My GSIV 3D album

Most of these are works in progress, as I am never satisfied with my work.
  1. Amrasyn Ta'Sevri Faendryl
  2. Erynien Ty'Vyrren Faendryl (version 1)
  3. Ialhel
  4. Corliss, new and improved. Well, her eyes, anyway. These look a little more realistic to me, and I am happier with them. Yay!
  5. Sailish (with dyed hair - she's 'originally' a blonde).
  6. My bitch sorceress.
  7. BFFS! :D
  8. Niamhe 3.0
  9. Niamhe 2.0
  10. Niamhe 1.0
  11. My take on Seomanthe :)
  12. Iffy Dark Elf. I'm still working on her.. having problems finding the right shirt/dress :| Woe is me.
  13. Illona - a work in progress
  14. My paladin.
  15. My little rogue.
  16. My albino wizard.
Showing photos 1 to 16 of 16