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View Full Version : ;go2 SRecasting Celerity (506) Nonstop Now

01-17-2016, 06:57 PM
;go2 keeps recasting 506 now when running between Landing and Icemule. I'm guessing it's because it's not recognizing the new spell messaging from 506. I didn't see anything in ;go2 help to turn automatic 506 casting, anad changing the ice-mode setting seems to have no effect either.

EDIT: If I drop 535 and then recast it while it's running, it fixes it, since 535 is Haste now.

[Icemule Trail, Tundra - 2513]
The icy trail skirts the very edge of the deadly, partially frozen marsh. Beside the trail lies the dead carcass of some unidentifiable animal--mute evidence that the marsh should be avoided at all costs.
Obvious paths: south, northwest
Your raven followed.
[go2]>incant 506
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Celerity...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You suddenly start moving light-footedly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Icemule Trail, Tundra - 2514]
Large, granite boulders dot the landscape, left behind by the receding glacier sometime in the distant past. Considering the size of the rocks, the power of the glacier that moved them must have been amazing.
Obvious paths: north, southwest
Your raven followed.
[Icemule Trail, Tundra - 2515]
Small, dark holes pockmark the sloping sides of these hills and as you study the area, movement in one of the holes captures your attention. Amid the multitude of tracks connecting the burrows, you spy signs that something heavy has been dragged through the snow.
Obvious paths: northeast, south
Your raven followed.
[Icemule Trail, Tundra - 2516]
As you crest one of the larger foothills of the mountain range, you behold the vast, semi-frozen wasteland of the tundra spreading northward to the horizon. The blowing snow makes progress difficult and adds to the urgency that tells you to push onward.
Obvious paths: north, south
Your raven followed.
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
--- Lich: go2 active.
>[go2: ETA: 0:00:07 (36 rooms to move through)]
[go2]>incant 506
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Celerity...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You suddenly start moving light-footedly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Icemule Trail, Tundra - 2515]
Small, dark holes pockmark the sloping sides of these hills and as you study the area, movement in one of the holes captures your attention. Amid the multitude of tracks connecting the burrows, you spy signs that something heavy has been dragged through the snow.
Obvious paths: northeast, south
Your raven followed.
[Icemule Trail, Tundra - 2514]
Large, granite boulders dot the landscape, left behind by the receding glacier sometime in the distant past. Considering the size of the rocks, the power of the glacier that moved them must have been amazing.
Obvious paths: north, southwest
Your raven followed.
>find tillmen
[Icemule Trail, Tundra - 2513]
The icy trail skirts the very edge of the deadly, partially frozen marsh. Beside the trail lies the dead carcass of some unidentifiable animal--mute evidence that the marsh should be avoided at all costs.
Obvious paths: south, northwest
Your raven followed.

There are no adventurers questing that match the names specified.

The usage for this command is: find {player1} {player2} ... {player9} and will provide a list of those players present you wish to find provided they are questing.
[go2]>incant 506
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Celerity...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You suddenly start moving light-footedly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Running heedlessly through the icy terrain, you slip on a patch of ice but catch yourself before you truly lose your footing.
[Icemule Trail, Tundra - 2512]
A fierce wind blows across the marsh and straight through you. Your teeth are chattering so hard you can be heard a mile away and if you shivered any worse, your bones would snap from the effort.
Obvious paths: southeast, west
Your raven followed.
[go2]>go river
[go2]>climb bank
[Icemule Trail, Tundra - 2511]
A moonbeam glints off a rock lying among many others scattered along the shore of the frozen river before you. Across the river, which flows from the mountains and feeds the marsh, a few stubborn trees bravely line the bank.
Obvious paths: east
Your raven followed.
[Icemule Trail, Icy River - 2510]
Moving cautiously over the ice-covered river, you scan the marsh that seems to extend forever past the northern bank. You might be able to traverse that quagmire by stepping from hummock to hummock, but truly dry land seems scarce.
Obvious paths: south
Your raven followed.
[go2]>go trail
You climb up a steep bank.
[Icemule Trail, Tundra - 2509]
The constant, fierce wind has wreaked havoc with the few trees that line the bank of the frozen river. With branches bent low, they look as though they are bowing to the river in homage.
Obvious paths: northeast
Your raven followed.
[Icemule Trail, Tundra - 2508]
The wintry marsh stretches boundlessly to the south and the east before ending in the far northeast where a thick pine forest blocks any further view. What looks like elk tracks crisscross the snow-covered trail but are much larger than any you have ever seen before.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
Your raven followed.
[Icemule Trail, Snowy Forest - 2507]
Some relief from the howling wind that races across the tundra is found when the trail tapers off into the edge of the pines. Powdery snow drifts silently from the sky, covering the deep forest like a soft blanket.
Obvious paths: southwest
Your raven followed.
[Icemule Trail, Snowy Forest - 2506]
Heavy snow from the upper branches of the wind-blown trees plops wetly on the trail, creating little islands of slippery ice that impede your way. It is impossible to avoid the falling snow which slips down your neck and seeps into your clothing, setting your teeth to chattering.
Obvious paths: north
Your raven followed.
[go2]>incant 506
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Celerity...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You suddenly start moving light-footedly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Icemule Trail, Snowy Forest - 2505]
A massive tree lies on its side across the trail -- branches piled against it to make it easier to clamber over. You judge its girth to be about head high on a tall halfling -- or perhaps a bit higher.
Obvious paths: south
Your raven followed.
[go2]>climb tree
You climb up a massive tree.
[Icemule Trail, Tree Path - 2504]
A light snowfall has dusted the path that ends at the trunk of a massive, fallen tree. Hardy lichen has taken root along the sides of the tree providing homes for the hardy northern bugs.
Obvious paths: east, down
Your raven followed.
[Icemule Trail, Tree Path - 2503]
A snowy owl glides silently among the trees above the path, searching for a likely victim in the falling snow. The ghostly figure suddenly dives, then rises--a tiny animal grasped in its talons--and quickly spirals up out of the trees and wings its way home.
Obvious paths: west, down
Your raven followed.
[Icemule Trail, Snowy Forest - 2502]
A large branch is tightly wedged against a massive tree that has been uprooted and is lying across the southern path. Powdery snow and slippery ice cover everything, making every step an effort.
Obvious paths: north
Your raven followed.
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
Lord Kraagelnart just arrived.
Lord Kraagelnart just climbed up a wide sturdy branch.
You don't have a prepared spell to release!
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: ETA: 0:00:04 (22 rooms to move through)]
[go2]>incant 506
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Celerity...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You suddenly start moving light-footedly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Icemule Trail, Snowy Forest - 2501]
A drooping pine tree stands to one side of the trail, its long branches sweeping downward to brush against the ice-crusted ground. High overhead, the snow-tipped spires of the towering trees dance in the wind.
Obvious paths: north, south
Your raven followed.
[Icemule Trail, Snowy Forest - 2500]
Paw prints crisscross the faint trail, making random patterns in the freshly-fallen snow. They are just the right size to be from some of the snow hares you saw earlier. You also see a ghost wolf.
Obvious paths: northeast, south
Your raven followed.
>;go2 help
--- Lich: go2 is already running (use ;force [scriptname] if desired).
A ghost wolf tries to bite you!
AS: +143 vs DS: +369 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +19 = -173
A clean miss.
A ghost wolf drools with ravenous hunger!
[go2]>incant 506
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Celerity...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You suddenly start moving light-footedly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Icemule Trail, Snowy Forest - 2499]
The wide track leading to the clearing east of you is free of snow and has been pounded flat by the heavily-laden carts headed toward the southeast. The forest is filled with the sound of heavy objects striking wood.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
Your raven followed.
[Icemule Trail, Snowy Forest - 2498]
You find yourself just southwest of the town of Icemule Trace where the trail continues through the dark forest. A lumbering cart, filled with wood needed by the townspeople to heat their buildings, is being pulled northeast toward town.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
Your raven followed.
[Icemule Trace, Forest - 2497]
A solitary wooden signpost stands at the head of a road leading southwest. It marks the intersection with a smaller trail leading east and west. Straw has been scattered on the snowy road, helping you maintain your footing as you continue on your way.
Obvious paths: east, southwest, west
Your raven followed.
[go2]>incant 506
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Celerity...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You suddenly start moving light-footedly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Icemule Trace, Forest - 2496]
The lowest branches of the trees have been cut away, allowing visibility further into the woods. Beyond the first row of pines you can see the dark boles of another row of trees.
Obvious paths: northeast, east
Your raven followed.

01-20-2016, 11:24 AM
I run this until the fix goes in.

;e Room.list.dup.each{|room| room.wayto.each{|k,v| Room[room.id].wayto[k] = eval( v.inspect.gsub('506', '535') ) if v.class == Proc && v.inspect =~ /506/ } }; Map.save