Photo 26 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 4

You see Stormyrain Ta'Ska'Na. She appears to be a Sylvankind. She is average height and appears to be mature. She has tempestuous silver-flecked dark amethyst eyes and flawless ivory skin. She has lustrous, wispy locks of pale silver hair that drape elegantly around her waist with a single, blood-red streak originating from her left temple. She has a heart-shaped face, a classical nose and high cheekbones.

Photo Added
09-07-2014, 09:58 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 4
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket

    Note, save the uncompressed version if you want but do it soon, I am not going to keep portraits up on my Imgur account for long.

    Also, it looks like she has blue streaks in her hair but that is just the reflected lighting I used.
  2. Androidpk
    cool looking background
  3. Tisket
    Thanks but can't take credit for it. I found it on GIS and just touched it up. It matched her coloring.
  4. Loremistress
    Thank you so much Tisket!! Your talent is incredible. I love love love the eyes! <3
  5. Tisket
    Well then, I guess that's a go ahead on another pose then. Thanks. Feedback gets results.
  6. FlayedAngel
    That is a pretty bad-ass background, what is it??
  7. Tisket
    I have a folder with about 200 background pictures that struck my fancy while doing random google image searches. I don't remember where I found that one. If anyone has a background they want, I could layer their character on it in PS. Late days for that since I don't think there's many left that haven't had a portrait done already lol.
  8. Tisket
    The trick is to try and match the character's lighting with the background lighting. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I fail.
  9. maags
    Nice. The eyes /lashes are gorgeous and yeah, the background is very cool
  10. Ltlprprincess
    YAY! Moar portraits! I love going through your albums, Tisket, and it's making me want to harass you to do more of mine.
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