mana for you, and rather than check the code like a normal-thinking person, I figured I'd blow my last Rohnuru pour.
It does not check your mana.
Ouch, rough way to try it out.
06-11-2016, 10:07 AM
Is this script dead?
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