View Full Version : Trades
- stuffs
- 7x t4 voln plate 3cer cp, 5cer dp
- Fire illusion gloves for water/ice Illusion gloves
- 7x HCP maxlight hauberk for brig or aug chain
- Urglaes pavis ( sorcerer only ) self mana 310
- Want and Willing to trade ongoing thread
- lesser shadowdeath vambraces
- 7x small shield for 7x medium shield
- modern lint bag
- fash lo nae teleport cloak( gold ring/teleport cloak)
- urglaes pavis ( bard only ) self mana 608
- Flat etched stone trades
- 700k bloodscrip for interesting items
- flat etched stones
- few items for bloodscrip/paypal
- Fish Spine Sword for THW like a Claid
- A few items for possible sale/trade
- 5x Forest LBP for Doubles (or BS)
- short sword for doubles or a dagger
- agility, str, ambush and ranged t3 orbs
- Trade fodder - Elf Racist ECW lance, +5 mana flaring runestaff
- 3-Room Landing Shop
- Phoen for Zelia chrism holder
- ultimate sorcerer piece for duskruin enhancive stat upgrades
- Trades/Sale
- Current trade offerings
- trading wiz for like level monk
- my hcp hauberk or doubles for your fulls
- 7x T5 ECW Handaxes
- Witchhunter Talons / Hollow Soulstone Wand
- Icemule Shop for Illistim Shop
- Greater void, crit weighted t4 ensorcelled maul for handwraps.
- 6x HCW flaring short swords
- Looking for dark leather buffcoat
- Fire Flaring Token for trade
- trading blink token for a puppy
- Perfect 10X T5 Super Bubble Flaring Lance
- 2x Perm HCP Full Leather for your 0x-2x Perm HCP Double Leather
- 6x buckler
- 7x ASG15 for similar ASG8
- WTT Voln hauberk for Voln aug chain
- Blink token
- 9x zelnorn augmented breastpate & 9x zelnorn tower shield
- my hcp brig or hauberk for your dbls or fulls
- My 509/606 wands for your dedicated 606 item
- obsidian sphere pendant ( 2016 auction item)
- 7x perfect kunai with tier 3 briar
- High end trades
- Stuffs
- 6500 premium points
- Trade Items
- Dag
- some trade items
- need silvers or new things for 2020
- trade/sell list
- Veniom-Laced Spidersilk Cloak for veniom jacket or other non-cloak container
- 2x/day 606/509 wands for scrip or 1x/day 606 pins
- Trading my bs for your silvers
- Want Teras gems
- 5x 5CER Brig for similar Doubles
- RPA Orbs
- if/when they offer blink service to bows
- +36 perfect katar with 10 CER crit,tier 3 briar flare, & tier 5 ensorcelling
- blunt leafiara twc set
- trade for 8x potions
- +22 T4 Sigil Staff with 10x acuity, T5 ensorcelling, 6 (maxed) scroll slots unlocked,
- a set of yellow glaes talons
- Lexbubba's Luscious Trades (updated regularly)
- looking to trade my wolf fur pelt bundler for one that isn't a satchel
- thrown returner trade
- looking for perfect 7x ohe
- 6x T3 perfect mithril spikestar for similar handaxe
- my 11 Reim Entries for your 10 ROL entries
- 8x tower shield for trade!
- +17 3 slot fusion brigadine with HCP/T3 ensorcell
- WoW Account for Trade
- stuffs
- trade things
- Magic Cards for Gemstone (dare you to get nerdier than this)
- Premium Points for Trade
- Trade and Want List
- 10x ghezyte axe with T-5 ensorcelling
- Max Light Shaalk Claid
- Extra big containers
- Self mana heal longsword
- Trade List
- Perfect Weapon Stockpile - Up For Trades
- For Trade/Sale
- looking to trade a landing shop for a teras shop
- Spurs for spurs
- Selling capped Wiz Jizz for silvers, $, script, or entry books
- my 33 wizard for your 30s warrior
- my 5x/T5 ensorcell T3 sigil staff for your T3 sprite runestaff
- Trading Bloodscrip for Silver
- My 1k scrip for your 1m silvers
- My WL Shop for your Sorc or Wizard
- OHE trade.
- tradezzzZZZzzz
- Trade List
- a beautiful faceted crystal nightingale
- Candy For Candy
- Trading Simucoin Items for Candy
- IMT Playershop for Teras Playershop
- leftover for sale/trade
- Trade List
- Trade stuff
- Shell doubles. Pre auction trade window.
- T2 Parasitic morning star for lance or maul
- 3-slot Fulls for 3-slot Robes
- High-end trade items
- MY 3x a day 600 instant brooch account for YOUR 300-200 range level Sorcerer
- WTT Dwarf Full Plate for Halfling Full Plate
- 10500 Premium Points
- +32 max light full plate - T5, 13 CER dmg, 2 CER crit, troll spine
- my 13m BG sorc or 11.5m halfling sorc for your wizard
- 43 M DE Sorcerer for a different character
- Trade list (not retiring)
- My red fire ring for your green one
- Looking to Trade dark leather aketon
- Animalistic Staff +28, T4 Flares, T1 Flavor, Revenge Flares, +4 Mana Flares
- my 64 sorcerer for your 50-64 warrior
- Trading 92 warrior for 80+ monk
- Trade Offerings
- Trade Stuff / Wanted List
- 3 room FWI shop
- enhancive hand crossbow set (1 briar & 1 waiting for script)
- barter
- a razor-edged rolaren chisel
- Possibly trading my fresh cap cleric for your 90s empath-fresh cap empath
- Playershop - Have IMT, want Ta'Ilistim
- Trading Helsfeld for a Heal Token
- My perfect project maul or greataxe for your perfect lance
- an adventurine Makiri halo
- Silvers @ 3 per million
- 8x T1 ko'nag staff, 6x and 7x UCS, +29 12 CER heavy xbow, 6x SWCP Anfelt aug chain
- Kroderine claidhmore for a battle axe
- animalistic longbow and fullplate
- 10x longsword for a 10x dagger/short sword
- Blink Flares token
- Robes for Doubles
- Trades/Wanted
- +33 5cer t3 brig for some doubles or silvers
- Looking for Shattered Chars
- nice plate armor trade for nice THW claids etc
- 3 rounds of PP 600 900 and 2800 blocks up for trade"
- Stuff
- Rolaren/eahnor slabs
- +5 Bonus wristband (WI for AU) persists
- 10X shield for 10X shield or for sell
- Trade list
- FT: Few Odd & Ends
- WTT OTS Daybringer Sledge for Daybringer Spikestar
- Couple items for sale/trade
- Zelnorn trade - want tower shield - offering small shield w/ spikes
- 100 percent resistance
- Trade List
- LF brig
- THW, plate, shield
- T3 Fusion Orbs for other T3 Fusion Orbs
- T2 agility or strength orb from last EG
- T3 Orbs (Aura/Wisdom) to Trade
- 9000 Premium Points
- Greatsword and Bastard Sword
- Chronomage dagger
- trading a landing shop for an fwi shop
- 10x/14x undead bane axe bandolier with legacy bonus
- WTT/S Animal Aug Chain w/ 5 CER crit padding for Silver, BS, Animal Longbow, Doubles
- WTB a 75ish Giantman Warrior
- 7x 12CER CRT/1 CER DMG T5 fluff script doubles for 4400 PP
- my Violet Orb for your scholars cards
- trading violet orbs for 100 ct books, indigo orbs for 50 ct books
- Trading my RPA orbs for RoL Cards
- Trading River Rest Player Shop for RoL Cards
- 9x, T5, T1 Dispel Hand Xbow set - Looking for UAC trades
- 10x Zelnorn Tower shield
- 10x perfect fusion axe project
- 7x lesser surita fusion project
- 5x/5cer Brig and Robes for 2 sets of 5x/5cer Dark Leather Aketon (doubles)
- Lirion Poison Ebow
- Just came back after years away. Looking for silver
- a perfect razern dagger with a silver-fanged eel wrapped around it
- +35 / Realm flare / T5 / Max light / Sanct / Short sword
- +35 / VHCW / T5 / +3 STR bonus +2 Dex bonus / Max light / Gore script / Dagger
- WTT Animal Spirit Hand Xbow and/or Sigil Staff for fun Long bow or Hvy Xbow
- 7x HCP aug chain
- 12m exp warrior for...
- 8x T5 Ensorcelled T5 Dispel Fully unlocked Sprite bow.
- Trading 6x VHCP max light T3 Parasitic Plate with grapple flares for other armor
- forging slabs
- my BS for your 5m silver
- +43 OHE for trade
- 7x HCP aug chain
- Have: Sprite runestaff/falchion Want: lightening runestaff
- Trading a level 90 wizard for a similar level Ranger or Paladin
- Animal Robes/Gloves/Boots + Feature Concealing Climatewear FOR T3 Sigil Cloak/Staff
- +11 OHE greaves for +Spell Aim greaves
- F2P Quality of Life Grabbag
- Trading +10 spell aim neck
- My Ghezyte Maul for your Ghezyte Longbow
- Reim scrip for EG shards
- Newest Trade list
- +35, VHCP, Max Light, T2, Troll Spine, Platemail -- for some robes of similar value
- Empath/healer set
- 10x / 10x Acuity T5 Ensorcelled T5 Fully Unlocked Sigil Staff
- trading 2 fighting knifes 3 unlocks out of 4 each
- Trade List
- Trading enhancive T4 Nerve staff for Animal Longbow, Hvy Crossbow, and/or Doubles.
- Looking for 7x robes, trading 7x brig
- Trading green will-o-wisp for a red or blue
- Looking to Trade
- Temporal warsword
- Permanent Fletching Razors
- WTT +35 Ghezyte Yumi GEF Void, T2 Ensorc, 2 CER Sighting for OTS(ish) Ghezyte longbow
- WTT trade an S6 for an S2 & an S3...
- Current trade and want list
- player shop
- Trade list
- WTT T3 Sprite Warlance and T3 Sprite Brigandine for Runestaff and Doubles
- WTT: spirit recovery helm
- Running Trade List
- What about a RAID account?
- What about a cord of firewood and a 24 pack of beer?
- 8.4m 200k asc wizard
- trading an fwi shop for a landing shop
- WTT: T5 Mana-infused Brig for T5 Mana-Infused Robes
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