Photo 14 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 4

You see Kittai the Ranger. She appears to be a Nalfein Elf. She is average height and appears to be youthful. She has thick-lashed violet eyes and alabaster skin. She has very long, thick deep red hair with a spill of tiny midnight black poppies woven into the strands. She has an oval face and sharp pointed ears.

Photo Added
11-06-2015, 11:02 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 4
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    If someone sees her in game would you please let her know it's done ? Thank you.

    Here's the uncompressed version:
  2. shad0ws0ngs
    She has a very "I am so done with this shit" look on her face.
  3. Tisket
    lol, it wasn't done intentionally but I liked it so kept the look.
  4. Kittai
    the "im done with this shit" look fits Kittai pretty darn well.
  5. Kittai
    the "im done with this shit" look fits Kittai pretty darn well. a smirk or a sly grin would work well too very sarcastic and playful. lol. <3
  6. OakDivine
    This is friggin' awesome.
  7. Tisket
    Glad you like it. I'll try to finish the other look this weekend and will change lip ring placement then too as your pm indicated.
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