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  1. Confidential's Shop
  2. Mithril Trident +3 Stalk/Hide +3 Pole-Arm + Ice Crits
  3. 5x t5 dcp brig
  4. 6x HCW UAC glove and boot set
  5. General Tickets
  6. Locker cleanse
  7. Delirium Manor Doll Items - 10k each!
  8. Lightened 6x HCP Brig
  9. some rolaren banded hunting leathers - 7x doubles
  10. 120 Guild Vouchers - 1M
  11. 7x 2-slot fusion
  12. large locker contract
  13. Eye Scry Monocle
  14. Delirium Manor: Deepening Notes
  15. a soil-stained voucher: Tier 2 Magic Pot unlock AND a Magic Pot vase combo
  16. Lighten/Deepen/Unlock Vouchers
  17. Delirium Manor: Notes/Vouchers/Parts/Etc
  18. Couple of Deepening notes, Unlock cert, and Delirium goodies priced cheap
  19. Duskruin and Delirium Inventory (inc. notes, salves, potions etc.)
  20. L/D notes, outfitted dolls, glue, heads, molds, disk-changers, vouchers, GoryVials
  21. Fixskills Potion
  22. Locker Sale: v6.23.17
  23. 5 moon filled veil iron pendant
  24. a few notes and stuff
  25. Rectangular molds
  26. some more notes
  27. epic-deepened shoulder-worn container (holds significant) scripted for open/close
  28. wounded wear (holds huge amount) a white leather jacket
  29. Completed Doll and a membranous grey core with multiple chambers
  30. Chronomage capsules
  31. Lightening notes, Deepening notes, Chronomage sphere capsules and more
  32. gingerline velvet rucksack with murrey fustian straps
  33. an iron ore-adorned sporran, belt worn holds 48, weighs 3
  34. Lesser and Greater Chronomage capsules
  35. Chronomage sphere capsules in both standard and rare versions
  36. My ongoing flat price auction
  37. Ongoing sale of doom! and stuff
  38. Lighten / Deepen Notes, Guild vouchers, Chronomage Capsules and other Delirium stuff.
  39. some deepening notes
  40. Free (Plain) Enchanting up to 4x
  41. Major Enchant Slot
  42. 0x Sactified Claid
  43. 3lb lightening notes
  44. Notes, capsules, potions, manifest, contracts, and more!
  45. Nuadjha's Notes Emporium
  46. Cryheart's Shop: Delirium Items
  47. A Glimmering Silver Note!
  48. 4 disarm bonus jewelry
  49. Nine pieces of mana recovery jewelry
  50. Deep Black Notes
  51. 5x, 4x Acuity, T4 Nerve Staff with T1 ensorcell
  52. Gnarled black ko'nag runestaff capped with a shard of inky deathstone
  53. duskruin 6x hcp doubles
  54. Moon Filled Veil Iron Pendant with Ronan bloodstone attached
  55. fixskills potion
  56. Unlocked Eye Scry monocle
  57. 6x HCW maul with T1, 6x HCP Brig, imflass claid, veil iron battle axe
  58. 121,395 Bloodscrip for 145m
  59. Enhancive Collection...
  60. NOTES! Buy them now, one or all!
  61. Fixskill for 4.5M
  62. Fixskill for 4.5 Million
  63. ranger imbue boxes
  64. Perfect monir-hafted mithril maul
  65. Perfect Mithril Greatsword 4x
  66. Perfect lance - 4x
  67. Perfect lance - 4x
  68. White Ice Ring
  69. Unsung uncut Diamonds/Emeralds
  70. PPs
  71. 7x fusion MBP, max light w/orbs
  72. 10x HCP T3 full leathers
  73. 6x T3 perfect maul
  74. Ensorcell available
  75. Fixskills potion
  76. Fixskill pot 4.5mil
  77. fixskill potion 4 mil
  78. some black foot soldier's armor(4x DCP Double Leather w/show)
  79. 2 spell preps
  80. flat price enhancives
  81. Spell prep
  82. NOTES! Buy them now. This is what i have left.
  83. some two-handers
  84. Notes! Lighter, Deeper? Come get both!
  85. Flat Price: v7.29.17
  86. DCP helm +5 Telepathy, +4 FA, +2 BL Blessing
  87. Major Enchant Slot
  88. Deeply hooded cloak. Weighs .5lbs, holds 200lbs. 12m
  89. mithril claidh 800k
  90. 1, 2 and 3lb lightening notes available
  91. 5x/4x Mana Flaring T3 Fully Unlocked Wand Holding Runestaff
  92. n'ayanad crystals and caederine
  93. +11 Logic Arm Greaves
  94. Fixskills Potion
  95. FULL chrisms
  96. Shimmering violet orb - 4x RPA
  97. Permanent disintegration flaring fletching razor
  98. Frontier Days CHE/MHO Craft Bazaar Tables
  99. Few items and fully infused enchant slot
  100. 10k weightless coin purse
  101. Some Chrism holders for sale
  102. a gold-framed clear crystal lens - 1750
  103. Selling a double-breasted dark leather longcoat (whisper cloak)
  104. Some good stuff, weapons, armor, enhansives
  105. 7x perfect T3 dagger, T1 parasitic dagger, epic deep GSIII cloak/backpack
  106. 7x T3 perfect maul
  107. neckworn with blessing lore (+4 bonus) and summoning lore (+3 bonus)
  108. Duskruin passes
  109. Fully infused enchanting project open
  110. Free 40 wave wands
  111. Selling a fixstats potion for 17m
  112. 25k bs
  113. 20k BS 30m
  114. Bloodscrip
  115. 6x HCW lance for 18k BS
  116. 25k bs
  117. Bloodscrip
  118. 6x HCP Double Leather
  119. 50k Bloodscrip
  120. 25k bs
  121. okay screw the last thread 30k bs
  122. 167247 bloodscrip
  123. 12k BS
  124. Block of 22k Bloodscript 33m
  125. 30k+ BS
  126. 75,000 bloodscrip
  127. 9000 Bloodscrip for $60 GOA
  128. Fixskill Potion 5m.
  129. DR ore
  130. Selling 15k BS @ 1,500 silvers per
  131. selling 40k bs
  132. 40k bs for 300
  133. Selling 11k BS for 16.5m silvers
  134. 6x hcw dagger and epic deep backpack
  135. A four-ringed metal pendant
  136. 30K Bloodscrip @ 45M
  137. A few mid end locker items
  138. 20k BS available at $6.25 per
  139. 155k Bloodscrip ~ 1000$
  140. 30k scrip for $180 paypal
  141. 30k bs
  142. 45k bloodscrip for $280
  143. Bloodscrip for sale 50k for $350
  144. some flat etched stones
  145. 40k bs
  146. Up to T5 Ensorcell Energy for Difficult Items
  147. 6x UAC gloves/boots
  148. Selling 150k blood script @ $7/k
  149. 10606 BS $60
  150. 100k bloodscrip @ $5.75
  151. DR Books/Jars for 10.5m
  152. 40k bs
  153. 10k BS for $60 GOA only
  154. 100k bloodscrip cash or silver
  155. Bloodrunes
  156. 25k Bloodscrip
  157. 80kbs
  158. DR Moonshard Items
  159. Some things
  160. 50k BS
  161. 200k bs
  162. 100k+ scrip
  163. Veniom/White Ora/Eonake/Golvern/Veil Iron/Alexandrite ores
  164. all the BS in the world
  165. 50k BS for 70m or $275 paypal
  166. 160k bs - cash
  167. 7x Medium Shield max light
  168. 50k bs
  169. 50K bs for sale
  170. Smithy Invite
  171. 75k bloodscrip
  172. Fed-up-with DR bloodscrip clearance $4.50 per 1k BS
  173. orase runestaff, 5x, T3
  174. 6x UAC HCW set
  175. 6x / 3x TD T3 Ensorcelled Robes
  176. 45k Bloodscrip
  177. 60k BS for $300 PayPal
  178. Smithy Invite - 3m Flat
  179. Smithy invite
  180. greater elemental document
  181. 100k BS + 2 smithy invites for $500.
  182. Krodera ore - 2.5k bs or best offer
  183. 80kbs
  184. 120k bs
  185. 50K Bloodscrip for $260
  186. 4/160 cloak worn - a patterened silver gauze robe
  187. Smithy invite, veniom and veil iron ores
  188. Selling 50 slip booklets $55 paypal or 25 slips for $30
  189. if you are interested in any of these runes let me know. make a decent offer
  190. Bloodscrip for ca$h
  191. Selling DR books for $55
  192. 150k bloodscrip
  193. 50k BS for 60m
  194. Locker cleaning - cloaks
  195. Locker cleaning - shoulder worn
  196. Locker cleaning - belt worn containers
  197. Locker cleaning - containers for all other locations
  198. 100k bs
  199. My endless auction - updated daily
  200. Many Flat Etched Stones from Duskruin Sewers
  201. t4 nervestaff
  202. 81369 bloodscrip
  203. 5x Gear
  204. sephwir composite
  205. golden ticket
  206. Parasitic Staff
  207. Fixskill potion
  208. Claids 4 Cash
  209. 6x UAC grapple flaring handwraps
  210. DM Lightening and Deepening notes
  211. Rift Bounty Stuff's!
  212. A Dhe'nar's handful of items
  213. 2x HDW mattock
  214. 5x handwraps
  215. T5 ensorcellment
  216. Realm Flaring and Perfect OHEs
  217. up to a T3 ensorcell ready for easy items.
  218. some weapons
  219. a ruby-pommeled imflass katana
  220. Over 400 Items - Buy some of it!
  221. T3 Parasite Maul (with T2 ensorcell)
  222. WTS 100K bloodscrip / climatewear / T4 nerve staff / and other Misc items!!
  223. 20 (per town) Chronomage sphere holding capsule
  224. Fixskills Potion
  225. Warrior Sheath Making
  226. 3 room landing shop
  227. goog enhancive for a katana user, +3 THW bonus and +2 edged weapon bonus
  228. pinworn +5 blunt weapon bonus, +3 disc stat
  229. neckworn, +3 ranged weapon bonus, +4 max stamina
  230. pinworn +2 logic bonus, +2 first aid ranks, crumbly
  231. Pre-EG sale - Illusion gloves
  232. EG Passes
  233. Purge: v10.6.17
  234. Seashells and quest items
  235. Ranger 610 spell prep (vathor club limb)
  236. Illusion Pin
  237. 5x heavy sighted sephwir long bow T4 ensorcell
  238. Spell Preps and Customizations / Hair-Do Unlocks
  239. Custom Major Sanctuary, Custom Blink, Indigo sheet (Spell prep), T2 Hair Do-Hickey
  240. feathery soft white vellum - Hair-Do Unlock
  241. Pre-made Customized Spell Preps and Spell Stuffs
  242. Premade Custom Spell Preps and stuff!
  243. Custom spell preps and other trinkets.
  244. Spell Preps and Hair Do-hickey unlock
  245. Spell Preps - (cross posted from EFO forum)
  246. earworn - +2 to influence, +2 to armor use bonus, +2 to wisdom stat
  247. Half-Price EG 2017 Prizes
  248. mage rechargable 1605 neckworn
  249. EG 2017 Spell Preps -- 100s/200s/300s
  250. EG 2017 Spell Preps -- 400s/500s/900s