Photo 3 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 4

You see Leifa Ar'Anya Faendryl the Druid. She appears to be a Dark Elf. She is tall and appears to be youthful. She has thick-lashed intense viridian eyes and sun-kissed bronze skin. She has manelike, voluminous ash blonde hair cascading down her back in loose layers. She has a lean, angular face, a strongly sloped nose and palpebral tribal scarification patterns etched lightly above her deep-set eyelids. She has delicately curved ears and an elegant neck that tapers down to a slight hollow in her finely sculpted collarbone. She has a stylized black-inked tribal sunburst tattoo across her collarbone.

Photo Added
09-17-2016, 02:39 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 4
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    I didn't know what the "palpebral tribal scarification patterns" were supposed to look like so I didn't do anything with them.
  2. Tisket
    And her eyes didn't turn out as green as they were before rendering and postwork. Sorry bout that.
  3. Tisket
    Uncompressed image:
  4. leifastagsweed
    Gorgeous work! "Palebral" means 'of or relating to the eyelids.' I like your interpretation of the interesting shading and lines, though! If only I had those abs IRL...
  5. Tisket
    Yeah, just in case someone thinks that shading is tattoing, it's not. Supposed to be a primal body paint kinda vibe. Her actual sunburst tattoo is semi covered by her top's strap, lol.
  6. Tisket
    I looked up what you meant by "palpebral" but I was scared to do a google image search, lol.
  7. Tisket
    I end too many sentences with "lol."

  8. leifastagsweed
  9. rolfard
    oh my
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 9 of 9