View Full Version : Edge and homosexuality

09-07-2003, 06:19 PM
Since this is totally off the other subject, I thought I'd just make a topic for it to belong.

Originally posted by edge I am not a racist, but I don't understand Homosexuals. But, I am trying to since my friend of 20+ years came out recently. That's why I started really going off on them. I am not willing to give up a friend over this, so I have to change my opinion.

Now that is very admirable. Honestly, there's not much to understand. It's genetic programming. It occurs in all mammalian species. Someone who's gay can no more turn straight than you could turn gay. Repress it, yes. But not change it. Its a perfectly natural condition.

What some people have a problem with is the behavior of the more flamoyant and promiscuous homosexuals. That however is a choice they make just as it is a choice for heterosexuals to sleep around or flant things. The two aren't connected.

Think of your friend as just another person who's attracted to a 'type' that isn't yours. You might be attracted to tall and lean, someone else to short and full figured, and he to men. In all other ways he's still the person you knew and liked. You don't really need to understand it. Just accept it.


09-07-2003, 06:24 PM
Heh, fag means cigarette in the UK.

09-07-2003, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Ravenstorm
Since this is totally off the other subject, I thought I'd just make a topic for it to belong.

Originally posted by edge I am not a racist, but I don't understand Homosexuals. But, I am trying to since my friend of 20+ years came out recently. That's why I started really going off on them. I am not willing to give up a friend over this, so I have to change my opinion.

Now that is very admirable. Honestly, there's not much to understand. It's genetic programming. It occurs in all mammalian species. Someone who's gay can no more turn straight than you could turn gay. Repress it, yes. But not change it. Its a perfectly natural condition.

What some people have a problem with is the behavior of the more flamoyant and promiscuous homosexuals. That however is a choice they make just as it is a choice for heterosexuals to sleep around or flant things. The two aren't connected.

Think of your friend as just another person who's attracted to a 'type' that isn't yours. You might be attracted to tall and lean, someone else to short and full figured, and he to men. In all other ways he's still the person you knew and liked. You don't really need to understand it. Just accept it.


Yeah! My friend of 10 years came out of the closet a couple of years ago and I basically lost him as a friend over it.

But at least I know it wasn't my fault. I accepted him, I didn't judge him for his preference and I never talked badly about it... some of my best friends now are gay.

Unfortunately, the one I'm talking about decided to get very into the lifestyle... he goes to gay clubs constantly and has become very promiscuous and I was never willing to subject myself to that environment, so we basically stopped hanging out.

09-07-2003, 06:25 PM
It's genetic programming. It occurs in all mammalian species.

I've never seen a gay dog.

09-07-2003, 06:26 PM
Well, I am having problems with this. But I will not give up his friendship for anything. He has been my friend through my worth times. 20+ years.

What bugs me is though. He asks me if I think this guy is hot. Tough, but I will work through it in the end.

09-07-2003, 06:27 PM
<I've never seen a gay dog.>

I have.

09-07-2003, 06:29 PM
Edge, you are not the total redneck I thought you were. Good going.

09-07-2003, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by edge
Well, I am having problems with this. But I will not give up his friendship for anything. He has been my friend through my worth times. 20+ years.

What bugs me is though. He asks me if I think this guy is hot. Tough, but I will work through it in the end.

The best response to that is probably, "You'd look good together. Go talk to him."

It answers his question without you having to say he's hot.

09-07-2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Artha

It's genetic programming. It occurs in all mammalian species.

I've never seen a gay dog.

My dog's gay.

We tried to breed him to a bitch a few years ago and he just licked her back there for about 30 minutes and did this weird teeth chattering thing.

Yet, we put him in the house with my grandma's male dog and it's mount fest '03. Of course, he COULD just be asserting dominance, but the question remains... when placed in a room with a female in heat, why did he not tap that ass?

Answer: He must be gay.

09-07-2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by edge
<I've never seen a gay dog.>

I have.

And there are plenty of gay wolves. And swans. And just abouts every other species. Edge, just tell him you don't and ask him about some woman that passes by. He's just giving you a hard time.


Originally posted by Demon Lord KageUnfortunately, the one I'm talking about decided to get very into the lifestyle... he goes to gay clubs constantly and has become very promiscuous and I was never willing to subject myself to that environment, so we basically stopped hanging out.

Correction... he got into /a/ lifestyle. There is no definitive 'gay lifestyle' to speak of. There's the flamboyant one you see reported on the news walking in the parades wearing nothign but a jockstrap. That's sensational and 'newsworthy'. There are just as many gays and lesbians living quite, monogamous lives in houses with white picket fences. Those don't get on TV though.


09-07-2003, 06:35 PM
If I were you, I'd take off that signature before a mod realizes you could be capturing peoples' IP addresses and other online personal information

(e) upload, post, or otherwise transmit any Content that you do not have the right to transmit under any law or contractual or fiduciary relationships.

09-07-2003, 06:35 PM
Soulpieced: It doesn't do any of that.

09-07-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Ravenstorm

Originally posted by edge
<I've never seen a gay dog.>

I have.

And there are plenty of gay wolves. And swans. And just abouts every other species. Edge, just tell him you don't and ask him about some woman that passes by. He's just giving you a hard time.


Originally posted by Demon Lord KageUnfortunately, the one I'm talking about decided to get very into the lifestyle... he goes to gay clubs constantly and has become very promiscuous and I was never willing to subject myself to that environment, so we basically stopped hanging out.

Correction... he got into /a/ lifestyle. There is no definitive 'gay lifestyle' to speak of. There's the flamboyant one you see reported on the news walking in the parades wearing nothign but a jockstrap. That's sensational and 'newsworthy'. There are just as many gays and lesbians living quite, monogamous lives in houses with white picket fences. Those don't get on TV though.


I know. What I meant to say was the "stereotypical gay lifestyle". My apologies.

09-07-2003, 06:52 PM
Kaive is not getting IP addresses. The message only echos locally, from what I can tell.

09-07-2003, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
Kaive is not getting IP addresses. The message only echos locally, from what I can tell.

I see my own IP address! Tee Hee!

09-07-2003, 07:11 PM
Klaive isn't getting them, because it's not his. The script it uses is pretty common, it does not transmit them. It also does change. I checked with a proxy.