Cartoon genitalia might be in evidence so changing permission to people on my friends list only. Protect the innocent!!
  1. Lingerie, because who doesn't love pretty underthings?!? No one, that's who.
  2. Brunette nude
  3. Nude basking
  4. Haven't done a nude in a while.
  5. Nude. Lighting exp.
  6. Strike A Pose
  7. Had to reupload this because I forgot I actually added a signature and you people don't need to know my last name! Anyway, I made this by posing V6,...
  8. Seraglio
  9. Hair is an overlay png I found on deviantart. Character is V6 (for anyone who is curious and does 3D themselves)
  10. Mixed medium. Not a GS character but, since it is NSFW, it goes here instead of my non GS album.
Showing photos 1 to 10 of 10